Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (NIS-4)


Number NameLabel
1 CHILDIDChild's unique identification number
2 AMALEEndangerment Standard countable child
3 AMALHHarm Standard countable child
4 ANEGEEndangerment Standard Neglect
5 ANEGHHarm Standard Neglect
6 AABUSEEEndangerment Standard Abuse
7 AABUSEHHarm Standard Abuse
8 EAEEndangerment Standard Emotional Abuse
9 EAHHarm Standard Emotional Abuse
10 EDNEEndangerment Standard Educational Neglect
11 EDNHHarm Standard Educational Neglect
12 ENEEndangerment Standard Emotional Neglect
13 ENHHarm Standard Emotional Neglect
14 OTHMALEEndangerment Standard Other Maltreatment
15 OTHNEGEEndangerment Standard Other Neglect
16 PAEEndangerment Standard Physical Abuse
17 PAHHarm Standard Physical Abuse
18 PNEEndangerment Standard Physical Neglect
19 PNHHarm Standard Physical Neglect
20 SAEEndangerment Standard Sexual Abuse
21 SAHHarm Standard Sexual Abuse
22 CPSEEndangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated child's maltreatment
23 CPSEALLEndangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated in all four months
24 CPSE_XMEndangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated in the extra month
25 CPSHHarm Standard countable child and CPS investigated child's maltreatment
26 CPSHALLHarm Standard countable child and CPS investigated maltreatment in all four months
27 CPSH_XMHarm Standard countable child and CPS investigated in the extra month
28 CPSROLCPS Investigation of the Child's Maltreatment
29 NCPSEEndangerment Standard maltreatment not investigated by CPS
30 NCPSHHarm Standard maltreatment not investigated by CPS
31 RECSOURCRecognition source
32 SCHLFLGSchool flag
33 PA_NODATANo Person A on form
34 PB_NODATANo Person B on form
35 OIP1_NODATANo Other Involved Person 1 on form
36 OIP2_NODATANo Other Involved Person 2 on form
37 OIP3_NODATANo Other Involved Person 3 on form
38 OIP4_NODATANo Other Involved Person 4 on form
39 OIP5_NODATANo Other Involved Person 5 on form
40 PA_PRIMEINHOMEPerson A primary caregiver in home
41 PA_AGEPerson A age in years
42 PA_SEXPerson A sex
43 PA_LIVEWITHPerson A living arrangement
44 PA_EMPPerson A employment status at time of maltreatment
45 PA_PASTEMPFTPerson A past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
46 PA_PASTEMPPTPerson A past employment: Employed part-time
47 PA_PASTEMPUNEMPPerson A past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
48 PA_PASTEMPACTDUTYPerson A past employment: Active duty military
49 PA_PASTEMPOTHPerson A past employment: Other
50 PA_PASTEMPUNKPerson A past employment: Unknown/not available
51 PA_EDUCATIONPerson A educational level
52 PA_HISPANICPerson A ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
53 PA_NONHISPOTHPerson A ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
54 PA_NONHISPOTH_TEXTPerson A ethnicity: Other specify
55 PA_INDIANPerson A race: American Indian or Alaska Native
56 PA_ASIANPerson A race: Asian
57 PA_PACISLANDERPerson A race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
58 PA_BLACKPerson A race: Black or African American
59 PA_WHITEPerson A race: White
60 PA_OTHERRACEPerson A race: Other
61 PA_OTHERRACE_TEXTPerson A race: other specified
62 PA_RACEUNKPerson A race: Unknown
63 PB_INHOMEPerson B living in home
64 PB_AGEPerson B age in years
65 PB_SEXPerson B sex
66 PB_REL_PAPerson B relationship to Person A
67 PB_EMPPerson B employment status at time of maltreatment
68 PB_PASTEMPFTPerson B past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
69 PB_PASTEMPPTPerson B past employment: Employed part-time
70 PB_PASTEMPUNEMPPerson B past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
71 PB_PASTEMPACTDUTYPerson B past employment: Active duty military
72 PB_PASTEMPOTHPerson B past employment: Other
73 PB_PASTEMPUNKPerson B past employment: Unknown/not available
74 PB_EDUCATIONPerson B educational level
75 PB_HISPANICPerson B ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
76 PB_NONHISPOTHPerson B ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
77 PB_NONHISPOTH_TEXTPerson B ethnicity: Other specify
78 PB_INDIANPerson B race: American Indian or Alaska Native
79 PB_ASIANPerson B race: Asian
80 PB_PACISLANDERPerson B race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
81 PB_BLACKPerson B race: Black or African American
82 PB_WHITEPerson B race: White
83 PB_OTHERRACEPerson B race: Other
84 PB_OTHERRACE_TEXTPerson B race: Other specified
85 PB_RACEUNKPerson B race: Unknown
86 OIP_AGE1Other Involved Person 1 age
87 OIP_AGE2Other Involved Person 2 age
88 OIP_AGE3Other Involved Person 3 age
89 OIP_AGE4Other Involved Person 4 age
90 OIP_AGE5Other Involved Person 5 age
91 OIP_SEX1Other Involved Person 1 sex
92 OIP_SEX2Other Involved Person 2 sex
93 OIP_SEX3Other Involved Person 3 sex
94 OIP_SEX4Other Involved Person 4 sex
95 OIP_SEX5Other Involved Person 5 sex
96 OIP_INHOME1Other Involved Person 1 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event
97 OIP_INHOME2Other Involved Person 2 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event
98 OIP_INHOME3Other Involved Person 3 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event
99 OIP_INHOME4Other Involved Person 4 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event
100 OIP_INHOME5Other Involved Person 5 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event
101 OIP_EMP1Other Involved Person 1 employment status at time of maltreatment
102 OIP_EMP2Other Involved Person 2 employment status at time of maltreatment
103 OIP_EMP3Other Involved Person 3 employment status at time of maltreatment
104 OIP_EMP4Other Involved Person 4 employment status at time of maltreatment
105 OIP_EMP5Other Involved Person 5 employment status at time of maltreatment
106 OIP_PASTEMPFT1Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
107 OIP_PASTEMPFT2Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
108 OIP_PASTEMPFT3Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
109 OIP_PASTEMPFT4Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
110 OIP_PASTEMPFT5Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
111 OIP_PASTEMPPT1Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Employed part-time
112 OIP_PASTEMPPT2Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Employed part-time
113 OIP_PASTEMPPT3Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Employed part-time
114 OIP_PASTEMPPT4Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Employed part-time
115 OIP_PASTEMPPT5Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Employed part-time
116 OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP1Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
117 OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP2Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
118 OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP3Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
119 OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP4Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
120 OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP5Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
121 OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY1Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Active duty military
122 OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY2Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Active duty military
123 OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY3Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Active duty military
124 OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY4Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Active duty military
125 OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY5Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Active duty military
126 OIP_PASTEMPOTH1Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Other
127 OIP_PASTEMPOTH2Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Other
128 OIP_PASTEMPOTH3Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Other
129 OIP_PASTEMPOTH4Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Other
130 OIP_PASTEMPOTH5Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Other
131 OIP_PASTEMPUNK1Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Unknown/not available
132 OIP_PASTEMPUNK2Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Unknown/not available
133 OIP_PASTEMPUNK3Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Unknown/not available
134 OIP_PASTEMPUNK4Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Unknown/not available
135 OIP_PASTEMPUNK5Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Unknown/not available
136 OIP_EDUCATION1Other Involved Person 1 education level
137 OIP_EDUCATION2Other Involved Person 2 education level
138 OIP_EDUCATION3Other Involved Person 3 education level
139 OIP_EDUCATION4Other Involved Person 4 education level
140 OIP_EDUCATION5Other Involved Person 5 education level
141 OIP_HISPANIC1Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
142 OIP_HISPANIC2Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
143 OIP_HISPANIC3Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
144 OIP_HISPANIC4Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
145 OIP_HISPANIC5Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
146 OIP_NONHISPOTH1Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
147 OIP_NONHISPOTH2Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
148 OIP_NONHISPOTH3Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
149 OIP_NONHISPOTH4Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
150 OIP_NONHISPOTH5Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
151 OIP_NONHISPOTH_TEXT1Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Other specify
152 OIP_NONHISPOTH_TEXT2Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Other specify
153 OIP_NONHISPOTH_TEXT3Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Other specify
154 OIP_NONHISPOTH_TEXT4Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Other specify
155 OIP_NONHISPOTH_TEXT5Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Other specify
156 OIP_INDIAN1Other Involved Person 1 race: American Indian or Alaska Native
157 OIP_INDIAN2Other Involved Person 2 race: American Indian or Alaska Native
158 OIP_INDIAN3Other Involved Person 3 race: American Indian or Alaska Native
159 OIP_INDIAN4Other Involved Person 4 race: American Indian or Alaska Native
160 OIP_INDIAN5Other Involved Person 5 race: American Indian or Alaska Native
161 OIP_ASIAN1Other Involved Person 1 race: Asian
162 OIP_ASIAN2Other Involved Person 2 race: Asian
163 OIP_ASIAN3Other Involved Person 3 race: Asian
164 OIP_ASIAN4Other Involved Person 4 race: Asian
165 OIP_ASIAN5Other Involved Person 5 race: Asian
166 OIP_PACISLANDER1Other Involved Person 1 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
167 OIP_PACISLANDER2Other Involved Person 2 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
168 OIP_PACISLANDER3Other Involved Person 3 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
169 OIP_PACISLANDER4Other Involved Person 4 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
170 OIP_PACISLANDER5Other Involved Person 5 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
171 OIP_BLACK1Other Involved Person 1 race: Black or African American
172 OIP_BLACK2Other Involved Person 2 race: Black or African American
173 OIP_BLACK3Other Involved Person 3 race: Black or African American
174 OIP_BLACK4Other Involved Person 4 race: Black or African American
175 OIP_BLACK5Other Involved Person 5 race: Black or African American
176 OIP_WHITE1Other Involved Person 1 race: White
177 OIP_WHITE2Other Involved Person 2 race: White
178 OIP_WHITE3Other Involved Person 3 race: White
179 OIP_WHITE4Other Involved Person 4 race: White
180 OIP_WHITE5Other Involved Person 5 race: White
181 OIP_OTHERRACE1Other Involved Person 1 race: Other
182 OIP_OTHERRACE2Other Involved Person 2 race: Other
183 OIP_OTHERRACE3Other Involved Person 3 race: Other
184 OIP_OTHERRACE4Other Involved Person 4 race: Other
185 OIP_OTHERRACE5Other Involved Person 5 race: Other
186 OIP_OTHERRACE_TEXT1Other Involved Person 1 Race: Other specified
187 OIP_OTHERRACE_TEXT2Other Involved Person 2 race: Other specified
188 OIP_OTHERRACE_TEXT3Other Involved Person 3 race: Other specified
189 OIP_OTHERRACE_TEXT4Other Involved Person 4 race: Other specified
190 OIP_OTHERRACE_TEXT5Other Involved Person 5 race: Other specified
191 OIP_RACEUNK1Other Involved Person 1 race: Unknown
192 OIP_RACEUNK2Other Involved Person 2 race: Unknown
193 OIP_RACEUNK3Other Involved Person 3 race: Unknown
194 OIP_RACEUNK4Other Involved Person 4 race: Unknown
195 OIP_RACEUNK5Other Involved Person 5 race: Unknown
196 INCOMEEstimated annual household income
197 INCOMESFHousehold income is sufficient to pay for basic necessities
198 POVPROGAny household member participating in poverty-related program
199 NCHILDRNumber of children in household revised (after evaluative coding review)
200 CHSEXChild sex
201 CHENROLLChild enrolled in school
202 CHAGEMReformatted child age in months
203 CHAGEYReformatted child age in years
204 CH_HISPANICChild ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
205 CH_NONHISPOTHChild ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
206 CH_INDIANChild race: American Indian or Alaska Native
207 CH_ASIANChild race: Asian
208 CH_PACISLANDERChild race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
209 CH_BLACKChild race: Black or African American
210 CH_WHITEChild race: White
211 CH_OTHERRACEChild race: Other
212 CH_RACEUNKChild race: Unknown
213 CH_DISAB_DEVELChild disability: Developmental
214 CH_DISAB_CHRONICChild disability: Chronic/serious health condition
215 CH_DISAB_ORTHOChild disability: Orthopedic impairment
216 CH_DISAB_HEARINGChild disability: Hearing impairment/deafness
217 CH_DISAB_VISIONChild disability: Visual impairment/blindness
218 CH_DISAB_ADHDChild disability: ADD/ADHD
219 CH_DISAB_EMOTIONChild disability: Emotionally disturbed
220 CH_DISAB_LEARNChild disability: Learning disability
221 CH_DISAB_AUTISMChild disability: Autism
222 CH_DISAB_BRAININJChild disability: Traumatic brain injury
223 CH_DISAB_SPEECHChild disability: Speech or language impairment
224 CH_DISAB_OTHPHYSChild disability: Other physical
225 CH_DISAB_OTHMENTALChild disability: Other mental/emotional
226 PA_BIOPARPerson A relationship to child: Biological parent
227 PA_STEPPerson A relationship to child: Stepparent
228 PA_ADOPTPerson A relationship to child: Adoptive parent
229 PA_FOSTERPerson A relationship to child: Foster parent
230 PA_GRANDPerson A relationship to child: Grandparent
231 PA_GUARDIANPerson A relationship to child: Guardian
232 PA_FRIENDPerson A relationship to child: Friend
233 PAOTHRELPerson A relationship to child: Other relative subcategory
234 PAOTHNONRELPerson A relationship to child: Other non-relative subcategory
235 PA_UNKPerson A relationship to child: Unknown/not available
236 PB_BIOPARPerson B relationship to child: Biological parent
237 PB_STEPPerson B relationship to child: Stepparent
238 PB_ADOPTPerson B relationship to child: Adoptive parent
239 PB_FOSTERPerson B relationship to child: Foster parent
240 PB_GRANDPerson B relationship to child: Grandparent
241 PB_GUARDIANPerson B relationship to child: Guardian
242 PB_FRIENDPerson B relationship to child: Friend
243 PBOTHRELPerson B relationship to child: Other relative subcategory
244 PBOTHNONRELPerson B relationship to child: Other non-relative subcategory
245 PB_UNKPerson B relationship to child: Unknown/not available
246 OIP_RELATION1Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child
247 OIP_RELATION2Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child
248 OIP_RELATION3Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child
249 OIP_RELATION4Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child
250 OIP_RELATION5Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child
251 OIP_OTHREL1Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child: Other relative
252 OIP_OTHREL2Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child: Other relative
253 OIP_OTHREL3Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child: Other relative
254 OIP_OTHREL4Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child: Other relative
255 OIP_OTHREL5Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child: Other relative
256 OIP_OTHNONREL1Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child: Other non-relative
257 OIP_OTHNONREL2Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child: Other non-relative
258 OIP_OTHNONREL3Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child: Other non-relative
259 OIP_OTHNONREL4Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child: Other non-relative
260 OIP_OTHNONREL5Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child: Other non-relative
261 OIP_RESPONSIBLE1Other Involved Person 1 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment
262 OIP_RESPONSIBLE2Other Involved Person 2 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment
263 OIP_RESPONSIBLE3Other Involved Person 3 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment
264 OIP_RESPONSIBLE4Other Involved Person 4 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment
265 OIP_RESPONSIBLE5Other Involved Person 5 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment
266 AGEMCALCChild age at time of maltreatment/report in months (Calculated)
267 AGEYCALCChild age at time of maltreatment/report in years (Calculated)
268 AGEYRMOChild age at time of maltreatment/report
269 AGECLASSChild age group
270 AGECLASS2Child age group: Census enrollment categories
271 ANYDISABChild confirmed disability
272 CH_ETHNICUNKChild ethnicity unknown
273 CH_MULTIRACEChild race: multi-racial, not specified
274 ETHNICChild race/ethnicity
275 RACECENSUSChild race following Census categories (with Hispanic origin category)
276 RACEMCATChild race
277 RACET4Child race/ethnicity, 4-categories
278 EMPSUMParental employment, present and past
279 FASTRUCTFamily structure
280 FOSTERChild has foster parent(s)
281 GRDCAREPresence of grandparents as caregivers
282 INCOME2Estimated annual household income, collapsed
283 INHSTATPNumber and status of in-home parents
284 INHSTONEMother-only or father-only
285 LIVESTRUCT2Family structure and parental living arrangement
286 LOWSES2Family of low socioeconomic status
287 PAREDParent/caregiver education level
288 PAREMPBParental employment at the time of maltreatment
289 PARENTLIVEParental living arrangement
290 PASTEMPBParental employment in past year
291 METSTAT03Metropolitan classification
292 NIS3URBNIS3 Urbanicity code
293 PRPRELCAT_E1Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
294 PRPRELCAT_E2Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any abuse
295 PRPRELCAT_E3Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
296 PRPRELCAT_E4Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard physical abuse
297 PRPRELCAT_E5Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
298 PRPRELCAT_E6Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any neglect
299 PRPRELCAT_E7Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard physical neglect
300 PRPRELCAT_E8Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard educational neglect
301 PRPRELCAT_E9Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
302 PRPRELCAT_H1Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any maltreatment
303 PRPRELCAT_H2Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any abuse
304 PRPRELCAT_H3Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard sexual abuse
305 PRPRELCAT_H4Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard physical abuse
306 PRPRELCAT_H5Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard emotional abuse
307 PRPRELCAT_H6Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any neglect
308 PRPRELCAT_H7Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard physical neglect
309 PRPRELCAT_H8Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard educational neglect
310 PRPRELCAT_H9Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard emotional neglect
311 PRPAGCAT1E1Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
312 PRPAGCAT1E2Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse
313 PRPAGCAT1E3Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
314 PRPAGCAT1E4Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
315 PRPAGCAT1E5Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
316 PRPAGCAT1E6Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect
317 PRPAGCAT1E7Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
318 PRPAGCAT1E8Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
319 PRPAGCAT1E9Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
320 PRPAGCAT1H1Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment
321 PRPAGCAT1H2Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any abuse
322 PRPAGCAT1H3Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse
323 PRPAGCAT1H4Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse
324 PRPAGCAT1H5Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse
325 PRPAGCAT1H6Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any neglect
326 PRPAGCAT1H7Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect
327 PRPAGCAT1H8Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect
328 PRPAGCAT1H9Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect
329 PRPAGCAT2E1Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
330 PRPAGCAT2E2Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse
331 PRPAGCAT2E3Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
332 PRPAGCAT2E4Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
333 PRPAGCAT2E5Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
334 PRPAGCAT2E6Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect
335 PRPAGCAT2E7Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
336 PRPAGCAT2E8Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
337 PRPAGCAT2E9Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
338 PRPAGCAT2H1Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment
339 PRPAGCAT2H2Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any abuse
340 PRPAGCAT2H3Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse
341 PRPAGCAT2H4Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse
342 PRPAGCAT2H5Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse
343 PRPAGCAT2H6Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any neglect
344 PRPAGCAT2H7Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect
345 PRPAGCAT2H8Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect
346 PRPAGCAT2H9Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect
347 PRPAGCAT3E1Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
348 PRPAGCAT3E2Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse
349 PRPAGCAT3E3Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
350 PRPAGCAT3E4Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
351 PRPAGCAT3E5Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
352 PRPAGCAT3E6Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect
353 PRPAGCAT3E7Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
354 PRPAGCAT3E8Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
355 PRPAGCAT3E9Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
356 PRPAGCAT3H1Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment
357 PRPAGCAT3H2Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any abuse
358 PRPAGCAT3H3Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse
359 PRPAGCAT3H4Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse
360 PRPAGCAT3H5Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse
361 PRPAGCAT3H6Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any neglect
362 PRPAGCAT3H7Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect
363 PRPAGCAT3H8Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect
364 PRPAGCAT3H9Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect
365 PRPAGCATUNKE1Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
366 PRPAGCATUNKE2Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any abuse
367 PRPAGCATUNKE3Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
368 PRPAGCATUNKE4Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
369 PRPAGCATUNKE5Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
370 PRPAGCATUNKE6Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any neglect
371 PRPAGCATUNKE7Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
372 PRPAGCATUNKE8Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
373 PRPAGCATUNKE9Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
374 PRPAGCATUNKH1Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any maltreatment
375 PRPAGCATUNKH2Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any abuse
376 PRPAGCATUNKH3Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard sexual abuse
377 PRPAGCATUNKH4Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard physical abuse
378 PRPAGCATUNKH5Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard emotional abuse
379 PRPAGCATUNKH6Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any neglect
380 PRPAGCATUNKH7Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard physical neglect
381 PRPAGCATUNKH8Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard educational neglect
382 PRPAGCATUNKH9Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard emotional neglect
383 PRPALCOHOLE1Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
384 PRPALCOHOLE2Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse
385 PRPALCOHOLE3Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
386 PRPALCOHOLE4Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
387 PRPALCOHOLE5Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
388 PRPALCOHOLE6Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect
389 PRPALCOHOLE7Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
390 PRPALCOHOLE8Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
391 PRPALCOHOLE9Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
392 PRPALCOHOLH1Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment
393 PRPALCOHOLH2Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse
394 PRPALCOHOLH3Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse
395 PRPALCOHOLH4Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse
396 PRPALCOHOLH5Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse
397 PRPALCOHOLH6Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect
398 PRPALCOHOLH7Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect
399 PRPALCOHOLH8Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect
400 PRPALCOHOLH9Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect
401 PRPDRUGE1Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
402 PRPDRUGE2Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse
403 PRPDRUGE3Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
404 PRPDRUGE4Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
405 PRPDRUGE5Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
406 PRPDRUGE6Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect
407 PRPDRUGE7Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
408 PRPDRUGE8Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
409 PRPDRUGE9Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
410 PRPDRUGH1Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment
411 PRPDRUGH2Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse
412 PRPDRUGH3Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse
413 PRPDRUGH4Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse
414 PRPDRUGH5Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse
415 PRPDRUGH6Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect
416 PRPDRUGH7Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect
417 PRPDRUGH8Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect
418 PRPDRUGH9Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect
419 PRPMENTILLE1Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
420 PRPMENTILLE2Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse
421 PRPMENTILLE3Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
422 PRPMENTILLE4Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
423 PRPMENTILLE5Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
424 PRPMENTILLE6Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect
425 PRPMENTILLE7Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
426 PRPMENTILLE8Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
427 PRPMENTILLE9Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
428 PRPMENTILLH1Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment
429 PRPMENTILLH2Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse
430 PRPMENTILLH3Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse
431 PRPMENTILLH4Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse
432 PRPMENTILLH5Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse
433 PRPMENTILLH6Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect
434 PRPMENTILLH7Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect
435 PRPMENTILLH8Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect
436 PRPMENTILLH9Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect
437 PRPSEXFEMALEE1Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
438 PRPSEXFEMALEE2Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any abuse
439 PRPSEXFEMALEE3Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
440 PRPSEXFEMALEE4Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
441 PRPSEXFEMALEE5Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
442 PRPSEXFEMALEE6Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any neglect
443 PRPSEXFEMALEE7Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
444 PRPSEXFEMALEE8Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
445 PRPSEXFEMALEE9Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
446 PRPSEXFEMALEH1Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any maltreatment
447 PRPSEXFEMALEH2Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any abuse
448 PRPSEXFEMALEH3Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard sexual abuse
449 PRPSEXFEMALEH4Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard physical abuse
450 PRPSEXFEMALEH5Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard emotional abuse
451 PRPSEXFEMALEH6Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any neglect
452 PRPSEXFEMALEH7Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard physical neglect
453 PRPSEXFEMALEH8Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard educational neglect
454 PRPSEXFEMALEH9Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard emotional neglect
455 PRPSEXMALEE1Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
456 PRPSEXMALEE2Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any abuse
457 PRPSEXMALEE3Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
458 PRPSEXMALEE4Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
459 PRPSEXMALEE5Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
460 PRPSEXMALEE6Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any neglect
461 PRPSEXMALEE7Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
462 PRPSEXMALEE8Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
463 PRPSEXMALEE9Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
464 PRPSEXMALEH1Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any maltreatment
465 PRPSEXMALEH2Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any abuse
466 PRPSEXMALEH3Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard sexual abuse
467 PRPSEXMALEH4Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard physical abuse
468 PRPSEXMALEH5Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard emotional abuse
469 PRPSEXMALEH6Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any neglect
470 PRPSEXMALEH7Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard physical neglect
471 PRPSEXMALEH8Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard educational neglect
472 PRPSEXMALEH9Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard emotional neglect
473 PRPSEXUNKE1Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
474 PRPSEXUNKE2Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any abuse
475 PRPSEXUNKE3Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
476 PRPSEXUNKE4Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
477 PRPSEXUNKE5Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
478 PRPSEXUNKE6Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any neglect
479 PRPSEXUNKE7Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
480 PRPSEXUNKE8Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
481 PRPSEXUNKE9Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
482 PRPSEXUNKH1Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any maltreatment
483 PRPSEXUNKH2Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any abuse
484 PRPSEXUNKH3Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard sexual abuse
485 PRPSEXUNKH4Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard physical abuse
486 PRPSEXUNKH5Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard emotional abuse
487 PRPSEXUNKH6Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any neglect
488 PRPSEXUNKH7Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard physical neglect
489 PRPSEXUNKH8Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard educational neglect
490 PRPSEXUNKH9Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard emotional neglect
491 SEVER1Most severe outcome from any Harm Standard maltreatment
492 SEVER2Most severe outcome from any Endangerment Standard maltreatment
493 SEVERITYE1Severity of Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
494 SEVERITYE2Severity of Endangerment Standard any abuse
495 SEVERITYE3Severity of Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
496 SEVERITYE4Severity of Endangerment Standard physical abuse
497 SEVERITYE5Severity of Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
498 SEVERITYE6Severity of Endangerment Standard any neglect
499 SEVERITYE7Severity of Endangerment Standard physical neglect
500 SEVERITYE8Severity of Endangerment Standard educational neglect
501 SEVERITYE9Severity of Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
502 SEVERITYH1Severity of Harm Standard any maltreatment
503 SEVERITYH2Severity of Harm Standard any abuse
504 SEVERITYH3Severity of Harm Standard sexual abuse
505 SEVERITYH4Severity of Harm Standard physical abuse
506 SEVERITYH5Severity of Harm Standard emotional abuse
507 SEVERITYH6Severity of Harm Standard any neglect
508 SEVERITYH7Severity of Harm Standard physical neglect
509 SEVERITYH8Severity of Harm Standard educational neglect
510 SEVERITYH9Severity of Harm Standard emotional neglect
511 SPMDATASPM Extract record
512 SPSDATASPS Extract record
513 ARSPMAgencies with alternative response on the SPM survey
514 ARSPMSPSAgencies with alternative response from the SPM & SPS surveys
515 ARSPSAgencies with alternative response on the SPS survey
516 SPSSCREENCPS Screening Level of Agencies
517 SPM_B_Q3SPM: Did your agency experience an excessive screening workload demand on staff conducting screening/intake
518 SPM_B_Q5SPM: Did your agency receive referrals from a State hotline?
519 SPM_B_Q6ASPM: How did agency handle phone calls during non-business hours? Who handled the calls Mon through Thurs evenings?
520 SPM_B_Q6BSPM: How did agency handle phone calls during non-business hours? Who handled calls Frid evenings-Sun evenings?
521 SPM_B_Q8SPM: Did agency maintain record of calls?
522 SPM_B_Q9SPM: Did agency share responsibility for screening referrals?
523 SPM_B_Q11SPM: In screening, did your agency prioritize recommended responses to referrals?
524 SPM_B_Q12SPM: In screening, did agency consider any mandated limit on caseload size when recommending responses to references?
525 SPM_C_Q1SPM: Did your agency have a worker or unit of workers devoted solely to investigating referrals?
526 SPM_C_Q5SPM: Did you experience excessive workload demand on staff conducting investigations?
527 SPM_C_Q6ASPM: Agencys role in investigating severe physical abuse
528 SPM_C_Q6BSPM: Agencys role in investigating other physical abuse
529 SPM_C_Q6CSPM: Agencys role in investigating sexual abuse
530 SPM_C_Q6DSPM: Agencys role in investigating severe physical neglect
531 SPM_C_Q6ESPM: Agencys role in investigating other physical neglect
532 SPM_C_Q6FSPM: Agencys role in investigating emotional abuse/neglect
533 SPM_C_Q6GSPM: Agencys role in investigating truancy
534 SPM_C_Q6HSPM: Agencys role in investigating abandonment
535 SPM_C_Q6ISPM: Agencys role in investigating child fatality
536 INVESTIGATECHILDInvestigated at least one maltreatment
537 ALLPOPTotal child population
538 AGEPOPChild age population denominator
539 DISABPOPChild disability population denominator
540 EMPSUMPOPSummary measure of parental employment population denominator
541 ENROLL3POPSchool enrollment (children 3 years and older) population denominator
542 ENROLLALLPOPSchool enrollment (all children) population denominator
543 ENROLLMPOPSchool enrollment (mandated school-aged children) population denominator
544 ETHNICITYPOPChild ethnicity population denominator
545 ETHNICPOPChild race/ethnicity population denominator
546 GP2POPPresence of grandparent(s) population denominator
547 INHSTATPOPPopulation total by INHSTATP
548 INHSTONEPOPPopulation total by INHSTONE
549 LIVESTRUCT2POPFamily structure/living arrangement population denominator
550 LOWSESPOPFamily of low socioeconomic status population denominator
551 NCHPOPNumber of children population denominator (4 levels)
552 NCH2POPNumber of children population denominator (3 levels)
553 NIS3URBPOPNIS-3 Urban designation population denominator
554 METPOPMetro status population denominator
555 PAREDPOPParental education population denominator
556 PASTEMPPOPParental employment in past year population denominator
557 POVPOPParticipation in poverty-related programs population denominator
558 RACET4POPRace/ethnicity 4-categories population denominator
559 SEXPOPChild sex population denominator
560 PAREMPPOPParental employment at time of maltreatment population denominator
561 ANNFACAnnualization factor
562 CHAWTAnnualized child weight
563 CHAWT1Annualized child replicate weight 1
564 CHAWT2Annualized child replicate weight 2
565 CHAWT3Annualized child replicate weight 3
566 CHAWT4Annualized child replicate weight 4
567 CHAWT5Annualized child replicate weight 5
568 CHAWT6Annualized child replicate weight 6
569 CHAWT7Annualized child replicate weight 7
570 CHAWT8Annualized child replicate weight 8
571 CHAWT9Annualized child replicate weight 9
572 CHAWT10Annualized child replicate weight 10
573 CHAWT11Annualized child replicate weight 11
574 CHAWT12Annualized child replicate weight 12
575 CHAWT13Annualized child replicate weight 13
576 CHAWT14Annualized child replicate weight 14
577 CHAWT15Annualized child replicate weight 15
578 CHAWT16Annualized child replicate weight 16
579 CHAWT17Annualized child replicate weight 17
580 CHAWT18Annualized child replicate weight 18
581 CHAWT19Annualized child replicate weight 19
582 CHAWT20Annualized child replicate weight 20
583 CHAWT21Annualized child replicate weight 21
584 CHAWT22Annualized child replicate weight 22
585 CHAWT23Annualized child replicate weight 23
586 CHAWT24Annualized child replicate weight 24
587 CHAWT25Annualized child replicate weight 25
588 CHAWT26Annualized child replicate weight 26
589 CHAWT27Annualized child replicate weight 27
590 CHAWT28Annualized child replicate weight 28
591 CHAWT29Annualized child replicate weight 29
592 CHAWT30Annualized child replicate weight 30
593 CHAWT31Annualized child replicate weight 31
594 CHAWT32Annualized child replicate weight 32
595 CHAWT33Annualized child replicate weight 33
596 CHAWT34Annualized child replicate weight 34
597 CHAWT35Annualized child replicate weight 35
598 CHAWT36Annualized child replicate weight 36
599 CHAWT37Annualized child replicate weight 37
600 CHAWT38Annualized child replicate weight 38
601 CHAWT39Annualized child replicate weight 39
602 CHAWT40Annualized child replicate weight 40
603 CHAWT41Annualized child replicate weight 41
604 CHAWT42Annualized child replicate weight 42
605 CHAWT43Annualized child replicate weight 43
606 CHAWT44Annualized child replicate weight 44
607 CHAWT45Annualized child replicate weight 45
608 CHAWT46Annualized child replicate weight 46
609 CHAWT47Annualized child replicate weight 47
610 CHAWT48Annualized child replicate weight 48
611 CHAWT49Annualized child replicate weight 49
612 CHAWT50Annualized child replicate weight 50
613 CHAWT51Annualized child replicate weight 51
614 CHAWT52Annualized child replicate weight 52
615 CHAWT53Annualized child replicate weight 53
616 CHAWT54Annualized child replicate weight 54
617 CHAWT55Annualized child replicate weight 55
618 CHAWT56Annualized child replicate weight 56
619 CHAWT57Annualized child replicate weight 57
620 CHAWT58Annualized child replicate weight 58
621 CHAWT59Annualized child replicate weight 59
622 CHAWT60Annualized child replicate weight 60
623 CHAWT61Annualized child replicate weight 61
624 CHAWT62Annualized child replicate weight 62
625 SXA_PA_ROLEPerson A either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
626 SXA_PA_ALCPerson A alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
627 SXA_PA_DRGPerson A drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
628 SXA_PA_MNTPerson A mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
629 SXA_PA_PERPRELATPerson A - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
630 SXA_PA_RESPPerson A - degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
631 SXA_PB_ROLEPerson B either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
632 SXA_PB_ALCPerson B alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
633 SXA_PB_DRGPerson B drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
634 SXA_PB_MNTPerson B mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
635 SXA_PB_PERPRELATPerson B - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
636 SXA_PB_RESPPerson B- degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
637 SXA_OIP1_ROLEOther Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
638 SXA_OIP1_ALCOther Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
639 SXA_OIP1_DRGOther Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
640 SXA_OIP1_MNTOther Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
641 SXA_OIP1_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
642 SXA_OIP1_RESPOther Involved Person 1 degree of responsiblity for sexual abuse
643 SXA_OIP2_ROLEOther Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
644 SXA_OIP2_ALCOther Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
645 SXA_OIP2_DRGOther Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
646 SXA_OIP2_MNTOther Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
647 SXA_OIP2_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
648 SXA_OIP2_RESPOther Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
649 SXA_OIP3_ROLEOther Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
650 SXA_OIP3_ALCOther Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
651 SXA_OIP3_DRGOther Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
652 SXA_OIP3_MNTOther Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
653 SXA_OIP3_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
654 SXA_OIP3_RESPOther Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
655 SXA_OIP4_ROLEOther Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
656 SXA_OIP4_ALCOther Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
657 SXA_OIP4_DRGOther Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
658 SXA_OIP4_MNTOther Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
659 SXA_OIP4_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
660 SXA_OIP4_RESPOther Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
661 SXA_OIP5_ROLEOther Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
662 SXA_OIP5_ALCOther Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
663 SXA_OIP5_DRGOther Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
664 SXA_OIP5_MNTOther Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
665 SXA_OIP5_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
666 SXA_OIP5_RESPOther Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
667 SXA_PINJ1Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from sexual abuse
668 SXA_PINJ2Fractured or broken bones from sexual abuse
669 SXA_PINJ3Gunshot wounds from sexual abuse
670 SXA_PINJ4Intracranial hemorrhages from sexual abuse
671 SXA_PINJ5Trauma or injuries to the skull from sexual abuse
672 SXA_PINJ6Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from sexual abuse
673 SXA_PINJ7Shaken baby syndrome from sexual abuse
674 SXA_PINJ8Concussion from sexual abuse
675 SXA_PINJ9Spinal cord injuries from sexual abuse
676 SXA_PINJ10,Amputations from sexual abuse
677 SXA_PINJ11Disfigurements (significant scarring) from sexual abuse
678 SXA_PINJ12Injuries that damage internal organs from sexual abuse
679 SXA_PINJ13Internal bleeding from sexual abuse
680 SXA_PINJ14Near drowning from sexual abuse
681 SXA_PINJ15Poisoning from sexual abuse
682 SXA_PINJ16Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from sexual abuse
683 SXA_PINJ17Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from sexual abuse
684 SXA_PINJ18Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from sexual abuse
685 SXA_PINJ193rd degree burns from sexual abuse
686 SXA_PINJ202nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse
687 SXA_PINJ212nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from sexual abuse
688 SXA_PINJ221st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse
689 SXA_PINJ231st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse
690 SXA_PINJ24Cuts and lacerations from sexual abuse
691 SXA_PINJ25Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from sexual abuse
692 SXA_PINJ26Welts, swelling, or abrasions from sexual abuse
693 SXA_PINJ27Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from sexual abuse
694 SXA_PINJ28Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from sexual abuse
695 SXA_PINJ29Any other physical injuries from sexual abuse
696 SXA_PIMO1Illness-related death from sexual abuse
697 SXA_PIMO2Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from sexual abuse
698 SXA_PIMO3Complications caused by injuries or impairments from sexual abuse
699 SXA_PIMO4Coma from sexual abuse
700 SXA_PIMO5Other loss of consciousness from sexual abuse
701 SXA_PIMO6Breathing stopped (suffocation) from sexual abuse
702 SXA_PIMO7Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from sexual abuse
703 SXA_PIMO8Seizures from sexual abuse
704 SXA_PIMO9Malnourished or severely underweight from sexual abuse
705 SXA_PIMO10Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from sexual abuse
706 SXA_PIMO11Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from sexual abuse
707 SXA_PIMO12Impaired vision or eye problems from sexual abuse
708 SXA_PIMO13Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from sexual abuse
709 SXA_PIMO14Speech impediments from sexual abuse
710 SXA_PIMO15Venereal diseases from sexual abuse
711 SXA_PIMO16Diaper rash from sexual abuse
712 SXA_PIMO17Unexplained developmental delays from sexual abuse
713 SXA_PIMO18Lice infestation from sexual abuse
714 SXA_PIMO19Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from sexual abuse
715 SXA_PIMO20Other health/medical problems or conditions from sexual abuse
716 SXA_IMED1Learning disability from sexual abuse
717 SXA_IMED2Poor attention span from sexual abuse
718 SXA_IMED3Drop in academic performance from sexual abuse
719 SXA_IMED4Chronic truancy from sexual abuse
720 SXA_IMED5Chronic tardiness from sexual abuse
721 SXA_IMED6Non-enrollment in school from sexual abuse
722 SXA_IMED7Behavior problems in class from sexual abuse
723 SXA_IMED8Other diagnosed educational needs from sexual abuse
724 SXA_IMED9Expelled or suspended from school from sexual abuse
725 SXA_IMED10Other educational problems from sexual abuse
726 SXA_MEEM1Suicide resulting from sexual abuse
727 SXA_MEEM2Suicide attempt from sexual abuse
728 SXA_MEEM3Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from sexual abuse
729 SXA_MEEM4Dangerous level of instability from sexual abuse
730 SXA_MEEM5Self-inflicted injury from sexual abuse
731 SXA_MEEM6Fearful or distrustful from sexual abuse
732 SXA_MEEM7Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from sexual abuse
733 SXA_MEEM8Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from sexual abuse
734 SXA_MEEM9Fighting from sexual abuse
735 SXA_MEEM10Delinquency from sexual abuse
736 SXA_MEEM11Prostitution from sexual abuse
737 SXA_MEEM12Drug/alcohol abuse from sexual abuse
738 SXA_MEEM13Anxiety from sexual abuse
739 SXA_MEEM14Depression from sexual abuse
740 SXA_MEEM15Withdrawal from sexual abuse
741 SXA_MEEM16Psychosis from sexual abuse
742 SXA_MEEM17Sexual problems from sexual abuse
743 SXA_MEEM18Sleeping disorders from sexual abuse
744 SXA_MEEM19Hyperactive activity from sexual abuse
745 SXA_MEEM20Aggressive or violent behavior from sexual abuse
746 SXA_MEEM21Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from sexual abuse
747 SXA_MEEM22Low self-esteem from sexual abuse
748 SXA_MEEM23Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from sexual abuse
749 SXA_MEEM24Threats of self-destructive behavior from sexual abuse
750 SXA_MEEM25Suspected emotional damage from sexual abuse
751 SXA_MEEM26Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from sexual abuse
752 SXA_UNKNUnknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from sexual abuse
753 SXA_ENDGNo known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from sexual abuse
754 SXA_NONENo known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from sexual abuse
755 SXA_NATUREPHYSICALNature of injury/harm: Physical injury from sexual abuse
756 SXA_NATUREPHYSIMPNature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from sexual abuse
757 SXA_NATUREIMPEDNature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from sexual abuse
758 SXA_NATUREMENTALNature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from sexual abuse
759 SXA_NATUREUNKNOWNNature of injury/harm: Unknown, from sexual abuse
760 SXA_NATUREINJURYENDNature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from sexual abuse
761 SXA_NATUREINJURYNOTENDNature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from sexual abuse
762 SXA_MOSTSEVERESeverity of injury/harm from sexual abuse
763 SXA1_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Sexual Abuse form1: Code 01.1--Any Intrusion Sex
764 SXA1_CNTBLCountability of Sexual Abuse form1: Code 01.1--Any Intrusion Sex
765 SXA2_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Sexual Abuse form2: Code 01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force
766 SXA2_CNTBLCountability of Sexual Abuse form2: Code 01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force
767 SXA3_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Sexual Abuse form3: Code 01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with intrusion
768 SXA3_CNTBLCountability of Sexual Abuse form3: Code 01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with intrusion
769 SXA4_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Sexual Abuse form4: Code 02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact
770 SXA4_CNTBLCountability of Sexual Abuse form4: Code 02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact
771 SXA5_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Sexual Abuse form5: Code 03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism
772 SXA5_CNTBLCountability of Sexual Abuse form5: Code 03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism
773 SXA6_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Sexual Abuse form6: Code 03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials
774 SXA6_CNTBLCountability of Sexual Abuse form6: Code 03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials
775 SXA7_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Sexual Abuse form7: Code 03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion)
776 SXA7_CNTBLCountability of Sexual Abuse form7: Code 03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion)
777 SXA8_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Sexual Abuse form8: Code 03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity
778 SXA8_CNTBLCountability of Sexual Abuse form8: Code 03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity
779 SXA9_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Sexual Abuse form9: Code 03.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact
780 SXA9_CNTBLCountability of Sexual Abuse form9: Code 03.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact
781 SXA10_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Sexual Abuse form10: Code 03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse
782 SXA10_CNTBLCountability of Sexual Abuse form10: Code 03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse
783 PHA_PA_ROLEPerson A either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
784 PHA_PA_ALCPerson A alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
785 PHA_PA_DRGPerson A drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
786 PHA_PA_MNTPerson A mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
787 PHA_PA_PERPRELATPerson A - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
788 PHA_PA_RESPPerson A degree of responsibility for physical abuse
789 PHA_PB_ROLEPerson B either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
790 PHA_PB_ALCPerson B alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
791 PHA_PB_DRGPerson B drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
792 PHA_PB_MNTPerson B mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
793 PHA_PB_PERPRELATPerson B - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
794 PHA_PB_RESPPerson B degree of responsibility for physical abuse
795 PHA_OIP1_ROLEOther Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
796 PHA_OIP1_ALCOther Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
797 PHA_OIP1_DRGOther Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
798 PHA_OIP1_MNTOther Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
799 PHA_OIP1_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
800 PHA_OIP1_RESPOther Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for physical abuse
801 PHA_OIP2_ROLEOther Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
802 PHA_OIP2_ALCOther Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
803 PHA_OIP2_DRGOther Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
804 PHA_OIP2_MNTOther Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
805 PHA_OIP2_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
806 PHA_OIP2_RESPOther Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for physical abuse
807 PHA_OIP3_ROLEOther Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
808 PHA_OIP3_ALCOther Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
809 PHA_OIP3_DRGOther Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
810 PHA_OIP3_MNTOther Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
811 PHA_OIP3_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
812 PHA_OIP3_RESPOther Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for physical abuse
813 PHA_OIP4_ROLEOther Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
814 PHA_OIP4_ALCOther Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
815 PHA_OIP4_DRGOther Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
816 PHA_OIP4_MNTOther Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
817 PHA_OIP4_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
818 PHA_OIP4_RESPOther Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for physical abuse
819 PHA_OIP5_ROLEOther Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
820 PHA_OIP5_ALCOther Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
821 PHA_OIP5_DRGOther Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
822 PHA_OIP5_MNTOther Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
823 PHA_OIP5_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
824 PHA_OIP5_RESPOther Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for physical abuse
825 PHA_PINJ1Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from physical abuse
826 PHA_PINJ2Fractured or broken bones from physical abuse
827 PHA_PINJ3Gunshot wounds from physical abuse
828 PHA_PINJ4Intracranial hemorrhages from physical abuse
829 PHA_PINJ5Trauma or injuries to the skull from physical abuse
830 PHA_PINJ6Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from physical abuse
831 PHA_PINJ7Shaken baby syndrome from physical abuse
832 PHA_PINJ8Concussion from physical abuse
833 PHA_PINJ9Spinal cord injuries from physical abuse
834 PHA_PINJ10Amputations from physical abuse
835 PHA_PINJ11Disfigurements (significant scarring) from physical abuse
836 PHA_PINJ12Injuries that damage any internal organs from physical abuse
837 PHA_PINJ13Internal bleeding from physical abuse
838 PHA_PINJ14Near drowning from physical abuse
839 PHA_PINJ15Poisoning from physical abuse
840 PHA_PINJ16Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from physical abuse
841 PHA_PINJ17Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from physical abuse
842 PHA_PINJ18Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from physical abuse
843 PHA_PINJ193rd degree burns from physical abuse
844 PHA_PINJ202nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from physical abuse
845 PHA_PINJ212nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical abuse
846 PHA_PINJ221st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from physical abuse
847 PHA_PINJ231st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from physical abuse
848 PHA_PINJ24Cuts and lacerations from physical abuse
849 PHA_PINJ25Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from physical abuse
850 PHA_PINJ26Welts, swelling, or abrasions from physical abuse
851 PHA_PINJ27Any physical injury to the genitals, genital area, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from physical abuse
852 PHA_PINJ28Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from physical abuse
853 PHA_PINJ29Any other physical injuries from physical abuse
854 PHA_PIMO1Illness-related death from physical abuse
855 PHA_PIMO2Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical abuse
856 PHA_PIMO3Complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical abuse
857 PHA_PIMO4Coma from physical abuse
858 PHA_PIMO5Other loss of consciousness from physical abuse
859 PHA_PIMO6Breathing stopped from physical abuse
860 PHA_PIMO7Anoxia from physical abuse
861 PHA_PIMO8Seizures from physical abuse
862 PHA_PIMO9Malnourished or severely underweight from physical abuse
863 PHA_PIMO10Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from physical abuse
864 PHA_PIMO11Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from physical abuse
865 PHA_PIMO12Impaired vision or eye problems from physical abuse
866 PHA_PIMO13Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from physical abuse
867 PHA_PIMO14Speech impediments from physical abuse
868 PHA_PIMO15Venereal diseases from physical abuse
869 PHA_PIMO16Diaper rash from physical abuse
870 PHA_PIMO17Unexplained developmental delays from physical abuse
871 PHA_PIMO18Lice infestation from physical abuse
872 PHA_PIMO19Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from physical abuse
873 PHA_PIMO20Other health/medical problems or conditions from physical abuse
874 PHA_IMED1Learning disability from physical abuse
875 PHA_IMED2Poor attention span from physical abuse
876 PHA_IMED3Drop in academic performance from physical abuse
877 PHA_IMED4Chronic truancy from physical abuse
878 PHA_IMED5Chronic tardiness from physical abuse
879 PHA_IMED6Non-enrollment in school from physical abuse
880 PHA_IMED7Behavior problems in class from physical abuse
881 PHA_IMED8Other diagnosed educational needs from physical abuse
882 PHA_IMED9Expelled or suspended from school from physical abuse
883 PHA_IMED10Other educational problems from physical abuse
884 PHA_MEEM1Suicide from physical abuse
885 PHA_MEEM2Suicide attempt from physical abuse
886 PHA_MEEM3Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from physical abuse
887 PHA_MEEM4Dangerous level of instability from physical abuse
888 PHA_MEEM5Self-inflicted injury from physical abuse
889 PHA_MEEM6Fearful or distrustful from physical abuse
890 PHA_MEEM7Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from physical abuse
891 PHA_MEEM8Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from physical abuse
892 PHA_MEEM9Fighting from physical abuse
893 PHA_MEEM10Delinquency from physical abuse
894 PHA_MEEM11Prostitution from physical abuse
895 PHA_MEEM12Drug/alcohol abuse from physical abuse
896 PHA_MEEM13Anxiety from physical abuse
897 PHA_MEEM14Depression from physical abuse
898 PHA_MEEM15Withdrawal from physical abuse
899 PHA_MEEM16Psychosis from physical abuse
900 PHA_MEEM17Sexual problems from physical abuse
901 PHA_MEEM18Sleeping disorders from physical abuse
902 PHA_MEEM19Hyperactive activity from physical abuse
903 PHA_MEEM20Aggressive or violent behavior from physical abuse
904 PHA_MEEM21Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from physical abuse
905 PHA_MEEM22Low self-esteem from physical abuse
906 PHA_MEEM23Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from physical abuse
907 PHA_MEEM24Threats of self-destructive behavior from physical abuse
908 PHA_MEEM25Suspected emotional damage from physical abuse
909 PHA_MEEM26Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from physical abuse
910 PHA_UNKNUnknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from physical abuse
911 PHA_ENDGNo known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from physical abuse
912 PHA_NONENo known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from physical abuse
913 PHA_NATUREPHYSICALNature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from physical abuse
914 PHA_NATUREPHYSIMPNature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from physical abuse
915 PHA_NATUREIMPEDNature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from physical abuse
916 PHA_NATUREMENTALNature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from physical abuse
917 PHA_NATUREUNKNOWNNature of injury/harm: Unknown, from physical abuse
918 PHA_NATUREINJURYENDNature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from physical abuse
919 PHA_NATUREINJURYNOTENDNature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from physical abuse
920 PHA_MOSTSEVERESeverity of injury/harm from physical abuse
921 PHA1_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Abuse form1: Code 04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop
922 PHA1_CNTBLCountability of Physical Abuse form1: Code 04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop
923 PHA2_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Abuse form2: Code 04.2--Hit with Hand
924 PHA2_CNTBLCountability of Physical Abuse form2: Code 04.2--Hit with Hand
925 PHA3_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Abuse form3: Code 04.3--Hit with Object
926 PHA3_CNTBLCountability of Physical Abuse form3: Code 04.3--Hit with Object
927 PHA4_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Abuse form4: Code 04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull
928 PHA4_CNTBLCountability of Physical Abuse form4: Code 04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull
929 PHA5_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Abuse form5: Code 04.5--Punch, Kick
930 PHA5_CNTBLCountability of Physical Abuse form5: Code 04.5--Punch, Kick
931 PHA6_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Abuse form6: Code 04.6--Other Physical Abuse
932 PHA6_CNTBLCountability of Physical Abuse form6: Code 04.6--Other Physical Abuse
933 EMA_PA_ROLEPerson A either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
934 EMA_PA_ALCPerson A alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
935 EMA_PA_DRGPerson A drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
936 EMA_PA_MNTPerson A mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
937 EMA_PA_PERPRELATPerson A - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
938 EMA_PA_RESPPerson A degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
939 EMA_PB_ROLEPerson B either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
940 EMA_PB_ALCPerson B alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
941 EMA_PB_DRGPerson B drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
942 EMA_PB_MNTPerson B mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
943 EMA_PB_PERPRELATPerson B - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
944 EMA_PB_RESPPerson B degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
945 EMA_OIP1_ROLEOther Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
946 EMA_OIP1_ALCOther Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
947 EMA_OIP1_DRGOther Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
948 EMA_OIP1_MNTOther Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
949 EMA_OIP1_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
950 EMA_OIP1_RESPOther Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
951 EMA_OIP2_ROLEOther Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
952 EMA_OIP2_ALCOther Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
953 EMA_OIP2_DRGOther Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
954 EMA_OIP2_MNTOther Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
955 EMA_OIP2_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
956 EMA_OIP2_RESPOther Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
957 EMA_OIP3_ROLEOther Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
958 EMA_OIP3_ALCOther Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
959 EMA_OIP3_DRGOther Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
960 EMA_OIP3_MNTOther Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
961 EMA_OIP3_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
962 EMA_OIP3_RESPOther Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
963 EMA_OIP4_ROLEOther Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
964 EMA_OIP4_ALCOther Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
965 EMA_OIP4_DRGOther Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
966 EMA_OIP4_MNTOther Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
967 EMA_OIP4_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
968 EMA_OIP4_RESPOther Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
969 EMA_OIP5_ROLEOther Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
970 EMA_OIP5_ALCOther Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
971 EMA_OIP5_DRGOther Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
972 EMA_OIP5_MNTOther Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
973 EMA_OIP5_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
974 EMA_OIP5_RESPOther Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
975 EMA_PINJ1Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from emotional abuse
976 EMA_PINJ2Fractured or broken bones from emotional abuse
977 EMA_PINJ3Gunshot wounds from emotional abuse
978 EMA_PINJ4Intracranial hemorrhages from emotional abuse
979 EMA_PINJ5Trauma or injuries to the skull from emotional abuse
980 EMA_PINJ6Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from emotional abuse
981 EMA_PINJ7Shaken baby syndrome from emotional abuse
982 EMA_PINJ8Concussion from emotional abuse
983 EMA_PINJ9Spinal cord injuries from emotional abuse
984 EMA_PINJ10Amputations from emotional abuse
985 EMA_PINJ11Disfigurements (significant scarring) from emotional abuse
986 EMA_PINJ12Injuries that damage any internal organs from emotional abuse
987 EMA_PINJ13Internal bleeding from emotional abuse
988 EMA_PINJ14Near drowning from emotional abuse
989 EMA_PINJ15Poisoning from emotional abuse
990 EMA_PINJ16Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from emotional abuse
991 EMA_PINJ17Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from emotional abuse
992 EMA_PINJ18Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from emotional abuse
993 EMA_PINJ193rd degree burns from emotional abuse
994 EMA_PINJ202nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse
995 EMA_PINJ212nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse
996 EMA_PINJ221st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse
997 EMA_PINJ231st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from emotional abuse
998 EMA_PINJ24Cuts and lacerations from emotional abuse
999 EMA_PINJ25Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from emotional abuse
1000 EMA_PINJ26Welts, swelling, or abrasions from emotional abuse
1001 EMA_PINJ27Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from emotional abuse
1002 EMA_PINJ28Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from emotional abuse
1003 EMA_PINJ29Any other physical injuries from emotional abuse
1004 EMA_PIMO1Illness-related death from emotional abuse
1005 EMA_PIMO2Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from emotional abuse
1006 EMA_PIMO3Complications caused by injuries or impairments from emotional abuse
1007 EMA_PIMO4Coma from emotional abuse
1008 EMA_PIMO5Other loss of consciousness from emotional abuse
1009 EMA_PIMO6Breathing stopped (suffocation) from emotional abuse
1010 EMA_PIMO7Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from emotional abuse
1011 EMA_PIMO8Seizures from emotional abuse
1012 EMA_PIMO9Malnourished or severely underweight from emotional abuse
1013 EMA_PIMO10Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from emotional abuse
1014 EMA_PIMO11Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from emotional abuse
1015 EMA_PIMO12Impaired vision or eye problems from emotional abuse
1016 EMA_PIMO13Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from emotional abuse
1017 EMA_PIMO14Speech impediments from emotional abuse
1018 EMA_PIMO15Venereal diseases from emotional abuse
1019 EMA_PIMO16Diaper rash from emotional abuse
1020 EMA_PIMO17Unexplained developmental delays from emotional abuse
1021 EMA_PIMO18Lice infestation resulting from emotional abuse
1022 EMA_PIMO19Fetal alcohol or drug symptomsfrom emotional abuse
1023 EMA_PIMO20Other health/medical problems or conditions from emotional abuse
1024 EMA_IMED1Learning disability from emotional abuse
1025 EMA_IMED2Poor attention span from emotional abuse
1026 EMA_IMED3Drop in academic performance from emotional abuse
1027 EMA_IMED4Chronic truancy from emotional abuse
1028 EMA_IMED5Chronic tardiness from emotional abuse
1029 EMA_IMED6Non-enrollment in school from emotional abuse
1030 EMA_IMED7Behavior problems in class from emotional abuse
1031 EMA_IMED8Other diagnosed educational needs from emotional abuse
1032 EMA_IMED9Expelled or suspended from school from emotional abuse
1033 EMA_IMED10Other educational problems from emotional abuse
1034 EMA_MEEM1Suicide from emotional abuse
1035 EMA_MEEM2Suicide attempt from emotional abuse
1036 EMA_MEEM3Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from emotional abuse
1037 EMA_MEEM4Dangerous level of instability from emotional abuse
1038 EMA_MEEM5Self-inflicted injury from emotional abuse
1039 EMA_MEEM6Fearful or distrustful from emotional abuse
1040 EMA_MEEM7Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from emotional abuse
1041 EMA_MEEM8Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from emotional abuse
1042 EMA_MEEM9Fighting from emotional abuse
1043 EMA_MEEM10Delinquency from emotional abuse
1044 EMA_MEEM11Prostitution from emotional abuse
1045 EMA_MEEM12Drug/alcohol abuse from emotional abuse
1046 EMA_MEEM13Anxiety from emotional abuse
1047 EMA_MEEM14Depression from emotional abuse
1048 EMA_MEEM15Withdrawal from emotional abuse
1049 EMA_MEEM16Psychosis from emotional abuse
1050 EMA_MEEM17Sexual problems from emotional abuse
1051 EMA_MEEM18Sleeping disorders from emotional abuse
1052 EMA_MEEM19Hyperactive activity from emotional abuse
1053 EMA_MEEM20Aggressive or violent behavior from emotional abuse
1054 EMA_MEEM21Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from emotional abuse
1055 EMA_MEEM22Low self-esteem from emotional abuse
1056 EMA_MEEM23Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from emotional abuse
1057 EMA_MEEM24Threats of self-destructive behavior from emotional abuse
1058 EMA_MEEM25Suspected emotional damage from emotional abuse
1059 EMA_MEEM26Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from emotional abuse
1060 EMA_UNKNUnknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from emotional abuse
1061 EMA_ENDGNo known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from emotional abuse
1062 EMA_NONENo known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from emotional abuse
1063 EMA_NATUREPHYSICALNature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from emotional abuse
1064 EMA_NATUREPHYSIMPNature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from emotional abuse
1065 EMA_NATUREIMPEDNature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from emotional abuse
1066 EMA_NATUREMENTALNature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from emotional abuse
1067 EMA_NATUREUNKNOWNNature of injury/harm: Unknown, from emotional abuse
1068 EMA_NATUREINJURYENDNature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from emotional abuse
1069 EMA_NATUREINJURYNOTENDNature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from emotional abuse
1070 EMA_MOSTSEVERESeverity of injury/harm from emotional abuse
1071 EMA1_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Abuse form1: Code 05.1--Close confinement: Tying and Binding
1072 EMA1_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Abuse form1: Code 05.1--Close confinement: Tying and Binding
1073 EMA2_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Abuse form2: Code 05.2--Close Confinement: Other
1074 EMA2_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Abuse form2: Code 05.2--Close Confinement: Other
1075 EMA3_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Abuse form 3: Code 06.1--Verbal Assaults and Emotional Abuse
1076 EMA3_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Abuse form 3: Code 06.1--Verbal Assaults and Emotional Abuse
1077 EMA4_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Abuse form4: Code 06.2--Threats of Sexual Abuse
1078 EMA4_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Abuse form4: Code 06.2--Threats of Sexual Abuse
1079 EMA5_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Abuse form5: Code 06.3--Threats of Other Maltreatment
1080 EMA5_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Abuse form5: Code 06.3--Threats of Other Maltreatment
1081 EMA6_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Abuse form6: Code 07.1--Terrorizing a Child
1082 EMA6_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Abuse form6: Code 07.1--Terrorizing a Child
1083 EMA7_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Abuse form7: Code 07.2--Administering unprescribed substances
1084 EMA7_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Abuse form7: Code 07.2--Administering unprescribed substances
1085 EMA8_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Abuse form8: Code 07.3--Other or Unknown Abuse
1086 EMA8_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Abuse form8: Code 07.3--Other or Unknown Abuse
1087 PHN_PA_ROLEPerson A either maltreated or permitted maltreatment
1088 PHN_PA_ALCPerson A alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1089 PHN_PA_DRGPerson A drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1090 PHN_PA_MNTPerson A mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1091 PHN_PA_PERPRELATPerson A - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
1092 PHN_PA_RESPPerson A degree of responsibility for physical neglect
1093 PHN_PB_ROLEPerson B either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
1094 PHN_PB_ALCPerson B alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1095 PHN_PB_DRGPerson B drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1096 PHN_PB_MNTPerson B mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1097 PHN_PB_PERPRELATPerson B - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
1098 PHN_PB_RESPPerson B degree of responsibility for physical neglect
1099 PHN_OIP1_ROLEOther Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
1100 PHN_OIP1_ALCOther Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1101 PHN_OIP1_DRGOther Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1102 PHN_OIP1_MNTOther Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1103 PHN_OIP1_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
1104 PHN_OIP1_RESPOther Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for physical neglect
1105 PHN_OIP2_ROLEOther Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
1106 PHN_OIP2_ALCOther Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1107 PHN_OIP2_DRGOther Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1108 PHN_OIP2_MNTOther Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1109 PHN_OIP2_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
1110 PHN_OIP2_RESPOther Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for physical neglect
1111 PHN_OIP3_ROLEOther Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
1112 PHN_OIP3_ALCOther Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1113 PHN_OIP3_DRGOther Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1114 PHN_OIP3_MNTOther Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1115 PHN_OIP3_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
1116 PHN_OIP3_RESPOther Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for physical neglect
1117 PHN_OIP4_ROLEOther Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
1118 PHN_OIP4_ALCOther Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1119 PHN_OIP4_DRGOther Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1120 PHN_OIP4_MNTOther Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1121 PHN_OIP4_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
1122 PHN_OIP4_RESPOther Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for physical neglect
1123 PHN_OIP5_ROLEOther Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
1124 PHN_OIP5_ALCOther Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1125 PHN_OIP5_DRGOther Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1126 PHN_OIP5_MNTOther Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
1127 PHN_OIP5_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
1128 PHN_OIP5_RESPOther Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for physical neglect
1129 PHN_PINJ1Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from physical neglect
1130 PHN_PINJ2Fractured or broken bones from physical neglect
1131 PHN_PINJ3Gunshot wounds from physical neglect
1132 PHN_PINJ4Intracranial hemorrhages from physical neglect
1133 PHN_PINJ5Trauma or injuries to the skull from physical neglect
1134 PHN_PINJ6Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from physical neglect
1135 PHN_PINJ7Shaken baby syndrome from physical neglect
1136 PHN_PINJ8Concussion from physical neglect
1137 PHN_PINJ9Spinal cord injuries from physical neglect
1138 PHN_PINJ10Amputations from physical neglect
1139 PHN_PINJ11Disfigurements (significant scarring) from physical neglect
1140 PHN_PINJ12Injuries that damage any internal organs from physical neglect
1141 PHN_PINJ13Internal bleeding from physical neglect
1142 PHN_PINJ14Near drowning from physical neglect
1143 PHN_PINJ15Poisoning from physical neglect
1144 PHN_PINJ16Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from physical neglect
1145 PHN_PINJ17Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from physical neglect
1146 PHN_PINJ18Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from physical neglect
1147 PHN_PINJ193rd degree burns from physical neglect
1148 PHN_PINJ202nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect
1149 PHN_PINJ212nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect
1150 PHN_PINJ221st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface resulting from physical neglect
1151 PHN_PINJ231st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect
1152 PHN_PINJ24Cuts and lacerations from physical neglect
1153 PHN_PINJ25Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from physical neglect
1154 PHN_PINJ26Welts, swelling, or abrasions from physical neglect
1155 PHN_PINJ27Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from physical neglect
1156 PHN_PINJ28Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from physical neglect
1157 PHN_PINJ29Any other physical injuries from physical neglect
1158 PHN_PIMO1Illness-related death from physical neglect
1159 PHN_PIMO2Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical neglect
1160 PHN_PIMO3Complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical neglect
1161 PHN_PIMO4Coma from physical neglect
1162 PHN_PIMO5Other loss of consciousness from physical neglect
1163 PHN_PIMO6Breathing stopped (suffocation) from physical neglect
1164 PHN_PIMO7Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from physical neglect
1165 PHN_PIMO8Seizures from physical neglect
1166 PHN_PIMO9Malnourished or severely underweight from physical neglect
1167 PHN_PIMO10Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from physical neglect
1168 PHN_PIMO11Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from physical neglect
1169 PHN_PIMO12Impaired vision or eye problems from physical neglect
1170 PHN_PIMO13Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from physical neglect
1171 PHN_PIMO14Speech impediments from physical neglect
1172 PHN_PIMO15Venereal diseases from physical neglect
1173 PHN_PIMO16Diaper rash from physical neglect
1174 PHN_PIMO17Unexplained developmental delays from physical neglect
1175 PHN_PIMO18Lice infestation from physical neglect
1176 PHN_PIMO19Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from physical neglect
1177 PHN_PIMO20Other health/medical problems or conditions from physical neglect
1178 PHN_IMED1Learning disability from physical neglect
1179 PHN_IMED2Poor attention span from physical neglect
1180 PHN_IMED3Drop in academic performance from physical neglect
1181 PHN_IMED4Chronic truancy from physical neglect
1182 PHN_IMED5Chronic tardiness from physical neglect
1183 PHN_IMED6Non-enrollment in school from physical neglect
1184 PHN_IMED7Behavior problems in class from physical neglect
1185 PHN_IMED8Other diagnosed educational needs from physical neglect
1186 PHN_IMED9Expelled or suspended from school from physical neglect
1187 PHN_IMED10Other educational problems from physical neglect
1188 PHN_MEEM1Suicide from physical neglect
1189 PHN_MEEM2Suicide attempt from physical neglect
1190 PHN_MEEM3Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from physical neglect
1191 PHN_MEEM4Dangerous level of instability from physical neglect
1192 PHN_MEEM5Self-inflicted injury from physical neglect
1193 PHN_MEEM6Fearful or distrustful from physical neglect
1194 PHN_MEEM7Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from physical neglect
1195 PHN_MEEM8Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from physical neglect
1196 PHN_MEEM9Fighting from physical neglect
1197 PHN_MEEM10Delinquency from physical neglect
1198 PHN_MEEM11Prostitution from physical neglect
1199 PHN_MEEM12Drug/alcohol abuse from physical neglect
1200 PHN_MEEM13Anxiety from physical neglect
1201 PHN_MEEM14Depression from physical neglect
1202 PHN_MEEM15Withdrawal from physical neglect
1203 PHN_MEEM16Psychosis from physical neglect
1204 PHN_MEEM17Sexual problems from physical neglect
1205 PHN_MEEM18Sleeping disorders from physical neglect
1206 PHN_MEEM19Hyperactive activity from physical neglect
1207 PHN_MEEM20Aggressive or violent behavior from physical neglect
1208 PHN_MEEM21Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from physical neglect
1209 PHN_MEEM22Low self-esteem from physical neglect
1210 PHN_MEEM23Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from physical neglect
1211 PHN_MEEM24Threats of self-destructive behavior from physical neglect
1212 PHN_MEEM25Suspected emotional damage from physical neglect
1213 PHN_MEEM26Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from physical neglect
1214 PHN_UNKNUnknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from physical neglect
1215 PHN_ENDGNo known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from physical neglect
1216 PHN_NONENo known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from physical neglect
1217 PHN_NATUREPHYSICALNature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from physical neglect
1218 PHN_NATUREPHYSIMPNature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from physical neglect
1219 PHN_NATUREIMPEDNature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from physical neglect
1220 PHN_NATUREMENTALNature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from physical neglect
1221 PHN_NATUREUNKNOWNNature of injury/harm: Unknown, from physical neglect
1222 PHN_NATUREINJURYENDNature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from physical neglect
1223 PHN_NATUREINJURYNOTENDNature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from physical neglect
1224 PHN_MOSTSEVERESeverity of injury/harm from physical neglect
1225 PHN1_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form1: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment
1226 PHN1_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form1: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment
1227 PHN2_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form2: Code 09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care
1228 PHN2_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form2: Code 09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care
1229 PHN3_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form3: Code 10.1--Refusal of Custody or Abandonment
1230 PHN3_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form3: Code 10.1--Refusal of Custody or Abandonment
1231 PHN4_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form4: Code 10.2--Other Refusal of Custody
1232 PHN4_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form4: Code 10.2--Other Refusal of Custody
1233 PHN5_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form5: Code 10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody
1234 PHN5_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form5: Code 10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody
1235 PHN6_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form6: Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements
1236 PHN6_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form6: Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements
1237 PHN7_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form7: Code 11.0--Inadequate Supervision
1238 PHN7_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form7: Code 11.0--Inadequate Supervision
1239 PHN8_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form8: Code 12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition
1240 PHN8_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form8: Code 12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition
1241 PHN9_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form9: Code 12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene
1242 PHN9_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form9: Code 12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene
1243 PHN10_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form10: Code 12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing
1244 PHN10_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form10: Code 12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing
1245 PHN11_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form11: Code 12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter
1246 PHN11_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form11: Code 12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter
1247 PHN12_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Physical Neglect form12: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs & Physical Safety
1248 PHN12_CNTBLCountability of Physical Neglect form12: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs & Physical Safety
1249 EDN_PA_ROLEPerson A either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
1250 EDN_PA_ALCPerson A alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1251 EDN_PA_DRGPerson A drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1252 EDN_PA_MNTPerson A mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1253 EDN_PA_PERPRELATPerson A - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
1254 EDN_PA_RESPPerson A degree of responsibility for educational neglect
1255 EDN_PB_ROLEPerson B either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
1256 EDN_PB_ALCPerson B alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1257 EDN_PB_DRGPerson B drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1258 EDN_PB_MNTPerson B mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1259 EDN_PB_PERPRELATPerson B - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
1260 EDN_PB_RESPPerson B degree of responsibility for educational neglect
1261 EDN_OIP1_ROLEOther Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
1262 EDN_OIP1_ALCOther Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1263 EDN_OIP1_DRGOther Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1264 EDN_OIP1_MNTOther Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1265 EDN_OIP1_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
1266 EDN_OIP1_RESPOther Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for educational neglect
1267 EDN_OIP2_ROLEOther Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
1268 EDN_OIP2_ALCOther Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1269 EDN_OIP2_DRGOther Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1270 EDN_OIP2_MNTOther Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1271 EDN_OIP2_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
1272 EDN_OIP2_RESPOther Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for educational neglect
1273 EDN_OIP3_ROLEOther Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
1274 EDN_OIP3_ALCOther Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1275 EDN_OIP3_DRGOther Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1276 EDN_OIP3_MNTOther Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1277 EDN_OIP3_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
1278 EDN_OIP3_RESPOther Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for educational neglect
1279 EDN_OIP4_ROLEOther Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
1280 EDN_OIP4_ALCOther Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1281 EDN_OIP4_DRGOther Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1282 EDN_OIP4_MNTOther Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1283 EDN_OIP4_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
1284 EDN_OIP4_RESPOther Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for educational neglect
1285 EDN_OIP5_ROLEOther Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
1286 EDN_OIP5_ALCOther Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1287 EDN_OIP5_DRGOther Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1288 EDN_OIP5_MNTOther Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
1289 EDN_OIP5_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
1290 EDN_OIP5_RESPOther Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for educational neglect
1291 EDN_PINJ1Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from educational neglect
1292 EDN_PINJ2Fractured or broken bones from educational neglect
1293 EDN_PINJ3Gunshot wounds from educational neglect
1294 EDN_PINJ4Intracranial hemorrhages from educational neglect
1295 EDN_PINJ5Trauma or injuries to the skull from educational neglect
1296 EDN_PINJ6Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from educational neglect
1297 EDN_PINJ7Shaken baby syndrome from educational neglect
1298 EDN_PINJ8Concussion from educational neglect
1299 EDN_PINJ9Spinal cord injuries from educational neglect
1300 EDN_PINJ10Amputations from educational neglect
1301 EDN_PINJ11Disfigurements (significant scarring) from educational neglect
1302 EDN_PINJ12Injuries that damage any internal organs from educational neglect
1303 EDN_PINJ13Internal bleeding from educational neglect
1304 EDN_PINJ14Near drowning from educational neglect
1305 EDN_PINJ15Poisoning from educational neglect
1306 EDN_PINJ16Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from educational neglect
1307 EDN_PINJ17Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from educational neglect
1308 EDN_PINJ18Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from educational neglect
1309 EDN_PINJ193rd degree burns resulting from educational neglect from educational neglect
1310 EDN_PINJ202nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect
1311 EDN_PINJ212nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect
1312 EDN_PINJ221st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect
1313 EDN_PINJ231st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect
1314 EDN_PINJ24Cuts and lacerations from educational neglect
1315 EDN_PINJ25Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from educational neglect
1316 EDN_PINJ26Welts, swelling, or abrasions from educational neglect
1317 EDN_PINJ27Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from educational neglect
1318 EDN_PINJ28Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from educational neglect
1319 EDN_PINJ29Any other physical injuries from educational neglect
1320 EDN_PIMO1Illness-related death from educational neglect
1321 EDN_PIMO2Death due to complications from educational neglect
1322 EDN_PIMO3Complications from educational neglect
1323 EDN_PIMO4Coma from educational neglect
1324 EDN_PIMO5Other loss of consciousness from educational neglect
1325 EDN_PIMO6Breathing stopped (suffocation) from educational neglect
1326 EDN_PIMO7Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from educational neglect
1327 EDN_PIMO8Seizures from educational neglect
1328 EDN_PIMO9Malnourished or severely underweight from educational neglect
1329 EDN_PIMO10Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from educational neglect
1330 EDN_PIMO11Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from educational neglect
1331 EDN_PIMO12Impaired vision or eye problems from educational neglect
1332 EDN_PIMO13Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from educational neglect
1333 EDN_PIMO14Speech impediments from educational neglect
1334 EDN_PIMO15Venereal diseases from educational neglect
1335 EDN_PIMO16Diaper rash from educational neglect
1336 EDN_PIMO17Unexplained developmental delays from educational neglect
1337 EDN_PIMO18Lice infestation from educational neglect
1338 EDN_PIMO19Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from educational neglect
1339 EDN_PIMO20Other health/medical problems or conditions from educational neglect
1340 EDN_IMED1Learning disability from educational neglect
1341 EDN_IMED2Poor attention span from educational neglect
1342 EDN_IMED3Drop in academic performance from educational neglect
1343 EDN_IMED4Chronic truancy from educational neglect
1344 EDN_IMED5Chronic tardiness from educational neglect
1345 EDN_IMED6Non-enrollment in school from educational neglect
1346 EDN_IMED7Behavior problems in class from educational neglect
1347 EDN_IMED8Other diagnosed educational needs from educational neglect
1348 EDN_IMED9Expelled or suspended from school from educational neglect
1349 EDN_IMED10Other educational problems from educational neglect
1350 EDN_MEEM1Suicide from educational neglect
1351 EDN_MEEM2Suicide attempt from educational neglect
1352 EDN_MEEM3Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from educational neglect
1353 EDN_MEEM4Dangerous level of instability from educational neglect
1354 EDN_MEEM5Self-inflicted injury from educational neglect
1355 EDN_MEEM6Fearful or distrustful from educational neglect
1356 EDN_MEEM7Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from educational neglect
1357 EDN_MEEM8Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from educational neglect
1358 EDN_MEEM9Fighting from educational neglect
1359 EDN_MEEM10Delinquency from educational neglect
1360 EDN_MEEM11Prostitution from educational neglect
1361 EDN_MEEM12Drug/alcohol abuse resulting from educational neglect
1362 EDN_MEEM13Anxiety from educational neglect
1363 EDN_MEEM14Depression from educational neglect
1364 EDN_MEEM15Withdrawal from educational neglect
1365 EDN_MEEM16Psychosis from educational neglect
1366 EDN_MEEM17Sexual problems from educational neglect
1367 EDN_MEEM18Sleeping disorders from educational neglect
1368 EDN_MEEM19Hyperactive activity from educational neglect
1369 EDN_MEEM20Aggressive or violent behavior from educational neglect
1370 EDN_MEEM21Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from educational neglect
1371 EDN_MEEM22Low self-esteem from educational neglect
1372 EDN_MEEM23Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from educational neglect
1373 EDN_MEEM24Threats of self-destructive behavior from educational neglect
1374 EDN_MEEM25Suspected emotional damage from educational neglect
1375 EDN_MEEM26Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from educational neglect
1376 EDN_UNKNUnknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from educational neglect
1377 EDN_ENDGNo known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from educational neglect
1378 EDN_NONENo known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from educational neglect
1379 EDN_NATUREPHYSICALNature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from educational neglect
1380 EDN_NATUREPHYSIMPNature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from educational neglect
1381 EDN_NATUREIMPEDNature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from educational neglect
1382 EDN_NATUREMENTALNature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from educational neglect
1383 EDN_NATUREUNKNOWNNature of injury/harm: Unknown, from educational neglect
1384 EDN_NATUREINJURYENDNature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from educational neglect
1385 EDN_NATUREINJURYNOTENDNature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from educational neglect
1386 EDN_MOSTSEVERESeverity of injury/harm from educational neglect
1387 EDN1_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Educational Neglect form1: Code 13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy
1388 EDN1_CNTBLCountability of Educational Neglect form1: Code 13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy
1389 EDN2_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Educational Neglect form2: Code 13.2--Other Truancy
1390 EDN2_CNTBLCountability of Educational Neglect form2: Code 13.2--Other Truancy
1391 EDN3_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Educational Neglect form3: Code 14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll
1392 EDN3_CNTBLCountability of Educational Neglect form3: Code 14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll
1393 EDN4_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Educational Neglect form4: Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need
1394 EDN4_CNTBLCountability of Educational Neglect form4: Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need
1395 EMN_PA_ROLEPerson A either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
1396 EMN_PA_ALCPerson A alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1397 EMN_PA_DRGPerson A drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1398 EMN_PA_MNTPerson A mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1399 EMN_PA_PERPRELATPerson A - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
1400 EMN_PA_RESPPerson A degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
1401 EMN_PB_ROLEPerson B either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
1402 EMN_PB_ALCPerson B alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1403 EMN_PB_DRGPerson B drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1404 EMN_PB_MNTPerson B mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1405 EMN_PB_PERPRELATPerson B - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
1406 EMN_PB_RESPPerson B degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
1407 EMN_OIP1_ROLEOther Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
1408 EMN_OIP1_ALCOther Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1409 EMN_OIP1_DRGOther Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1410 EMN_OIP1_MNTOther Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1411 EMN_OIP1_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
1412 EMN_OIP1_RESPOther Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
1413 EMN_OIP2_ROLEOther Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
1414 EMN_OIP2_ALCOther Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1415 EMN_OIP2_DRGOther Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1416 EMN_OIP2_MNTOther Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1417 EMN_OIP2_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of emotional neglect elationship to child
1418 EMN_OIP2_RESPOther Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
1419 EMN_OIP3_ROLEOther Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
1420 EMN_OIP3_ALCOther Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1421 EMN_OIP3_DRGOther Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1422 EMN_OIP3_MNTOther Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1423 EMN_OIP3_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
1424 EMN_OIP3_RESPOther Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
1425 EMN_OIP4_ROLEOther Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
1426 EMN_OIP4_ALCOther Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1427 EMN_OIP4_DRGOther Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1428 EMN_OIP4_MNTOther Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1429 EMN_OIP4_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
1430 EMN_OIP4_RESPOther Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
1431 EMN_OIP5_ROLEOther Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
1432 EMN_OIP5_ALCOther Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1433 EMN_OIP5_DRGOther Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1434 EMN_OIP5_MNTOther Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
1435 EMN_OIP5_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
1436 EMN_OIP5_RESPOther Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
1437 EMN_PINJ1Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from emotional neglect
1438 EMN_PINJ2Fractured or broken bones from emotional neglect
1439 EMN_PINJ3Gunshot wounds from emotional neglect
1440 EMN_PINJ4Intracranial hemorrhages from emotional neglect
1441 EMN_PINJ5Trauma or injuries to the skull from emotional neglect
1442 EMN_PINJ6Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from emotional neglect
1443 EMN_PINJ7Shaken baby syndrome from emotional neglect
1444 EMN_PINJ8Concussion from emotional neglect
1445 EMN_PINJ9Spinal cord injuries from emotional neglect
1446 EMN_PINJ10,Amputations from emotional neglect
1447 EMN_PINJ11Disfigurements (significant scarring) from emotional neglect
1448 EMN_PINJ12Injuries that damage internal organs from emotional neglect
1449 EMN_PINJ13Internal bleeding from emotional neglect
1450 EMN_PINJ14Near drowning from emotional neglect
1451 EMN_PINJ15Poisoning from emotional neglect
1452 EMN_PINJ16Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from emotional neglect
1453 EMN_PINJ17Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from emotional neglect
1454 EMN_PINJ18Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from emotional neglect
1455 EMN_PINJ193rd degree burns from emotional neglect
1456 EMN_PINJ202nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect
1457 EMN_PINJ212nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from emotional neglect
1458 EMN_PINJ221st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect
1459 EMN_PINJ231st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect
1460 EMN_PINJ24Cuts and lacerations from emotional neglect
1461 EMN_PINJ25Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from emotional neglect
1462 EMN_PINJ26Welts, swelling, or abrasions from emotional neglect
1463 EMN_PINJ27Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from emotional neglect
1464 EMN_PINJ28Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from emotional neglect
1465 EMN_PINJ29Any other physical injuries from emotional neglect
1466 EMN_PIMO1Illness-related death from emotional neglect
1467 EMN_PIMO2Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from emotional neglect
1468 EMN_PIMO3Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from emotional neglect
1469 EMN_PIMO4Coma from emotional neglect
1470 EMN_PIMO5Other loss of consciousness from emotional neglect
1471 EMN_PIMO6Breathing stopped (suffocation) from emotional neglect
1472 EMN_PIMO7Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from emotional neglect
1473 EMN_PIMO8Seizures from emotional neglect
1474 EMN_PIMO9Malnourished or severely underweight from emotional neglect
1475 EMN_PIMO10Professionally diagnosed cases of organic from emotional neglect
1476 EMN_PIMO11Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from emotional neglect
1477 EMN_PIMO12Impaired vision or eye problems from emotional neglect
1478 EMN_PIMO13Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from emotional neglect
1479 EMN_PIMO14Speech impediments from emotional neglect
1480 EMN_PIMO15Venereal diseases from emotional neglect
1481 EMN_PIMO16Diaper rash resulting from emotional neglect
1482 EMN_PIMO17Unexplained developmental delays from emotional neglect
1483 EMN_PIMO18Lice infestation from emotional neglect
1484 EMN_PIMO19Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from emotional neglect
1485 EMN_PIMO20Other health/medical problems or conditions from emotional neglect
1486 EMN_IMED1Learning disability from emotional neglect
1487 EMN_IMED2Poor attention span from emotional neglect
1488 EMN_IMED3Drop in academic performance from emotional neglect
1489 EMN_IMED4Chronic truancy from emotional neglect
1490 EMN_IMED5Chronic tardiness from emotional neglect
1491 EMN_IMED6Non-enrollment in school from emotional neglect
1492 EMN_IMED7Behavior problems in class from emotional neglect
1493 EMN_IMED8Other diagnosed educational needs from emotional neglect
1494 EMN_IMED9Expelled or suspended from school from emotional neglect
1495 EMN_IMED10Other educational problems from emotional neglect
1496 EMN_MEEM1Suicide from emotional neglect
1497 EMN_MEEM2Suicide attempt from emotional neglect
1498 EMN_MEEM3Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from emotional neglect
1499 EMN_MEEM4Dangerous level of instability from emotional neglect
1500 EMN_MEEM5Self-inflicted injury from emotional neglect
1501 EMN_MEEM6Fearful or distrustful from emotional neglect
1502 EMN_MEEM7Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from emotional neglect
1503 EMN_MEEM8Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from emotional neglect
1504 EMN_MEEM9Fighting from emotional neglect
1505 EMN_MEEM10Delinquency from emotional neglect
1506 EMN_MEEM11Prostitution from emotional neglect
1507 EMN_MEEM12Drug/alcohol abuse from emotional neglect
1508 EMN_MEEM13Anxiety from emotional neglect
1509 EMN_MEEM14Depression from emotional neglect
1510 EMN_MEEM15Withdrawal from emotional neglect
1511 EMN_MEEM16Psychosis from emotional neglect
1512 EMN_MEEM17Sexual problems from emotional neglect
1513 EMN_MEEM18Sleeping disorders from emotional neglect
1514 EMN_MEEM19Hyperactive activity from emotional neglect
1515 EMN_MEEM20Aggressive or violent behavior from emotional neglect
1516 EMN_MEEM21Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from emotional neglect
1517 EMN_MEEM22Low self-esteem from emotional neglect
1518 EMN_MEEM23Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from emotional neglect
1519 EMN_MEEM24Threats of self-destructive behavior from emotional neglect
1520 EMN_MEEM25Suspected emotional damage from emotional neglect
1521 EMN_MEEM26Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from emotional neglect
1522 EMN_UNKNUnknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from emotional neglect
1523 EMN_ENDGNo known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from emotional neglect
1524 EMN_NONENo known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from emotional neglect
1525 EMN_NATUREPHYSICALNature of injury/harm: Physical injury from emotional neglect
1526 EMN_NATUREPHYSIMPNature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from emotional neglect
1527 EMN_NATUREIMPEDNature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from emotional neglect
1528 EMN_NATUREMENTALNature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from emotional neglect
1529 EMN_NATUREUNKNOWNNature of injury/harm: Unknown, from emotional neglect
1530 EMN_NATUREINJURYENDNature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from emotional neglect
1531 EMN_NATUREINJURYNOTENDNature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from emotional neglect
1532 EMN_MOSTSEVERESeverity of injury/harm from emotional neglect
1533 EMN1_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Neglect form1: Code 15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection
1534 EMN1_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Neglect form1: Code 15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection
1535 EMN2_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Neglect form2: Code 15.2--Domestic Violence
1536 EMN2_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Neglect form2: Code 15.2--Domestic Violence
1537 EMN3_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Neglect form3: Code 16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse
1538 EMN3_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Neglect form3: Code 16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse
1539 EMN4_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Neglect form4: Code 16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior
1540 EMN4_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Neglect form4: Code 16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior
1541 EMN5_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Neglect: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem
1542 EMN5_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Neglect: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem
1543 EMN6_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Neglect form6: Code 17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/ Problem
1544 EMN6_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Neglect form6: Code 17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/ Problem
1545 EMN7_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Neglect form7: Code 17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness
1546 EMN7_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Neglect form7: Code 17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness
1547 EMN8_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Neglect form8: Code 17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure
1548 EMN8_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Neglect form8: Code 17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure
1549 EMN9_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Neglect form9: Code 17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced Expectations
1550 EMN9_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Neglect form9: Code 17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced Expectations
1551 EMN10_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6-- Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments
1552 EMN10_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6-- Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments
1553 EMN11_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7-- Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs
1554 EMN11_CNTBLCountability of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7-- Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs
1555 OTM_PA_ROLEPerson A either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
1556 OTM_PA_ALCPerson A alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1557 OTM_PA_DRGPerson A drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1558 OTM_PA_MNTPerson A mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1559 OTM_PA_PERPRELATPerson A - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
1560 OTM_PA_RESPPerson A degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
1561 OTM_PB_ROLEPerson B either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
1562 OTM_PB_ALCPerson B alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1563 OTM_PB_DRGPerson B drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1564 OTM_PB_MNTPerson B mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1565 OTM_PB_PERPRELATPerson B - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
1566 OTM_PB_RESPPerson B degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
1567 OTM_OIP1_ROLEOther Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
1568 OTM_OIP1_ALCOther Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1569 OTM_OIP1_DRGOther Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1570 OTM_OIP1_MNTOther Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1571 OTM_OIP1_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
1572 OTM_OIP1_RESPOther Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
1573 OTM_OIP2_ROLEOther Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
1574 OTM_OIP2_ALCOther Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1575 OTM_OIP2_DRGOther Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1576 OTM_OIP2_MNTOther Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1577 OTM_OIP2_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
1578 OTM_OIP2_RESPOther Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
1579 OTM_OIP3_ROLEOther Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
1580 OTM_OIP3_ALCOther Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1581 OTM_OIP3_DRGOther Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1582 OTM_OIP3_MNTOther Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1583 OTM_OIP3_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
1584 OTM_OIP3_RESPOther Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
1585 OTM_OIP4_ROLEOther Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
1586 OTM_OIP4_ALCOther Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1587 OTM_OIP4_DRGOther Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1588 OTM_OIP4_MNTOther Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1589 OTM_OIP4_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
1590 OTM_OIP4_RESPOther Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
1591 OTM_OIP5_ROLEOther Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
1592 OTM_OIP5_ALCOther Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1593 OTM_OIP5_DRGOther Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1594 OTM_OIP5_MNTOther Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
1595 OTM_OIP5_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
1596 OTM_OIP5_RESPOther Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
1597 OTM_PINJ1Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from other maltreatment
1598 OTM_PINJ2Fractured or broken bones from other maltreatment
1599 OTM_PINJ3Gunshot wounds from other maltreatment
1600 OTM_PINJ4Intracranial hemorrhages from other maltreatment
1601 OTM_PINJ5Trauma or injuries to the skull from other maltreatment
1602 OTM_PINJ6Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from other maltreatment
1603 OTM_PINJ7Shaken baby syndrome from other maltreatment
1604 OTM_PINJ8Concussion from other maltreatment
1605 OTM_PINJ9Spinal cord injuries from other maltreatment
1606 OTM_PINJ10,Amputations from other maltreatment
1607 OTM_PINJ11Disfigurements (significant scarring) from other maltreatment
1608 OTM_PINJ12Injuries that damage internal organs from other maltreatment
1609 OTM_PINJ13Internal bleeding from other maltreatment
1610 OTM_PINJ14Near drowning from other maltreatment
1611 OTM_PINJ15Poisoning from other maltreatment
1612 OTM_PINJ16Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from other maltreatment
1613 OTM_PINJ17Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from other maltreatment
1614 OTM_PINJ18Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from other maltreatment
1615 OTM_PINJ193rd degree burns from other maltreatment
1616 OTM_PINJ202nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment
1617 OTM_PINJ212nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from other maltreatment
1618 OTM_PINJ221st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment
1619 OTM_PINJ231st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment
1620 OTM_PINJ24Cuts and lacerations from other maltreatment
1621 OTM_PINJ25Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from other maltreatment
1622 OTM_PINJ26Welts, swelling, or abrasions from other maltreatment
1623 OTM_PINJ27Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from other maltreatment
1624 OTM_PINJ28Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from other maltreatment
1625 OTM_PINJ29Any other physical injuries from other maltreatment
1626 OTM_PIMO1Illness-related death from other maltreatment
1627 OTM_PIMO2Death due to complications from other maltreatment
1628 OTM_PIMO3Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from other maltreatment
1629 OTM_PIMO4Coma from other maltreatment
1630 OTM_PIMO5Other loss of consciousness from other maltreatment
1631 OTM_PIMO6Breathing stopped (suffocation) from other maltreatment
1632 OTM_PIMO7Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from other maltreatment
1633 OTM_PIMO8Seizures from other maltreatment
1634 OTM_PIMO9Malnourished or severely underweight from other maltreatment
1635 OTM_PIMO10Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from other maltreatment
1636 OTM_PIMO11Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from other maltreatment
1637 OTM_PIMO12Impaired vision or eye problems from other maltreatment
1638 OTM_PIMO13Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from other maltreatment
1639 OTM_PIMO14Speech impediments from other maltreatment
1640 OTM_PIMO15Venereal diseases from other maltreatment
1641 OTM_PIMO16Diaper rash from other maltreatment
1642 OTM_PIMO17Unexplained developmental delays from other maltreatment
1643 OTM_PIMO18Lice infestation from other maltreatment
1644 OTM_PIMO19Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from other maltreatment
1645 OTM_PIMO20Other health/medical problems or conditions from other maltreatment
1646 OTM_IMED1Learning disability from other maltreatment
1647 OTM_IMED2Poor attention span from other maltreatment
1648 OTM_IMED3Drop in academic performance from other maltreatment
1649 OTM_IMED4Chronic truancy from other maltreatment
1650 OTM_IMED5Chronic tardiness from other maltreatment
1651 OTM_IMED6Non-enrollment in school from other maltreatment
1652 OTM_IMED7Behavior problems in class from other maltreatment
1653 OTM_IMED8Other diagnosed educational needs from other maltreatment
1654 OTM_IMED9Expelled or suspended from school from other maltreatment
1655 OTM_IMED10Other educational problems from other maltreatment
1656 OTM_MEEM1Suicide from other maltreatment
1657 OTM_MEEM2Suicide attempt from other maltreatment
1658 OTM_MEEM3Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from other maltreatment
1659 OTM_MEEM4Dangerous level of instability from other maltreatment
1660 OTM_MEEM5Self-inflicted injury from other maltreatment
1661 OTM_MEEM6Fearful or distrustful from other maltreatment
1662 OTM_MEEM7Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from other maltreatment
1663 OTM_MEEM8Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from other maltreatment
1664 OTM_MEEM9Fighting from other maltreatment
1665 OTM_MEEM10Delinquency from other maltreatment
1666 OTM_MEEM11Prostitution from other maltreatment
1667 OTM_MEEM12Drug/alcohol abuse from other maltreatment
1668 OTM_MEEM13Anxiety from other maltreatment
1669 OTM_MEEM14Depression from other maltreatment
1670 OTM_MEEM15Withdrawal from other maltreatment
1671 OTM_MEEM16Psychosis from other maltreatment
1672 OTM_MEEM17Sexual problems from other maltreatment
1673 OTM_MEEM18Sleeping disorders from other maltreatment
1674 OTM_MEEM19Hyperactive activity from other maltreatment
1675 OTM_MEEM20Aggressive or violent behavior from other maltreatment
1676 OTM_MEEM21Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from other maltreatment
1677 OTM_MEEM22Low self-esteem resuliting from other maltreatment
1678 OTM_MEEM23Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from other maltreatment
1679 OTM_MEEM24Threats of self-destructive behavior from other maltreatment
1680 OTM_MEEM25Suspected emotional damage from other maltreatment
1681 OTM_MEEM26Other emotional injuries/symptoms from other maltreatment
1682 OTM_UNKNUnknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from other maltreatment
1683 OTM_ENDGNo known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from other maltreatment
1684 OTM_NONENo known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from other maltreatment
1685 OTM_NATUREPHYSICALNature of injury/harm: Physical injury from other maltreatment
1686 OTM_NATUREPHYSIMPNature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from other maltreatment
1687 OTM_NATUREIMPEDNature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from other maltreatment
1688 OTM_NATUREMENTALNature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from other maltreatment
1689 OTM_NATUREUNKNOWNNature of injury/harm: Unknown, from other maltreatment
1690 OTM_NATUREINJURYENDNature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from other maltreatment
1691 OTM_NATUREINJURYNOTENDNature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from other maltreatment
1692 OTM_MOSTSEVERESeverity of injury/harm from other maltreatment
1693 OTM1_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Other Maltreatment form1: Code 18.1--General Neglect: Lack of Preventive Health Care
1694 OTM1_CNTBLCountability of Other Maltreatment form1: Code 18.1--General Neglect: Lack of Preventive Health Care
1695 OTM2_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Other Maltreatment form2: Code 18.2--General Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Neglect Allegations
1696 OTM2_CNTBLCountability of Other Maltreatment form2: Code 18.2--General Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Neglect Allegations
1697 OTM3_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Other Maltreatment form3: Code 19.1--General Maltreatment: Custody/Child Support Problems
1698 OTM3_CNTBLCountability of Other Maltreatment form3: Code 19.1--General Maltreatment: Custody/Child Support Problems
1699 OTM4_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Other Maltreatment form4: General Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues
1700 OTM4_CNTBLCountability of Other Maltreatment form4: General Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues
1701 OTM5_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Other Maltreatment form5: Code 19.3--General Maltreatment: Parent Problem
1702 OTM5_CNTBLCountability of Other Maltreatment form5: Code 19.3--General Maltreatment: Parent Problem
1703 OTM6_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Other Maltreatment form6: code 19.4--General Maltreatment: Unspecified/ Other
1704 OTM6_CNTBLCountability of Other Maltreatment form6: code 19.4--General Maltreatment: Unspecified/ Other
1705 CHEM_PA_ROLEPerson A either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
1706 CHEM_PA_ALCPerson A alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1707 CHEM_PA_DRGPerson A drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1708 CHEM_PA_MNTPerson A mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1709 CHEM_PA_PERPRELATPerson A - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
1710 CHEM_PA_RESPPerson A degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
1711 CHEM_PB_ROLEPerson B either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
1712 CHEM_PB_ALCPerson B alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1713 CHEM_PB_DRGPerson B drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1714 CHEM_PB_MNTPerson B mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1715 CHEM_PB_PERPRELATPerson B - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
1716 CHEM_PB_RESPPerson B degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
1717 CHEM_OIP1_ROLEOther Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
1718 CHEM_OIP1_ALCOther Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1719 CHEM_OIP1_DRGOther Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1720 CHEM_OIP1_MNTOther Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1721 CHEM_OIP1_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
1722 CHEM_OIP1_RESPOther Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
1723 CHEM_OIP2_ROLEOther Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
1724 CHEM_OIP2_ALCOther Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1725 CHEM_OIP2_DRGOther Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1726 CHEM_OIP2_MNTOther Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1727 CHEM_OIP2_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 2 -perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
1728 CHEM_OIP2_RESPOther Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
1729 CHEM_OIP3_ROLEOther Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
1730 CHEM_OIP3_ALCOther Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1731 CHEM_OIP3_DRGOther Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1732 CHEM_OIP3_MNTOther Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1733 CHEM_OIP3_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 3 -perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
1734 CHEM_OIP3_RESPOther Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
1735 CHEM_OIP4_ROLEOther Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
1736 CHEM_OIP4_ALCOther Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1737 CHEM_OIP4_DRGOther Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1738 CHEM_OIP4_MNTOther Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1739 CHEM_OIP4_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
1740 CHEM_OIP4_RESPOther Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
1741 CHEM_OIP5_ROLEOther Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
1742 CHEM_OIP5_ALCOther Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1743 CHEM_OIP5_DRGOther Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1744 CHEM_OIP5_MNTOther Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
1745 CHEM_OIP5_PERPRELATOther Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
1746 CHEM_OIP5_RESPOther Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
1747 CHEM_PINJ1Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from chemical dependency
1748 CHEM_PINJ2Fractured or broken bones from chemical dependency
1749 CHEM_PINJ3Gunshot wounds from chemical dependency
1750 CHEM_PINJ4Intracranial hemorrhages from chemical dependency
1751 CHEM_PINJ5Trauma or injuries to the skull from chemical dependency
1752 CHEM_PINJ6Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from chemical dependency
1753 CHEM_PINJ7Shaken baby syndrome from chemical dependency
1754 CHEM_PINJ8Concussion from chemical dependency
1755 CHEM_PINJ9Spinal cord injuries from chemical dependency
1756 CHEM_PINJ10,Amputations from chemical dependency
1757 CHEM_PINJ11Disfigurements (significant scarring) from chemical dependency
1758 CHEM_PINJ12Injuries that damage internal organs from chemical dependency
1759 CHEM_PINJ13Internal bleeding from chemical dependency
1760 CHEM_PINJ14Near drowning from chemical dependency
1761 CHEM_PINJ15Poisoning from chemical dependency
1762 CHEM_PINJ16Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from chemical dependency
1763 CHEM_PINJ17Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from chemical dependency
1764 CHEM_PINJ18Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from chemical dependency
1765 CHEM_PINJ193rd degree burns from chemical dependency
1766 CHEM_PINJ202nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency
1767 CHEM_PINJ212nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from chemical dependency
1768 CHEM_PINJ221st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency
1769 CHEM_PINJ231st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency
1770 CHEM_PINJ24Cuts and lacerations from chemical dependency
1771 CHEM_PINJ25Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from chemical dependency
1772 CHEM_PINJ26Welts, swelling, or abrasions from chemical dependency
1773 CHEM_PINJ27Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from chemical dependency
1774 CHEM_PINJ28Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from chemical dependency
1775 CHEM_PINJ29Any other physical injuries from chemical dependency
1776 CHEM_PIMO1Illness-related death from chemical dependency
1777 CHEM_PIMO2Death due chemical dependency
1778 CHEM_PIMO3Complications from chemical dependency
1779 CHEM_PIMO4Coma from chemical dependency
1780 CHEM_PIMO5Other loss of consciousness from chemical dependency
1781 CHEM_PIMO6Breathing stopped (suffocation) from chemical dependency
1782 CHEM_PIMO7Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from chemical dependency
1783 CHEM_PIMO8Seizures from chemical dependency
1784 CHEM_PIMO9Malnourished or severely underweight from chemical dependency
1785 CHEM_PIMO10Professionally diagnosed cases of organic from chemical dependency
1786 CHEM_PIMO11Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from chemical dependency
1787 CHEM_PIMO12Impaired vision or eye problems from chemical dependency
1788 CHEM_PIMO13Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from chemical dependency
1789 CHEM_PIMO14Speech impediments from chemical dependency
1790 CHEM_PIMO15Venereal diseases from chemical dependency
1791 CHEM_PIMO16Diaper rash from chemical dependency
1792 CHEM_PIMO17Unexplained developmental delays from chemical dependency
1793 CHEM_PIMO18Lice infestation from chemical dependency
1794 CHEM_PIMO19Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from chemical dependency
1795 CHEM_PIMO20Other health/medical problems or conditions from chemical dependency
1796 CHEM_IMED1Learning disability from chemical dependency
1797 CHEM_IMED2Poor attention span from chemical dependency
1798 CHEM_IMED3Drop in academic performance from chemical dependency
1799 CHEM_IMED4Chronic truancy from chemical dependency
1800 CHEM_IMED5Chronic tardiness from chemical dependency
1801 CHEM_IMED6Non-enrollment in school from chemical dependency
1802 CHEM_IMED7Behavior problems in class from chemical dependency
1803 CHEM_IMED8Other diagnosed educational needs from chemical dependency
1804 CHEM_IMED9Expelled or suspended from school from chemical dependency
1805 CHEM_IMED10Other educational problems from chemical dependency
1806 CHEM_MEEM1Suicide from chemical dependency
1807 CHEM_MEEM2Suicide attempt from chemical dependency
1808 CHEM_MEEM3Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from chemical dependency
1809 CHEM_MEEM4Dangerous level of instability from chemical dependency
1810 CHEM_MEEM5Self-inflicted injury from chemical dependency
1811 CHEM_MEEM6Fearful or distrustful from chemical dependency
1812 CHEM_MEEM7Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from chemical dependency
1813 CHEM_MEEM8Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from chemical dependency
1814 CHEM_MEEM9Fighting from chemical dependency
1815 CHEM_MEEM10Delinquency from chemical dependency
1816 CHEM_MEEM11Prostitution from chemical dependency
1817 CHEM_MEEM12Drug/alcohol abuse from chemical dependency
1818 CHEM_MEEM13Anxiety from chemical dependency
1819 CHEM_MEEM14Depression from chemical dependency
1820 CHEM_MEEM15Withdrawal from chemical dependency
1821 CHEM_MEEM16Psychosis from chemical dependency
1822 CHEM_MEEM17Sexual problems from chemical dependency
1823 CHEM_MEEM18Sleeping disorders from chemical dependency
1824 CHEM_MEEM19Hyperactive activity from chemical dependency
1825 CHEM_MEEM20Aggressive or violent behavior from chemical dependency
1826 CHEM_MEEM21Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from chemical dependency
1827 CHEM_MEEM22Low self-esteem from chemical dependency
1828 CHEM_MEEM23Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from chemical dependency
1829 CHEM_MEEM24Threats of self-destructive behavior from chemical dependency
1830 CHEM_MEEM25Suspected emotional damage from chemical dependency
1831 CHEM_MEEM26Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior from chemical dependency
1832 CHEM_UNKNUnknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from chemical dependency
1833 CHEM_ENDGNo known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from chemical dependency
1834 CHEM_NONENo known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from chemical dependency
1835 CHEM_NATUREPHYSICALNature of injury/harm: Physical injury from chemical dependency
1836 CHEM_NATUREPHYSIMPNature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from chemical dependency
1837 CHEM_NATUREIMPEDNature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from chemical dependency
1838 CHEM_NATUREMENTALNature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from chemical dependency
1839 CHEM_NATUREUNKNOWNNature of injury/harm: Unknown, from chemical dependency
1840 CHEM_NATUREINJURYENDNature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from chemical dependency
1841 CHEM_NATUREINJURYNOTENDNature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from chemical dependency
1842 CHEM_MOSTSEVERESeverity of injury/harm from chemical dependency
1843 CHEM_CODEDSEVERITYSeverity of Chemically Dependent Newborns: Code 20.2
1844 CHEM_CNTBLCountability of Chemically Dependent Newborns: Code 20.2

Label: Child's unique identification number
Number: 1
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 1-5



The following section describes countability variables associated with the NIS-4.

Note: Each maltreatment's countability was automatically derived based on the evaluatively coded decisions for the required elements in the countability criteria for each standard (Harm and Endangerment).

Therefore, the variables CASEHARMCOUNTABILITY, CASEENDCOUNTABILITY, ENDCOUNTABILITY and HARMCOUNTABILITY appear but are not documented in the explanatory text that follows.

Label: Endangerment Standard countable child
Number: 2
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 6
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Child's maltreatment(s) met the Endangerment Standard countability
criteria (AMALE = 1),


If AABUSEE = 1 or ANEGE = 1 or OTHMALE = 1 then AMALE = 1
else AMALE = 0

Frequency Code Description
286 0 No
12408 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.98
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Harm Standard countable child
Number: 3
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 7
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Child's maltreatment(s) met the Harm Standard countability
criteria (AMALH = 1),


If AABUSEH = 1 or ANEGH = 1 then AMALH = 1
else AMALH = 0

Frequency Code Description
7468 0 No
5226 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.41
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Label: Endangerment Standard Neglect
Number: 4
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 8
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was neglect
that met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (ANEGE = 1).


If PNE = 1 or EDNE = 1 or ENE = 1 or OTHNEGE = 1 then ANEGE = 1
else ANEGE = 0

Frequency Code Description
3781 0 Not countable as neglected under Endangerment Standard
8913 1 Countable as neglected under Endangerment Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.70
Standard Deviation: 0.46

Label: Harm Standard Neglect
Number: 5
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 9
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was neglect
that met the Harm Standard countability criteria (ANEGH = 1),

Input Items: PNH, EDNH, ENH

If PNH = 1 or EDNH = 1 or ENH = 1 then ANEGH = 1
else ANEGH = 0

Frequency Code Description
10234 0 Not countable as neglected under Harm Standard
2460 1 Countable as neglected under Harm Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.19
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Label: Endangerment Standard Abuse
Number: 6
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 10
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was abuse
that met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria
(AABUSEE = 1).

Input Items: PAE, SAE, EAE

If PAE = 1 or SAE = 1 or EAE = 1 then AABUSEE = 1
else AABUSEE = 0

Frequency Code Description
8215 0 Not countable as abused under Endangerment Standard
4479 1 Countable as abused under Endangerment Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.35
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Harm Standard Abuse
Number: 7
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 11
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was abuse
that met the Harm Standard countability criteria (AABUSEH = 1).

Input Items: PAH, SAH, EAH

If PAH = 1 or SAH = 1 or EAH = 1 then AABUSEH = 1
else AABUSEH = 0

Frequency Code Description
9541 0 Not countable as abused under Harm Standard
3153 1 Countable as abused under Harm Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Name: EAE
Label: Endangerment Standard Emotional Abuse
Number: 8
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 12
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was Emotional
abuse form codes
'5.1 Close Confinement: Tying and Binding' = EMA1_CNTBL
'5.2 Close Confinement: Other' = EMA2_CNTBL,
'6.1 Verbal Assaults or Emotional Assault = EMA3_CNTBL,
'6.2 Threats of Sexual Abuse' = EMA4_CNTBL,
'6.3 Threats of Other Maltreatment' = EMA5_CNTBL,
'7.1 Terrorizing a Child' = EMA6_CNTBL,
'7.2 Administering unprescribed substances' = EMA7_CNTBL, and/or
'7.3 Other or Unknown Abuse' = EMA8_CNTBL)
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (EAE =1).



If EMA1_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMA2_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMA3_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMA4_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMA5_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMA6_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMA7_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMA8_CNTBL in (1,2) then EAE = 1 ;
else EAE = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
11386 0 Not countable as emotionally abused under Endangerment Standard
1308 1 Countable as emotionally abused under Endangerment Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Name: EAH
Label: Harm Standard Emotional Abuse
Number: 9
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 13
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was Emotional
abuse form codes
'5.1 Close Confinement: Tying and Binding' = EMA1_CNTBL
'5.2 Close Confinement: Other' = EMA2_CNTBL,
'6.1 Verbal Assaults or Emotional Assault = EMA3_CNTBL,
'6.2 Threats of Sexual Abuse' = EMA4_CNTBL,
'6.3 Threats of Other Maltreatment' = EMA5_CNTBL,
'7.1 Terrorizing a Child' = EMA6_CNTBL,
'7.2 Administering unprescribed substances' = EMA7_CNTBL, and/or
'7.3 Other or Unknown Abuse' = EMA8_CNTBL)
and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (EAH =1).



If EMA1_CNTBL =1 or
EMA4_CNTBL =1 or
EMA6_CNTBL =1 or
EMA8_CNTBL =1, then EAH = 1 ;
else EAH = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
12033 0 Not countable as emotionally abused under Harm Standard
661 1 Countable as emotionally abused under Harm Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Name: EDNE
Label: Endangerment Standard Educational Neglect
Number: 10
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 14
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Sexual abuse form codes
'13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy' = EDN1_CNTBL
'13.2--Other Truancy' = EDN2_CNTBL,
'14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll' = EDN3_CNTBL,
14.2--Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to
Diagnosed Educational Need' = EDN4_CNTBL,
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (EDNE =1).



If EDN1_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EDN2_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EDN3_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EDN4_CNTBL in (1,2) then EDNE = 1 ;
else EDNE = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
11907 0 Not countable as educationally neglected under Endangerment Standard
787 1 Countable as educationally neglected under Endangerment Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Name: EDNH
Label: Harm Standard Educational Neglect
Number: 11
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 15
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Sexual abuse form codes
'13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy' = EDN1_CNTBL
'13.2--Other Truancy' = EDN2_CNTBL,
'14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll' = EDN3_CNTBL,
14.2--Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to
Diagnosed Educational Need' = EDN4_CNTBL,
and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (EDNH =1).



If EDN1_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EDN2_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EDN3_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EDN4_CNTBL in (1,2) then EDNH = 1 ;
else EDNH = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
11907 0 Not countable as educationally neglected under Harm Standard
787 1 Countable as educationally neglected under Harm Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Name: ENE
Label: Endangerment Standard Emotional Neglect
Number: 12
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 16
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
emotional neglect form codes
'15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection' = EMN1_CNTBL
'15.2--Domestic Violence' = EMN2_CNTBL,
'16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse' = EMN3_CNTBL,
'16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior' = EMN4_CNTBL,
'17.1--Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed
Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem' = EMn5_CNTBL,
'17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral
/ Problem' = EMN6_CNTBL,
'17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness' = EMN7_CNTBL,
'17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure' = EMN8_CNTBL,
'17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced
Expectations' = EMN9_CNTBL)
'17.6--Other Emotional Neglect: Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and
Environments' = EMN10_CNTBL,
'17.7--Other Emotional Neglect: Other Inattention to Developmental/
Emotional Needs' = EMN11_CNTBL,
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (ENE =1).



If EMN1_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMN2_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMN3_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMN4_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMN5_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMN6_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMN7_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMN8_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMN9_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMN10_CNTBL in (1,2) or
EMN11_CNTBL in (1,2) then ENE = 1 ;
else ENE = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
7541 0 Not countable as emotionally neglected under Endangerment Standard
5153 1 Countable as emotionally neglected under Endangerment Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.41
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Name: ENH
Label: Harm Standard Emotional Neglect
Number: 13
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 17
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
emotional neglect form codes
'15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection' = EMN1_CNTBL
'15.2--Domestic Violence' = EMN2_CNTBL,
'16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse' = EMN3_CNTBL,
'16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior' = EMN4_CNTBL,
'17.1--Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed
Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem' = EMn5_CNTBL,
'17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral
/ Problem' = EMN6_CNTBL,
'17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness' = EMN7_CNTBL,
'17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure' = EMN8_CNTBL,
'17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced
Expectations' = EMN9_CNTBL)
'17.6--Other Emotional Neglect: Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and
Environments' = EMN10_CNTBL,
'17.7--Other Emotional Neglect: Other Inattention to Developmental/
Emotional Needs' = EMN11_CNTBL,
and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (ENH =1).



If EMN1_CNTBL =1 or
EMN2_CNTBL =1 or
EMN3_CNTBL =1 or
EMN4_CNTBL =1 or
EMN5_CNTBL =1 or
EMN6_CNTBL =1 or
EMN7_CNTBL =1 or
EMN8_CNTBL =1 or
EMN9_CNTBL =1 or
EMN10_CNTBL =1 or
EMN11_CNTBL =1, then ENH = 1 ;
else ENH = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
11959 0 Not countable as emotionally neglected under Harm Standard
735 1 Countable as emotionally neglected under Harm Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Endangerment Standard Other Maltreatment
Number: 14
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 18
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
other maltreatment (general maltreatment, acts not specified)
'19.2 Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues' = OTM4_CNTBL
'19.3 Parent Problem' = OTM5_CNTBL
'19.4 General Maltreatment: Unspecified Other' = OTM6_CNTBL
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (OTHMALE = 1).



If OTM4_CNTBL in (1,2) or
OTM5_CNTBL in (1,2) or
OTM6_CNTBL n (1,2) then OTHMALE = 1
else OTHMALE = 0

Frequency Code Description
11467 0 No
1227 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Label: Endangerment Standard Other Neglect
Number: 15
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 19
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
other neglect (general neglect, acts not specified)
'18.1 Lack of Preventive Health Care' = OTM1_CNTBL
'18.2 Unspecified Neglect Allegations' = OTM2_CNTBL
'19.1 Custody/Child Support Problems' = OTM3_CNTBL
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria
(OTHNEGE = 1).



If OTM4_CNTBL in (1,2) or
OTM5_CNTBL in (1,2) or
OTM6_CNTBL n (1,2) then OTHNEGE = 1
else OTHNEGE = 0

Frequency Code Description
12279 0 No
415 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Name: PAE
Label: Endangerment Standard Physical Abuse
Number: 16
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 20
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Physical abuse form codes
'04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop' = PHA1_CNTBL
'04.2--Hit with Hand' = PHA2_CNTBL,
'04.3--Hit with Object' = PHA3_CNTBL,
'04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull' = PHA4_CNTBL,
'04.5--Punch, Kick' = PHA5_CNTBL,
'04.6--Other Physical Abuse' = PHA6_CNTBL,
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (PAE =1).



If PHA1_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHA2_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHA3_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHA4_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHA5_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHA6_CNTBL in (1,2) then PAE = 1 ;
else PAE = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
9959 0 Not countable as physically abused under Endangerment Standard
2735 1 Countable as physically abused under Endangerment Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.22
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Name: PAH
Label: Harm Standard Physical Abuse
Number: 17
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 21
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Physical abuse form codes
'04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop' = PHA1_CNTBL
'04.2--Hit with Hand' = PHA2_CNTBL,
'04.3--Hit with Object' = PHA3_CNTBL,
'04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull' = PHA4_CNTBL,
'04.5--Punch, Kick' = PHA5_CNTBL,
'04.6--Other Physical Abuse' = PHA6_CNTBL,
and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (PAH =1).



If PHA1_CNTBL =1 or
PHA2_CNTBL =1 or
PHA3_CNTBL i=1 or
PHA4_CNTBL =1 or
PHA6_CNTBL =1, then PAH = 1 ;
else PAH = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
10689 0 Not countable as physically abused under Harm Standard
2005 1 Countable as physically abused under Harm Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Name: PNE
Label: Endangerment Standard Physical Neglect
Number: 18
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 22
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Physical neglect form codes
'08.0--Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed
Condition or Impairment ' = PHN1_CNTBL
'09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care' = PHN2_CNTBL,
'10.1--Refusal of Custody/ Abandonment ' = PHN3_CNTBL,
'10.2--Other Refusal of Custody' = PHN4_CNTBL,
'10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody' = PHN5_CNTBL,
'10.4--Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody
Arrangements' = PHN6_CNTBL,
'11.0--Inadequate Supervision' = PHN7_CNTBL,
'12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition' = PHN8_CNTBL,
'12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene' =
'12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing' = PHN10_CNTBL,
'12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter' = PHN11_CNTBL,
'12.5--Other Physical Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of
Childs Physical Needs and Physical Safety' = PHN12_CNTBL,
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (PNE =1).



If PHN1_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHN2_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHN3_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHN4_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHN5_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHN6_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHN7_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHN8_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHN9_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHN10_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHN11_CNTBL in (1,2) or
PHN12_CNTBL in (1,2) then PNE = 1 ;
else PNE = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
8039 0 Not countable as physically neglected under Endangerment Standard
4655 1 Countable as physically neglected under Endangerment Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.37
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Name: PNH
Label: Harm Standard Physical Neglect
Number: 19
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 23
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Physical neglect form codes
'08.0--Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed
Condition or Impairment ' = PHN1_CNTBL
'09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care' = PHN2_CNTBL,
'10.1--Refusal of Custody/ Abandonment ' = PHN3_CNTBL,
'10.2--Other Refusal of Custody' = PHN4_CNTBL,
'10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody' = PHN5_CNTBL,
'10.4--Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody
Arrangements' = PHN6_CNTBL,
'11.0--Inadequate Supervision' = PHN7_CNTBL,
'12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition' = PHN8_CNTBL,
'12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene' =
'12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing' = PHN10_CNTBL,
'12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter' = PHN11_CNTBL,
'12.5--Other Physical Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of
Childs Physical Needs and Physical Safety' = PHN12_CNTBL,
and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (PNH =1).



If PHN1_CNTBL =1 or
PHN2_CNTBL =1 or
PHN3_CNTBL =1 or
PHN4_CNTBL =1 or
PHN5_CNTBL =1 or
PHN6_CNTBL =1 or
PHN7_CNTBL =1 or
PHN8_CNTBL =1 or
PHN9_CNTBL =1 or
PHN10_CNTBL =1 or
PHN11_CNTBL =1 or
PHN12_CNTBL =1, then PNH = 1 ;
else PNH = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
11494 0 Not countable as physically neglected under Harm Standard
1200 1 Countable as physically neglected under Harm Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Name: SAE
Label: Endangerment Standard Sexual Abuse
Number: 20
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 24
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Sexual abuse form codes
'01.1--Any Intrusion Sex' = SXA1_CNTBL
'01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force' = SXA2_CNTBL,
'01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with
intrusion ' = SXA3_CNTBL,
'02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact' = SXA4_CNTBL,
'03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism' = SXA5_CNTBL,
'03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials' = SXA6_CNTBL,
'03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion)' =
'03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity' =
'103.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact' =
'03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse' = SXA10_CNTBL,
'and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (SAE =1).



If SXA1_CNTBL in (1,2) or
SXA2_CNTBL in (1,2) or
SXA3_CNTBL in (1,2) or
SXA4_CNTBL in (1,2) or
SXA5_CNTBL in (1,2) or
SXA6_CNTBL in (1,2) or
SXA7_CNTBL in (1,2) or
SXA8_CNTBL in (1,2) or
SXA9_CNTBL in (1,2) or
SXA10_CNTBL in (1,2) then SAE = 1 ;
else SAE = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
11602 0 Not countable as sexually abused under Endangerment Standard
1092 1 Countable as sexually abused under Endangerment Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Name: SAH
Label: Harm Standard Sexual Abuse
Number: 21
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 25
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Sexual abuse form codes
'01.1--Any Intrusion Sex' = SXA1_CNTBL
'01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force' = SXA2_CNTBL,
'01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with
intrusion ' = SXA3_CNTBL,
'02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact' = SXA4_CNTBL,
'03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism' = SXA5_CNTBL,
'03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials' = SXA6_CNTBL,
'03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion)' =
'03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity' =
'103.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact' =
'03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse' = SXA10_CNTBL,
'and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (SAH =1).



If SXA1_CNTBL =1 or
SXA2_CNTBL =1 or
SXA3_CNTBL =1 or
SXA4_CNTBL =1 or
SXA5_CNTBL =1 or
SXA6_CNTBL =1 or
SXA7_CNTBL =1 or
SXA8_CNTBL =1 or
SXA9_CNTBL =1 or
SXA10_CNTBL =1, then SAH = 1 ;
else SAH = 0 ;

Frequency Code Description
11905 0 Not countable as sexually abused under Harm Standard
789 1 Countable as sexually abused under Harm Standard

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Name: CPSE
Label: Endangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated child's maltreatment
Number: 22
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 26
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Child's maltreatment(s) met the Endangerment Standard countability
criteria and CPS investigated the child's maltreatment(s) (CPSE = 1).

Input Items: CPSROL, AMALE

If (CPSROL =1 or CPSROL = 8) and AMALE = 1 then CPSE = 1
else CPSE = 0

Frequency Code Description
3661 0 Child was not countable as maltreated under the Endangerment Standard and/or CPS did not investigate the child's maltreatment
9033 1 Child was countable as maltreated under the Endangerment Standard and CPS investigated the child's maltreatment

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.71
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Endangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated in all four months
Number: 23
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 27
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Child's maltreatment(s) met the Endangerment Standard countability
criteria and CPS investigated the child's maltreatment(s) in all three
months of the study period and in the month following the end of the
study period (CPSEALL = 1),

Input Items: CPSE, CPSE_XM

If CPSE = 1 or CPSE_XM = 1 then CPSEALL = 1
else CPSEALL = 0

Frequency Code Description
3611 0 No
9083 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.72
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Endangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated in the extra month
Number: 24
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 28
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Child's maltreatment(s) met the Endangerment Standard countability
criteria and CPS investigated child's maltreatment(s) in the month
following the end of the study period (CPSE_XM = 1).

Input Items: AMALE

Determine CPS investigation of the child's maltreatment for the
extra month cases (CPSROLXM)

If AMALE = 1 and (CPSROLXM = 1 or CPSROLXM = 8) then CPSE_XM = 1
else CPSE_XM = 0

Frequency Code Description
12617 0 No
77 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Name: CPSH
Label: Harm Standard countable child and CPS investigated child's maltreatment
Number: 25
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 29
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Child's maltreatment(s) met the Harm Standard countability criteria
and CPS investigated child's maltreatment(s) (CPSH = 1).

Input Items: CPSROL, AMALH

If (CPSROL = 1 or CPSROL = 8) and AMALH = 1 then CPSH = 1
else CPSH = 0

Frequency Code Description
9326 0 Child was not countable as maltreated under the Harm Standard and/or CPS did not investigate the child's maltreatment
3368 1 Child was countable as maltreated under the Harm Standard and CPS investigated the child's maltreatment

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.27
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Harm Standard countable child and CPS investigated maltreatment in all four months
Number: 26
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 30
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Child's maltreatment(s) met the Harm Standard countability
criteria and CPS investigated the child's maltreatment(s) in
all three months of the study period and in the month following
the end of the study period (CPSHALL = 1).

Input Items: CPSH, CPSH_XM

If (CPSH = 1 or CPSH_XM = 1) then CPSHALL = 1
else CPSHALL = 0

Frequency Code Description
9301 0 No
3393 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.27
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Harm Standard countable child and CPS investigated in the extra month
Number: 27
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 31
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Child's maltreatment(s) met the Harm Standard countability
criteria and CPS investigated child's maltreatment(s) in the
month following the end of the study period (CPSH_XM = 1).

Input Items: AMALH

Determine CPS investigation of the child's maltreatment for the
extra month cases (CPSROLXM)

If AMALH = 1 and (CPSROLXM = 1 or CPSROLXM = 8) then CPSH_XM = 1
else CPSH_XM = 0

Frequency Code Description
12651 0 No
43 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: CPS Investigation of the Child's Maltreatment
Number: 28
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 32
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


CPS investigated child's maltreatment.

The child was reported to the study on a CPS Summary Data Form
and/or a CPS Maltreatment Data Form and at least one or more of the
following conditions was true:
1) The CPS Summary Data form reported the child as an alleged victim.
2) The CPS Maltreatment Data form reported the child as an alleged
victim and/or a substantiated/indicated victim.
3) The child's victim status was evaluatively coded as alleged victim
substantiated/indicated victim.
4). From the data reported, it could not be determined whether
CPS investigated the child's maltreatment.
5) The child's maltreatment was Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countable; therefore, the child was countable.

Input Items: Not included in Public Use File
CPS Summary Data Form -- Alleged Victiim checked.
CPS Maltreatment Data Form:
Question 25 -- 'The report alleged that the child was a
victim of maltreatment? Yes, No, Unknown/Not Available'
Queston 26 -- 'The investigation substantiated that the child
was a victim of maltreatment? Yes, No, Unknown/Not Available'
Evaluatively coded Child Victim Status:
'1 -- Alleged Victim'
'2 -- Substantiated/Indicated Victim'
'3 -- Not a Victim'
Harm Standard Countability (HARMCOUNTABILITY and
Endangerment Standard Countabiliy (ENDCOUNTABILITY
Child's County of Residence

This variable was not derived from variables included in the Public
Use file.
If child was reported on a CPS Summary Data form or
a CPS Maltreatment Data form and
Child was an alleged victim = '1 -- yes' or
child was a substantiated/indicated victim = '1 -- yes' or
Child's coded status was either '1 -- alleged victim' or
'2 -- substantiated or indicated victim' or child's
Harm Standard countability was 'very probable',
'probable' or 'probable, except for time
of occurrence' or child's Endangerment
countability was 'very probable', 'probable' or 'probable,
except for time of occurrence' then
else if child's alleged victim = '0 -- no' and
child was substantiated/indicated = '0 -- no'
or child's coded victim status = '3 --
not a victim' then CPSROL = 2
else CPSROL = '8 -- Not determined whether CPS
investigated child's maltreatment'
If not determined whether CPS investigated the child's
maltreatment and the child was not living in a NIS-4 County,
then CPSROL = 9
If child was reported on a Sentinel Data form only
(no CPS data form), then CPSROL = BLANK

Frequency Code Description
8997 1 CPS Investigated this child's maltreatment
11 2 CPS did not investigate this child's maltreatment
256 8 Not determined whether CPS investigated this child's maltreatment
453 9 Children on sentinel form only not living in a NIS-4 county
2977 BLANK No CPS data form for the child

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Endangerment Standard maltreatment not investigated by CPS
Number: 29
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 33
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Child's maltreatment(s) met the Endangerment Standard countability
criteria but CPS did not investigate child's maltreatment(s)
(NCPSE = 1).

Input Items: CPSROL, AMALE

If CPSROL not in (1,8) and AMALE = 1 then NCPSE = 1
else NCPSE = 0

Frequency Code Description
9319 0 Child was not countable as maltreated under the Endangerment Standard and/or CPS investigated the child's maltreatment
3375 1 Child was countable as maltreated under the Endangerment Standard and CPS did not investigate the child's maltreatment

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.27
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Harm Standard maltreatment not investigated by CPS
Number: 30
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 34
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Child's maltreatment(s) met the Harm Standard countability
criteria but CPS did not investigate child's maltreatment(s)
(NCPSH = 1).

Input Items: CPSROL, AMALH

If CPSROL not in (1,8) and AMALH = 1 then NCPSH = 1
else NCPSH = 0

Frequency Code Description
10836 0 Child was not countable as maltreated under the Harm Standard and/or CPS investigated the child's maltreatment
1858 1 Child was countable as maltreated under the Harm Standard and CPS did not investigate the child's maltreatment

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Recognition source
Number: 31
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 35-36


Recognition Source code categorizes the agency or person(s) who
recognized the child as maltreated.

It was derived from source of report to CPS and the Sentinel agencies
reporting to the study.

Frequency Code Description
575 1 Court, probation
3059 2 County sheriff, state/municipal police
374 3 Public health
2161 4 Hospital
2821 5 School
149 6 Daycare
480 7 Mental health
369 8 Social services
332 9 Shelter (domestic violence of runaway youth)
39 10 Public housing agency
347 11 Other unit of DSS/Welfare Department in other state or county
195 12 Other agency or professional not represented among NIS non-CPS sentinels
1726 13 General public (including self, family member, relative, and anonymous)
67 99 Unknown

Missing Data Code: 99

Label: School flag
Number: 32
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 37

Frequency Code Description
9674 0 No
3020 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.24
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: No Person A on form
Number: 33
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 38
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


No Person A (Parent in the home or person with primary child care
responsibilities living in the home) was reported on the form.

Frequency Code Description
12681 0 No
13 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.03

Label: No Person B on form
Number: 34
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 39
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


No Person B (Person A's spouse or partner living in the home or
other person with child care responsibilities living in the home) was
reported on the form.

Frequency Code Description
8698 0 No
3996 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.31
Standard Deviation: 0.46

Label: No Other Involved Person 1 on form
Number: 35
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 40
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


No Other Involved Person 1 (other person who maltreated or permitted
maltreatment) was reported on the form.

Frequency Code Description
4164 0 No
8530 1 Yes

Label: No Other Involved Person 2 on form
Number: 36
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 41
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


No Other Involved Person 2 (other person who maltreated or permitted
maltreatment) was reported on the form.

Frequency Code Description
452 0 No
12242 1 Yes

Label: No Other Involved Person 3 on form
Number: 37
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 42
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


No OIther Involved Person 3 (other person who maltreated or permitted
maltreatment) was reported on the form.

Frequency Code Description
97 0 No
12597 1 Yes

Label: No Other Involved Person 4 on form
Number: 38
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 43
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


No Other Involved Person 4 (other person who maltreated or permitted
maltreatment) was reported on the form.

Frequency Code Description
20 0 No
12674 1 Yes

Label: No Other Involved Person 5 on form
Number: 39
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 44
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


No Other Involved Person 5 (other person who maltreated or permitted
maltreatment) was reported on the form.

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
12689 1 Yes


PERSON A (Parent in Home)

Label: Person A primary caregiver in home
Number: 40
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 45
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person A is the parent living in the home or the person with
primary child care responsibility in the home.

Frequency Code Description
11913 1 Parent living in home
617 2 Person with primary child care responsibility living in home
151 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Name: PA_AGE
Label: Person A age in years
Number: 41
Type: Numeric
Width: 3
Decimals: 0
Location: 46-48
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Code Description
998 Not ascertained
999 Unknown
BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 998,999,BLANK

Valid: 11292
Minimum: 14.00
Maximum: 77.00
Mean: 33.58
Standard Deviation: 8.88

Name: PA_SEX
Label: Person A sex
Number: 42
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 49
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1887 1 Male
10702 2 Female
92 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Person A living arrangement
Number: 43
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 50
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5104 1 A single parent/person
4185 2 Living with spouse
2261 3 Living with unmarried partner
33 4 Other
145 8 Not ascertained
953 9 Unknown
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: PA_EMP
Label: Person A employment status at time of maltreatment
Number: 44
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 51
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2707 1 Employed full-time
644 2 Employed part-time
221 3 Employed
381 4 Temporarily unemployed
2260 5 Not in the labor force
14 6 Unemployed and looking for work
9 7 Active duty military
27 8 Not ascertained
6418 9 Unknown
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Person A past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
Number: 45
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 52
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person A was employed full-time in the past year.

Frequency Code Description
10258 0 No
1502 1 Yes
921 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 11760
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Label: Person A past employment: Employed part-time
Number: 46
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 53
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person A was employed part-time in the past year.

Frequency Code Description
11257 0 No
503 1 Yes
921 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 11760
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Person A past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
Number: 47
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 54
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person A unemployed and looking for work in the past year.

Frequency Code Description
10904 0 No
856 1 Yes
921 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 11760
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Person A past employment: Active duty military
Number: 48
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 55
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person A on active military duty in past year.

Frequency Code Description
11740 0 No
20 1 Yes
921 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 11760
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Person A past employment: Other
Number: 49
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 56
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person A's other specified employment in the past year.

Frequency Code Description
10963 0 No
797 1 Yes
921 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 11760
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Person A past employment: Unknown/not available
Number: 50
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 57
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person A's employment status in past year was unknown or
not available.

Frequency Code Description
3511 0 No
8249 1 Yes
921 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 11760
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.70
Standard Deviation: 0.46

Label: Person A educational level
Number: 51
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 58
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
899 1 Did not complete high school
1029 2 Completed high school
347 3 Some education beyond high school
96 4 Completed college (bachelor's degree)
31 5 Completed advanced degree
0 6 No parents present
216 8 Not ascertained
10063 9 Unknown
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Person A ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
Number: 52
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 59
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7603 0 No
2423 1 Yes
349 8 Not ascertained
2306 9 Unknown
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 10026
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.24
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Person A ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
Number: 53
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 60
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
4994 0 No
1248 1 Yes
1101 8 Not ascertained
5338 9 Unknown
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 6242
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Label: Person A ethnicity: Other specify
Number: 54
Type: Character
Width: 43
Location: 61-103
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories

Label: Person A race: American Indian or Alaska Native
Number: 55
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 104
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12184 0 No
353 1 Yes
144 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12537
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Person A race: Asian
Number: 56
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 105
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12394 0 No
143 1 Yes
144 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12537
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Person A race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Number: 57
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 106
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12470 0 No
67 1 Yes
144 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12537
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Label: Person A race: Black or African American
Number: 58
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 107
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
9602 0 No
2935 1 Yes
144 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12537
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.23
Standard Deviation: 0.42

Label: Person A race: White
Number: 59
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 108
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5814 0 No
6723 1 Yes
144 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12537
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.54
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Person A race: Other
Number: 60
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 109
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person A's race was other specified.

Frequency Code Description
11681 0 No
856 1 Yes
144 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12537
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Person A race: other specified
Number: 61
Type: Character
Width: 27
Location: 110-136
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories

Label: Person A race: Unknown
Number: 62
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 137
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person A's race was unknown or not available.

Frequency Code Description
10826 0 No
1711 1 Yes
144 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12537
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.34

PERSON B (Person A's Spouse/Partner)

Label: Person B living in home
Number: 63
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 138
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person B is Person A's spouse or partner living in the home or an
other person with child care responsibilities living in the home.

Frequency Code Description
6347 1 Person A's Spouse/Partner living in home (preferred)
887 2 Other person with child care responsibility living in home
515 3 Neither (there is no person B)
81 8 Not ascertained
4856 9 Unknown
8 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: PB_AGE
Label: Person B age in years
Number: 64
Type: Numeric
Width: 3
Decimals: 0
Location: 139-141
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Code Description
998 Not ascertained
999 Unknown
BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 998,999,BLANK

Valid: 6294
Minimum: 12.00
Maximum: 86.00
Mean: 35.77
Standard Deviation: 10.12

Name: PB_SEX
Label: Person B sex
Number: 65
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 142
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5536 1 Male
1792 2 Female
1370 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Person B relationship to Person A
Number: 66
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 143-144
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person B's relationship to Person A (the parent living in the home or
to the
caregiver with primary child care responsibility living in the home).

Frequency Code Description
4167 1 Spouse
2247 2 Unmarried live-in partner
40 3 Roomer/boarder/housemate/roommate
380 4 Parent
69 5 Sibling
76 6 Son or daughter
7 7 In-law
132 8 Other relative
80 9 Other non-relative
1286 98 Not ascertained
214 99 Unknown
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 98,99,BLANK

Name: PB_EMP
Label: Person B employment status at time of maltreatment
Number: 67
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 145
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2149 1 Employed full-time
230 2 Employed part-time
114 3 Employed
82 4 Temporarily unemployed
902 5 Not in the labor force
34 6 Unemployed and looking for work
5 7 Active duty military
0 8 Not ascertained
3882 9 Unknown
5296 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Person B past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
Number: 68
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 146
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person B was employed full-time in the past year.

Frequency Code Description
5721 0 No
1211 1 Yes
1766 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 6932
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Label: Person B past employment: Employed part-time
Number: 69
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 147
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person B's was employed part-time in the past year.

Frequency Code Description
6739 0 No
193 1 Yes
1766 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 6932
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Person B past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
Number: 70
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 148
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person B was unemployed and looking for work in the past year.

Frequency Code Description
6634 0 No
298 1 Yes
1766 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 6932
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Person B past employment: Active duty military
Number: 71
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 149
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person B was on active military duty in the past year.

Frequency Code Description
6904 0 No
28 1 Yes
1766 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 6932
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Person B past employment: Other
Number: 72
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 150
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person B's other specified employment in the past year.

Frequency Code Description
6670 0 No
262 1 Yes
1766 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 6932
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Label: Person B past employment: Unknown/not available
Number: 73
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 151
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person B's employment in the past year was unknown or not available.

Frequency Code Description
1943 0 No
4989 1 Yes
1766 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 6932
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.72
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Person B educational level
Number: 74
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 152
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
353 1 Did not complete high school
508 2 Completed high school
118 3 Some education beyond high school
53 4 Completed college (bachelor's degree)
17 5 Completed advanced degree
0 6 No parents present
1419 8 Not ascertained
6230 9 Unknown
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Person B ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
Number: 75
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 153
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
4023 0 No
1514 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
1679 9 Unknown
5478 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 5537
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.27
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Person B ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
Number: 76
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 154
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2784 0 No
627 1 Yes
1965 8 Not ascertained
3322 9 Unknown
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 3411
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.18
Standard Deviation: 0.39

Label: Person B ethnicity: Other specify
Number: 77
Type: Character
Width: 30
Location: 155-184
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable PB_NONHISPOTH

Label: Person B race: American Indian or Alaska Native
Number: 78
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 185
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7183 0 No
174 1 Yes
1341 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7357
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Person B race: Asian
Number: 79
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 186
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7259 0 No
98 1 Yes
1341 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7357
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Person B race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Number: 80
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 187
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7307 0 No
50 1 Yes
1341 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7357
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Person B race: Black or African American
Number: 81
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 188
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
6089 0 No
1268 1 Yes
1341 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7357
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Label: Person B race: White
Number: 82
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 189
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3450 0 No
3907 1 Yes
1341 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7357
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.53
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Person B race: Other
Number: 83
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 190
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person B's race was other specified.

Frequency Code Description
6862 0 No
495 1 Yes
1341 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7357
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Person B race: Other specified
Number: 84
Type: Character
Width: 28
Location: 191-218
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable PB_OTHERRACE

Label: Person B race: Unknown
Number: 85
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 219
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Person B's race is unknown or not available.

Frequency Code Description
5852 0 No
1538 1 Yes
1341 8 Not ascertained
3963 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7390
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.21
Standard Deviation: 0.41

OTHER INVOLVED PERSON Other person who maltreated or permitted maltreatment

Name: OIP_AGE1
Label: Other Involved Person 1 age
Number: 86
Type: Numeric
Width: 3
Decimals: 0
Location: 220-222
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Code Description
998 Not ascertained
999 Unknown
BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 998,999,BLANK

Valid: 2400
Minimum: 2.00
Maximum: 85.00
Mean: 31.65
Standard Deviation: 13.71

Name: OIP_AGE2
Label: Other Involved Person 2 age
Number: 87
Type: Numeric
Width: 3
Decimals: 0
Location: 223-225
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Code Description
998 Not ascertained
999 Unknown
BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 998,999,BLANK

Valid: 172
Minimum: 4.00
Maximum: 73.00
Mean: 30.07
Standard Deviation: 15.90

Name: OIP_AGE3
Label: Other Involved Person 3 age
Number: 88
Type: Numeric
Width: 3
Decimals: 0
Location: 226-228
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Code Description
998 Not ascertained
999 Unknown
BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 998,999,BLANK

Valid: 39
Minimum: 6.00
Maximum: 72.00
Mean: 32.87
Standard Deviation: 18.35

Name: OIP_AGE4
Label: Other Involved Person 4 age
Number: 89
Type: Numeric
Width: 3
Decimals: 0
Location: 229-231
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Code Description
998 Not ascertained
999 Unknown
BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 998,999,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 14.00
Maximum: 56.00
Mean: 34.00
Standard Deviation: 15.03

Name: OIP_AGE5
Label: Other Involved Person 5 age
Number: 90
Type: Numeric
Width: 3
Decimals: 0
Location: 232-234
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Code Description
998 Not ascertained
999 Unknown
BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 998,999,BLANK

Valid: 0

Name: OIP_SEX1
Label: Other Involved Person 1 sex
Number: 91
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 235
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2282 1 Male
996 2 Female
886 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: OIP_SEX2
Label: Other Involved Person 2 sex
Number: 92
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 236
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
249 1 Male
170 2 Female
33 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: OIP_SEX3
Label: Other Involved Person 3 sex
Number: 93
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 237
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
66 1 Male
21 2 Female
10 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: OIP_SEX4
Label: Other Involved Person 4 sex
Number: 94
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 238
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
16 1 Male
0 2 Female
4 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: OIP_SEX5
Label: Other Involved Person 5 sex
Number: 95
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 239
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Male
1 2 Female
2 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event
Number: 96
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 240
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1755 0 No
1179 1 Yes
738 8 Not ascertained
492 9 Unknown
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 2934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.40
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Label: Other Involved Person 2 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event
Number: 97
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 241
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
157 0 No
154 1 Yes
6 8 Not ascertained
135 9 Unknown
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 311
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.50
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Other Involved Person 3 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event
Number: 98
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 242
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
32 0 No
23 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
42 9 Unknown
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 55
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.42
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Other Involved Person 4 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event
Number: 99
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 243
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
8 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
5 9 Unknown
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 15
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.47
Standard Deviation: 0.52

Label: Other Involved Person 5 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event
Number: 100
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 244
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
1 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 4
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.50
Standard Deviation: 0.58

Name: OIP_EMP1
Label: Other Involved Person 1 employment status at time of maltreatment
Number: 101
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 245
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
367 1 Employed full-time
62 2 Employed part-time
149 3 Employed
7 4 Temporarily unemployed
309 5 Not in the labor force
0 6 Unemployed and looking for work
0 7 Active duty military
810 8 Not ascertained
2460 9 Unknown
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: OIP_EMP2
Label: Other Involved Person 2 employment status at time of maltreatment
Number: 102
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 246
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
10 1 Employed full-time
3 2 Employed part-time
4 3 Employed
1 4 Temporarily unemployed
27 5 Not in the labor force
0 6 Unemployed and looking for work
0 7 Active duty military
4 8 Not ascertained
403 9 Unknown
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: OIP_EMP3
Label: Other Involved Person 3 employment status at time of maltreatment
Number: 103
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 247
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Employed full-time
1 2 Employed part-time
2 3 Employed
0 4 Temporarily unemployed
7 5 Not in the labor force
0 6 Unemployed and looking for work
0 7 Active duty military
3 8 Not ascertained
84 9 Unknown
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: OIP_EMP4
Label: Other Involved Person 4 employment status at time of maltreatment
Number: 104
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 248
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Employed full-time
0 2 Employed part-time
0 3 Employed
0 4 Temporarily unemployed
0 5 Not in the labor force
0 6 Unemployed and looking for work
0 7 Active duty military
0 8 Not ascertained
20 9 Unknown
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: OIP_EMP5
Label: Other Involved Person 5 employment status at time of maltreatment
Number: 105
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 249
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Employed full-time
0 2 Employed part-time
0 3 Employed
0 4 Temporarily unemployed
0 5 Not in the labor force
0 6 Unemployed and looking for work
0 7 Active duty military
0 8 Not ascertained
5 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
Number: 106
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 250
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3007 0 No
205 1 Yes
952 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3212
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
Number: 107
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 251
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
423 0 No
4 1 Yes
25 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 427
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Label: Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
Number: 108
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 252
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
88 0 No
2 1 Yes
7 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 90
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
Number: 109
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 253
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
19 0 No
0 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 19
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)
Number: 110
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 254
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Employed part-time
Number: 111
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 255
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3152 0 No
60 1 Yes
952 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3212
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Employed part-time
Number: 112
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 256
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
425 0 No
2 1 Yes
25 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 427
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Label: Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Employed part-time
Number: 113
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 257
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
89 0 No
1 1 Yes
7 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 90
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Employed part-time
Number: 114
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 258
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
19 0 No
0 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 19
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Employed part-time
Number: 115
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 259
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
Number: 116
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 260
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3129 0 No
83 1 Yes
952 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3212
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
Number: 117
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 261
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
426 0 No
1 1 Yes
25 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 427
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Label: Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
Number: 118
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 262
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
90 0 No
0 1 Yes
7 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 90
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
Number: 119
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 263
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
19 0 No
0 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 19
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work
Number: 120
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 264
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Active duty military
Number: 121
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 265
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3203 0 No
9 1 Yes
952 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3212
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Label: Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Active duty military
Number: 122
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 266
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
427 0 No
0 1 Yes
25 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 427
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Active duty military
Number: 123
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 267
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
90 0 No
0 1 Yes
7 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 90
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Active duty military
Number: 124
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 268
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
19 0 No
0 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 19
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Active duty military
Number: 125
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 269
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Other
Number: 126
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 270
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2992 0 No
220 1 Yes
952 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3212
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Other
Number: 127
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 271
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
407 0 No
20 1 Yes
25 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 427
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Other
Number: 128
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 272
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
85 0 No
5 1 Yes
7 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 90
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Other
Number: 129
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 273
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
1 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 19
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Other
Number: 130
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 274
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Unknown/not available
Number: 131
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 275
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
559 0 No
2653 1 Yes
952 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3212
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.83
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Label: Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Unknown/not available
Number: 132
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 276
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
26 0 No
401 1 Yes
25 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 427
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.94
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Unknown/not available
Number: 133
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 277
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7 0 No
83 1 Yes
7 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 90
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.92
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Unknown/not available
Number: 134
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 278
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
18 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 19
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.95
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Unknown/not available
Number: 135
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 279
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 education level
Number: 136
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 280
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
250 1 Did not complete high school
112 2 Completed high school
27 3 Some education beyond high school
10 4 Completed college (bachelor's degree)
6 5 Completed advanced degree
0 6 No parents present
817 8 Not ascertained
2942 9 Unknown
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 education level
Number: 137
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 281
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
24 1 Did not complete high school
5 2 Completed high school
1 3 Some education beyond high school
0 4 Completed college (bachelor's degree)
0 5 Completed advanced degree
0 6 No parents present
9 8 Not ascertained
413 9 Unknown
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 education level
Number: 138
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 282
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
6 1 Did not complete high school
0 2 Completed high school
0 3 Some education beyond high school
0 4 Completed college (bachelor's degree)
0 5 Completed advanced degree
0 6 No parents present
3 8 Not ascertained
88 9 Unknown
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 education level
Number: 139
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 283
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Did not complete high school
0 2 Completed high school
0 3 Some education beyond high school
0 4 Completed college (bachelor's degree)
0 5 Completed advanced degree
0 6 No parents present
1 8 Not ascertained
18 9 Unknown
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 education level
Number: 140
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 284
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Did not complete high school
0 2 Completed high school
0 3 Some education beyond high school
0 4 Completed college (bachelor's degree)
0 5 Completed advanced degree
0 6 No parents present
0 8 Not ascertained
4 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
Number: 141
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 285
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1376 0 No
509 1 Yes
854 8 Not ascertained
1425 9 Unknown
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 1885
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.27
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
Number: 142
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 286
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
56 0 No
41 1 Yes
17 8 Not ascertained
338 9 Unknown
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 97
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.42
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
Number: 143
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 287
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
9 0 No
8 1 Yes
13 8 Not ascertained
67 9 Unknown
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 17
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.47
Standard Deviation: 0.51

Label: Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
Number: 144
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 288
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
17 9 Unknown
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.58

Label: Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
Number: 145
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 289
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
5 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
Number: 146
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 290
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
963 0 No
206 1 Yes
1026 8 Not ascertained
1969 9 Unknown
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 1169
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.18
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Label: Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
Number: 147
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 291
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
40 0 No
10 1 Yes
40 8 Not ascertained
362 9 Unknown
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 50
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Label: Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
Number: 148
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 292
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7 0 No
2 1 Yes
13 8 Not ascertained
75 9 Unknown
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 9
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.22
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
Number: 149
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 293
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
18 9 Unknown
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.50
Standard Deviation: 0.71

Label: Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
Number: 150
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 294
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
5 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Other specify
Number: 151
Type: Character
Width: 23
Location: 295-317
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable OIP_NONHISPOTH1

Label: Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Other specify
Number: 152
Type: Character
Width: 18
Location: 318-335
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable OIP_NONHISPOTH2

Label: Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Other specify
Number: 153
Type: Character
Width: 8
Location: 336-343
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable OIP_NONHISPOTH3

Label: Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Other specify
Number: 154
Type: Character
Width: 5
Location: 344-348
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable OIP_NONHISPOTH4

Label: Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Other specify
Number: 155
Type: Character
Width: 1
Location: 349
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable OIP_NONHISPOTH5

Label: Other Involved Person 1 race: American Indian or Alaska Native
Number: 156
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 350
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3306 0 No
67 1 Yes
791 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3373
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Other Involved Person 2 race: American Indian or Alaska Native
Number: 157
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 351
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
435 0 No
12 1 Yes
5 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 447
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Other Involved Person 3 race: American Indian or Alaska Native
Number: 158
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 352
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
96 0 No
0 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 96
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 race: American Indian or Alaska Native
Number: 159
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 353
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
20 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 20
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 race: American Indian or Alaska Native
Number: 160
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 354
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 race: Asian
Number: 161
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 355
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3341 0 No
32 1 Yes
791 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3373
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Label: Other Involved Person 2 race: Asian
Number: 162
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 356
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
446 0 No
1 1 Yes
5 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 447
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Label: Other Involved Person 3 race: Asian
Number: 163
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 357
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
96 0 No
0 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 96
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 race: Asian
Number: 164
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 358
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
20 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 20
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 race: Asian
Number: 165
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 359
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Number: 166
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 360
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3355 0 No
18 1 Yes
791 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3373
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Label: Other Involved Person 2 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Number: 167
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 361
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
447 0 No
0 1 Yes
5 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 447
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Number: 168
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 362
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
96 0 No
0 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 96
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Number: 169
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 363
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
20 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 20
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Number: 170
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 364
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 race: Black or African American
Number: 171
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 365
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2827 0 No
546 1 Yes
791 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3373
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Other Involved Person 2 race: Black or African American
Number: 172
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 366
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
417 0 No
30 1 Yes
5 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 447
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Other Involved Person 3 race: Black or African American
Number: 173
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 367
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
92 0 No
4 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 96
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Other Involved Person 4 race: Black or African American
Number: 174
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 368
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
19 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 20
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Label: Other Involved Person 5 race: Black or African American
Number: 175
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 369
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 race: White
Number: 176
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 370
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2017 0 No
1356 1 Yes
791 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3373
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.40
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Label: Other Involved Person 2 race: White
Number: 177
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 371
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
365 0 No
82 1 Yes
5 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 447
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.18
Standard Deviation: 0.39

Label: Other Involved Person 3 race: White
Number: 178
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 372
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
77 0 No
19 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 96
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Label: Other Involved Person 4 race: White
Number: 179
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 373
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
17 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 20
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Other Involved Person 5 race: White
Number: 180
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 374
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 race: Other
Number: 181
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 375
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3247 0 No
126 1 Yes
791 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3373
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Label: Other Involved Person 2 race: Other
Number: 182
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 376
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
439 0 No
8 1 Yes
5 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 447
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Label: Other Involved Person 3 race: Other
Number: 183
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 377
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
96 0 No
0 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 96
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 race: Other
Number: 184
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 378
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
20 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 20
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 race: Other
Number: 185
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 379
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 Race: Other specified
Number: 186
Type: Character
Width: 20
Location: 380-399
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable OIP_OTHERRACE1

Label: Other Involved Person 2 race: Other specified
Number: 187
Type: Character
Width: 8
Location: 400-407
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable OIP_OTHERRACE2

Label: Other Involved Person 3 race: Other specified
Number: 188
Type: Character
Width: 1
Location: 408
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable OIP_OTHERRACE3

Label: Other Involved Person 4 race: Other specified
Number: 189
Type: Character
Width: 1
Location: 409
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable OIP_OTHERRACE4

Label: Other Involved Person 5 race: Other specified
Number: 190
Type: Character
Width: 1
Location: 410
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of
the variable OIP_OTHERRACE5

Label: Other Involved Person 1 race: Unknown
Number: 191
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 411
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Other Involved Persons race is unknown or not available.

Frequency Code Description
2117 0 No
1256 1 Yes
791 8 Not ascertained
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 3373
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.37
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Other Involved Person 2 race: Unknown
Number: 192
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 412
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
125 0 No
322 1 Yes
5 8 Not ascertained
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 447
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.72
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Other Involved Person 3 race: Unknown
Number: 193
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 413
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
23 0 No
73 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 96
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.76
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Other Involved Person 4 race: Unknown
Number: 194
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 414
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
17 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 20
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.85
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Other Involved Person 5 race: Unknown
Number: 195
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 415
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00


Label: Estimated annual household income
Number: 196
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 416
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2014 1 Less than $15,000
1103 2 $15,000-$24,000
709 3 $25,000-$39,000
304 4 $40,000-$54,000
187 5 $55,000 or more
186 8 Not ascertained
8191 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Household income is sufficient to pay for basic necessities
Number: 197
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 417
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1867 0 No
4129 1 Yes
191 8 Not ascertained
6507 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Valid: 5996
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.69
Standard Deviation: 0.46

Label: Any household member participating in poverty-related program
Number: 198
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 418
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1946 0 No
3857 1 Yes
203 8 Not ascertained
6688 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Valid: 5803
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.66
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Number of children in household revised (after evaluative coding review)
Number: 199
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 419-420
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


** The assigned value for this variable reflects corrections based on
narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data item on the topic.

NCHILD is the number of children in the household reported on the
form. When the narrative and case documentation on the form
provided evidence of other children living in the household not listed
on the form, then the evaluative coders added those children to the
household. This count of the number of children in the household is
NCHILD2. NCHILDR is the revised number of children in the household
based on the greater of NCHILD or NCHILD2.


If NCHILD = missing or 99 or NCHILD < NCHILD2 then NCHILDR = NCHILD2

Where SOURCEOFDATA = "S" or "SW" --

If NCHILD = missing or 99 or NCHILD > NCHILD2 then NCHILDR = NCHILD


Sentinel forms where NCHILD is blank or unknown will remain as unknown

Frequency Code Description
12209 1-15 Number of children
141 98 Not ascertained
344 99 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 98,99

Valid: 12209
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 15.00
Mean: 2.76
Standard Deviation: 1.58


Label: Child sex
Number: 200
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 421
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
6046 1 Male
6217 2 Female
53 8 Not ascertained
378 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child enrolled in school
Number: 201
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 422
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3284 0 No
6667 1 Yes
913 8 Not ascertained
1830 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Valid: 9951
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.67
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Reformatted child age in months
Number: 202
Type: Character
Width: 2
Location: 423-424
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
330 00-11 Actual age in months
452 98 Not ascertained
77 99 Unknown
11835 BLANK Inapplicable (CHAGEY not missing or birth date was provided)

Missing Data Codes: 98,99,BLANK

Label: Reformatted child age in years
Number: 203
Type: Character
Width: 2
Location: 425-426
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item


Input Items: CHAGEM

If CHAGEM ge 12 then calculate child age in years = CHAGEY

Frequency Code Description
3227 00-17 Actual age in years
4 18 Listed as 18 or older
452 98 Not ascertained
67 99 Unknown
8944 BLANK Inapplicable (CHAGEM not missing or birth date was provided)

Missing Data Codes: 98,99,BLANK

Label: Child ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin
Number: 204
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 427
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7622 0 No
2620 1 Yes
240 8 Not ascertained
2212 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Valid: 10242
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.26
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Child ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other
Number: 205
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 428
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
1200 1 Yes
11447 8 Not ascertained
47 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Valid: 1200
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Child race: American Indian or Alaska Native
Number: 206
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 429
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12185 0 No
408 1 Yes
101 8 Not ascertained

Missing Data Code: 8

Valid: 12593
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Label: Child race: Asian
Number: 207
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 430
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12432 0 No
161 1 Yes
101 8 Not ascertained

Missing Data Code: 8

Valid: 12593
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Child race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Number: 208
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 431
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12502 0 No
91 1 Yes
101 8 Not ascertained

Missing Data Code: 8

Valid: 12593
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Child race: Black or African American
Number: 209
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 432
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
9404 0 No
3189 1 Yes
101 8 Not ascertained

Missing Data Code: 8

Valid: 12593
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Child race: White
Number: 210
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 433
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5930 0 No
6663 1 Yes
101 8 Not ascertained

Missing Data Code: 8

Valid: 12593
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.53
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Child race: Other
Number: 211
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 434
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11900 0 No
693 1 Yes
101 8 Not ascertained

Missing Data Code: 8

Valid: 12593
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Child race: Unknown
Number: 212
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 435
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
10914 0 No
1679 1 Yes
101 8 Not ascertained

Missing Data Code: 8

Valid: 12593
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Label: Child disability: Developmental
Number: 213
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 436
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11837 0 No
60 1 Confirmed
9 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: Chronic/serious health condition
Number: 214
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 437
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11739 0 No
139 1 Confirmed
28 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: Orthopedic impairment
Number: 215
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 438
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11868 0 No
35 1 Confirmed
3 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: Hearing impairment/deafness
Number: 216
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 439
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11903 0 No
1 1 Confirmed
2 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: Visual impairment/blindness
Number: 217
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 440
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11901 0 No
4 1 Confirmed
1 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: ADD/ADHD
Number: 218
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 441
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11898 0 No
7 1 Confirmed
1 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: Emotionally disturbed
Number: 219
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 442
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11522 0 No
277 1 Confirmed
107 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: Learning disability
Number: 220
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 443
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11897 0 No
8 1 Confirmed
1 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: Autism
Number: 221
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 444
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11899 0 No
5 1 Confirmed
2 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: Traumatic brain injury
Number: 222
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 445
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11902 0 No
4 1 Confirmed
0 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: Speech or language impairment
Number: 223
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 446
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
11905 0 No
1 1 Confirmed
0 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
0 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: Other physical
Number: 224
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 447
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5466 0 No
29 1 Confirmed
12 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
6399 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child disability: Other mental/emotional
Number: 225
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 448
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5406 0 No
144 1 Confirmed
96 2 Suspected
788 8 Not ascertained
6260 9 Unknown

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Person A relationship to child: Biological parent
Number: 226
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 449
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1168 0 No
11489 1 Yes
24 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12657
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.91
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Person A relationship to child: Stepparent
Number: 227
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 450
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12496 0 No
161 1 Yes
24 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12657
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Person A relationship to child: Adoptive parent
Number: 228
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 451
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12542 0 No
115 1 Yes
24 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12657
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Label: Person A relationship to child: Foster parent
Number: 229
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 452
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12504 0 No
153 1 Yes
24 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12657
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Person A relationship to child: Grandparent
Number: 230
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 453
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12328 0 No
329 1 Yes
24 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12657
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Person A relationship to child: Guardian
Number: 231
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 454
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12509 0 No
148 1 Yes
24 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12657
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Person A relationship to child: Friend
Number: 232
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 455
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12643 0 No
14 1 Yes
24 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12657
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.03

Label: Person A relationship to child: Other relative subcategory
Number: 233
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 456
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
160 1 Other Family member/relative
41 2 Sibling
0 3 Spouse
24 8 Not ascertained
12469 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A or not other relative)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Person A relationship to child: Other non-relative subcategory
Number: 234
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 457
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
62 1 Parent's paramour
3 2 Other non-relative, previous partner of family member
5 3 Child's friend
17 4 Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker
29 5 Other non-relative
0 6 Stranger
24 8 Not ascertained
12554 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A or not other non-relative)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Name: PA_UNK
Label: Person A relationship to child: Unknown/not available
Number: 235
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 458
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
12649 0 No
8 1 Yes
24 8 Not ascertained
13 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person A)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 12657
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.03

Label: Person B relationship to child: Biological parent
Number: 236
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 459
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
3333 0 No
4093 1 Yes
1272 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7426
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.55
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Person B relationship to child: Stepparent
Number: 237
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 460
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
6361 0 No
1065 1 Yes
1272 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7426
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Person B relationship to child: Adoptive parent
Number: 238
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 461
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7356 0 No
70 1 Yes
1272 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7426
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Label: Person B relationship to child: Foster parent
Number: 239
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 462
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7355 0 No
71 1 Yes
1272 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7426
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Label: Person B relationship to child: Grandparent
Number: 240
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 463
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
6905 0 No
521 1 Yes
1272 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7426
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Person B relationship to child: Guardian
Number: 241
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 464
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7382 0 No
44 1 Yes
1272 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7426
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Person B relationship to child: Friend
Number: 242
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 465
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7381 0 No
45 1 Yes
1272 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7426
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Person B relationship to child: Other relative subcategory
Number: 243
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 466
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
194 1 Other Family member/relative
59 2 Sibling
2 3 Spouse
1272 8 Not ascertained
11167 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B or not other relative)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Person B relationship to child: Other non-relative subcategory
Number: 244
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 467
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1095 1 Parent's paramour
4 2 Other non-relative, previous partner of family member
34 3 Child's friend
31 4 Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker
81 5 Other non-relative
0 6 Stranger
1272 8 Not ascertained
10177 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B or not other non-relative)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Name: PB_UNK
Label: Person B relationship to child: Unknown/not available
Number: 245
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 468
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7376 0 No
50 1 Yes
1272 8 Not ascertained
3996 BLANK Inapplicable (No Person B)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Valid: 7426
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child
Number: 246
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 469-470
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1248 1 Biological parent
57 2 Stepparent
10 3 Adoptive parent
3 4 Foster parent
372 5 Grandparent
4 6 Guardian
134 7 Friend
743 8 Other relative
713 9 Other non-relative
869 98 Not ascertained
11 99 Unknown
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 98,99,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child
Number: 247
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 471-472
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
92 1 Biological parent
21 2 Stepparent
0 3 Adoptive parent
0 4 Foster parent
63 5 Grandparent
1 6 Guardian
11 7 Friend
116 8 Other relative
115 9 Other non-relative
25 98 Not ascertained
8 99 Unknown
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 98,99,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child
Number: 248
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 473-474
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
7 1 Biological parent
3 2 Stepparent
0 3 Adoptive parent
0 4 Foster parent
18 5 Grandparent
0 6 Guardian
2 7 Friend
25 8 Other relative
36 9 Other non-relative
6 98 Not ascertained
0 99 Unknown
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 98,99,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child
Number: 249
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 475-476
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Biological parent
0 2 Stepparent
0 3 Adoptive parent
0 4 Foster parent
3 5 Grandparent
0 6 Guardian
2 7 Friend
7 8 Other relative
3 9 Other non-relative
4 98 Not ascertained
1 99 Unknown
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 98,99,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child
Number: 250
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 477-478
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Biological parent
0 2 Stepparent
0 3 Adoptive parent
0 4 Foster parent
0 5 Grandparent
0 6 Guardian
0 7 Friend
2 8 Other relative
0 9 Other non-relative
0 99 Unknown
3 98 Not ascertained
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 99,98,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child: Other relative
Number: 251
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 479
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
420 1 Other Family member/relative
323 2 Sibling
0 3 Spouse
0 8 Not ascertained
11951 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1 or OIP_RELATION1 not coded 8)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child: Other relative
Number: 252
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 480
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
81 1 Other Family member/relative
40 2 Sibling
0 3 Spouse
0 8 Not ascertained
12573 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2 or OIP_RELATION2 not coded 8)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child: Other relative
Number: 253
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 481
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
21 1 Other Family member/relative
7 2 Sibling
0 3 Spouse
0 8 Not ascertained
12666 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3 or OIP_RELATION3 not coded 8)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child: Other relative
Number: 254
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 482
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Other Family member/relative
5 2 Sibling
0 3 Spouse
0 8 Not ascertained
12687 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4 or OIP_RELATION4 not coded 8)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child: Other relative
Number: 255
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 483
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Other Family member/relative
1 2 Sibling
0 3 Spouse
0 8 Not ascertained
12692 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5 or OIP_RELATION5 not coded 8)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child: Other non-relative
Number: 256
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 484
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
251 1 Parent's paramour
68 2 Other non-relative, previous partner of family member
3 3 Child's friend
115 4 Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker
238 5 Other non-relative
36 6 Stranger
2 8 Not ascertained
11981 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1 or OIP_RELATION1 not coded 9)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child: Other non-relative
Number: 257
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 485
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
37 1 Parent's paramour
3 2 Other non-relative, previous partner of family member
0 3 Child's friend
14 4 Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker
52 5 Other non-relative
24 6 Stranger
0 8 Not ascertained
12564 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2 or OIP_RELATION2 not coded 9)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child: Other non-relative
Number: 258
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 486
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 1 Parent's paramour
2 2 Other non-relative, previous partner of family member
0 3 Child's friend
3 4 Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker
20 5 Other non-relative
10 6 Stranger
0 8 Not ascertained
12654 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3 or OIP_RELATION3 not coded 9)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child: Other non-relative
Number: 259
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 487
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent's paramour
0 2 Other non-relative, previous partner of family member
0 3 Child's friend
1 4 Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker
1 5 Other non-relative
1 6 Stranger
0 8 Not ascertained
12691 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4 or OIP_RELATION4 not coded 9)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child: Other non-relative
Number: 260
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 488
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent's paramour
0 2 Other non-relative, previous partner of family member
0 3 Child's friend
0 4 Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker
0 5 Other non-relative
0 6 Stranger
0 8 Not ascertained
12694 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5 or OIP_RELATION5 not coded 9)

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment
Number: 261
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 489
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1242 0 No
1310 1 Yes
832 8 Not ascertained
780 9 Unknown
8530 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 2552
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.51
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Other Involved Person 2 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment
Number: 262
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 490
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
103 0 No
148 1 Yes
51 8 Not ascertained
150 9 Unknown
12242 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 251
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.59
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Label: Other Involved Person 3 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment
Number: 263
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 491
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
25 0 No
16 1 Yes
9 8 Not ascertained
47 9 Unknown
12597 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.39
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Label: Other Involved Person 4 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment
Number: 264
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 492
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
2 1 Yes
1 8 Not ascertained
12 9 Unknown
12674 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 7
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.29
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Label: Other Involved Person 5 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment
Number: 265
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 493
Source: CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 8 Not ascertained
4 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5)

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Child age at time of maltreatment/report in months (Calculated)
Number: 266
Type: Character
Width: 2
Location: 494-495
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Computed age of children less than one year old at the time of

Age is calculated using the same convention as AGEYCALC

Frequency Code Description
10249 00 Less than one month or AGEYCALC => 1
767 01-11 Age in months
1678 99 Could not be calculated (no birth date or no maltreatment date)

Missing Data Code: 99

Label: Child age at time of maltreatment/report in years (Calculated)
Number: 267
Type: Character
Width: 2
Location: 496-497
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


The childs age at maltreatment in years, defined as the childs age
at the time of the earliest countable maltreatment in the study
reference period, or (for non-countable children) the earliest
maltreatment within the NIS-4 study reference period. For CPS reported
children whose only countable forms of maltreatment fall outside of
study reference period, use the latest maltreatment date to calculate
the age. Failing those alternatives, age is defined as the age at the
time of the latest maltreatment described.

AGE = Maltreatment Date  Birth date
Where: Birthdate = Birth date with non-missing month and year.
Missing day set to 15.

Maltreatment date = Maltreatment date with non-missing month and year
for each countable form of maltreatment. Missing day set to 15.

Time Frame Eligibility = Assessment of whether maltreatment occurred
during the study period.

Date selected according to the following priority:

1. Earliest date where any of the 14 countable Harm standard forms of
maltreatment or any of the 14 countable Endangerment forms of
maltreatment were assessed as probable and Time Frame Eligibility
indicate that the events of maltreatment occurred during the study

2. Latest date where any of the 14 countable Harm standard forms of
maltreatment or any of the 14 countable Endangerment forms of
maltreatment were assessed as probable and Time Frame Eligibility
indicate that it is unclear whether events occurred outside of the
study reference periods or the events of maltreatment occurred outside
of the study period (for CPS agencies)

3. Earliest date where Time Frame Eligibility indicate that the events
of maltreatment occurred during the study period.

4. Latest date

Frequency Code Description
1186 00 Less than one year
9819 01-18 Age in years
11 98 18 Years of age or older
1678 99 Could not be calculated (no birth date or no maltreatment date)

Missing Data Codes: 98,99

Label: Child age at time of maltreatment/report
Number: 268
Type: Character
Width: 4
Location: 498-501
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



If calculated age not = 9999
else AGEYRMO = Reported age in years followed by reported age in

Frequency Code Description
423 0000 Less than 1 month
800 0001-0011 Age in months (under 1 year)
9 0099 Age unknown but less than 1 year
10582 0100-1800 Age in years (children one year or older, last two digits are always 00)
12 9997 Age in years (over 18)
868 9999 No age information available

Missing Data Codes: 9997,9999

Label: Child age group
Number: 269
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 502
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



If (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0000 and AGEYRMO less than
0300) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 1
else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0300 and AGEYRMO less than
0600) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 2
else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0600 and AGEYRMO less than
0900) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 3
else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0900 and AGEYRMO less than
1200) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 4
else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 1200 and AGEYRMO less than
1500) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 5
else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 1500 and AGEYRMO less than
or equal to 1700) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 6
else if (AGEYRMO = 9997 and AMALE = 1) or (AGEYRMO = 9999 and
AMALE = 1) then AGECLASS = 7
else AGECLASS = 9

Frequency Code Description
2382 1 0-2 years old
1939 2 3 to 5 years old
1931 3 6 to 8 years old
2000 5 12 to 14 years old
1631 4 9 to 11 years old
1677 6 15 to 17 years old
848 7 Unknown age, countable
286 9 Non-countable children

Missing Data Codes: 7,9

Label: Child age group: Census enrollment categories
Number: 270
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 503
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



If (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0000 and AGEYRMO less than 0300)
and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 1
else if (AGEYRMOgreater than or equal to 0300 and AGEYRMO less than
0500) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 2
else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0500 and AGEYRMO less than
0700) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 3
else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0700 and AGEYRMO less than
1000) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 4
else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 1000 and AGEYRMO less than
1400) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 5
else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 1400 and AGEYRMO less than
1600) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 6
else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to1600 and AGEYRMO less than
or equal to 1700) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 7
else if (AGEYRMO = 9997 and AMALE = 1) or (AGEYRMO = 9999 and
AMALE = 1) then AGECLASS2 = 8
else AGECLASS2 = 9

Frequency Code Description
2382 1 0-2 years old
1276 2 3 and 4 years old
1367 3 5 and 6 years old
1765 4 7 to 9 years old
2399 5 10 to 13 years old
1413 6 14 and 15 years old
958 7 16 and 17 years old
848 8 Unknown age, countable
286 9 Non countable children

Missing Data Codes: 8,9

Label: Child confirmed disability
Number: 271
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 504
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



Note: This variable measures whether or not the child had ANY
confirmed disability.

Initiate the interim variables MISSCNT and UNKCNT to zero.
Initiate the variable ANYDISAB to zero.

Loop through all the input items and increment MISSCNT where any
input item equals missing (blank), increment UNKCNT where any input
item equals 9 and if any input item equals 1, then set ANYDISAB = 1.

If MISSCNT = the number of input items or UNKCNT = the number of input
items, then ANYDISAB = 9

Frequency Code Description
11234 0 Child has no confirmed disability
672 1 Child has at least one confirmed disability
788 9 Missing or unknown

Missing Data Code: 9

Valid: 11906
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Child ethnicity unknown
Number: 272
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 505
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



If CH_NONHISPOTH_TEXT is blank and CH_HISPANIC ne 1 and
or (CH_HISPANIC = missing and CH_NONHISPOTH = 9)
or (CH_HISPANIC = 9 and CH_NONHISPOTH = missing)
or (CH_HISPANIC = missing and CH_NONHISPOTH = missing)
or (CH_HISPANIC = missing and CH_NONHISPOTH = 8)
or (CH_HISPANIC = 8 and CH_NONHISPOTH = missing)
else if CH_HISPANIC = 0, 1 or CH_NONHISPOTH = 0, 1

Frequency Code Description
10412 0 No
2282 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.18
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Label: Child race: multi-racial, not specified
Number: 273
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 506
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



This variable was created based on a review of the items checked on
the form from question 7b.

Frequency Code Description
12542 0 No
51 1 Yes
101 8 Not ascertained

Missing Data Code: 8

Valid: 12593
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Child race/ethnicity
Number: 274
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 507
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



else if RACECENSUS = 5, 6 then ETHNIC = 2
else if RACECENSUS = 2 then ETHNIC = 3
else if RACECENSUS = 3 then ETHNIC = 4
else if RACECENSUS = 1 then ETHNIC = 5
else if RACECENSUS = 7, 8 then ETHNIC = 6
else if RACECENSUS = 9 then ETHNIC = 9

Frequency Code Description
292 1 American Indian or Alaskan Native
176 2 Asian or Pacific Islander
2961 3 Black, not of Hispanic origin
2620 4 Hispanic
5179 5 White, not of Hispanic origin
329 6 Other
1097 9 Unknown
40 BLANK Missing

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Child race following Census categories (with Hispanic origin category)
Number: 275
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 508
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



Count the number of races specified and create the interim variable
SUM_RACE as follows:

Initialize SUM_RACE at zero and then increment SUM_RACE for
each 'yes' response among the variables:

else if CH_WHITE = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 1
else if CH_BLACK = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 2
else if CH_INDIAN_ = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 4
else if CH_ASIAN = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 5
else if CH_PACISLANDER = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 6
else if CH_OTHERRACE = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 7
else if (CH_MULTIRACE = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1) or SUM_RACE > 1
else if CH_RACEUNK = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 9

Frequency Code Description
5179 1 White, alone
2961 2 Black or African American, alone
2620 3 Hispanic (any)
292 4 American Indian or Alaska Native, alone
125 5 Asian, alone
51 6 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, alone
3 7 Some other race
326 8 Other: two or more race groups
1097 9 Unknown/not specified
40 BLANK Missing

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Child race
Number: 276
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 509
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



Count the number of races specified and create the interim variable
SUM_RACE as follows:

Initialize SUM_RACE at zero and then increment SUM_RACE for
each 'yes' response among the variables:

if CH_WHITE= 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 1
else if CH_BLACK = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 2
else if CH_INDIAN = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 3
else if CH_ASIAN = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 4
else if CH_PACISLANDER = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 5
else if CH_OTHERRACE = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 6
else if (CH_MULTIRACE = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1) or SUM_RACE > 1
then RACEMCAT = 7
else if CH_RACEUNK = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 8

Frequency Code Description
6386 1 White, alone
3019 2 Black, alone
324 3 American Indian or Alaska Native, alone
127 4 Asian, alone
54 5 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, alone
687 6 Some other race, alone
381 7 Other: two or more race groups
1615 8 Unknown/not specified
101 BLANK Missing

Missing Data Codes: 8,BLANK

Name: RACET4
Label: Child race/ethnicity, 4-categories
Number: 277
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 510
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Input Items: ETHNIC

If ETHNIC = 5 then RACET4 = 1
else if ETHNIC = 3 then RACET4 = 2
else if ETHNIC = 4 then RACET4 = 3
else if ETHNIC = 1, 2, 6 then RACET4 = 4
else if (ETHNIC = missing or ETHNIC = 9) then RACET4 = 9

Frequency Code Description
5179 1 White non-Hispanic
2961 2 Black non-Hispanic
2620 3 Hispanic
797 4 Other, non-Hispanic
1137 9 Missing/unknown

Missing Data Code: 9

Label: Parental employment, present and past
Number: 278
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 511
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.


This is a summary variable of the parental employment status at the
time of maltreatment and in the past year.

NOTE: Other specify text variables were recoded to the appropriate
categories. New interim variables were created for other specify text
that did not fit the data form categories, but which fit our
definition of employed, unemployed or not in the labor force.
Those variables are referred to as OTHEMPLOYED, OTHUNEMP and
PASTEMNILF respectively.

In order to derive parental employment status we first
identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered
parents if they were in the household and were either biological,
step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated
in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1,
Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved
Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two
persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine
parental employment. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and

Past employment for each parent (PASTEMPLOY_P1, PASTEMPLOY_P2)
was turned into a categorical variable as follows:

if past employment is unemployed or if OTHUNEMP = 1 then
PASTEMPLOY_PX = 2 else if past employment was
employed full-time, part-time, active duty military or
else if PASTEMNILF = 1 then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 3
else if employment was unknown then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 9
if a parent was identified and PASTMEPLOY_PX was missing, then

1 = Employed in the past year
2 = Unemployed in the past year
3 = Not in the labor in the past year
9 = Unknown

Next, past employment for both parents was combined to create
PASTEMPB, a single categorical variable for past employment, as

if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 1 then PASTEMPB = 1
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2) or
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3) or
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or
else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2 then PASTEMPB = 5
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 =
2 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3) then PASTEMPB = 6
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 =
2 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9) then PASTEMPB = 7
else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3 then PASTEMPB = 8
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or
else if PASTEMPLOY = 1 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 10
else if PASTEMPLOY = 2 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 11
else if PASTEMPLOY = 3 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 12
else if FASTRUCT = 6 then PASTEMPB = 96
else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9 then PASTEMPB = 97
else if PASTEMPLOY = Missing, 9 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4
then PASTEMPB = 98
else if FASTRUCT = Missing, 9 then PASTEMPB = 99

1 = Both parents employed (two parents)
2 = One parent employed and the other unemployed (two parents)
3 = One parent employed and the other NILF (two parents)
4 = One parent employed, one parent employment
unknown (two parents)
5 = Both parents unemployed (two parents)
6 = One parent unemployed and the other NILF (two parents)
7 = One parent unemployed, one parent employment unknown
(two parents)
8 = Both parents NILF (two parents)
9 = One parent NILF, one parent employment unknown (two parents)
10 = Parent employed (single parent)
11 = Parent unemployed (single parent)
12 = Parent not in work force (single parent)
96 = No parent present
97 = Missing employment for both parents (two parents)
98 = Parents employment unknown or missing (single parent)
99 = Unknown or missing relationship

Finally, past employment was collapsed to create PASTMEP2 as follows:

if PASTEMPB = 2,5,6,7,11 then PASTEMP2 = 1
else if PASTEMPB = 1,3,4,10 then PASTEMP2 = 2
else if PASTEMPB = 8,9,12 then PASTEMP2 = 3
else if PASTEMPB = 96 then PASTEMP2 = 8
else if PASTEMPB = 97,98,99 then PASTEMP2 = Missing

1 = Unemployed
2 = Employed
3 = Not in labor force
8 = Unknown


if employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and
employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 then PAREMPB = 1
else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment
status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 ) or (employment status for
PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6))
then PAREMPB = 2
else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and
employment status for PARENT2 = 5) or
(employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and
employment status for PARENT1 = 5) then PAREMPB = 3
else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and
employment status for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for
PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT1 = 9)
then PAREMPB = 4
else if employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status
for PARENT2 = 4, 6 then PAREMPB = 5
else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status
for PARENT2 = 5) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6
and employment status for PARENT1 = 5) then PAREMPB = 6
else if employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status
for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 and
employment status for PARENT1 = 9) then PAREMPB = 7
else if employment status for PARENT1 = 5 and employment status for
PARENT2 = 5 then PAREMPB = 8
else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 5 and employment status
for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 5 and
employment status for PARENT1 = 9) then PAREMPB = 9
else if PAREMP = 1, 2, 3 or 7 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3 or 4 then PAREMPB =
else if PAREMP = 4 or 6 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 11
else if PAREMP = 5 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 12
else if FASTRUCT = 6 then PAREMPB = 96
else if employment status for PARENT1 = 9 and employment status
for PARENT2 = 9 then PAREMPB = 97
else if PAREMP = 9, Missing and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 98
else if FASTRUCT = Missing, 9 then PAREMPB = 99

1 = Both parents employed (two parents)
2 = One parent employed and the other unemployed (two parents)
3 = One parent employed and the other NILF (two parents)
4 = One parent employed, one parent employment
unknown (two parents)
5 = Both parents unemployed (two parents)
6 = One parent unemployed and the other NILF (two parents)
7 = One parent unemployed, one parent employment unknown
(two parents)
8 = Both parents NILF (two parents)
9 = One parent NILF, one parent employment unknown (two parents)
10 = Parent employed (single parent)
11 = Parent unemployed (single parent)
12 = Parent not in work force (single parent)
96 = No parent present
97 = Missing employment for both parents (two parents)
98 = Parents employment unknown or missing (single parent)
99 = Unknown or missing relationship

Finally, employment at the time of maltreatment was collapsed to
create PAREMP2 as follows:

if PAREMPB = 2,5,6,7,11 then PAREMP2 = 1
else if PAREMPB = 1,3,4,10 then PAREMP2 = 2
else if PAREMPB = 8,9,12 then PAREMP2 = 3
else if PAREMPB = 96 then PAREMP2 = 8
else if PAREMPB = 97,98,99 then PAREMP2 = Missing

1 = Unemployed
2 = Employed
3 = Not in labor force
8 = Unknown

If PAREMP2 = 1 or PASTEMP2 = 1 then EMPSUM = 1
else if PAREMP2 = 2 or PASTEMP2 = 2 then EMPSUM = 2
else if PAREMP2 = 3 or PASTEMP2 = 3 then EMPSUM = 3
else if PAREMP2 = 8 or PASTEMP2 = 8 then EMPSUM = 8
else EMPSUM = Missing

Frequency Code Description
1367 1 Any parent unemployed
4170 2 Parent(s) employed
1021 3 Parent(s) not in labor force
694 8 No parents present
5442 BLANK Missing

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Family structure
Number: 279
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 512
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.


NOTE: Other specify text variables were recoded to the appropriate
relationship categories.

In order to derive family structure we first identified the parents in
the household. Persons were considered parents if they were
in the household and were either biological, step or adoptive.
The members of the household were evaluated in the following order:
Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1,
Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved
Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two
persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine
family structure. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and

If (PARENT1 is male and PARENT2 is female)
or (PARENT1 is female and PARENT2 is male)
or (PARENT1 and PARENT2 have the same gender)
or (two parents are present and one parent's gender is missing)) then
else if only one parent was identified and gender is female then
else if only one parent was identified and gender is male
then FASTRUCT = 3
else if only one parent was identified and gender was unknown
then FASTRUCT = 4
else if two parents were identified and for both gender
was missing then FASTRUCT = 5

If no parents were identified then family structure
was classified as either unknown or neither parent. If no other
persons were found in the household (including Persons A, B and
all OIPs), then FASTRUCT was considered to be unknown; if any
other persons were found, we concluded that neither parent
was present in the household.

The interim variable PXOTHERMEM was created to check for
other non-parent, in-home Other Involved Persons.

If OIP_RELATION1 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and OIP_INHOME1 = 1 or
OIP_RELATION2 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and OIP_INHOME2 = 1 or
OIP_RELATION3 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and OIP_INHOME3 = 1 or
OIP_RELATION4 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and OIP_INHOME4 = 1 or
OIP_RELATION5 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and OIP_INHOME5 = 1 or

If PA_FOSTER = 1 or PA_GUARDIAN = 1 or PA_GRAND = 1 or PA_FRIEND = 1
PB_FOSTER = 1 or PB_GUARDIAN = 1 or PB_GRAND = 1 or PB_FRIEND = 1 or
then FASTRUCT = 6
else FASTRUCT = 9

Frequency Code Description
5174 1 Both parents
6024 2 Mother only
734 3 Father only
46 4 One Parent - gender unknown
3 5 Two Parents - gender unknown
694 6 Neither Parent
19 9 Unknown

Missing Data Code: 9

Label: Child has foster parent(s)
Number: 280
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 513
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
153 1 Single parent is foster parent or two foster parent family
1 2 Two parent family - one is a foster parent
12540 BLANK Inapplicable, no foster parents

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Presence of grandparents as caregivers
Number: 281
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 514
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



If PA_GRAND = 1 or PB_GRAND = 1 or (OIP_RELATION1 = 5 and
OIP_INHOME1 = 1) or (OIP_RELATION2 = 5 and
OIP_INHOME2 = 1) or (OIP_RELATION3 = 5 and
OIP_INHOME3 = 1) or (OIP_RELATION4 = 5 and
OIP_INHOME4 = 1) or (OIP_RELATION5 = 5 and
OIP_INHOME5 = 1) then GRDCARE = 1
else if PA_GRAND not = missing, 1 or PB_GRAND not = missing, 1 and
(OIP_RELATION1 not = missing, 5, 99 and OIP_INHOME1 = 1) and
(OIP_RELATION2 not = missing, 5, 99 and OIP_INHOME2 = 1) and
(OIP_RELATION3 not = missing, 5, 99 and OIP_INHOME3 = 1) and
(OIP_RELATION4 not = missing, 5, 99 and OIP_INHOME4 = 1) and
(OIP_RELATION5 not = missing, 5, 99 and OIP_INHOME5 = 1)
then GRDCARE = 2
else if PA_UNK = 1 or PB_UNK = 1 or
(PX_RELATION1 = 99 and PX_INHOME1 = 1) or
(PX_RELATION2 = 99 and PX_INHOME2 = 1) or
(PX_RELATION3 = 99 and PX_INHOME3 = 1) or
(PX_RELATION4 = 99 and PX_INHOME4 = 1) or
(PX_RELATION5 = 99 and PX_INHOME5 = 1)
then GRDCARE = 9

Frequency Code Description
909 1 Grandparent present
11765 0 Grandparents not present
3 9 Unknown
17 BLANK Missing

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Estimated annual household income, collapsed
Number: 282
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 515
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Input Items: INCOME

If INCOME = 4, 5 then INCOME2 = 4

Frequency Code Description
2014 1 Less than $15,000
1103 2 $15,000-$24,999
709 3 $25,000-$39,999
491 4 $40,000 or more
8191 9 Unknown
186 BLANK Missing

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Number and status of in-home parents
Number: 283
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 516
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.


else if FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then INHSTATP = 1
else if FASTRUCT = 6 then INHSTAT = 3
else if FASTRUCT = 9 then INHSTATP = 9

Frequency Code Description
6804 1 One parent
5177 2 Two parents
694 3 Neither parent
19 9 Unknown

Missing Data Code: 9

Label: Mother-only or father-only
Number: 284
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 517
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.

Input Items: FASTRUCT

else if FASTRUCT = 3 then INHSTONE = 2
else if FASTRUCT = 4 then INHSTONE = 3
else if FASTRUCT = 4 then INHSTONE = 9
else INHSTONE = missing

Frequency Code Description
6024 1 Mother only
734 2 Father only
46 3 One parent - gender unknown
19 9 Unknown
5871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Family structure and parental living arrangement
Number: 285
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 518
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.


In order to derive family structure we first identified the parents in
the household. Persons were considered parents if they were
in the household and were either biological, step or adoptive.
The members of the household were evaluated in the following order:
Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1,
Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved
Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two
persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine
family structure. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and

The interim variable LIVESTRUCT was created as follows:

else if INHSTATP = 2 and PARENTLIVE = 3 then LIVESTRUCT = 2
else if INHSTATP = 1 and PARENTLIVE = 3 then LIVESTRUCT = 3
else if INHSTATP = 1 and PARENTLIVE = 1 then LIVESTRUCT = 4
else if INHSTATP = 3 then LIVESTRUCT = 5
else if INHSTATP = (1, 2, 3, 9) and PARENTLIVE = 9 then LIVESTRUCT = 9

If LIVESTRUCT = 1 then
if PARENT1 and PARENT2 are biological parents then LIVESTRUCT2 = 1
else if PARENT1 or PARENT2 are step or adoptive parents then
else if LIVESTRUCT not = missing then LIVESTRUCT2 = LIVESTRUCT + 1

Frequency Code Description
2798 1 Married parents, both biological
1167 2 Married parents, other legal arrangements
1053 3 Unmarried parents
1259 4 Single parent, with partner
5004 5 Single parent, no partner
694 6 Neither parent
719 9 Unknown

Missing Data Code: 9

Label: Family of low socioeconomic status
Number: 286
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 519
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



If INCOME = 1 or PARED = 1 or POVPROG = 1 then LOWSES2 = 1
else if (INCOME > 1 and INCOME < 9) or PARED = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
or POVPROG = 0 then LOWSES2 = 0
else if (INCOME = 9 and PARED = 9 and POVPROG = 9) then LOWSES2 = 9
if INCOME = 1 or POVPROG = 1 then LOWSES2 = 1
else if INCOME = 9 and POVPROG = 9 then LOWSES2 = 9
else LOWSES2 = 0

Frequency Code Description
2368 0 No
4650 1 Yes
5181 9 Unknown
495 BLANK Missing

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 7018
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.66
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Parent/caregiver education level
Number: 287
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 520
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.


In order to derive parental employment status we first
identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered
parents if they were in the household and were either biological,
step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated
in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1,
Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved
Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two
persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine
parental employment. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and

if no parents were identified then PARED = 6
else if education status for PARENT1 = 5 or education status for
PARENT2 = 5 then PARED = 5
else if education status for PARENT1 = 4 or education status for
PARENT2 = 4 then PARED = 4
else if education status for PARENT1 = 3 or education status for
PARENT2 = 3 then PARED = 3
else if education status for PARENT1 = 2 or education status for
PARENT2 = 2 then PARED = 2
else if education status for PARENT1 = 1 or education status for
PARENT2 = 1 then PARED = 1
else if education status for PARENT1 = 9 or education status for
PARENT2 = 9 then PARED = 9

Frequency Code Description
856 1 Did not complete high school
990 2 Completed high school
372 3 Some education beyond high school
110 4 Completed college (Bachelor's degree)
40 5 Completed advanced degree
713 6 No parents present
9442 9 Unknown
171 BLANK Missing

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Parental employment at the time of maltreatment
Number: 288
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 521-522
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.


In order to derive parental employment status we first
identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered
parents if they were in the household and were either biological,
step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated
in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1,
Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved
Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two
persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine
parental employment. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and

if employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and
employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 then PAREMPB = 1
else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment
status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 ) or (employment status for
PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6))
then PAREMPB = 2
else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and
employment status for PARENT2 = 5) or
(employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and
employment status for PARENT1 = 5) then PAREMPB = 3
else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and
employment status for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for
PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT1 = 9)
then PAREMPB = 4
else if employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status
for PARENT2 = 4, 6 then PAREMPB = 5
else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status
for PARENT2 = 5) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6
and employment status for PARENT1 = 5) then PAREMPB = 6
else if employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status
for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 and
employment status for PARENT1 = 9) then PAREMPB = 7
else if employment status for PARENT1 = 5 and employment status for
PARENT2 = 5 then PAREMPB = 8
else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 5 and employment status
for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 5 and
employment status for PARENT1 = 9) then PAREMPB = 9
else if PAREMP = 1, 2, 3 or 7 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3 or 4
then PAREMPB = 10
else if PAREMP = 4 or 6 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 11
else if PAREMP = 5 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 12
else if FASTRUCT = 6 then PAREMPB = 96
else if employment status for PARENT1 = 9 and employment status
for PARENT2 = 9 then PAREMPB = 97
else if PAREMP = 9, Missing and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 98
else if FASTRUCT = Missing, 9 then PAREMPB = 99

Frequency Code Description
997 1 Both parents employed (two parents)
144 2 One parent employed and the other unemployed (two parents)
780 3 One parent employed and the other NILF (two parents)
725 4 One parent employed, one parent employment unknown (two parents)
30 5 Both parents unemployed (two parents)
35 6 One parent unemployed and the other NILF (two parents)
41 7 One parent unemployed, one parent employment unknown (two parents)
264 8 Both parents NILF (two parents)
208 9 One parent NILF, one parent employment unknown (two parents)
1807 10 Parent employed (single parent)
193 11 Parent unemployed (single parent)
1220 12 Parent not in work force (single parent)
541 96 No parent present
2121 97 Missing employment for both parents (two parents)
3569 98 Parents employment unknown or missing (single parent)
19 99 Unknown or missing relationship

Missing Data Codes: 97,98,99

Label: Parental living arrangement
Number: 289
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 523
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.


In order to derive parental living arrangements we first
identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered
parents if they were in the household and were either biological,
step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated
in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1,
Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved
Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two
persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine
parental living arrangements. These persons are referred to as PARENT1
and PARENT2. PARENT1 and PARENT2 can hold the following
values: A, B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 where 'A' is Person A, 'B' is Person B,
and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 refer to Other Involved Persons 1 through 5.

Next, we determined if there were any Other Involved Persons in
the home and created two interim variables: OIP and OIPHOME
as follows:

If OIP1_NODATA = 1 and OIP2_NODATA = 1 and OIP3_NODATA = 1 and
OIP4_NODATA = 1 and OIP5_NODATA = 1 then OIP = 0
else OIP = 1

if OIP_INHOME1 = 0 and OIP2_INHOME = 0 and OIP_INHOME3 = 0 and
OIP_INHOME4 = 0 and OIP_INHOME5 = 0 then OIPHOME = 0
else OIPHOME = 1

We made an assumption about the living arrangements based on
Person B and the Other Involved Persons; If the parent was Person A
and there was no Person B and no resident Other Involved Persons on
the form, for the purpose of deriving living arrangements, these cases
are considered to be single parents with no spouse or partner.

else if FASTRUCT = 6 then PARENTLIVE = 4
Otherwise do the following:
if (PARENT1 = 'A' and PA_LIVEWITH = 1) or (PARENT1 = 'B' and
PB_REL_PA not =1,2,9,Missing) then PARENTLIVE = 1
else if (PARENT1 = 'A' and PA_LIVEWITH = 2) or (PARENT1 = 'A' and
PB_REL_PA = 1) or (PARENT1 = 'B' and PB_REL_PA = 1) or
(PARENT2 = 'B' and PB_REL_PA = 1) then PARENTLIVE = 2
else if (PARENT1 = 'A' and PA_LIVEWITH = 2, 3) or (PARENT1 = 'A'
and PB_REL_PA = 2) or (PARENT2 = 'B' and PB_REL_PA = 2) or
(PARENT1 = 'B' and PB_REL_PA = 2) then PARENTLIVE = 3
else if (PARENT1 = 'A' and PB_NODATA = 1 and PARENT2 is missing
and (OIP = 0 or OIPHOME = 0)) and ((PA_LIVEWITH = 9, Missing)
and FASTRUCT = 2 and PB_REL_PA = Missing) or
(PA_LIVEWITH = 9 and FASTRUCT= 3 and PB_REL_PA = Missing))

Frequency Code Description
5004 1 Child has single parent with no spouse or partner
3965 2 Child has a parent living with a spouse
2312 3 Child has a parent living with an unmarried partner
694 4 Child has neither parent in household
719 9 Unknown

Missing Data Code: 9

Label: Parental employment in past year
Number: 290
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 524-525
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.


NOTE: Other specify text variables were recoded to the appropriate
categories. New interim variables were created for other specify text
that did not fit the data form categories, but which fit our
definition of employed, unemployed or not in the labor force.
Those variables are referred to as OTHEMPLOYED, OTHUNEMP and
PASTEMNILF respectively.

In order to derive parental employment status we first
identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered
parents if they were in the household and were either biological,
step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated
in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1,
Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved
Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two
persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine
parental employment. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and

Past employment for each parent (PASTEMPLOY_P1, PASTEMPLOY_P2)
was turned into a categorical variable as follows:

if past employment is unemployed or if OTHUNEMP = 1 then
else if past employment was employed full-time, part-time,
active duty military or OTHEMPLOYED = 1 then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 1
else if PASTEMNILF = 1 then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 3
else if employment was unknown then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 9

if a parent was identified and PASTMEPLOY_PX was missing, then

1 = Employed in the past year
2 = Unemployed in the past year
3 = Not in the labor in the past year
9 = Unknown

if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 1 then PASTEMPB = 1
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2) or
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3) or
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or
else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2 then PASTEMPB = 5
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 =
2 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3) then PASTEMPB = 6
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 =
2 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9) then PASTEMPB = 7
else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3 then PASTEMPB = 8
else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or
else if PASTEMPLOY = 1 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 10
else if PASTEMPLOY = 2 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 11
else if PASTEMPLOY = 3 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 12
else if FASTRUCT = 6 then PASTEMPB = 96
else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9 then PASTEMPB = 97
else if PASTEMPLOY = Missing, 9 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4
then PASTEMPB = 98
else if FASTRUCT = Missing, 9 then PASTEMPB = 99

Frequency Code Description
506 1 Both parents employed (two parents)
210 2 One parent employed and the other unemployed (two parents)
290 3 One parent employed and the other NILF (two parents)
482 4 One parent employed, one parent employment unknown (two parents)
119 5 Both parents unemployed (two parents)
40 6 One parent unemployed and the other NILF (two parents)
96 7 One parent unemployed, one parent employment unknown (two parents)
43 8 Both parents NILF (two parents)
127 9 One parent NILF, one parent employment unknown (two parents)
996 10 Parent employed (single parent)
510 11 Parent unemployed (single parent)
363 12 Parent not in work force (single parent)
541 96 No parent present
3432 97 Missing employment for both parents (two parents)
4920 98 Parents employment unknown or missing (single parent)
19 99 Unknown or missing relationship

Missing Data Codes: 97,98,99

Label: Metropolitan classification
Number: 291
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 526


This variable was derived using the new definitions by OMB for US
counties (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service,
2003). See Chapter 5 (section 5.6) of the Fourth National Incidence
Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (NIS-4) Final Report to Congress.

Frequency Code Description
6776 1 Major Urban
4118 2 Urban
1800 3 Rural

Label: NIS3 Urbanicity code
Number: 292
Type: Character
Width: 1
Location: 527

Frequency Code Description
4639 A High MSA
5730 B Low MSA
2325 C Normal MSA

The evaluative coding system allowed for the coding of all forms of maltreatment experienced by the child and identifying all the persons responsible for perpetrating each form of maltreatment. Within a maltreatment category, the Endangerment Standard countable form of maltreatment with the most severe outcome was selected, and among the perpetrators of this form of maltreatment, the individual who was most closely related to the victim was selected. The following variables provide the relationship category of the most closely related perpetrator by Endangerment Standard countable maltreatment, overall abuse categories, overall neglect categories, and for each maltreatment category.

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 293
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 528-529
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables


Frequency Code Description
9966 1 Biological parent
1427 2 Other parent/parent substitute
999 3 Other
16 9 Unknown relationship
286 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 294
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 530-531
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
2732 1 Biological parent
860 2 Other parent/parent substitute
872 3 Other
15 9 Unknown relationship
8215 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 295
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 532-533
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
274 1 Biological parent
229 2 Other parent/parent substitute
581 3 Other
8 9 Unknown relationship
11602 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 296
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 534-535
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1931 1 Biological parent
520 2 Other parent/parent substitute
278 3 Other
6 9 Unknown relationship
9959 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 297
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 536-537
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
930 1 Biological parent
277 2 Other parent/parent substitute
100 3 Other
1 9 Unknown relationship
11386 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 298
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 538-539
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
7806 1 Biological parent
832 2 Other parent/parent substitute
275 3 Other
0 9 Unknown relationship
3781 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 299
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 540-541
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
4200 1 Biological parent
338 2 Other parent/parent substitute
117 3 Other
0 9 Unknown relationship
8039 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 300
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 542-543
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
746 1 Biological parent
41 2 Other parent/parent substitute
0 3 Other
0 9 Unknown relationship
11907 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 301
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 544-545
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
4397 1 Biological parent
568 2 Other parent/parent substitute
188 3 Other
0 9 Unknown relationship
7541 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

The evaluative coding system allowed for the coding of all forms of maltreatment experienced by the child and for identifying all persons responsible for perpetrating each form of maltreatment. Within a maltreatment category, the Harm Standard countable form of maltreatment with the most severe outcome was selected, and among the perpetrators of this form of maltreatment, the individual who was most closely related to the victim was selected. The following variables provide the relationship category of the most closely related perpetrator of Harm Standard maltreatment, overall abuse categories, overall neglect categories, and for each maltreatment category.

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 302
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 546-547
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
3927 1 Biological parent
741 2 Other parent/parent substitute
547 3 Other
11 9 Unknown relationship
7468 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 303
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 548-549
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1910 1 Biological parent
635 2 Other parent/parent substitute
596 3 Other
12 9 Unknown relationship
9541 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 304
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 550-551
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
206 1 Biological parent
195 2 Other parent/parent substitute
381 3 Other
7 9 Unknown relationship
11905 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 305
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 552-553
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1415 1 Biological parent
378 2 Other parent/parent substitute
208 3 Other
4 9 Unknown relationship
10689 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 306
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 554-555
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
466 1 Biological parent
140 2 Other parent/parent substitute
54 3 Other
1 9 Unknown relationship
12033 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 307
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 556-557
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
2278 1 Biological parent
182 2 Other parent/parent substitute
0 3 Other
0 9 Unknown relationship
10234 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 308
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 558-559
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1095 1 Biological parent
105 2 Other parent/parent substitute
0 3 Other
0 9 Unknown relationship
11494 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 309
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 560-561
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
746 1 Biological parent
41 2 Other parent/parent substitute
0 3 Other
0 9 Unknown relationship
11907 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 310
Type: Numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Location: 562-563
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
680 1 Biological parent
55 2 Other parent/parent substitute
0 3 Other
0 9 Unknown relationship
11959 10 No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child

Missing Data Codes: 9,10

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 311
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 564
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
10466 0 No
2228 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.18
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 312
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 565
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11888 0 No
806 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 313
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 566
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12381 0 No
313 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 314
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 567
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12284 0 No
410 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 315
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 568
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12543 0 No
151 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 316
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 569
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11147 0 No
1547 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.12
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 317
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 570
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11797 0 No
897 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 318
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 571
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12657 0 No
37 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 319
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 572
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11830 0 No
864 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 320
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 573
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11873 0 No
821 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 321
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 574
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12155 0 No
539 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 322
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 575
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12524 0 No
170 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 323
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 576
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12359 0 No
335 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 324
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 577
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12629 0 No
65 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 325
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 578
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12341 0 No
353 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 326
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 579
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12419 0 No
275 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 327
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 580
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12657 0 No
37 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 328
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 581
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12620 0 No
74 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 329
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 582
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
8023 0 No
4671 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.37
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 330
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 583
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11339 0 No
1355 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 331
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 584
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12463 0 No
231 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 332
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 585
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11773 0 No
921 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 333
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 586
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12290 0 No
404 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 334
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 587
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
9166 0 No
3528 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.28
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 335
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 588
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
10853 0 No
1841 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 336
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 589
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12429 0 No
265 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 337
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 590
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
10649 0 No
2045 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 338
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 591
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11043 0 No
1651 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 339
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 592
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11743 0 No
951 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 340
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 593
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12515 0 No
179 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 341
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 594
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12044 0 No
650 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 342
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 595
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12493 0 No
201 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 343
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 596
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11893 0 No
801 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 344
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 597
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12314 0 No
380 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 345
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 598
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12429 0 No
265 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 346
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 599
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12457 0 No
237 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 347
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 600
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
8223 0 No
4471 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.35
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 348
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 601
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11067 0 No
1627 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 349
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 602
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12367 0 No
327 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 350
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 603
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11736 0 No
958 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 351
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 604
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12079 0 No
615 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 352
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 605
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
9343 0 No
3351 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.26
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 353
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 606
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11085 0 No
1609 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 354
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 607
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12346 0 No
348 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 355
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 608
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
10580 0 No
2114 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 356
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 609
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
10703 0 No
1991 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 357
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 610
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11540 0 No
1154 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 358
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 611
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12429 0 No
265 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 359
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 612
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12002 0 No
692 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 360
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 613
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12357 0 No
337 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 361
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 614
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11695 0 No
999 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 362
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 615
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12294 0 No
400 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 363
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 616
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12346 0 No
348 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 364
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 617
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12313 0 No
381 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 365
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 618
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11190 0 No
1504 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.12
Standard Deviation: 0.32

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 366
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 619
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11968 0 No
726 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 367
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 620
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12468 0 No
226 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 368
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 621
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12230 0 No
464 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 369
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 622
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12542 0 No
152 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 370
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 623
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11767 0 No
927 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 371
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 624
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12175 0 No
519 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 372
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 625
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12539 0 No
155 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 373
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 626
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12309 0 No
385 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 374
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 627
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11816 0 No
878 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 375
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 628
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12154 0 No
540 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 376
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 629
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12511 0 No
183 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 377
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 630
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12348 0 No
346 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 378
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 631
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12631 0 No
63 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 379
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 632
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12298 0 No
396 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 380
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 633
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12497 0 No
197 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 381
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 634
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12539 0 No
155 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 382
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 635
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12624 0 No
70 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 383
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 636
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
10528 0 No
1880 1 Yes
286 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 12408
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 384
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 637
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
3913 0 No
566 1 Yes
8215 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 4479
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 385
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 638
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1012 0 No
80 1 Yes
11602 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 1092
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 386
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 639
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
2411 0 No
324 1 Yes
9959 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 2735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.12
Standard Deviation: 0.32

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 387
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 640
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1027 0 No
281 1 Yes
11386 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 1308
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.21
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 388
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 641
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
7260 0 No
1653 1 Yes
3781 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 8913
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.19
Standard Deviation: 0.39

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 389
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 642
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
3878 0 No
777 1 Yes
8039 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 4655
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 390
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 643
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
713 0 No
74 1 Yes
11907 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 391
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 644
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
3822 0 No
1331 1 Yes
7541 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 5153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.26
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 392
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 645
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
4596 0 No
630 1 Yes
7468 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 5226
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.12
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 393
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 646
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
2781 0 No
372 1 Yes
9541 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 3153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.12
Standard Deviation: 0.32

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 394
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 647
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
727 0 No
62 1 Yes
11905 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 789
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 395
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 648
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1796 0 No
209 1 Yes
10689 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 2005
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 396
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 649
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
506 0 No
155 1 Yes
12033 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 661
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.23
Standard Deviation: 0.42

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 397
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 650
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
2117 0 No
343 1 Yes
10234 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 2460
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 398
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 651
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1064 0 No
136 1 Yes
11494 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 1200
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.32

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 399
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 652
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
713 0 No
74 1 Yes
11907 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 400
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 653
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
550 0 No
185 1 Yes
11959 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 401
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 654
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
9831 0 No
2577 1 Yes
286 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 12408
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.21
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 402
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 655
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
4030 0 No
449 1 Yes
8215 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 4479
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 403
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 656
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1010 0 No
82 1 Yes
11602 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 1092
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 404
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 657
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
2493 0 No
242 1 Yes
9959 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 2735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 405
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 658
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1086 0 No
222 1 Yes
11386 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 1308
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 406
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 659
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
6795 0 No
2118 1 Yes
3781 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 8913
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.24
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 407
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 660
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
3509 0 No
1146 1 Yes
8039 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 4655
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 408
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 661
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
685 0 No
102 1 Yes
11907 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 409
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 662
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
3415 0 No
1738 1 Yes
7541 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 5153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.34
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 410
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 663
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
4553 0 No
673 1 Yes
7468 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 5226
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 411
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 664
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
2864 0 No
289 1 Yes
9541 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 3153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 412
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 665
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
729 0 No
60 1 Yes
11905 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 789
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 413
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 666
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1842 0 No
163 1 Yes
10689 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 2005
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 414
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 667
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
548 0 No
113 1 Yes
12033 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 661
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 415
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 668
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1994 0 No
466 1 Yes
10234 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 2460
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.19
Standard Deviation: 0.39

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 416
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 669
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
970 0 No
230 1 Yes
11494 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 1200
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.19
Standard Deviation: 0.39

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 417
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 670
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
685 0 No
102 1 Yes
11907 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Label: Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 418
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 671
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
523 0 No
212 1 Yes
11959 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.29
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 419
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 672
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11386 0 No
1022 1 Yes
286 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 12408
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 420
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 673
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
4196 0 No
283 1 Yes
8215 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 4479
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 421
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 674
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1043 0 No
49 1 Yes
11602 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 1092
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 422
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 675
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
2607 0 No
128 1 Yes
9959 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 2735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 423
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 676
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1138 0 No
170 1 Yes
11386 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 1308
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 424
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 677
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
8081 0 No
832 1 Yes
3781 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 8913
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 425
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 678
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
4199 0 No
456 1 Yes
8039 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 4655
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 426
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 679
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
729 0 No
58 1 Yes
11907 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 427
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 680
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
4588 0 No
565 1 Yes
7541 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 5153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 428
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 681
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
4816 0 No
410 1 Yes
7468 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 5226
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 429
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 682
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
2958 0 No
195 1 Yes
9541 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 3153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 430
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 683
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
754 0 No
35 1 Yes
11905 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 789
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 431
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 684
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1922 0 No
83 1 Yes
10689 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 2005
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 432
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 685
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
557 0 No
104 1 Yes
12033 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 661
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 433
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 686
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
2208 0 No
252 1 Yes
10234 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 2460
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 434
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 687
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1073 0 No
127 1 Yes
11494 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 1200
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 435
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 688
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
729 0 No
58 1 Yes
11907 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 436
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 689
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
630 0 No
105 1 Yes
11959 BLANK Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 437
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 690
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
4304 0 No
8390 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.66
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 438
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 691
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
10792 0 No
1902 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 439
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 692
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12572 0 No
122 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 440
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 693
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11313 0 No
1381 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 441
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 694
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12022 0 No
672 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 442
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 695
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
5958 0 No
6736 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.53
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 443
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 696
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
8658 0 No
4036 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.32
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 444
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 697
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11996 0 No
698 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 445
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 698
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
9337 0 No
3357 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.26
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 446
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 699
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
9454 0 No
3240 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.26
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 447
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 700
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11373 0 No
1321 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 448
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 701
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12610 0 No
84 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 449
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 702
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11690 0 No
1004 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 450
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 703
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12351 0 No
343 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 451
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 704
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
10593 0 No
2101 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 452
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 705
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11641 0 No
1053 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 453
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 706
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11996 0 No
698 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 454
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 707
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12116 0 No
578 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 455
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 708
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
6738 0 No
5956 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.47
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 456
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 709
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
9935 0 No
2759 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.22
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 457
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 710
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11731 0 No
963 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 458
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 711
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11213 0 No
1481 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.12
Standard Deviation: 0.32

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 459
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 712
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11966 0 No
728 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 460
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 713
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
8730 0 No
3964 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.31
Standard Deviation: 0.46

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 461
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 714
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11103 0 No
1591 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 462
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 715
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12468 0 No
226 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 463
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 716
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
9970 0 No
2724 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.21
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 464
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 717
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
10088 0 No
2606 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.21
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 465
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 718
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
10732 0 No
1962 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 466
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 719
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11998 0 No
696 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 467
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 720
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11605 0 No
1089 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 468
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 721
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12313 0 No
381 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 469
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 722
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
11826 0 No
868 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 470
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 723
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12267 0 No
427 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 471
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 724
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12468 0 No
226 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Label: Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 472
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 725
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12389 0 No
305 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 473
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 726
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12625 0 No
69 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 474
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 727
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12653 0 No
41 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 475
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 728
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12671 0 No
23 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 476
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 729
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12675 0 No
19 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 477
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 730
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12694 0 No
0 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 478
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 731
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12661 0 No
33 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 479
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 732
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12685 0 No
9 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.03

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 480
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 733
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12670 0 No
24 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 481
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 734
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12694 0 No
0 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 482
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 735
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12624 0 No
70 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 483
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 736
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12653 0 No
41 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 484
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 737
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12671 0 No
23 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 485
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 738
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12675 0 No
19 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 486
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 739
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12694 0 No
0 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 487
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 740
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12661 0 No
33 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 488
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 741
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12685 0 No
9 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.03

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 489
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 742
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12670 0 No
24 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 490
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 743
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
12694 0 No
0 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SEVER1
Label: Most severe outcome from any Harm Standard maltreatment
Number: 491
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 744
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



If (HARMCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or
(HARMCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and
If SEVER1 not equal missing and coded severity not equal missing
then SEVER1 = minimum value of (SEVER1, coded severity)
Else if coded severity not equal missing then SEVER1 equals coded

Frequency Code Description
92 1 Fatal injury/harm
2165 2 Serious injury/harm
2519 3 Moderate injury/harm
450 4 Inferred or probably injury/harm
7468 BLANK Inapplicable (Not countable under Harm Standard)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Name: SEVER2
Label: Most severe outcome from any Endangerment Standard maltreatment
Number: 492
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 745
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables



If (ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or
(ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and
If SEVER2 not equal missing and coded severity not equal missing
then SERVER2 = minimum value of (SEVER2, coded severity)
Else if coded severity not equal missing then SEVER2 equals coded

Frequency Code Description
97 1 Fatal injury/harm
2288 2 Serious injury/harm
3529 3 Moderate injury/harm
1122 4 Inferred or probable injury/harm
5372 5 Endangered
286 BLANK Inapplicable (Not countable under Endangerment Standard)

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Endangerment Standard any maltreatment
Number: 493
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 746
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
97 1 Fatal
2288 2 Serious
3529 3 Moderate
497 4 Assumed harm
625 5 Probable harm
5372 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
286 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Endangerment Standard any abuse
Number: 494
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 747
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
36 1 Fatal
985 2 Serious
1889 3 Moderate
360 4 Assumed harm
256 5 Probable harm
953 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
8215 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Endangerment Standard sexual abuse
Number: 495
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 748
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
270 2 Serious
276 3 Moderate
362 4 Assumed harm
62 5 Probable harm
122 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
11602 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Endangerment Standard physical abuse
Number: 496
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 749
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
35 1 Fatal
583 2 Serious
1387 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed harm
74 5 Probable harm
656 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
9959 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Endangerment Standard emotional abuse
Number: 497
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 750
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Fatal
211 2 Serious
437 3 Moderate
12 4 Assumed harm
189 5 Probable harm
458 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
11386 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Endangerment Standard any neglect
Number: 498
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 751
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
64 1 Fatal
1476 2 Serious
1945 3 Moderate
173 4 Assumed harm
493 5 Probable harm
4762 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
3781 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Endangerment Standard physical neglect
Number: 499
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 752
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
60 1 Fatal
797 2 Serious
658 3 Moderate
186 4 Assumed harm
125 5 Probable harm
2829 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
8039 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Endangerment Standard educational neglect
Number: 500
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 753
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
138 2 Serious
649 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed harm
0 5 Probable harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Endangerment Standard emotional neglect
Number: 501
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 754
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
7 1 Fatal
701 2 Serious
929 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed harm
442 5 Probable harm
3074 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
7541 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Harm Standard any maltreatment
Number: 502
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 755
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
92 1 Fatal
2165 2 Serious
2519 3 Moderate
450 4 Assumed harm
0 5 Probable harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
7468 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Harm Standard any abuse
Number: 503
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 756
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
36 1 Fatal
957 2 Serious
1861 3 Moderate
299 4 Assumed harm
0 5 Probable harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
9541 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Harm Standard sexual abuse
Number: 504
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 757
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
242 2 Serious
247 3 Moderate
300 4 Assumed harm
0 5 Probable harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
11905 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Harm Standard physical abuse
Number: 505
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 758
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
35 1 Fatal
583 2 Serious
1387 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed harm
0 5 Probable harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
10689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Harm Standard emotional abuse
Number: 506
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 759
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Fatal
211 2 Serious
437 3 Moderate
12 4 Assumed harm
0 5 Probable harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
12033 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Harm Standard any neglect
Number: 507
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 760
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
62 1 Fatal
1434 2 Serious
782 3 Moderate
182 4 Assumed harm
0 5 Probable harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
10234 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Harm Standard physical neglect
Number: 508
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 761
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
59 1 Fatal
774 2 Serious
180 3 Moderate
187 4 Assumed harm
0 5 Probable harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
11494 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Harm Standard educational neglect
Number: 509
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 762
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
138 2 Serious
649 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed harm
0 5 Probable harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Harm Standard emotional neglect
Number: 510
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 763
Source: Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables

Frequency Code Description
7 1 Fatal
690 2 Serious
38 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed harm
0 5 Probable harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient information
11959 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: SPM Extract record
Number: 511
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 764
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
197 0 No
12497 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.98
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: SPS Extract record
Number: 512
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 765
Source: CPS Screening Policies Survey data form Item

Frequency Code Description
197 0 No
12497 1 Yes

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.98
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Agencies with alternative response on the SPM survey
Number: 513
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 766
Source: Derived from the Structure and Practices Mail survey data items


This variable was created to show the agencies that reported they have
an alternative response (AR) option based on the SPM survey items.

Frequency Code Description
9968 0 No
2529 1 Yes
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 12497
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Label: Agencies with alternative response from the SPM & SPS surveys
Number: 514
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 767
Source: Derived from the Structure and Practices Mail survey data items and CPS Screening Policies survey data items


This variable was created to combine the SPM and SPS survey item
responses regarding the alternative response (AR) option reported by
the agencies. For example, if an agency indicated "No" for AR on the
SPM survey but referred to AR on the SPS survey, or vice versa, the
agency was coded as "Yes" for AR for this variable.

Frequency Code Description
9536 0 No
2961 1 Yes
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 12497
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.24
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Agencies with alternative response on the SPS survey
Number: 515
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 768
Source: Derived from CPS Screening Policies survey data items


This variable was created to show the agencies that reported they have
an alternative response (AR) option based on the SPS survey items.

Frequency Code Description
10787 0 No
1710 1 Yes
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 12497
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Label: CPS Screening Level of Agencies
Number: 516
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 769
Source: Derived from background questions of the CPS Screening Policies survey


This variable was derived from the background questions of the SPS
survey regarding whether the jurisdiction conducts CPS screening
at the local agency, the state/regional hotline, or both.

Frequency Code Description
5840 1 Local only
5417 2 State hotline only
1240 3 Both
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Name: SPM_B_Q3
Label: SPM: Did your agency experience an excessive screening workload demand on staff conducting screening/intake
Number: 517
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 770
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
8026 1 Yes
4471 2 No
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_B_Q5
Label: SPM: Did your agency receive referrals from a State hotline?
Number: 518
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 771
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
6565 1 Yes
4194 2 No
0 8 Don't know
1738 9 Not ascertained
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_B_Q6A
Label: SPM: How did agency handle phone calls during non-business hours? Who handled the calls Mon through Thurs evenings?
Number: 519
Type: Character
Width: 1
Location: 772
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item


SPM: How did your agency handle phone calls during non-business
hours? Who handled the calls Monday through Thursday evenings?

Frequency Code Description
125 0 Our agency assigned staff to be on call AND the state hotline handled these calls
2189 1 Our agency handled calls through our intake unit
2206 2 Our agency assigned staff to be on call.
140 3 Our agency routed these calls directly to another agency
5951 4 The State hotline handled these calls
888 5 Other Specify
110 6 Our agency does did not accept calls at these times
11 7 Codes 4 and 5
0 8 Don't know
455 9 Not ascertained
279 A Codes 1 and 2
143 B Codes 2 and 5
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_B_Q6B
Label: SPM: How did agency handle phone calls during non-business hours? Who handled calls Frid evenings-Sun evenings?
Number: 520
Type: Character
Width: 1
Location: 773
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item


SPM: How did your agency handle phone calls during non-business
hours? Who handled calls Friday evenings-Sunday evenings?

Frequency Code Description
125 0 Our agency assigned staff to be on call AND the state hotline handled these calls
2469 1 Our agency handled calls through our intake unit
2381 2 Our agency assigned staff to be on call
140 3 Our agency routed these calls directly to another agency
5951 4 The State hotline handled these calls
888 5 Other Specify
110 6 Our agency does did not accept calls at these times
11 7 Codes 4 and 5
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
279 A Codes 1 and 2
143 B Codes 2 and 5
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_B_Q8
Label: SPM: Did agency maintain record of calls?
Number: 521
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 774
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
11224 1 Yes, we maintained records for all calls
1273 2 No, we maintained records only for those accepted for agency response
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_B_Q9
Label: SPM: Did agency share responsibility for screening referrals?
Number: 522
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 775
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
12272 1 We have had sole responsibility for screening
74 2 We shared responsibility with law enforcement
69 3 We shared responsibility with another agency
0 4 We supported the following agency:
82 5 No, we have had no responsibility for screening
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_B_Q11
Label: SPM: In screening, did your agency prioritize recommended responses to referrals?
Number: 523
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 776
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
11818 1 Yes
679 2 No
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_B_Q12
Label: SPM: In screening, did agency consider any mandated limit on caseload size when recommending responses to references?
Number: 524
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 777
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
701 1 Yes
11796 2 No
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
197 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_C_Q1
Label: SPM: Did your agency have a worker or unit of workers devoted solely to investigating referrals?
Number: 525
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 778
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
11622 1 Yes
720 2 No
0 8 Don't know
58 9 Not ascertained
294 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_C_Q5
Label: SPM: Did you experience excessive workload demand on staff conducting investigations?
Number: 526
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 779
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
8459 1 Yes
3941 2 No
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
294 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_C_Q6A
Label: SPM: Agencys role in investigating severe physical abuse
Number: 527
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 780
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
1997 1 We had sole responsibility
9354 2 We shared responsibility with law enforcement
109 3 We shared responsibility with other agency
0 4 We supported other agency (specify)
0 5 No role -- we did not investigate
371 6 Codes 2 and 3
569 7 Codes 1 and 2
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
294 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_C_Q6B
Label: SPM: Agencys role in investigating other physical abuse
Number: 528
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 781
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
6343 1 We had sole responsibility
5866 2 We shared responsibility with law enforcement
0 3 We shared responsibility with other agency
0 4 We supported other agency (specify)
0 5 No role -- we did not investigate
0 6 Codes 2 and 3
191 7 Codes 1 and 2
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
294 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_C_Q6C
Label: SPM: Agencys role in investigating sexual abuse
Number: 529
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 782
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
1715 1 We had sole responsibility
9337 2 We shared responsibility with law enforcement
408 3 We shared responsibility with other agency
0 4 We supported other agency (specify)
0 5 No role -- we did not investigate
371 6 Codes 2 and 3
569 7 Codes 1 and 2
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
294 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_C_Q6D
Label: SPM: Agencys role in investigating severe physical neglect
Number: 530
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 783
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
5042 1 We had sole responsibility
6585 2 We shared responsibility with law enforcement
0 3 We shared responsibility with other agency
0 4 We supported other agency (specify)
0 5 No role -- we did not investigate
313 6 Codes 2 and 3
397 7 Codes 1 and 2
0 8 Don't know
63 9 Not ascertained
294 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_C_Q6E
Label: SPM: Agencys role in investigating other physical neglect
Number: 531
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 784
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
9969 1 We had sole responsibility
2374 2 We shared responsibility with law enforcement
0 3 We shared responsibility with other agency
0 4 We supported other agency (specify)
0 5 No role -- we did not investigate
0 6 Codes 2 and 3
57 7 Codes 1 and 2
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
294 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_C_Q6F
Label: SPM: Agencys role in investigating emotional abuse/neglect
Number: 532
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 785
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
10851 1 We had sole responsibility
1072 2 We shared responsibility with law enforcement
73 3 We shared responsibility with other agency
0 4 We supported other agency (specify)
264 5 No role -- we did not investigate
0 6 Codes 2 and 3
0 7 Codes 1 and 2
0 8 Don't know
140 9 Not ascertained
294 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_C_Q6G
Label: SPM: Agencys role in investigating truancy
Number: 533
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 786
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
1716 1 We had sole responsibility
0 2 We shared responsibility with law enforcement
1215 3 We shared responsibility with other agency
1636 4 We supported other agency (specify)
7756 5 No role -- we did not investigate
0 6 Codes 2 and 3
0 7 Codes 1 and 2
0 8 Don't know
77 9 Not ascertained
294 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_C_Q6H
Label: SPM: Agencys role in investigating abandonment
Number: 534
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 787
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
6871 1 We had sole responsibility
5307 2 We shared responsibility with law enforcement
63 3 We shared responsibility with other agency
0 4 We supported other agency (specify)
0 5 No role -- we did not investigate
45 6 Codes 2 and 3
114 7 Codes 1 and 2
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
294 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Name: SPM_C_Q6I
Label: SPM: Agencys role in investigating child fatality
Number: 535
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 788
Source: Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item

Frequency Code Description
698 1 We had sole responsibility
9192 2 We shared responsibility with law enforcement
1237 3 We shared responsibility with other agency
140 4 We supported other agency (specify)
251 5 No role -- we did not investigate
313 6 Codes 2 and 3
569 7 Codes 1 and 2
0 8 Don't know
0 9 Not ascertained
294 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 8,9,BLANK

Label: Investigated at least one maltreatment
Number: 536
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 789
Source: Derived from CPS Screening Policies survey data items


This variable was derived based on the SPS coding procedures whether
CPS would would definitely investigate or probabably investigate any
maltreatment for the child if the case were reported to them.

Frequency Code Description
700 0 No clear indication of investigation on any maltreatment
2541 1 Yes probably or definitely investigate at least one maltreatment
9453 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 3241
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.78
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Total child population
Number: 537
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 790-794
Source: U.S. Census Population files


This population denominator is applied to all children

ALLPOP = 73635

Frequency Code Description
12694 73635 Total child population

Label: Child age population denominator
Number: 538
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 795-799
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: AGECLASS

Note: This population denominator variable is used with the
variable AGECLASS

If AGECLASS = 1 then AGEPOP = 12292
else if AGECLASS = 2 then AGEPOP = 12069
else if AGECLASS = 3 then AGEPOP = 11682
else if AGECLASS = 4 then AGEPOP = 12067
else if AGECLASS = 5 then AGEPOP = 12643
else if AGECLASS = 6 then AGEPOP = 12882

Frequency Code Description
2382 12292 Child population 0-2 years old
1939 12069 Child population 3-5 years old
1931 11682 Child population 6-8 years old
1631 12067 Child population 9-11 years old
2000 12643 Child population 12-14 years old
1677 12882 Child population 15-17 years old
1134 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Child disability population denominator
Number: 539
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 800-804
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: ANYDISAB

Note: This population denominator variable is used with the
variable ANYDISAB

If ANYDISAB = 1 then DISABPOP = 6689
else if ANYDISAB = 0 then DISABPOP = 66946

Frequency Code Description
672 6689 Child population with any disability
11234 66946 Child population with no disability
788 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Summary measure of parental employment population denominator
Number: 540
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 805-809
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: EMPSUM

Note: This population denominator variable is used with the
variable EMPSUM

If EMPSUM = 1 then EMPSUMPOP = 8986
else if EMPSUM = 2 then EMPSUMPOP = 58218
else if EMPSUM = 3 then EMPSUMPOP = 3982
else if EMPSUM = 8 then EMPSUMPOP = 2449

Frequency Code Description
1367 8986 Population of any parent unemployed
4170 58218 Population of employed parent(s)
1021 3982 Population of parent(s) not in labor force
694 2449 Population of no parents present
5442 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: School enrollment (children 3 years and older) population denominator
Number: 541
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 810-814
Source: U.S. Census Population files



Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable CHENROLL.

If CHENROLL = 1 and AGECLASS > 1) then ENROLL3POP = 56225
else if CHENROLL = 0 and AGECLASS > 1) then ENROLL3POP = 5119

Frequency Code Description
6613 56225 Child population (children 3 years and older) enrolled in school
1351 5119 Child population (children 3 years and older) not enrolled in school
4730 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: School enrollment (all children) population denominator
Number: 542
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 815-819
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: CHENROLL

Note: This population denominator variable is used with the
variable CHENROLL

else if CHENROLL = 0 then ENROLLALLPOP = 17244

Frequency Code Description
6667 56392 Child population (all children) enrolled in school
3284 17244 Child population (all children) not enrolled in school
2743 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: School enrollment (mandated school-aged children) population denominator
Number: 543
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 820-824
Source: U.S. Census Population files



Note: This population denominator variable is used with the
variable CHENROLL

If CHENROLL = 1 and (AGECLASS2 > 2 and AGECLASS2 < 7)
then ENROLLMPOP = 43819
else if CHENROLL = 0 and (AGECLASS2 > 2 and AGECLASS2 < 7) then

Frequency Code Description
5439 43819 Child population (mandated school-age children) enrolled in school
215 928 Child population (mandated school-age children) not enrolled in school
7040 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Child ethnicity population denominator
Number: 544
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 825-829
Source: U.S. Census Population files



Note: This population denominator variable is used with the
variable CH_HISPANIC

else if CH_HISPANIC = 0 then ETHNICITYPOP = 58883

Frequency Code Description
2620 14752 Child population Hispanic or Latino origin
7622 58883 Child population non-Hispanic and non-Latino origin
2452 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Child race/ethnicity population denominator
Number: 545
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 830-834
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: ETHNIC

Note: This population denominator variable is used with the
variable ETHNIC

If ETHNIC = 1 then ETHNICPOP = 663
else if ETHNIC = 2 then ETHNICPOP = 2982
else if ETHNIC = 3 then ETHNICPOP = 10797
else if ETHNIC = 4 then ETHNICPOP = 14752
else if ETHNIC = 5 then ETHNICPOP = 42623
else if ETHNIC = 6 then ETHNICPOP = 1817

Frequency Code Description
292 663 Child population American Indian and Alaska Native
176 2982 Child population Asian or Pacific Islander
2961 10797 Child population Black, not of Hispanic origin
2620 14752 Child population Hispanic
5179 42623 Child population White, not of Hispanic origin
329 1817 Child population other race/ethnicity
1137 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Name: GP2POP
Label: Presence of grandparent(s) population denominator
Number: 546
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 835-839
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: GRDCARE

Note: This population denominator variable is used with the
variable GRDCARE

If GRDCARE = 1 or GRDCARE = 2 then GP2POP = 5877
else if GRDCARE = 3 then GP2POP = 67759

Frequency Code Description
909 5877 Population of families with grandparent(s) present
11765 67759 Population of families with no grandparent(s) present
20 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Population total by INHSTATP
Number: 547
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 840-844
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: INHSTATP

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable INHSTATP

If INHSTATP = 1 then INHSTATPOP = 19043
else if INHSTATP = 2 then INHSTATPOP = 52143
else if INHSTATP = 3 then INHSTATPOP = 2449

Frequency Code Description
6804 19043 Population of families with single parent
5177 52143 Population of families with both parents
694 2449 Population of families with neither parent
19 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Population total by INHSTONE
Number: 548
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 845-849
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: INHSTONE

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable INHSTONE

else if INHSTONE = 2 then INHSTATONEPOP = 2389

Frequency Code Description
6024 16654 Population of families with mother only
734 2389 Population of families with father only
5936 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Family structure/living arrangement population denominator
Number: 549
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 850-854
Source: U.S. Census Population files



Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable LIVESTRUCT2

else if LIVESTRUCT2 = 2 then LIVESTRUCT2POP = 5152
else if LIVESTRUCT2 = 3 then LIVESTRUCT2POP = 2192
else if LIVESTRUCT2 = 4 then LIVESTRUCT2POP = 2081
else if LIVESTRUCT2 = 5 then LIVESTRUCT2POP = 16962
else if LIVESTRUCT2 = 6 then LIVESTRUCT2POP = 2449

Frequency Code Description
2798 44799 Population of families with married parents, both biological
1167 5152 Population of families with married parents, other legal arrangements
1053 2192 Population of families with unmarried parents
1259 2081 Population of families with single parent with partner
5004 16962 Population of families with single parent without partner
694 2449 Population of families with neither parent present
719 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Family of low socioeconomic status population denominator
Number: 550
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 855-859
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: LOWSES2

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable LOWSES2

If LOWSES2 = 0 then LOWSESPOP = 53885
else if LOWSES2 = 1 then LOWSESPOP = 19750

Frequency Code Description
2368 53885 Population of families of non-low socioeconomic status
4650 19750 Population of families of low socioeconomic status
5676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Number of children population denominator (4 levels)
Number: 551
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 860-864
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: NCHILDR

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable NCHILDR

If NCHILDR = 1 then NCHPOP = 16791
else if NCHILDR = 2 then NCHPOP = 28919
else if NCHILDR = 3 then NCHPOP = 17413
else if NCHILDR >= 4 then NCHPOP = 10511

Frequency Code Description
2705 16791 Population of families with 1 child
3495 28919 Population of families with 2 children
2916 17413 Population of families with 3 children
3093 10511 Population of families with 4 or more children
485 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Number of children population denominator (3 levels)
Number: 552
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 865-869
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Items: NCHILDR

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable NCHILDR

If NCHILDR = 1 then NCH2POP = 16791
else if NCHILDR in (2,3) then NCH2POP = 46332
else if NCHILDR ge 4 and NCHILDR ne 99 then NCH2POP = 10511

Frequency Code Description
2705 16791 Population of families with 1 child
6411 46332 Population of families with 2 or 3 children
3093 10511 Population of families with 4 or more children
485 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: NIS-3 Urban designation population denominator
Number: 553
Type: Numeric
Width: 10
Decimals: 4
Location: 870-879
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: NIS3URB

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable NIS3URB

If NIS3URB = 'A' then NIS3URBPOP = 27634.2150
else if NIS3URB = 'B' then NIS3URBPOP = 30852.7075
else if NIS3URB = 'C' then NIS3URBPOP = 15147.9785

Label: Metro status population denominator
Number: 554
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 880-884
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: METSTAT03

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable METSTAT03

If METSTAT03 = 1 then METPOP = 40161
else if METSTAT03 = 2 then METPOP = 21768
else if METSTAT03 = 3 then METPOP = 11706

Frequency Code Description
6776 40161 Population of major urban area
4118 21768 Population of urban area
1800 11706 Population of rural area

Label: Parental education population denominator
Number: 555
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 885-889
Source: U.S. Census Population files



Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable PARED

If PARED = 1 then PAREDPOP = 8341
else if PARED = 2 then PAREDPOP = 17446
else if PARED = 3 then PAREDPOP = 20595
else if PARED = 4 then PAREDPOP = 14949
else if PARED = 5 then PAREDPOP = 9801
else if PAREMPB = 96 then PAREDPOP = 2505

Frequency Code Description
859 8341 Population of parents that did not complete high school
1002 17446 Population of parents that completed high school
380 20595 Population of parents that have some education beyond high school
112 14949 Population of parents that completed college (Bachelor's degree)
40 9801 Population of parents that completed an advanced degree
541 2505 Population where no parents are present
9760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Parental employment in past year population denominator
Number: 556
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 890-894
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: PASTEMPB

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable PASTEMPB

If PASTEMPB = 1 then PASTEMPPOP = 29185
else if PASTEMPB = 2 then PASTEMPPOP = 3373
else if PASTEMPB = 3 then PASTEMPPOP = 15195
else if PASTEMPB = 4 then PASTEMPPOP = 0
else if PASTEMPB = 5 then PASTEMPPOP = 374
else if PASTEMPB = 6 then PASTEMPPOP = 701
else if PASTEMPB = 7 then PASTEMPPOP = 0
else if PASTEMPB = 8 then PASTEMPPOP = 764
else if PASTEMPB = 9 then PASTEMPPOP = 0
else if PASTEMPB = 10 then PASTEMPPOP = 14141
else if PASTEMPB = 11 then PASTEMPPOP = 2421
else if PASTEMPB = 12 then PASTEMPPOP = 4029
else if PASTEMPB = 96 then PASTEMPPOP = 2415
else if PASTEMPB = 97 then PASTEMPPOP = 0
else if PASTEMPB = 98 then PASTEMPPOP = 0
else if PASTEMPB = 99 then PASTEMPPOP = 1035

Frequency Code Description
506 29185 Population of families with both parents employed (two parent family)
210 3373 Population of families with one parent employed and one parent unemployed (two parent family)
290 15195 Population of families with one parent employed and one parent not in labor force (two parent family) employment unknown (two parent family)
119 374 Population of families with both parents unemployed (two parent family)
40 701 Population of families with one parent unemployed and one parent not in labor force (two parent family)
43 764 Population of families with both parents not in labor force (two parent family)
996 14141 Population of families with parent employed (single parent family)
510 2421 Population of families with parent unemployed (single parent family)
363 4029 Population of families with parent not in labor force (single parent family)
541 2415 Population of families with no parent present (two parent family)
19 1035 Unknown or missing relationship
9057 0 Population of families with one parent employed and one parent employment unknown (two parent family) or with one parent unemployed and one parent employment (two parent family) or with one parent not in labor force and one parent employment unknown (two parent family) or missing employment for for both parents (two parent family) or missing employment (single parent family)

Missing Data Codes: 1035,0

Label: Participation in poverty-related programs population denominator
Number: 557
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 895-899
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: POVPROG

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable POVPROG

If POVPROG = 1 then POVPOP = 10290
else if POVPROG = 0 then POVPOP = 63345

Frequency Code Description
3857 10290 Population of families that participate in poverty related programs
1946 63345 Population of families that did not participate in poverty related programs
6891 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Race/ethnicity 4-categories population denominator
Number: 558
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 900-904
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: RACET4

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable RACET4

If RACET4 = 1 then RACET4POP = 42623
else if RACET4 = 2 then RACET4POP = 10797
else if RACET4 = 3 then RACET4POP = 14752
else if RACET4 = 4 then RACET4POP = 5462

Frequency Code Description
5179 42623 Child population White, non-Hispanic
2961 10797 Child population Black, non-Hispanic
2620 14752 Child population Hispanic
797 5462 Child population other, non-Hispanic
1137 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Child sex population denominator
Number: 559
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 905-909
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: CHSEX

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable CHSEX

If CHSEX = 1 then SEXPOP = 37685
else if CHSEX = 2 then SEXPOP = 35950

Frequency Code Description
6046 37685 Child population male
6217 35950 Child population female
431 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Parental employment at time of maltreatment population denominator
Number: 560
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 0
Location: 910-914
Source: U.S. Census Population files


Input Item: PAREMPB

Note: This population denominator variable is used with
the variable PAREMPB

If PAREMPB = 1 then PAREMPPOP = 28583
else if PAREMPB = 2 then PAREMPPOP = 1643
else if PAREMPB = 3 then PAREMPPOP = 16936
else if PAREMPB = 4 then PAREMPPOP = 477
else if PAREMPB = 5 then PAREMPPOP = 92
else if PAREMPB = 6 then PAREMPPOP = 534
else if PAREMPB = 7 then PAREMPPOP = 25
else if PAREMPB = 8 then PAREMPPOP = 808
else if PAREMPB = 9 then PAREMPPOP = 444
else if PAREMPB = 10 then PAREMPPOP = 14398
else if PAREMPB = 11 then PAREMPPOP = 1630
else if PAREMPB = 12 then PAREMPPOP = 4605
else if PAREMPB = 96 then PAREMPPOP = 2473
else if PAREMPB = 97 then PAREMPPOP = 11
else if PAREMPB = 98 then PAREMPPOP = 31
else if PAREMPB = 99 then PAREMPPOP = 943

Frequency Code Description
997 28583 Population of families with both parents employed (two parent family)
144 1643 Population of families with one parent employed and one parent unemployed (two parent family)
780 16936 Population of families with one parent employed and one parent not in labor force (two parent family)
725 477 Population of families with one parent employed and one parent employment unknown (two parent family)
30 92 Population of families with both parents unemployed (two parent family)
35 534 Population of families with one parent unemployed and one parent not in labor force (two parent family)
41 25 Population of families with one parent unemployed and one parent employment unknown (two parent family)
264 808 Population of families with both parents not in labor force (two parent family)
208 444 Population of families with one parent not in labor force and one parent employment unknown (two parent family)
1807 14398 Population of families with parent employed (single parent family)
193 1630 Population of families with parent unemployed (single parent family)
1220 4605 Population of families with parent not in labor force (single parent family)
541 2473 Population of families with no parent present
2121 11 Missing employment for both parents (two parent family)
3569 31 Missing employment (single parent family)
19 943 Unknown or missing relationship

Label: Annualization factor
Number: 561
Type: Numeric
Width: 5
Decimals: 3
Location: 915-919

Frequency Code Description
652 2.809 Multiplier
2368 3.496 Multiplier
2355 3.758 Multiplier
7319 3.985 Multiplier

Label: Annualized child weight
Number: 562
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 920-928

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 234.67
Standard Deviation: 404.23

Name: CHAWT1
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 1
Number: 563
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 929-937

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 229.71
Standard Deviation: 406.88

Name: CHAWT2
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 2
Number: 564
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 938-946

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 233.99
Standard Deviation: 401.94

Name: CHAWT3
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 3
Number: 565
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 947-955

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 235.36
Standard Deviation: 405.14

Name: CHAWT4
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 4
Number: 566
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 956-964

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 235.60
Standard Deviation: 406.31

Name: CHAWT5
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 5
Number: 567
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 965-973

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 234.69
Standard Deviation: 405.16

Name: CHAWT6
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 6
Number: 568
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 974-982

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 234.17
Standard Deviation: 405.37

Name: CHAWT7
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 7
Number: 569
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 983-991

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 234.97
Standard Deviation: 406.47

Name: CHAWT8
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 8
Number: 570
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 992-1000

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 234.76
Standard Deviation: 404.99

Name: CHAWT9
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 9
Number: 571
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1001-1009

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 234.92
Standard Deviation: 405.53

Name: CHAWT10
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 10
Number: 572
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1010-1018

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 234.81
Standard Deviation: 404.14

Name: CHAWT11
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 11
Number: 573
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1019-1027

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 235.45
Standard Deviation: 405.01

Name: CHAWT12
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 12
Number: 574
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1028-1036

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 234.55
Standard Deviation: 404.03

Name: CHAWT13
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 13
Number: 575
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1037-1045

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 234.71
Standard Deviation: 403.68

Name: CHAWT14
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 14
Number: 576
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1046-1054

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 4394.42
Mean: 234.75
Standard Deviation: 404.95

Name: CHAWT15
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 15
Number: 577
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1055-1063

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.66
Maximum: 4403.91
Mean: 234.78
Standard Deviation: 404.53

Name: CHAWT16
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 16
Number: 578
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1064-1072

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.76
Maximum: 4404.03
Mean: 234.77
Standard Deviation: 405.86

Name: CHAWT17
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 17
Number: 579
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1073-1081

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 1.78
Maximum: 4394.36
Mean: 234.23
Standard Deviation: 405.56

Name: CHAWT18
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 18
Number: 580
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1082-1090

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 1.78
Maximum: 4394.39
Mean: 232.31
Standard Deviation: 404.72

Name: CHAWT19
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 19
Number: 581
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1091-1099

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 1.71
Maximum: 4392.44
Mean: 234.47
Standard Deviation: 405.71

Name: CHAWT20
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 20
Number: 582
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1100-1108

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.25
Maximum: 4392.45
Mean: 236.25
Standard Deviation: 407.47

Name: CHAWT21
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 21
Number: 583
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1109-1117

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4381.06
Mean: 234.22
Standard Deviation: 403.35

Name: CHAWT22
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 22
Number: 584
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1118-1126

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 1.95
Maximum: 4407.80
Mean: 235.75
Standard Deviation: 410.20

Name: CHAWT23
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 23
Number: 585
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1127-1135

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 6872.15
Mean: 235.99
Standard Deviation: 413.81

Name: CHAWT24
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 24
Number: 586
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1136-1144

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4357.29
Mean: 233.74
Standard Deviation: 400.02

Name: CHAWT25
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 25
Number: 587
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1145-1153

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 1.91
Maximum: 4430.75
Mean: 233.78
Standard Deviation: 403.90

Name: CHAWT26
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 26
Number: 588
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1154-1162

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 1.88
Maximum: 4356.27
Mean: 234.33
Standard Deviation: 402.52

Name: CHAWT27
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 27
Number: 589
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1163-1171

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.31
Maximum: 4144.30
Mean: 223.41
Standard Deviation: 326.72

Name: CHAWT28
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 28
Number: 590
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1172-1180

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.78
Maximum: 4049.08
Mean: 221.81
Standard Deviation: 324.55

Name: CHAWT29
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 29
Number: 591
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1181-1189

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.76
Maximum: 4422.72
Mean: 235.32
Standard Deviation: 408.17

Name: CHAWT30
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 30
Number: 592
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1190-1198

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.76
Maximum: 4436.36
Mean: 234.94
Standard Deviation: 407.95

Name: CHAWT31
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 31
Number: 593
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1199-1207

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.75
Maximum: 4424.10
Mean: 233.42
Standard Deviation: 404.48

Name: CHAWT32
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 32
Number: 594
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1208-1216

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.69
Maximum: 5893.42
Mean: 234.85
Standard Deviation: 414.02

Name: CHAWT33
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 33
Number: 595
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1217-1225

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4342.47
Mean: 233.90
Standard Deviation: 411.66

Name: CHAWT34
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 34
Number: 596
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1226-1234

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4339.58
Mean: 242.19
Standard Deviation: 434.29

Name: CHAWT35
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 35
Number: 597
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1235-1243

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4383.16
Mean: 234.58
Standard Deviation: 402.80

Name: CHAWT36
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 36
Number: 598
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1244-1252

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4379.89
Mean: 234.61
Standard Deviation: 403.48

Name: CHAWT37
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 37
Number: 599
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1253-1261

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4290.55
Mean: 234.56
Standard Deviation: 402.15

Name: CHAWT38
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 38
Number: 600
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1262-1270

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4292.69
Mean: 235.39
Standard Deviation: 403.76

Name: CHAWT39
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 39
Number: 601
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1271-1279

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 1.96
Maximum: 4389.89
Mean: 235.21
Standard Deviation: 409.49

Name: CHAWT40
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 40
Number: 602
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1280-1288

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.00
Maximum: 4405.20
Mean: 235.59
Standard Deviation: 412.74

Name: CHAWT41
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 41
Number: 603
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1289-1297

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4408.19
Mean: 234.37
Standard Deviation: 408.44

Name: CHAWT42
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 42
Number: 604
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1298-1306

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 1.53
Maximum: 4384.91
Mean: 234.35
Standard Deviation: 406.68

Name: CHAWT43
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 43
Number: 605
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1307-1315

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4410.94
Mean: 236.58
Standard Deviation: 407.81

Name: CHAWT44
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 44
Number: 606
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1316-1324

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.34
Maximum: 4387.93
Mean: 232.22
Standard Deviation: 402.70

Name: CHAWT45
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 45
Number: 607
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1325-1333

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4404.40
Mean: 235.71
Standard Deviation: 407.51

Name: CHAWT46
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 46
Number: 608
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1334-1342

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4431.42
Mean: 235.76
Standard Deviation: 407.63

Name: CHAWT47
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 47
Number: 609
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1343-1351

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.41
Maximum: 4389.32
Mean: 235.93
Standard Deviation: 414.16

Name: CHAWT48
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 48
Number: 610
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1352-1360

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4399.37
Mean: 232.52
Standard Deviation: 401.73

Name: CHAWT49
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 49
Number: 611
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1361-1369

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4384.14
Mean: 233.20
Standard Deviation: 405.00

Name: CHAWT50
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 50
Number: 612
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1370-1378

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4768.77
Mean: 233.63
Standard Deviation: 405.75

Name: CHAWT51
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 51
Number: 613
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1379-1387

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4399.43
Mean: 232.95
Standard Deviation: 403.25

Name: CHAWT52
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 52
Number: 614
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1388-1396

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.74
Maximum: 5256.46
Mean: 235.47
Standard Deviation: 419.22

Name: CHAWT53
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 53
Number: 615
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1397-1405

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 1.43
Maximum: 4393.18
Mean: 234.61
Standard Deviation: 403.25

Name: CHAWT54
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 54
Number: 616
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1406-1414

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4393.13
Mean: 234.45
Standard Deviation: 407.87

Name: CHAWT55
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 55
Number: 617
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1415-1423

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4368.58
Mean: 231.87
Standard Deviation: 403.57

Name: CHAWT56
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 56
Number: 618
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1424-1432

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4422.76
Mean: 236.39
Standard Deviation: 409.75

Name: CHAWT57
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 57
Number: 619
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1433-1441

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4395.61
Mean: 234.75
Standard Deviation: 407.67

Name: CHAWT58
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 58
Number: 620
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1442-1450

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4402.58
Mean: 235.24
Standard Deviation: 409.65

Name: CHAWT59
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 59
Number: 621
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1451-1459

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4153.44
Mean: 233.10
Standard Deviation: 397.33

Name: CHAWT60
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 60
Number: 622
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1460-1468

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.77
Maximum: 4240.80
Mean: 232.39
Standard Deviation: 397.50

Name: CHAWT61
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 61
Number: 623
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1469-1477

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.63
Maximum: 4535.40
Mean: 241.27
Standard Deviation: 438.96

Name: CHAWT62
Label: Annualized child replicate weight 62
Number: 624
Type: Numeric
Width: 9
Decimals: 4
Location: 1478-1486

Valid: 12694
Minimum: 2.63
Maximum: 4242.93
Mean: 237.53
Standard Deviation: 422.49


Note: Maltreatment information was evaluatively coded from information on the maltreatment form and the case narrative.

For all variables in this section with the suffix _ROLE, the following derivation applies: If the evaluative coder determined that the involved person maltreated the child then _ROLE = 1 Else if the evaluative coder determined that the involved person permitted the maltreatment, then _ROLE = 2

For all variables in this section with the suffix _PERPRELAT, the following derivation applies: If the evaluative coder indicated that the 'situation clearly fulfills perpetrator requirement' or that the 'situation probably fulfills the perpetrator requirement' then _PERPRELAT equals the perpetrator relationship which the evaluative coder determined to have maltreated or permitted the maltreatment

For all variables in this section with the suffix _CNTBL, the following derivation applies: _CNTBL = 0 If HARMCOUNTABILITY* is 'very probable' or 'probable' then _CNTBL = 1 else if ENDCOUNTABILITY* is 'very probable' or 'probable' then _CNTBL = 2

* See End User Note at the beginning of the COUNTABILITY VARIABLES section of this codebook. ____________________________________________________________________

The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe: The Person's Role

Label: Person A either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
Number: 625
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1487
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
142 1 Maltreated
311 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12241 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 626
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1488
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
393 0 No
45 1 Yes
15 9 Unknown
12241 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 438
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Label: Person A drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 627
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1489
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
391 0 No
47 1 Yes
15 9 Unknown
12241 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 438
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Label: Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 628
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1490
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
401 0 No
38 1 Yes
14 9 Unknown
12241 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 439
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Label: Person A - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
Number: 629
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1491
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
440 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
10 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
3 9 Unknown
12241 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A - degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
Number: 630
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1492
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
322 1 Strong Evidence
116 2 Likely
14 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
1 9 Unknown
12241 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
Number: 631
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1493
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
288 1 Maltreated
85 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12321 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 632
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1494
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
322 0 No
33 1 Yes
18 9 Unknown
12321 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 355
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Person B drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 633
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1495
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
323 0 No
32 1 Yes
18 9 Unknown
12321 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 355
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 634
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1496
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
344 0 No
11 1 Yes
18 9 Unknown
12321 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 355
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Person B - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
Number: 635
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1497
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
252 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
119 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
2 9 Unknown
12321 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B- degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
Number: 636
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1498
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
293 1 Strong Evidence
77 2 Likely
2 3 Doubtful
1 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12321 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
Number: 637
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1499
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
664 1 Maltreated
25 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12005 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 638
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1500
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
615 0 No
45 1 Yes
29 9 Unknown
12005 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 660
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 639
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1501
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
615 0 No
45 1 Yes
29 9 Unknown
12005 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 660
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 640
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1502
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
630 0 No
29 1 Yes
30 9 Unknown
12005 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 659
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
Number: 641
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1503
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
77 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
367 2 Adult Caregiver
156 3 Minor Caregiver
2 4 Other
1 9 Unknown
12091 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsiblity for sexual abuse
Number: 642
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1504
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
546 1 Strong Evidence
142 2 Likely
1 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12005 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
Number: 643
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1505
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
86 1 Maltreated
14 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12594 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 644
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1506
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
90 0 No
6 1 Yes
4 9 Unknown
12594 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 96
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 645
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1507
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
86 0 No
10 1 Yes
4 9 Unknown
12594 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 96
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Label: Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 646
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1508
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
92 0 No
4 1 Yes
4 9 Unknown
12594 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 96
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
Number: 647
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1509
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
12 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
45 2 Adult Caregiver
20 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12617 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
Number: 648
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1510
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
80 1 Strong Evidence
17 2 Likely
3 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12594 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
Number: 649
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1511
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
24 1 Maltreated
1 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12669 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 650
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1512
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
21 0 No
2 1 Yes
2 9 Unknown
12669 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 23
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 651
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1513
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
22 0 No
1 1 Yes
2 9 Unknown
12669 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 23
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 652
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1514
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
22 0 No
1 1 Yes
2 9 Unknown
12669 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 23
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
Number: 653
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1515
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
15 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12678 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
Number: 654
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1516
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 1 Strong Evidence
7 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12669 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
Number: 655
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1517
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 1 Maltreated
1 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12688 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 656
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1518
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
6 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12688 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 6
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 657
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1519
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
6 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12688 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 6
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 658
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1520
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
6 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12688 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 6
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
Number: 659
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1521
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
4 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12690 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
Number: 660
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1522
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4 1 Strong Evidence
2 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12688 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse
Number: 661
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1523
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 662
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1524
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 663
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1525
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse
Number: 664
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1526
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child
Number: 665
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1527
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse
Number: 666
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1528
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injuries.

The evaluative coding system (CAEDS) provided a list of injuries and harms resulting from the maltreatment that were organized into the following seven major Nature of Injury/Harm categories: 1) Physical injuries, 2) Physical impairments/health conditions, 3) Impaired educational development 4) Mental/emotional injuries and impairments 5) Unknown harm 6) No apparent injury or harm -- child endangered 7) No known injuries or harm

The Nature of Injury/Harm major categories and the individual injuries and harms under each category have been coded for the applicable maltreatment categories: 1) Sexual Abuse -- SXA 2) Physical Abuse -- PHA 3) Emotional Abuse -- EMA 4) Physical Neglect -- PHN 5) Educational Neglect -- EDN 6) Emotional Neglect -- EMN 7) Other Maltreatment -- OTM 8) Chemically-dependent newborns -- CHEM

Label: Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from sexual abuse
Number: 667
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1529
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Fractured or broken bones from sexual abuse
Number: 668
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1530
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Gunshot wounds from sexual abuse
Number: 669
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1531
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Intracranial hemorrhages from sexual abuse
Number: 670
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1532
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Trauma or injuries to the skull from sexual abuse
Number: 671
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1533
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from sexual abuse
Number: 672
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1534
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Shaken baby syndrome from sexual abuse
Number: 673
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1535
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Concussion from sexual abuse
Number: 674
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1536
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Spinal cord injuries from sexual abuse
Number: 675
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1537
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ10
Label: ,Amputations from sexual abuse
Number: 676
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1538
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ11
Label: Disfigurements (significant scarring) from sexual abuse
Number: 677
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1539
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ12
Label: Injuries that damage internal organs from sexual abuse
Number: 678
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1540
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ13
Label: Internal bleeding from sexual abuse
Number: 679
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1541
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
108 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Name: SXA_PINJ14
Label: Near drowning from sexual abuse
Number: 680
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1542
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ15
Label: Poisoning from sexual abuse
Number: 681
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1543
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion of
drugs, poisons,
household cleaners, etc. through neglect)

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ16
Label: Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from sexual abuse
Number: 682
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1544
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage
to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to
child's mobility, this code should also be checked.)

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ17
Label: Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from sexual abuse
Number: 683
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1545
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
107 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Name: SXA_PINJ18
Label: Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from sexual abuse
Number: 684
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1546
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
103 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Name: SXA_PINJ19
Label: 3rd degree burns from sexual abuse
Number: 685
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1547
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ20
Label: 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse
Number: 686
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1548
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ21
Label: 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from sexual abuse
Number: 687
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1549
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ22
Label: 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse
Number: 688
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1550
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ23
Label: 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse
Number: 689
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1551
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ24
Label: Cuts and lacerations from sexual abuse
Number: 690
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1552
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
106 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Name: SXA_PINJ25
Label: Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from sexual abuse
Number: 691
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1553
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ26
Label: Welts, swelling, or abrasions from sexual abuse
Number: 692
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1554
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
99 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Name: SXA_PINJ27
Label: Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from sexual abuse
Number: 693
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1555
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
68 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.62
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Name: SXA_PINJ28
Label: Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from sexual abuse
Number: 694
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1556
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
109 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PINJ29
Label: Any other physical injuries from sexual abuse
Number: 695
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1557
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
39 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 109
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.36
Standard Deviation: 0.48

The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition

Label: Illness-related death from sexual abuse
Number: 696
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1558
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health
Condition subcode

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from sexual abuse
Number: 697
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1559
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by
injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections,
blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Complications caused by injuries or impairments from sexual abuse
Number: 698
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1560
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries
or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections,
blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Coma from sexual abuse
Number: 699
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1561
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other loss of consciousness from sexual abuse
Number: 700
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1562
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Breathing stopped (suffocation) from sexual abuse
Number: 701
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1563
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from sexual abuse
Number: 702
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1564
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Seizures from sexual abuse
Number: 703
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1565
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Malnourished or severely underweight from sexual abuse
Number: 704
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1566
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PIMO10
Label: Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from sexual abuse
Number: 705
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1567
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive
(generally associated with infants)

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PIMO11
Label: Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from sexual abuse
Number: 706
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1568
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PIMO12
Label: Impaired vision or eye problems from sexual abuse
Number: 707
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1569
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PIMO13
Label: Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from sexual abuse
Number: 708
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1570
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PIMO14
Label: Speech impediments from sexual abuse
Number: 709
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1571
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
40 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Name: SXA_PIMO15
Label: Venereal diseases from sexual abuse
Number: 710
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1572
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
36 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.12
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Name: SXA_PIMO16
Label: Diaper rash from sexual abuse
Number: 711
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1573
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PIMO17
Label: Unexplained developmental delays from sexual abuse
Number: 712
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1574
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PIMO18
Label: Lice infestation from sexual abuse
Number: 713
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1575
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PIMO19
Label: Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from sexual abuse
Number: 714
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1576
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: SXA_PIMO20
Label: Other health/medical problems or conditions from sexual abuse
Number: 715
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1577
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
38 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 41
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.93
Standard Deviation: 0.26

The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development

Label: Learning disability from sexual abuse
Number: 716
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1578
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
47 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 47
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Poor attention span from sexual abuse
Number: 717
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1579
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
46 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 47
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Drop in academic performance from sexual abuse
Number: 718
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1580
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
32 0 No
15 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 47
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.32
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Chronic truancy from sexual abuse
Number: 719
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1581
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
35 0 No
12 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 47
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.26
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Chronic tardiness from sexual abuse
Number: 720
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1582
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
46 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 47
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Non-enrollment in school from sexual abuse
Number: 721
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1583
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
46 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 47
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Behavior problems in class from sexual abuse
Number: 722
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1584
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
30 0 No
17 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 47
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.36
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Label: Other diagnosed educational needs from sexual abuse
Number: 723
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1585
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
47 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 47
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Expelled or suspended from school from sexual abuse
Number: 724
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1586
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
45 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 47
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Name: SXA_IMED10
Label: Other educational problems from sexual abuse
Number: 725
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1587
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
38 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 47
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.19
Standard Deviation: 0.40

The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem

Label: Suicide resulting from sexual abuse
Number: 726
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1588
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
914 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Suicide attempt from sexual abuse
Number: 727
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1589
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
904 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Label: Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from sexual abuse
Number: 728
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1590
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
914 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Dangerous level of instability from sexual abuse
Number: 729
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1591
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
887 0 No
27 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Self-inflicted injury from sexual abuse
Number: 730
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1592
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
908 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Fearful or distrustful from sexual abuse
Number: 731
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1593
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
792 0 No
122 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Label: Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from sexual abuse
Number: 732
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1594
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
911 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from sexual abuse
Number: 733
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1595
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
914 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Fighting from sexual abuse
Number: 734
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1596
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
910 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Name: SXA_MEEM10
Label: Delinquency from sexual abuse
Number: 735
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1597
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
900 0 No
14 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Name: SXA_MEEM11
Label: Prostitution from sexual abuse
Number: 736
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1598
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
911 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Name: SXA_MEEM12
Label: Drug/alcohol abuse from sexual abuse
Number: 737
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1599
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
905 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Name: SXA_MEEM13
Label: Anxiety from sexual abuse
Number: 738
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1600
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
883 0 No
31 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Name: SXA_MEEM14
Label: Depression from sexual abuse
Number: 739
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1601
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
875 0 No
39 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Name: SXA_MEEM15
Label: Withdrawal from sexual abuse
Number: 740
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1602
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
893 0 No
21 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: SXA_MEEM16
Label: Psychosis from sexual abuse
Number: 741
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1603
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
913 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.03

Name: SXA_MEEM17
Label: Sexual problems from sexual abuse
Number: 742
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1604
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
810 0 No
104 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.32

Name: SXA_MEEM18
Label: Sleeping disorders from sexual abuse
Number: 743
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1605
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
900 0 No
14 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Name: SXA_MEEM19
Label: Hyperactive activity from sexual abuse
Number: 744
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1606
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
913 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.03

Name: SXA_MEEM20
Label: Aggressive or violent behavior from sexual abuse
Number: 745
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1607
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
891 0 No
23 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Name: SXA_MEEM21
Label: Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from sexual abuse
Number: 746
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1608
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
894 0 No
20 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: SXA_MEEM22
Label: Low self-esteem from sexual abuse
Number: 747
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1609
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
902 0 No
12 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Name: SXA_MEEM23
Label: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from sexual abuse
Number: 748
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1610
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
901 0 No
13 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Name: SXA_MEEM24
Label: Threats of self-destructive behavior from sexual abuse
Number: 749
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1611
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self,
threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.)

Frequency Code Description
886 0 No
28 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Name: SXA_MEEM25
Label: Suspected emotional damage from sexual abuse
Number: 750
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1612
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury,
but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.)

Frequency Code Description
334 0 No
580 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.63
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Name: SXA_MEEM26
Label: Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from sexual abuse
Number: 751
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1613
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns
impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development

Frequency Code Description
732 0 No
182 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11780 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 914
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Label: Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from sexual abuse
Number: 752
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1614
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Note: Use only when severity is "endangered"

Label: No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from sexual abuse
Number: 753
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1615
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
142 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12552 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 142
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from sexual abuse
Number: 754
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1616
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm resulting from maltreatment.

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from sexual abuse
Number: 755
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1617
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
983 0 No
109 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11602 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1092
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from sexual abuse
Number: 756
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1618
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1051 0 No
41 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11602 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1092
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from sexual abuse
Number: 757
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1619
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1045 0 No
47 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11602 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from sexual abuse
Number: 758
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1620
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
178 0 No
914 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11602 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1092
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.84
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from sexual abuse
Number: 759
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1621
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1092 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11602 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1092
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from sexual abuse
Number: 760
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1622
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
950 0 No
142 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11602 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1092
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Label: Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from sexual abuse
Number: 761
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1623
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1092 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11602 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1092
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

The following SEXUAL ABUSE variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment

Label: Severity of injury/harm from sexual abuse
Number: 762
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1624
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
270 2 Serious
276 3 Moderate
362 4 Assumed Harm
62 5 Probable Harm
122 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
11602 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments

Label: Severity of Sexual Abuse form1: Code 01.1--Any Intrusion Sex
Number: 763
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1625
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
116 2 Serious
84 3 Moderate
144 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12350 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Sexual Abuse form1: Code 01.1--Any Intrusion Sex
Number: 764
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1626
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
01.1Any Intrusion Sex; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (SXA1_CNTBL=1 or SXA1_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 01.1, then SXA1_CNTBL=1 or SXA1_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 01.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
298 1 Harm Standard
46 2 Endangerment Standard only
12350 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Sexual Abuse form2: Code 01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force
Number: 765
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1627
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
23 2 Serious
13 3 Moderate
22 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12636 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Sexual Abuse form2: Code 01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force
Number: 766
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1628
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
01.2Intrusion Sex Involving the use of force ; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (SXA2_CNTBL=1 or SXA2_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 01.2, then SXA2_CNTBL=1 or SXA2_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 01.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
53 1 Harm Standard
5 2 Endangerment Standard only
12636 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Sexual Abuse form3: Code 01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with intrusion
Number: 767
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1629
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
5 2 Serious
0 3 Moderate
5 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12684 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Sexual Abuse form3: Code 01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with intrusion
Number: 768
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1630
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
01.3Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with
intrusion; and the evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 01.3, then SXA3_CNTBL=1 or SXA3_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 01.3
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
10 1 Harm Standard
0 2 Endangerment Standard only
12684 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Sexual Abuse form4: Code 02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact
Number: 769
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1631
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
69 2 Serious
84 3 Moderate
214 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12327 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Sexual Abuse form4: Code 02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact
Number: 770
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1632
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
02.0Molestation with Genital contact; and the evaluatively coded
criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (SXA4_CNTBL=1 or SXA4_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 02.0, then SXA4_CNTBL=1 or SXA4_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 02.0
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
305 1 Harm Standard
62 2 Endangerment Standard only
12327 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Sexual Abuse form5: Code 03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism
Number: 771
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1633
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
5 2 Serious
15 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
8 5 Probable Harm
27 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12639 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Sexual Abuse form5: Code 03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism
Number: 772
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1634
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.1Exposure/Voyeurism; and the evaluatively coded criteria met the
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 03.1, then SXA5_CNTBL=1 or SXA5_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
17 1 Harm Standard
38 2 Endangerment Standard only
12639 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Sexual Abuse form6: Code 03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials
Number: 773
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1635
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
5 2 Serious
9 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
5 5 Probable Harm
12 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12663 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Sexual Abuse form6: Code 03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials
Number: 774
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1636
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.2Providing Sexually Explicit Materials; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (SXA6_CNTBL=1 or SXA6_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 03.2, then SXA6_CNTBL=1 or SXA6_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
14 1 Harm Standard
17 2 Endangerment Standard only
12663 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Sexual Abuse form7: Code 03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion)
Number: 775
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1637
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
1 2 Serious
4 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
2 5 Probable Harm
2 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12685 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Sexual Abuse form7: Code 03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion)
Number: 776
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1638
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.3Child's involvement in pornography (without intrusion); and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (SXA7_CNTBL=1 or SXA7_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 03.3, then SXA7_CNTBL=1 or SXA7_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.3
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
5 1 Harm Standard
4 2 Endangerment Standard only
12685 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Sexual Abuse form8: Code 03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity
Number: 777
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1639
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
10 2 Serious
8 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
21 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12655 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Sexual Abuse form8: Code 03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity
Number: 778
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1640
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.4Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (SXA8_CNTBL=1 or SXA8_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 03.4, then SXA8_CNTBL=1 or SXA8_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.4
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
18 1 Harm Standard
21 2 Endangerment Standard only
12655 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Sexual Abuse form9: Code 03.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact
Number: 779
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1641
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Code Description
1 Fatal
2 Serious
3 Moderate
4 Assumed Harm
5 Probable Harm
6 Endangered
7 Insufficient Info
9 No Harm or Injury
BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Sexual Abuse form9: Code 03.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact
Number: 780
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1642
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.5Attempted/Threatned Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (SXA9_CNTBL=1 or SXA9_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 03.5, then SXA9_CNTBL=1 or SXA9_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.5
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
6 1 Harm Standard
7 2 Endangerment Standard only
12681 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Sexual Abuse form10: Code 03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse
Number: 781
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1643
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
68 2 Serious
94 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
61 5 Probable Harm
84 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12387 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Sexual Abuse form10: Code 03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse
Number: 782
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1644
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.6Other/Unknown Sexual Abuse; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (SXA10_CNTBL=1 or SXA10_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 03.6, then SXA10_CNTBL=1 or SXA10_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.6
Then SXA10_CNTBL=1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code
Then SXA10_CNTBL=2

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
150 1 Harm Standard
157 2 Endangerment Standard only
12387 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe: The Person's Role

Label: Person A either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
Number: 783
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1645
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1609 1 Maltreated
550 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
10535 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 784
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1646
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1878 0 No
193 1 Yes
88 9 Unknown
10535 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2071
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Person A drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 785
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1647
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1909 0 No
164 1 Yes
86 9 Unknown
10535 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2073
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 786
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1648
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1975 0 No
91 1 Yes
93 9 Unknown
10535 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2066
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Person A - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
Number: 787
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1649
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2133 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
26 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
10535 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A degree of responsibility for physical abuse
Number: 788
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1650
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1744 1 Strong Evidence
407 2 Likely
8 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
10535 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
Number: 789
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1651
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
935 1 Maltreated
381 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
11378 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 790
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1652
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1109 0 No
158 1 Yes
49 9 Unknown
11378 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1267
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.12
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Label: Person B drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 791
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1653
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1148 0 No
117 1 Yes
51 9 Unknown
11378 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1265
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 792
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1654
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1224 0 No
40 1 Yes
52 9 Unknown
11378 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1264
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Label: Person B - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
Number: 793
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1655
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1005 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
307 2 Adult Caregiver
2 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
1 9 Unknown
11379 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B degree of responsibility for physical abuse
Number: 794
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1656
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1022 1 Strong Evidence
284 2 Likely
9 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
1 9 Unknown
11378 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
Number: 795
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1657
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
508 1 Maltreated
40 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12146 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 796
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1658
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
488 0 No
44 1 Yes
16 9 Unknown
12146 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 532
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Label: Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 797
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1659
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
488 0 No
45 1 Yes
15 9 Unknown
12146 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 533
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Label: Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 798
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1660
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
510 0 No
23 1 Yes
15 9 Unknown
12146 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 533
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
Number: 799
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1661
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
95 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
376 2 Adult Caregiver
28 3 Minor Caregiver
1 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12194 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for physical abuse
Number: 800
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1662
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
432 1 Strong Evidence
112 2 Likely
3 3 Doubtful
1 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12146 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
Number: 801
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1663
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
40 1 Maltreated
13 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12641 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 802
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1664
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
51 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12641 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 803
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1665
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
50 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12641 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 53
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 804
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1666
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
52 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12641 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 53
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
Number: 805
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1667
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
8 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
40 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12646 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for physical abuse
Number: 806
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1668
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
42 1 Strong Evidence
10 2 Likely
1 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12641 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
Number: 807
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1669
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
13 1 Maltreated
1 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12680 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 808
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1670
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
13 0 No
0 1 Yes
1 9 Unknown
12680 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 13
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 809
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1671
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
11 0 No
2 1 Yes
1 9 Unknown
12680 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 13
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Label: Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 810
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1672
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
13 0 No
0 1 Yes
1 9 Unknown
12680 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 13
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
Number: 811
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1673
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
11 2 Adult Caregiver
2 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12681 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for physical abuse
Number: 812
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1674
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
12 1 Strong Evidence
2 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12680 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
Number: 813
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1675
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 814
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1676
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 815
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1677
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 816
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1678
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
Number: 817
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1679
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
1 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for physical abuse
Number: 818
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1680
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse
Number: 819
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1681
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 820
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1682
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 821
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1683
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse
Number: 822
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1684
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child
Number: 823
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1685
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
1 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for physical abuse
Number: 824
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1686
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury

Label: Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from physical abuse
Number: 825
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1687
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1749 0 No
25 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Fractured or broken bones from physical abuse
Number: 826
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1688
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1655 0 No
119 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Gunshot wounds from physical abuse
Number: 827
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1689
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1768 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Intracranial hemorrhages from physical abuse
Number: 828
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1690
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1741 0 No
33 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Trauma or injuries to the skull from physical abuse
Number: 829
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1691
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1692 0 No
82 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from physical abuse
Number: 830
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1692
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1672 0 No
102 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Shaken baby syndrome from physical abuse
Number: 831
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1693
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1744 0 No
30 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Label: Concussion from physical abuse
Number: 832
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1694
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1769 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Label: Spinal cord injuries from physical abuse
Number: 833
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1695
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1772 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.03

Name: PHA_PINJ10
Label: Amputations from physical abuse
Number: 834
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1696
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1774 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: PHA_PINJ11
Label: Disfigurements (significant scarring) from physical abuse
Number: 835
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1697
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1770 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Name: PHA_PINJ12
Label: Injuries that damage any internal organs from physical abuse
Number: 836
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1698
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1759 0 No
15 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Name: PHA_PINJ13
Label: Internal bleeding from physical abuse
Number: 837
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1699
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1754 0 No
20 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Name: PHA_PINJ14
Label: Near drowning from physical abuse
Number: 838
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1700
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1774 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: PHA_PINJ15
Label: Poisoning from physical abuse
Number: 839
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1701
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the
ingestion of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc.,
through neglect)

Frequency Code Description
1773 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.02

Name: PHA_PINJ16
Label: Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from physical abuse
Number: 840
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1702
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage
to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to
child's mobility, this code should also be checked.)

Frequency Code Description
1767 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Name: PHA_PINJ17
Label: Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from physical abuse
Number: 841
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1703
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1620 0 No
154 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Name: PHA_PINJ18
Label: Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from physical abuse
Number: 842
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1704
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
904 0 No
870 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.49
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Name: PHA_PINJ19
Label: 3rd degree burns from physical abuse
Number: 843
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1705
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1769 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Name: PHA_PINJ20
Label: 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from physical abuse
Number: 844
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1706
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1759 0 No
15 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Name: PHA_PINJ21
Label: 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical abuse
Number: 845
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1707
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1755 0 No
19 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Name: PHA_PINJ22
Label: 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from physical abuse
Number: 846
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1708
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1772 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.03

Name: PHA_PINJ23
Label: 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from physical abuse
Number: 847
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1709
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1761 0 No
13 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Name: PHA_PINJ24
Label: Cuts and lacerations from physical abuse
Number: 848
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1710
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1578 0 No
196 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Name: PHA_PINJ25
Label: Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from physical abuse
Number: 849
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1711
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1737 0 No
37 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Name: PHA_PINJ26
Label: Welts, swelling, or abrasions from physical abuse
Number: 850
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1712
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1335 0 No
439 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Name: PHA_PINJ27
Label: Any physical injury to the genitals, genital area, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from physical abuse
Number: 851
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1713
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1768 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Name: PHA_PINJ28
Label: Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from physical abuse
Number: 852
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1714
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1767 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Name: PHA_PINJ29
Label: Any other physical injuries from physical abuse
Number: 853
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1715
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1369 0 No
405 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10920 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1774
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.23
Standard Deviation: 0.42

The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition

Label: Illness-related death from physical abuse
Number: 854
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1716
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical abuse
Number: 855
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1717
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by
injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure,
infections, blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
40 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Label: Complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical abuse
Number: 856
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1718
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or
impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections,
blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
36 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Coma from physical abuse
Number: 857
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1719
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Other loss of consciousness from physical abuse
Number: 858
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1720
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
42 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Breathing stopped from physical abuse
Number: 859
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1721
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
36 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Anoxia from physical abuse
Number: 860
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1722
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
39 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Seizures from physical abuse
Number: 861
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1723
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
34 0 No
8 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.19
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Label: Malnourished or severely underweight from physical abuse
Number: 862
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1724
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: PHA_PIMO10
Label: Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from physical abuse
Number: 863
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1725
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
42 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: PHA_PIMO11
Label: Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from physical abuse
Number: 864
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1726
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: PHA_PIMO12
Label: Impaired vision or eye problems from physical abuse
Number: 865
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1727
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
33 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.21
Standard Deviation: 0.42

Name: PHA_PIMO13
Label: Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from physical abuse
Number: 866
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1728
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
40 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Name: PHA_PIMO14
Label: Speech impediments from physical abuse
Number: 867
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1729
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: PHA_PIMO15
Label: Venereal diseases from physical abuse
Number: 868
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1730
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
42 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: PHA_PIMO16
Label: Diaper rash from physical abuse
Number: 869
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1731
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
42 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: PHA_PIMO17
Label: Unexplained developmental delays from physical abuse
Number: 870
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1732
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: PHA_PIMO18
Label: Lice infestation from physical abuse
Number: 871
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1733
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
42 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: PHA_PIMO19
Label: Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from physical abuse
Number: 872
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1734
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
42 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: PHA_PIMO20
Label: Other health/medical problems or conditions from physical abuse
Number: 873
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1735
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
25 0 No
17 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 42
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.40
Standard Deviation: 0.50

The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development

Label: Learning disability from physical abuse
Number: 874
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1736
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 71
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Poor attention span from physical abuse
Number: 875
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1737
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
65 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 71
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Label: Drop in academic performance from physical abuse
Number: 876
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1738
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
56 0 No
15 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 71
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.21
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Chronic truancy from physical abuse
Number: 877
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1739
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
62 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 71
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Label: Chronic tardiness from physical abuse
Number: 878
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1740
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
69 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 71
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Non-enrollment in school from physical abuse
Number: 879
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1741
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
71 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 71
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Behavior problems in class from physical abuse
Number: 880
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1742
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
36 0 No
35 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 71
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.49
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Other diagnosed educational needs from physical abuse
Number: 881
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1743
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
71 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 71
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Expelled or suspended from school from physical abuse
Number: 882
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1744
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
61 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 71
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Name: PHA_IMED10
Label: Other educational problems from physical abuse
Number: 883
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1745
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
54 0 No
17 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 71
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.24
Standard Deviation: 0.43

The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem

Label: Suicide from physical abuse
Number: 884
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1746
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
627 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Suicide attempt from physical abuse
Number: 885
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1747
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
620 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from physical abuse
Number: 886
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1748
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
626 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Dangerous level of instability from physical abuse
Number: 887
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1749
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
607 0 No
20 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Label: Self-inflicted injury from physical abuse
Number: 888
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1750
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
615 0 No
12 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Fearful or distrustful from physical abuse
Number: 889
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1751
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
415 0 No
212 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.34
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from physical abuse
Number: 890
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1752
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
626 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from physical abuse
Number: 891
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1753
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
626 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Fighting from physical abuse
Number: 892
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1754
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
611 0 No
16 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Name: PHA_MEEM10
Label: Delinquency from physical abuse
Number: 893
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1755
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
606 0 No
21 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Name: PHA_MEEM11
Label: Prostitution from physical abuse
Number: 894
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1756
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
627 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: PHA_MEEM12
Label: Drug/alcohol abuse from physical abuse
Number: 895
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1757
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
620 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Name: PHA_MEEM13
Label: Anxiety from physical abuse
Number: 896
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1758
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
566 0 No
61 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Name: PHA_MEEM14
Label: Depression from physical abuse
Number: 897
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1759
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
586 0 No
41 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Name: PHA_MEEM15
Label: Withdrawal from physical abuse
Number: 898
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1760
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
615 0 No
12 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Name: PHA_MEEM16
Label: Psychosis from physical abuse
Number: 899
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1761
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
625 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Name: PHA_MEEM17
Label: Sexual problems from physical abuse
Number: 900
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1762
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
621 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Name: PHA_MEEM18
Label: Sleeping disorders from physical abuse
Number: 901
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1763
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
620 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Name: PHA_MEEM19
Label: Hyperactive activity from physical abuse
Number: 902
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1764
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
627 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: PHA_MEEM20
Label: Aggressive or violent behavior from physical abuse
Number: 903
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1765
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
578 0 No
49 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: PHA_MEEM21
Label: Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from physical abuse
Number: 904
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1766
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
621 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Name: PHA_MEEM22
Label: Low self-esteem from physical abuse
Number: 905
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1767
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
608 0 No
19 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Name: PHA_MEEM23
Label: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from physical abuse
Number: 906
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1768
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
625 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Name: PHA_MEEM24
Label: Threats of self-destructive behavior from physical abuse
Number: 907
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1769
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self,
threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.)

Frequency Code Description
590 0 No
37 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Name: PHA_MEEM25
Label: Suspected emotional damage from physical abuse
Number: 908
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1770
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury,
but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.)

Frequency Code Description
382 0 No
245 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.39
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Name: PHA_MEEM26
Label: Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from physical abuse
Number: 909
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1771
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior
patterns impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development

Frequency Code Description
473 0 No
154 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12067 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 627
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from physical abuse
Number: 910
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1772
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from physical abuse
Number: 911
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1773
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
724 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11970 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 724
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from physical abuse
Number: 912
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1774
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00

The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm resulting from maltreatment.

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from physical abuse
Number: 913
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1775
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
961 0 No
1774 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
9959 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.65
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from physical abuse
Number: 914
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1776
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2693 0 No
42 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
9959 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from physical abuse
Number: 915
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1777
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2664 0 No
71 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
9959 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from physical abuse
Number: 916
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1778
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2108 0 No
627 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
9959 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.23
Standard Deviation: 0.42

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from physical abuse
Number: 917
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1779
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2735 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
9959 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from physical abuse
Number: 918
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1780
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2011 0 No
724 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
9959 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.26
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from physical abuse
Number: 919
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1781
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2734 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
9959 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.02

The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment

Label: Severity of injury/harm from physical abuse
Number: 920
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1782
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
35 1 Fatal
583 2 Serious
1387 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
74 5 Probable Harm
656 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
9959 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments

Label: Severity of Physical Abuse form1: Code 04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop
Number: 921
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1783
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
6 1 Fatal
42 2 Serious
41 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
3 5 Probable Harm
36 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12566 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Abuse form1: Code 04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop
Number: 922
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1784
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.1Shake, throw, purposely drop; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA1_CNTBL=1 or PHA1_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 04.1, then PHA1_CNTBL=1 or PHA1_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
89 1 Harm Standard
39 2 Endangerment Standard only
12566 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Abuse form2: Code 04.2--Hit with Hand
Number: 923
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1785
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
36 2 Serious
281 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
14 5 Probable Harm
141 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12222 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Abuse form2: Code 04.2--Hit with Hand
Number: 924
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1786
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.2Hit the Hand; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA2_CNTBL=1 or PHA2_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 04.2, then PHA2_CNTBL=1 or PHA2_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
317 1 Harm Standard
155 2 Endangerment Standard only
12222 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Abuse form3: Code 04.3--Hit with Object
Number: 925
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1787
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Fatal
146 2 Serious
461 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
18 5 Probable Harm
173 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
11895 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Abuse form3: Code 04.3--Hit with Object
Number: 926
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1788
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.3Hit with Object; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA3_CNTBL=1 or PHA3_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 04.3, then PHA3_CNTBL=1 or PHA3_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.3
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
608 1 Harm Standard
191 2 Endangerment Standard only
11895 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Abuse form4: Code 04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull
Number: 927
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1789
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
51 2 Serious
170 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
18 5 Probable Harm
113 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12342 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Abuse form4: Code 04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull
Number: 928
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1790
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.4Push, Grab, Drag, Pull; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA4_CNTBL=1 or PHA4_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 04.4, then PHA4_CNTBL=1 or PHA4_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.4
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
221 1 Harm Standard
131 2 Endangerment Standard only
12342 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Abuse form5: Code 04.5--Punch, Kick
Number: 929
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1791
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Fatal
51 2 Serious
137 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
13 5 Probable Harm
75 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12417 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Abuse form5: Code 04.5--Punch, Kick
Number: 930
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1792
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.5Punch, Kick; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA5_CNTBL=1 or PHA5_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 04.5, then PHA5_CNTBL=1 or PHA5_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.5
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
189 1 Harm Standard
88 2 Endangerment Standard only
12417 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Abuse form6: Code 04.6--Other Physical Abuse
Number: 931
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1793
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
28 1 Fatal
340 2 Serious
562 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
34 5 Probable Harm
317 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
11413 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Abuse form6: Code 04.6--Other Physical Abuse
Number: 932
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1794
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.6Other Physical Abuse; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA6_CNTBL=1 or PHA6_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 04.6, then PHA6_CNTBL=1 or PHA6_CNTBL=2.

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.6
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
930 1 Harm Standard
351 2 Endangerment Standard only
11413 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe: The Person's Role

Label: Person A either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
Number: 933
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1795
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
762 1 Maltreated
298 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
11634 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 934
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1796
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
849 0 No
166 1 Yes
45 9 Unknown
11634 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1015
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Person A drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 935
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1797
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
859 0 No
157 1 Yes
44 9 Unknown
11634 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1016
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 936
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1798
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
887 0 No
128 1 Yes
45 9 Unknown
11634 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1015
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Label: Person A - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
Number: 937
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1799
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1048 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
12 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
11634 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
Number: 938
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1800
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
881 1 Strong Evidence
177 2 Likely
2 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
11634 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
Number: 939
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1801
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
524 1 Maltreated
186 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
11984 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 940
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1802
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
544 0 No
149 1 Yes
17 9 Unknown
11984 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 693
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.22
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Person B drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 941
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1803
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
582 0 No
107 1 Yes
21 9 Unknown
11984 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 689
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 942
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1804
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
635 0 No
54 1 Yes
21 9 Unknown
11984 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 689
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Person B - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
Number: 943
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1805
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
555 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
151 2 Adult Caregiver
2 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
2 9 Unknown
11984 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
Number: 944
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1806
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
592 1 Strong Evidence
112 2 Likely
4 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
2 9 Unknown
11984 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
Number: 945
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1807
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
237 1 Maltreated
23 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12434 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 946
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1808
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
199 0 No
53 1 Yes
8 9 Unknown
12434 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 252
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.21
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 947
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1809
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
211 0 No
39 1 Yes
10 9 Unknown
12434 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 250
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 948
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1810
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
228 0 No
24 1 Yes
8 9 Unknown
12434 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 252
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
Number: 949
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1811
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
51 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
171 2 Adult Caregiver
15 3 Minor Caregiver
1 4 Other
1 9 Unknown
12455 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
Number: 950
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1812
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
215 1 Strong Evidence
40 2 Likely
3 3 Doubtful
1 4 Poor Evidence
1 9 Unknown
12434 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
Number: 951
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1813
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
24 1 Maltreated
8 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12662 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 952
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1814
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
32 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12662 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 32
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 953
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1815
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
29 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12662 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 32
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Label: Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 954
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1816
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
32 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12662 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 32
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
Number: 955
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1817
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
24 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12665 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
Number: 956
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1818
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
25 1 Strong Evidence
6 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
1 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12662 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
Number: 957
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1819
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
8 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 958
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1820
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
8 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 8
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 959
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1821
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 8
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.38
Standard Deviation: 0.52

Label: Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 960
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1822
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
8 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 8
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
Number: 961
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1823
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
7 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12687 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
Number: 962
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1824
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
6 1 Strong Evidence
2 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
Number: 963
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1825
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
2 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 964
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1826
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 965
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1827
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.50
Standard Deviation: 0.71

Label: Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 966
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1828
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
Number: 967
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1829
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
2 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
Number: 968
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1830
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
1 2 Likely
1 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse
Number: 969
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1831
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
1 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 970
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1832
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 971
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1833
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse
Number: 972
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1834
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child
Number: 973
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1835
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
1 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse
Number: 974
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1836
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
1 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm Physical Injury

Label: Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from emotional abuse
Number: 975
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1837
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
17 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Fractured or broken bones from emotional abuse
Number: 976
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1838
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Gunshot wounds from emotional abuse
Number: 977
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1839
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Intracranial hemorrhages from emotional abuse
Number: 978
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1840
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Trauma or injuries to the skull from emotional abuse
Number: 979
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1841
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from emotional abuse
Number: 980
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1842
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Shaken baby syndrome from emotional abuse
Number: 981
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1843
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Concussion from emotional abuse
Number: 982
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1844
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Spinal cord injuries from emotional abuse
Number: 983
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1845
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ10
Label: Amputations from emotional abuse
Number: 984
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1846
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ11
Label: Disfigurements (significant scarring) from emotional abuse
Number: 985
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1847
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ12
Label: Injuries that damage any internal organs from emotional abuse
Number: 986
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1848
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ13
Label: Internal bleeding from emotional abuse
Number: 987
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1849
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ14
Label: Near drowning from emotional abuse
Number: 988
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1850
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
17 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Name: EMA_PINJ15
Label: Poisoning from emotional abuse
Number: 989
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1851
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the
ingestion of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect)

Frequency Code Description
12 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Name: EMA_PINJ16
Label: Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from emotional abuse
Number: 990
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1852
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage
to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to
child's mobility, this code should also be checked.)

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ17
Label: Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from emotional abuse
Number: 991
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1853
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ18
Label: Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from emotional abuse
Number: 992
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1854
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
15 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Name: EMA_PINJ19
Label: 3rd degree burns from emotional abuse
Number: 993
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1855
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ20
Label: 2nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse
Number: 994
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1856
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ21
Label: 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse
Number: 995
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1857
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ22
Label: 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse
Number: 996
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1858
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ23
Label: 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from emotional abuse
Number: 997
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1859
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ24
Label: Cuts and lacerations from emotional abuse
Number: 998
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1860
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
15 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Name: EMA_PINJ25
Label: Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from emotional abuse
Number: 999
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1861
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
16 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.32

Name: EMA_PINJ26
Label: Welts, swelling, or abrasions from emotional abuse
Number: 1000
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1862
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
13 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.28
Standard Deviation: 0.46

Name: EMA_PINJ27
Label: Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from emotional abuse
Number: 1001
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1863
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ28
Label: Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from emotional abuse
Number: 1002
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1864
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
18 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PINJ29
Label: Any other physical injuries from emotional abuse
Number: 1003
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1865
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
16 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 18
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.32

The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition

Label: Illness-related death from emotional abuse
Number: 1004
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1866
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
26 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from emotional abuse
Number: 1005
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1867
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by
injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure,
infections, blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
26 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Complications caused by injuries or impairments from emotional abuse
Number: 1006
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1868
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries
or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections,
blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
25 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Coma from emotional abuse
Number: 1007
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1869
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
26 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other loss of consciousness from emotional abuse
Number: 1008
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1870
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
26 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Breathing stopped (suffocation) from emotional abuse
Number: 1009
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1871
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
26 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from emotional abuse
Number: 1010
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1872
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
26 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Seizures from emotional abuse
Number: 1011
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1873
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
25 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Malnourished or severely underweight from emotional abuse
Number: 1012
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1874
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
20 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.23
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Name: EMA_PIMO10
Label: Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from emotional abuse
Number: 1013
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1875
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive
(generally associated with infants)

Frequency Code Description
25 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Name: EMA_PIMO11
Label: Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from emotional abuse
Number: 1014
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1876
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
25 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Name: EMA_PIMO12
Label: Impaired vision or eye problems from emotional abuse
Number: 1015
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1877
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
26 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PIMO13
Label: Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from emotional abuse
Number: 1016
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1878
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
25 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Name: EMA_PIMO14
Label: Speech impediments from emotional abuse
Number: 1017
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1879
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
25 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Name: EMA_PIMO15
Label: Venereal diseases from emotional abuse
Number: 1018
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1880
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
26 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PIMO16
Label: Diaper rash from emotional abuse
Number: 1019
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1881
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
26 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PIMO17
Label: Unexplained developmental delays from emotional abuse
Number: 1020
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1882
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
24 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: EMA_PIMO18
Label: Lice infestation resulting from emotional abuse
Number: 1021
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1883
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
26 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_PIMO19
Label: Fetal alcohol or drug symptomsfrom emotional abuse
Number: 1022
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1884
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
24 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: EMA_PIMO20
Label: Other health/medical problems or conditions from emotional abuse
Number: 1023
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1885
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
7 0 No
19 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 26
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.73
Standard Deviation: 0.45

The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development

Label: Learning disability from emotional abuse
Number: 1024
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1886
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
81 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12607 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 87
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Poor attention span from emotional abuse
Number: 1025
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1887
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
77 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12607 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 87
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.32

Label: Drop in academic performance from emotional abuse
Number: 1026
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1888
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
58 0 No
29 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12607 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 87
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Chronic truancy from emotional abuse
Number: 1027
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1889
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
77 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12607 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 87
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.32

Label: Chronic tardiness from emotional abuse
Number: 1028
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1890
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
85 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12607 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 87
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Non-enrollment in school from emotional abuse
Number: 1029
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1891
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
87 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12607 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 87
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Behavior problems in class from emotional abuse
Number: 1030
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1892
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
47 0 No
40 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12607 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 87
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.46
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Other diagnosed educational needs from emotional abuse
Number: 1031
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1893
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
85 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12607 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 87
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Expelled or suspended from school from emotional abuse
Number: 1032
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1894
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
8 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12607 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 87
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Name: EMA_IMED10
Label: Other educational problems from emotional abuse
Number: 1033
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1895
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
73 0 No
14 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12607 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 87
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.37

The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem

Label: Suicide from emotional abuse
Number: 1034
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1896
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
823 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Suicide attempt from emotional abuse
Number: 1035
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1897
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
808 0 No
15 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Label: Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from emotional abuse
Number: 1036
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1898
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
823 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Dangerous level of instability from emotional abuse
Number: 1037
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1899
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
779 0 No
44 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Self-inflicted injury from emotional abuse
Number: 1038
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1900
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
793 0 No
30 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Label: Fearful or distrustful from emotional abuse
Number: 1039
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1901
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
581 0 No
242 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.29
Standard Deviation: 0.46

Label: Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from emotional abuse
Number: 1040
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1902
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
820 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from emotional abuse
Number: 1041
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1903
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
822 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.03

Label: Fighting from emotional abuse
Number: 1042
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1904
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
801 0 No
22 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Name: EMA_MEEM10
Label: Delinquency from emotional abuse
Number: 1043
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1905
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
805 0 No
18 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: EMA_MEEM11
Label: Prostitution from emotional abuse
Number: 1044
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1906
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
823 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMA_MEEM12
Label: Drug/alcohol abuse from emotional abuse
Number: 1045
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1907
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
808 0 No
15 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Name: EMA_MEEM13
Label: Anxiety from emotional abuse
Number: 1046
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1908
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
710 0 No
113 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Name: EMA_MEEM14
Label: Depression from emotional abuse
Number: 1047
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1909
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
734 0 No
89 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Name: EMA_MEEM15
Label: Withdrawal from emotional abuse
Number: 1048
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1910
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
790 0 No
33 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Name: EMA_MEEM16
Label: Psychosis from emotional abuse
Number: 1049
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1911
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
816 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Name: EMA_MEEM17
Label: Sexual problems from emotional abuse
Number: 1050
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1912
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
814 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Name: EMA_MEEM18
Label: Sleeping disorders from emotional abuse
Number: 1051
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1913
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
815 0 No
8 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Name: EMA_MEEM19
Label: Hyperactive activity from emotional abuse
Number: 1052
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1914
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
817 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Name: EMA_MEEM20
Label: Aggressive or violent behavior from emotional abuse
Number: 1053
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1915
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
759 0 No
64 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: EMA_MEEM21
Label: Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from emotional abuse
Number: 1054
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1916
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
809 0 No
14 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Name: EMA_MEEM22
Label: Low self-esteem from emotional abuse
Number: 1055
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1917
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
767 0 No
56 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Name: EMA_MEEM23
Label: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from emotional abuse
Number: 1056
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1918
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
820 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Name: EMA_MEEM24
Label: Threats of self-destructive behavior from emotional abuse
Number: 1057
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1919
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats to harm self,
threats of suicide, threats to run away)

Frequency Code Description
764 0 No
59 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Name: EMA_MEEM25
Label: Suspected emotional damage from emotional abuse
Number: 1058
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1920
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury,
but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.)

Frequency Code Description
482 0 No
341 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.41
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Name: EMA_MEEM26
Label: Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from emotional abuse
Number: 1059
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1921
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior
patterns impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development

Frequency Code Description
614 0 No
209 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11871 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 823
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from emotional abuse
Number: 1060
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1922
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from emotional abuse
Number: 1061
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1923
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
472 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12222 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 472
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from emotional abuse
Number: 1062
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1924
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from emotional abuse
Number: 1063
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1925
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1290 0 No
18 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11386 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1308
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from emotional abuse
Number: 1064
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1926
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1282 0 No
26 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11386 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1308
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from emotional abuse
Number: 1065
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1927
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1221 0 No
87 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11386 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1308
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from emotional abuse
Number: 1066
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1928
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
485 0 No
823 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11386 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1308
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.63
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from emotional abuse
Number: 1067
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1929
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1308 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11386 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1308
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from emotional abuse
Number: 1068
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1930
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
836 0 No
472 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11386 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1308
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.36
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from emotional abuse
Number: 1069
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1931
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1308 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11386 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1308
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment

Label: Severity of injury/harm from emotional abuse
Number: 1070
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1932
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Fatal
211 2 Serious
437 3 Moderate
12 4 Assumed Harm
189 5 Probable Harm
458 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
11386 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments

Label: Severity of Emotional Abuse form1: Code 05.1--Close confinement: Tying and Binding
Number: 1071
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1933
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
8 2 Serious
6 3 Moderate
12 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Abuse form1: Code 05.1--Close confinement: Tying and Binding
Number: 1072
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1934
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
05.1Close Confinement:Tying and Binding; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMA1_CNTBL=1 or EMA1_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 05.1, then EMA1_CNTBL=1 or EMA1_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 05.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
26 1 Harm Standard
0 2 Endangerment Standard only
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Abuse form2: Code 05.2--Close Confinement: Other
Number: 1073
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1935
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
6 2 Serious
7 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
4 5 Probable Harm
9 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Abuse form2: Code 05.2--Close Confinement: Other
Number: 1074
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1936
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
05.2Close Confinement:Other; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMA2_CNTBL=1 or EMA2_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 05.2, then EMA2_CNTBL=1 or EMA2_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 05.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
13 1 Harm Standard
13 2 Endangerment Standard only
12668 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Abuse form 3: Code 06.1--Verbal Assaults and Emotional Abuse
Number: 1075
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1937
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
128 2 Serious
246 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
105 5 Probable Harm
173 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12042 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Abuse form 3: Code 06.1--Verbal Assaults and Emotional Abuse
Number: 1076
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1938
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
06.1Verbal Assaults and emotional Abuse; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMA3_CNTBL=1 or EMA3_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 06.1, then EMA3_CNTBL=1 or EMA3_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 06.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
374 1 Harm Standard
278 2 Endangerment Standard only
12042 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Abuse form4: Code 06.2--Threats of Sexual Abuse
Number: 1077
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1939
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
4 2 Serious
8 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
2 5 Probable Harm
31 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12649 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Abuse form4: Code 06.2--Threats of Sexual Abuse
Number: 1078
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1940
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
06.2Threats of Sexual Abuse; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMA4_CNTBL=1 or EMA4_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 06.2, then EMA4_CNTBL=1 or EMA4_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 06.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
12 1 Harm Standard
33 2 Endangerment Standard only
12649 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Abuse form5: Code 06.3--Threats of Other Maltreatment
Number: 1079
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1941
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
40 2 Serious
134 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
58 5 Probable Harm
139 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12323 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Abuse form5: Code 06.3--Threats of Other Maltreatment
Number: 1080
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1942
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
06.3Threats of Other Maltreatment; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMA5_CNTBL=1 or EMA5_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 06.3, then EMA5_CNTBL=1 or EMA5_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 06.3
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
174 1 Harm Standard
197 2 Endangerment Standard only
12323 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Abuse form6: Code 07.1--Terrorizing a Child
Number: 1081
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1943
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
5 2 Serious
11 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
6 5 Probable Harm
3 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12669 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Abuse form6: Code 07.1--Terrorizing a Child
Number: 1082
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1944
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
07.1Terrorizing a Child; and the evaluatively coded criteria met
the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (EMA6_CNTBL=1 or EMA6_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 07.1, then EMA6_CNTBL=1 or EMA6_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 07.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
16 1 Harm Standard
9 2 Endangerment Standard only
12669 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Abuse form7: Code 07.2--Administering unprescribed substances
Number: 1083
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1945
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Fatal
21 2 Serious
6 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
2 5 Probable Harm
11 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Abuse form7: Code 07.2--Administering unprescribed substances
Number: 1084
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1946
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
07.2Administering unprescribed substances; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (EMA7_CNTBL=1 or EMA7_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 07.2, then EMA7_CNTBL=1 or EMA7_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 07.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
28 1 Harm Standard
13 2 Endangerment Standard only
12653 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Abuse form8: Code 07.3--Other or Unknown Abuse
Number: 1085
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1947
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
32 2 Serious
73 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
43 5 Probable Harm
132 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12414 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Abuse form8: Code 07.3--Other or Unknown Abuse
Number: 1086
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1948
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
07.3Other or Unknown Abuse; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (EMA8_CNTBL=1 or EMA8_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was 07.3, then EMA8_CNTBL=1 or EMA8_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 07.3
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
105 1 Harm Standard
175 2 Endangerment Standard only
12414 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe: The Person's Role

Label: Person A either maltreated or permitted maltreatment
Number: 1087
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1949
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4182 1 Maltreated
150 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
8362 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1088
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1950
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3495 0 No
635 1 Yes
202 9 Unknown
8362 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4130
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Person A drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1089
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1951
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3121 0 No
999 1 Yes
212 9 Unknown
8362 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4120
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.24
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1090
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1952
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3675 0 No
423 1 Yes
234 9 Unknown
8362 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4098
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Label: Person A - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
Number: 1091
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1953
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4259 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
68 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
5 9 Unknown
8362 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A degree of responsibility for physical neglect
Number: 1092
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1954
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3923 1 Strong Evidence
401 2 Likely
3 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
5 9 Unknown
8362 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
Number: 1093
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1955
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1724 1 Maltreated
310 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
10660 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1094
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1956
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1632 0 No
314 1 Yes
88 9 Unknown
10660 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1946
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Person B drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1095
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1957
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1559 0 No
382 1 Yes
93 9 Unknown
10660 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1941
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Label: Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1096
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1958
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1869 0 No
66 1 Yes
99 9 Unknown
10660 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1935
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Label: Person B - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
Number: 1097
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1959
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1573 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
457 2 Adult Caregiver
2 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
2 9 Unknown
10660 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B degree of responsibility for physical neglect
Number: 1098
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1960
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1811 1 Strong Evidence
217 2 Likely
4 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
2 9 Unknown
10660 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
Number: 1099
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1961
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
529 1 Maltreated
156 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12009 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1100
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1962
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
563 0 No
96 1 Yes
26 9 Unknown
12009 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 659
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1101
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1963
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
489 0 No
169 1 Yes
27 9 Unknown
12009 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 658
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.26
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1102
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1964
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
619 0 No
40 1 Yes
26 9 Unknown
12009 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 659
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
Number: 1103
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1965
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
191 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
460 2 Adult Caregiver
13 3 Minor Caregiver
1 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12029 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for physical neglect
Number: 1104
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1966
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
591 1 Strong Evidence
86 2 Likely
7 3 Doubtful
1 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12009 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
Number: 1105
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1967
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
68 1 Maltreated
20 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12606 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1106
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1968
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
76 0 No
8 1 Yes
4 9 Unknown
12606 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1107
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1969
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
60 0 No
23 1 Yes
5 9 Unknown
12606 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.28
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1108
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1970
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
78 0 No
5 1 Yes
5 9 Unknown
12606 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
Number: 1109
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1971
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
25 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
56 2 Adult Caregiver
1 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12612 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for physical neglect
Number: 1110
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1972
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
81 1 Strong Evidence
5 2 Likely
1 3 Doubtful
1 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12606 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
Number: 1111
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1973
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
8 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1112
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1974
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
8 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 8
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1113
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1975
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 8
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.38
Standard Deviation: 0.52

Label: Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1114
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1976
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
8 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 8
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
Number: 1115
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1977
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
8 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for physical neglect
Number: 1116
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1978
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
8 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
Number: 1117
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1979
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1118
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1980
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1119
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1981
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1120
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1982
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
Number: 1121
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1983
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for physical neglect
Number: 1122
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1984
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect
Number: 1123
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1985
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1124
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1986
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1125
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1987
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect
Number: 1126
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1988
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child
Number: 1127
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1989
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for physical neglect
Number: 1128
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1990
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury

Label: Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from physical neglect
Number: 1129
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1991
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
408 0 No
42 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Fractured or broken bones from physical neglect
Number: 1130
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1992
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
383 0 No
67 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Gunshot wounds from physical neglect
Number: 1131
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1993
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
443 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Intracranial hemorrhages from physical neglect
Number: 1132
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1994
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
441 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Trauma or injuries to the skull from physical neglect
Number: 1133
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1995
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
407 0 No
43 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from physical neglect
Number: 1134
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1996
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
396 0 No
54 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.12
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Label: Shaken baby syndrome from physical neglect
Number: 1135
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1997
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
447 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Concussion from physical neglect
Number: 1136
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1998
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
445 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Label: Spinal cord injuries from physical neglect
Number: 1137
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 1999
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
447 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Name: PHN_PINJ10
Label: Amputations from physical neglect
Number: 1138
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2000
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
449 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Name: PHN_PINJ11
Label: Disfigurements (significant scarring) from physical neglect
Number: 1139
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2001
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
448 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Name: PHN_PINJ12
Label: Injuries that damage any internal organs from physical neglect
Number: 1140
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2002
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
443 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Name: PHN_PINJ13
Label: Internal bleeding from physical neglect
Number: 1141
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2003
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
441 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Name: PHN_PINJ14
Label: Near drowning from physical neglect
Number: 1142
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2004
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
441 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Name: PHN_PINJ15
Label: Poisoning from physical neglect
Number: 1143
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2005
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion
of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect)

Frequency Code Description
426 0 No
24 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Name: PHN_PINJ16
Label: Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from physical neglect
Number: 1144
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2006
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage
to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to
child's mobility, this code should also be checked.)

Frequency Code Description
446 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Name: PHN_PINJ17
Label: Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from physical neglect
Number: 1145
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2007
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
429 0 No
21 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Name: PHN_PINJ18
Label: Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from physical neglect
Number: 1146
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2008
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
400 0 No
50 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Name: PHN_PINJ19
Label: 3rd degree burns from physical neglect
Number: 1147
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2009
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
438 0 No
12 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Name: PHN_PINJ20
Label: 2nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect
Number: 1148
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2010
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
435 0 No
15 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Name: PHN_PINJ21
Label: 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect
Number: 1149
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2011
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
416 0 No
34 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Name: PHN_PINJ22
Label: 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface resulting from physical neglect
Number: 1150
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2012
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
449 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.05

Name: PHN_PINJ23
Label: 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect
Number: 1151
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2013
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
434 0 No
16 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Name: PHN_PINJ24
Label: Cuts and lacerations from physical neglect
Number: 1152
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2014
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
414 0 No
36 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: PHN_PINJ25
Label: Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from physical neglect
Number: 1153
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2015
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
436 0 No
14 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Name: PHN_PINJ26
Label: Welts, swelling, or abrasions from physical neglect
Number: 1154
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2016
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
407 0 No
43 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Name: PHN_PINJ27
Label: Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from physical neglect
Number: 1155
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2017
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
442 0 No
8 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Name: PHN_PINJ28
Label: Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from physical neglect
Number: 1156
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2018
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
448 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Name: PHN_PINJ29
Label: Any other physical injuries from physical neglect
Number: 1157
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2019
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
334 0 No
116 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12244 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 450
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.26
Standard Deviation: 0.44

The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition

Label: Illness-related death from physical neglect
Number: 1158
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2020
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
670 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Label: Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical neglect
Number: 1159
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2021
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by
injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections,
blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
669 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Label: Complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical neglect
Number: 1160
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2022
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or
impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood

Frequency Code Description
637 0 No
39 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Coma from physical neglect
Number: 1161
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2023
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
675 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Other loss of consciousness from physical neglect
Number: 1162
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2024
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
669 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Label: Breathing stopped (suffocation) from physical neglect
Number: 1163
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2025
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
672 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from physical neglect
Number: 1164
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2026
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
668 0 No
8 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Seizures from physical neglect
Number: 1165
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2027
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
650 0 No
26 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Label: Malnourished or severely underweight from physical neglect
Number: 1166
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2028
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
606 0 No
70 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Name: PHN_PIMO10
Label: Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from physical neglect
Number: 1167
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2029
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive
(generally associated with infants)

Frequency Code Description
647 0 No
29 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Name: PHN_PIMO11
Label: Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from physical neglect
Number: 1168
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2030
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
670 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Name: PHN_PIMO12
Label: Impaired vision or eye problems from physical neglect
Number: 1169
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2031
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
618 0 No
58 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Name: PHN_PIMO13
Label: Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from physical neglect
Number: 1170
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2032
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
664 0 No
12 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Name: PHN_PIMO14
Label: Speech impediments from physical neglect
Number: 1171
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2033
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
660 0 No
16 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: PHN_PIMO15
Label: Venereal diseases from physical neglect
Number: 1172
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2034
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
673 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Name: PHN_PIMO16
Label: Diaper rash from physical neglect
Number: 1173
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2035
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
661 0 No
15 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: PHN_PIMO17
Label: Unexplained developmental delays from physical neglect
Number: 1174
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2036
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
655 0 No
21 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Name: PHN_PIMO18
Label: Lice infestation from physical neglect
Number: 1175
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2037
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
545 0 No
131 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.19
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Name: PHN_PIMO19
Label: Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from physical neglect
Number: 1176
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2038
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
670 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Name: PHN_PIMO20
Label: Other health/medical problems or conditions from physical neglect
Number: 1177
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2039
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
301 0 No
375 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12018 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 676
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.55
Standard Deviation: 0.50

The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development

Label: Learning disability from physical neglect
Number: 1178
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2040
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
193 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12491 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 203
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Label: Poor attention span from physical neglect
Number: 1179
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2041
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
187 0 No
16 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12491 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 203
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Drop in academic performance from physical neglect
Number: 1180
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2042
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
157 0 No
46 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12491 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 203
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.23
Standard Deviation: 0.42

Label: Chronic truancy from physical neglect
Number: 1181
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2043
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
135 0 No
68 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12491 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 203
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Chronic tardiness from physical neglect
Number: 1182
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2044
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
192 0 No
11 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12491 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 203
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Non-enrollment in school from physical neglect
Number: 1183
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2045
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
193 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12491 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 203
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Label: Behavior problems in class from physical neglect
Number: 1184
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2046
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
153 0 No
50 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12491 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 203
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Other diagnosed educational needs from physical neglect
Number: 1185
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2047
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
194 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12491 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 203
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Expelled or suspended from school from physical neglect
Number: 1186
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2048
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
193 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12491 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 203
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Name: PHN_IMED10
Label: Other educational problems from physical neglect
Number: 1187
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2049
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
162 0 No
41 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12491 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 203
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.40

The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem

Label: Suicide from physical neglect
Number: 1188
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2050
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
827 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Suicide attempt from physical neglect
Number: 1189
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2051
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
810 0 No
17 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from physical neglect
Number: 1190
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2052
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
823 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Label: Dangerous level of instability from physical neglect
Number: 1191
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2053
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
793 0 No
34 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Self-inflicted injury from physical neglect
Number: 1192
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2054
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
810 0 No
17 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Fearful or distrustful from physical neglect
Number: 1193
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2055
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
763 0 No
64 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from physical neglect
Number: 1194
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2056
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
822 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from physical neglect
Number: 1195
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2057
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
817 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Fighting from physical neglect
Number: 1196
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2058
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
810 0 No
17 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Name: PHN_MEEM10
Label: Delinquency from physical neglect
Number: 1197
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2059
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
764 0 No
63 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: PHN_MEEM11
Label: Prostitution from physical neglect
Number: 1198
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2060
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
824 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Name: PHN_MEEM12
Label: Drug/alcohol abuse from physical neglect
Number: 1199
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2061
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
777 0 No
50 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Name: PHN_MEEM13
Label: Anxiety from physical neglect
Number: 1200
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2062
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
787 0 No
40 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Name: PHN_MEEM14
Label: Depression from physical neglect
Number: 1201
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2063
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
785 0 No
42 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Name: PHN_MEEM15
Label: Withdrawal from physical neglect
Number: 1202
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2064
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
807 0 No
20 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: PHN_MEEM16
Label: Psychosis from physical neglect
Number: 1203
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2065
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
822 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Name: PHN_MEEM17
Label: Sexual problems from physical neglect
Number: 1204
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2066
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
805 0 No
22 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Name: PHN_MEEM18
Label: Sleeping disorders from physical neglect
Number: 1205
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2067
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
823 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Name: PHN_MEEM19
Label: Hyperactive activity from physical neglect
Number: 1206
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2068
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
821 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Name: PHN_MEEM20
Label: Aggressive or violent behavior from physical neglect
Number: 1207
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2069
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
772 0 No
55 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Name: PHN_MEEM21
Label: Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from physical neglect
Number: 1208
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2070
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
776 0 No
51 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Name: PHN_MEEM22
Label: Low self-esteem from physical neglect
Number: 1209
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2071
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
810 0 No
17 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Name: PHN_MEEM23
Label: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from physical neglect
Number: 1210
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2072
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
824 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Name: PHN_MEEM24
Label: Threats of self-destructive behavior from physical neglect
Number: 1211
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2073
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self,
threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.)

Frequency Code Description
788 0 No
39 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Name: PHN_MEEM25
Label: Suspected emotional damage from physical neglect
Number: 1212
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2074
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury,
but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.)

Frequency Code Description
359 0 No
468 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.57
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Name: PHN_MEEM26
Label: Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from physical neglect
Number: 1213
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2075
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns
impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development

Frequency Code Description
663 0 No
164 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11867 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 827
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Label: Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from physical neglect
Number: 1214
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2076
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00

Label: No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from physical neglect
Number: 1215
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2077
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
3127 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
9567 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3127
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from physical neglect
Number: 1216
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2078
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00

The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm.

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from physical neglect
Number: 1217
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2079
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4205 0 No
450 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
8039 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4655
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from physical neglect
Number: 1218
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2080
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3979 0 No
676 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
8039 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4655
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from physical neglect
Number: 1219
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2081
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4452 0 No
203 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
8039 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4655
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from physical neglect
Number: 1220
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2082
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3828 0 No
827 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
8039 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4655
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.18
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from physical neglect
Number: 1221
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2083
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4654 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
8039 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4655
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.01

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from physical neglect
Number: 1222
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2084
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1528 0 No
3127 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
8039 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4655
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.67
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from physical neglect
Number: 1223
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2085
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4654 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
8039 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4655
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.01

The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment

Label: Severity of injury/harm from physical neglect
Number: 1224
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2086
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
60 1 Fatal
797 2 Serious
658 3 Moderate
186 4 Assumed Harm
125 5 Probable Harm
2829 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
8039 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form1: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment
Number: 1225
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2087
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Severity of Physical Neglect form1: Code 08.0--Refusal to Allow
or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment

Frequency Code Description
6 1 Fatal
193 2 Serious
118 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
4 5 Probable Harm
83 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12290 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form1: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment
Number: 1226
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2088
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Countability of Physical Neglect form1: Code 08.0--Refusal to Allow
or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment

At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
08.0Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition
or Impairment; and the evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 08.0, then PHN1_CNTBL=1 or PHN1_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 08.0
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
317 1 Harm Standard
87 2 Endangerment Standard only
12290 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form2: Code 09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care
Number: 1227
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2089
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 1 Fatal
179 2 Serious
93 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
47 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12370 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form2: Code 09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care
Number: 1228
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2090
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
09.0Unwarranted delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (PHN2_CNTBL=1 or PHN2_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 09.0 then PHN2_CNTBL=1 or PHN2_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 09.0
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
184 1 Harm Standard
140 2 Endangerment Standard only
12370 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form3: Code 10.1--Refusal of Custody or Abandonment
Number: 1229
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2091
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
14 2 Serious
20 3 Moderate
144 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12516 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form3: Code 10.1--Refusal of Custody or Abandonment
Number: 1230
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2092
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
10.1Refusal of Custody/Abandonment; and the evaluatively coded
criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHN3_CNTBL=1 or PHN3_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 10.1 then PHN3_CNTBL=1 or PHN3_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
178 1 Harm Standard
0 2 Endangerment Standard only
12516 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form4: Code 10.2--Other Refusal of Custody
Number: 1231
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2093
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
16 2 Serious
14 3 Moderate
49 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form4: Code 10.2--Other Refusal of Custody
Number: 1232
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2094
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
10.2Other Refusal of Custody; and the evaluatively coded criteria met
the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 10.2 then PHN4_CNTBL=1 or PHN4_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
79 1 Harm Standard
0 2 Endangerment Standard only
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form5: Code 10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody
Number: 1233
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2095
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
0 2 Serious
2 3 Moderate
3 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form5: Code 10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody
Number: 1234
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2096
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
10.3Illegal transfer of Custody; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHN5_CNTBL=1 or PHN5_CNTBL=2)


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment wascode 10.3 then PHN5_CNTBL=1 or PHN5_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.3
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
5 1 Harm Standard
0 2 Endangerment Standard only
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form6: Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements
Number: 1235
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2097
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Severity of Physical Neglect form6: Code 10.4--Other Custody-related
Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
28 2 Serious
32 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
23 5 Probable Harm
145 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12466 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form6: Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements
Number: 1236
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2098
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Countability of Physical Neglect form6: Code 10.4--Other
Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements

At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
10.4Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody
Arrangementst; and the evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment wascode 10.4 then PHN6_CNTBL=1 or PHN6_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.4
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
60 1 Harm Standard
168 2 Endangerment Standard only
12466 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form7: Code 11.0--Inadequate Supervision
Number: 1237
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2099
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
31 1 Fatal
249 2 Serious
193 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
51 5 Probable Harm
1420 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
10750 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form7: Code 11.0--Inadequate Supervision
Number: 1238
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2100
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
11.0Inadequate Supervision; and the evaluatively coded criteria met
the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 11.0 then PHN7_CNTBL=1 or PHN7_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 11.0
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
262 1 Harm Standard
1682 2 Endangerment Standard only
10750 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form8: Code 12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition
Number: 1239
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2101
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4 1 Fatal
75 2 Serious
44 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
15 5 Probable Harm
388 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12168 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form8: Code 12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition
Number: 1240
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2102
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
12.1Other Physical Negelect: Inadequate Nutrition; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (PHN8_CNTBL=1 or PHN8_CNTBL=2)


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment wass code 12.1 then PHN8_CNTBL=1 or PHN8_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 12.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
79 1 Harm Standard
447 2 Endangerment Standard only
12168 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form9: Code 12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene
Number: 1241
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2103
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
25 2 Serious
156 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
22 5 Probable Harm
350 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12141 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form9: Code 12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene
Number: 1242
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2104
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
12.2Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (PHN9_CNTBL=1 or PHN9_CNTBL=2)


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 12.2 then PHN9_CNTBL=1 or PHN9_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code12.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
25 1 Harm Standard
528 2 Endangerment Standard only
12141 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form10: Code 12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing
Number: 1243
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2105
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
4 2 Serious
27 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
15 5 Probable Harm
305 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12343 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form10: Code 12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing
Number: 1244
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2106
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
12.3Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (PHN10_CNTBL=1 or PHN10_CNTBL=2)


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 12.3 then PHN10_CNTBL=1 or PHN10_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code12.3
Then PHN10_CNTBL=1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code
Then PHN10_CNTBL=2

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
4 1 Harm Standard
347 2 Endangerment Standard only
12343 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form11: Code 12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter
Number: 1245
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2107
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Fatal
14 2 Serious
26 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
25 5 Probable Harm
890 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
11738 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form11: Code 12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter
Number: 1246
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2108
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
12.4Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (PHN11_CNTBL=1 or PHN11_CNTBL=2)

'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 12.4 then PHN11_CNTBL=1 or PHN11_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code12.4
Then PHN11_CNTBL=1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code
Then PHN11_CNTBL=2

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
15 1 Harm Standard
941 2 Endangerment Standard only
11738 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Physical Neglect form12: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs & Physical Safety
Number: 1247
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2109
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Severity of Physical Neglect form12: Code 12.5--Other Physical
Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs
and Physical Safety

Frequency Code Description
18 1 Fatal
108 2 Serious
50 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
25 5 Probable Harm
613 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
11880 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Physical Neglect form12: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs & Physical Safety
Number: 1248
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2110
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Countability of Physical Neglect form12: Code 12.5--Other Physical
Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs and
Physical Safety

At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
12.5Other Physical Neglect: Other/Unspecified Disregard of Child's
Physical Needs and Physical Safety; and the evaluatively coded
criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHN12_CNTBL=1 or PHN12_CNTBL=2)


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 12.5 then PHN12_CNTBL=1 or PHN12_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code12.5
Then PHN12_CNTBL=1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code
Then PHN12_CNTBL=2

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
117 1 Harm Standard
697 2 Endangerment Standard only
11880 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe: The Person's Role

Label: Person A either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
Number: 1249
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2111
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
778 1 Maltreated
4 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
11912 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1250
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2112
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
665 0 No
69 1 Yes
48 9 Unknown
11912 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 734
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Person A drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1251
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2113
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
636 0 No
99 1 Yes
47 9 Unknown
11912 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Label: Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1252
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2114
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
680 0 No
55 1 Yes
47 9 Unknown
11912 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 735
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Person A - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
Number: 1253
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2115
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
781 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
11913 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A degree of responsibility for educational neglect
Number: 1254
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2116
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
736 1 Strong Evidence
46 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
11912 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
Number: 1255
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2117
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
228 1 Maltreated
25 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12441 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1256
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2118
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
218 0 No
19 1 Yes
16 9 Unknown
12441 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 237
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Person B drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1257
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2119
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
213 0 No
25 1 Yes
15 9 Unknown
12441 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 238
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Label: Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1258
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2120
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
227 0 No
11 1 Yes
15 9 Unknown
12441 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 238
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Person B - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
Number: 1259
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2121
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
225 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
26 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
2 9 Unknown
12441 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B degree of responsibility for educational neglect
Number: 1260
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2122
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
232 1 Strong Evidence
18 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
1 4 Poor Evidence
2 9 Unknown
12441 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
Number: 1261
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2123
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
29 1 Maltreated
18 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1262
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2124
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
40 0 No
3 1 Yes
4 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 43
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1263
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2125
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
40 0 No
3 1 Yes
4 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 43
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1264
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2126
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
43 0 No
0 1 Yes
4 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 43
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
Number: 1265
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2127
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
13 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
32 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12649 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for educational neglect
Number: 1266
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2128
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
40 1 Strong Evidence
7 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
Number: 1267
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2129
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Maltreated
1 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1268
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2130
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.58

Label: Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1269
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2131
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1270
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2132
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
Number: 1271
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2133
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
1 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for educational neglect
Number: 1272
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2134
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
Number: 1273
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2135
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1274
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2136
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1275
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2137
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1276
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2138
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
Number: 1277
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2139
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for educational neglect
Number: 1278
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2140
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
Number: 1279
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2141
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1280
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2142
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1281
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2143
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1282
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2144
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
Number: 1283
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2145
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for educational neglect
Number: 1284
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2146
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect
Number: 1285
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2147
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1286
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2148
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1287
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2149
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect
Number: 1288
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2150
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child
Number: 1289
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2151
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for educational neglect
Number: 1290
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2152
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury

Label: Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from educational neglect
Number: 1291
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2153
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Fractured or broken bones from educational neglect
Number: 1292
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2154
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Gunshot wounds from educational neglect
Number: 1293
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2155
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Intracranial hemorrhages from educational neglect
Number: 1294
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2156
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Trauma or injuries to the skull from educational neglect
Number: 1295
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2157
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from educational neglect
Number: 1296
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2158
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Shaken baby syndrome from educational neglect
Number: 1297
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2159
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Concussion from educational neglect
Number: 1298
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2160
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Spinal cord injuries from educational neglect
Number: 1299
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2161
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ10
Label: Amputations from educational neglect
Number: 1300
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2162
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ11
Label: Disfigurements (significant scarring) from educational neglect
Number: 1301
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2163
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ12
Label: Injuries that damage any internal organs from educational neglect
Number: 1302
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2164
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ13
Label: Internal bleeding from educational neglect
Number: 1303
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2165
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ14
Label: Near drowning from educational neglect
Number: 1304
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2166
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ15
Label: Poisoning from educational neglect
Number: 1305
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2167
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion
of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect)

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ16
Label: Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from educational neglect
Number: 1306
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2168
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage
to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to
child's mobility, this code should also be checked.)

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ17
Label: Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from educational neglect
Number: 1307
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2169
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ18
Label: Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from educational neglect
Number: 1308
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2170
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ19
Label: 3rd degree burns resulting from educational neglect from educational neglect
Number: 1309
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2171
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ20
Label: 2nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect
Number: 1310
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2172
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ21
Label: 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect
Number: 1311
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2173
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00

Name: EDN_PINJ22
Label: 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect
Number: 1312
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2174
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ23
Label: 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect
Number: 1313
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2175
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ24
Label: Cuts and lacerations from educational neglect
Number: 1314
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2176
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ25
Label: Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from educational neglect
Number: 1315
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2177
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ26
Label: Welts, swelling, or abrasions from educational neglect
Number: 1316
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2178
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ27
Label: Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from educational neglect
Number: 1317
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2179
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ28
Label: Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from educational neglect
Number: 1318
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2180
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Name: EDN_PINJ29
Label: Any other physical injuries from educational neglect
Number: 1319
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2181
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition

Label: Illness-related death from educational neglect
Number: 1320
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2182
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Death due to complications from educational neglect
Number: 1321
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2183
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by
injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure,
infections, blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Complications from educational neglect
Number: 1322
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2184
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or
impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Coma from educational neglect
Number: 1323
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2185
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other loss of consciousness from educational neglect
Number: 1324
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2186
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Breathing stopped (suffocation) from educational neglect
Number: 1325
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2187
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from educational neglect
Number: 1326
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2188
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Seizures from educational neglect
Number: 1327
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2189
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Malnourished or severely underweight from educational neglect
Number: 1328
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2190
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EDN_PIMO10
Label: Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from educational neglect
Number: 1329
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2191
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive
(generally associated with infants)

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EDN_PIMO11
Label: Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from educational neglect
Number: 1330
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2192
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EDN_PIMO12
Label: Impaired vision or eye problems from educational neglect
Number: 1331
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2193
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EDN_PIMO13
Label: Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from educational neglect
Number: 1332
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2194
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EDN_PIMO14
Label: Speech impediments from educational neglect
Number: 1333
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2195
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EDN_PIMO15
Label: Venereal diseases from educational neglect
Number: 1334
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2196
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EDN_PIMO16
Label: Diaper rash from educational neglect
Number: 1335
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2197
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EDN_PIMO17
Label: Unexplained developmental delays from educational neglect
Number: 1336
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2198
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.58

Name: EDN_PIMO18
Label: Lice infestation from educational neglect
Number: 1337
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2199
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.58

Name: EDN_PIMO19
Label: Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from educational neglect
Number: 1338
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2200
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EDN_PIMO20
Label: Other health/medical problems or conditions from educational neglect
Number: 1339
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2201
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.58

The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development

Label: Learning disability from educational neglect
Number: 1340
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2202
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
750 0 No
37 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Poor attention span from educational neglect
Number: 1341
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2203
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
759 0 No
28 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Label: Drop in academic performance from educational neglect
Number: 1342
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2204
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
497 0 No
290 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.37
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Chronic truancy from educational neglect
Number: 1343
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2205
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
119 0 No
668 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.85
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Chronic tardiness from educational neglect
Number: 1344
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2206
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
640 0 No
147 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.19
Standard Deviation: 0.39

Label: Non-enrollment in school from educational neglect
Number: 1345
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2207
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
715 0 No
72 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Behavior problems in class from educational neglect
Number: 1346
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2208
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
730 0 No
57 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Other diagnosed educational needs from educational neglect
Number: 1347
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2209
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
755 0 No
32 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Expelled or suspended from school from educational neglect
Number: 1348
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2210
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
774 0 No
13 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Name: EDN_IMED10
Label: Other educational problems from educational neglect
Number: 1349
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2211
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
698 0 No
89 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.32

The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem

Label: Suicide from educational neglect
Number: 1350
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2212
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
76 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Suicide attempt from educational neglect
Number: 1351
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2213
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
75 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from educational neglect
Number: 1352
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2214
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
76 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Dangerous level of instability from educational neglect
Number: 1353
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2215
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
74 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Self-inflicted injury from educational neglect
Number: 1354
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2216
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
75 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Fearful or distrustful from educational neglect
Number: 1355
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2217
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
73 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from educational neglect
Number: 1356
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2218
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
76 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from educational neglect
Number: 1357
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2219
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
75 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Fighting from educational neglect
Number: 1358
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2220
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
74 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Name: EDN_MEEM10
Label: Delinquency from educational neglect
Number: 1359
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2221
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
66 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Name: EDN_MEEM11
Label: Prostitution from educational neglect
Number: 1360
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2222
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
76 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EDN_MEEM12
Label: Drug/alcohol abuse resulting from educational neglect
Number: 1361
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2223
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
74 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Name: EDN_MEEM13
Label: Anxiety from educational neglect
Number: 1362
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2224
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
69 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Name: EDN_MEEM14
Label: Depression from educational neglect
Number: 1363
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2225
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
64 0 No
12 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Name: EDN_MEEM15
Label: Withdrawal from educational neglect
Number: 1364
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2226
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: EDN_MEEM16
Label: Psychosis from educational neglect
Number: 1365
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2227
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
75 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Name: EDN_MEEM17
Label: Sexual problems from educational neglect
Number: 1366
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2228
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
73 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Name: EDN_MEEM18
Label: Sleeping disorders from educational neglect
Number: 1367
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2229
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
75 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Name: EDN_MEEM19
Label: Hyperactive activity from educational neglect
Number: 1368
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2230
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
74 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Name: EDN_MEEM20
Label: Aggressive or violent behavior from educational neglect
Number: 1369
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2231
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
71 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Name: EDN_MEEM21
Label: Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from educational neglect
Number: 1370
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2232
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
71 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Name: EDN_MEEM22
Label: Low self-esteem from educational neglect
Number: 1371
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2233
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
66 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.13
Standard Deviation: 0.34

Name: EDN_MEEM23
Label: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from educational neglect
Number: 1372
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2234
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
76 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EDN_MEEM24
Label: Threats of self-destructive behavior from educational neglect
Number: 1373
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2235
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self,
threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.)

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: EDN_MEEM25
Label: Suspected emotional damage from educational neglect
Number: 1374
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2236
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury,
but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.)

Frequency Code Description
65 0 No
11 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Name: EDN_MEEM26
Label: Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from educational neglect
Number: 1375
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2237
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns
impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development

Frequency Code Description
50 0 No
26 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12618 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 76
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.34
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from educational neglect
Number: 1376
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2238
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from educational neglect
Number: 1377
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2239
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from educational neglect
Number: 1378
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2240
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm.

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from educational neglect
Number: 1379
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2241
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
786 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.04

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from educational neglect
Number: 1380
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2242
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
784 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from educational neglect
Number: 1381
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2243
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
787 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from educational neglect
Number: 1382
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2244
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
711 0 No
76 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from educational neglect
Number: 1383
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2245
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
787 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from educational neglect
Number: 1384
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2246
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
787 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from educational neglect
Number: 1385
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2247
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
787 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 787
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment

Label: Severity of injury/harm from educational neglect
Number: 1386
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2248
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
138 2 Serious
649 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
11907 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments

Label: Severity of Educational Neglect form1: Code 13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy
Number: 1387
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2249
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
83 2 Serious
565 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12046 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Educational Neglect form1: Code 13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy
Number: 1388
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2250
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
13.1Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy; and the evaluatively coded
criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (EDN1_CNTBL=1 or EDN1_CNTBL=2)


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 13.1, then EDN1_CNTBL=1 or EDN1_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 13.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
648 1 Harm Standard
0 2 Endangerment Standard only
12046 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Educational Neglect form2: Code 13.2--Other Truancy
Number: 1389
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2251
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
8 2 Serious
34 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Educational Neglect form2: Code 13.2--Other Truancy
Number: 1390
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2252
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
13.2Other Truancy; and the evaluatively coded
criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (EDN2_CNTBL=1 or EDN2_CNTBL=2)


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 13.2, then EDN2_CNTBL=1 or EDN2_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 13.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
42 1 Harm Standard
0 2 Endangerment Standard only
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Educational Neglect form3: Code 14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll
Number: 1391
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2253
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
36 2 Serious
30 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12628 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Educational Neglect form3: Code 14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll
Number: 1392
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2254
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
14.1Failure to Register or Enroll; and the evaluatively coded
criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (EDN3_CNTBL=1 or EDN3_CNTBL=2)


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 134.1, then EDN3_CNTBL=1 or EDN3_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 14.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
66 1 Harm Standard
0 2 Endangerment Standard only
12628 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Educational Neglect form4: Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need
Number: 1393
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2255
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Severity of Educational Neglect form4: Code 14.2--Other Refusal to
Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
15 2 Serious
27 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
0 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Educational Neglect form4: Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need
Number: 1394
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2256
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Countability of Educational Neglect form4: Code 14.2--Other Refusal
to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need

At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
14.2Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed
educational Need; and the evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.


'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 14.2, then EDN4_CNTBL=1 or EDN4_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 14.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
42 1 Harm Standard
0 2 Endangerment Standard only
12652 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe: The Person's Role

Label: Person A either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
Number: 1395
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2257
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3691 1 Maltreated
748 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
8255 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1396
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2258
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3406 0 No
875 1 Yes
158 9 Unknown
8255 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4281
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Label: Person A drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1397
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2259
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2844 0 No
1434 1 Yes
161 9 Unknown
8255 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4278
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.34
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Label: Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1398
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2260
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3763 0 No
474 1 Yes
202 9 Unknown
8255 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 4237
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.32

Label: Person A - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
Number: 1399
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2261
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4375 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
57 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
6 9 Unknown
8256 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
Number: 1400
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2262
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3952 1 Strong Evidence
470 2 Likely
11 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
6 9 Unknown
8255 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
Number: 1401
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2263
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2589 1 Maltreated
401 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
9704 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1402
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2264
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2154 0 No
710 1 Yes
126 9 Unknown
9704 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2864
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Person B drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1403
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2265
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2134 0 No
740 1 Yes
116 9 Unknown
9704 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2874
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.26
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1404
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2266
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2679 0 No
169 1 Yes
142 9 Unknown
9704 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2848
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Person B - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
Number: 1405
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2267
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2296 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
691 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
1 9 Unknown
9706 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
Number: 1406
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2268
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2686 1 Strong Evidence
300 2 Likely
3 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
1 9 Unknown
9704 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
Number: 1407
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2269
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
955 1 Maltreated
92 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
11647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1408
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2270
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
827 0 No
191 1 Yes
29 9 Unknown
11647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1018
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.19
Standard Deviation: 0.39

Label: Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1409
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2271
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
749 0 No
272 1 Yes
26 9 Unknown
11647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1021
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.27
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1410
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2272
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
967 0 No
51 1 Yes
29 9 Unknown
11647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1018
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Label: Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
Number: 1411
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2273
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
280 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
667 2 Adult Caregiver
24 3 Minor Caregiver
4 4 Other
1 9 Unknown
11718 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
Number: 1412
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2274
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
945 1 Strong Evidence
100 2 Likely
1 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
1 9 Unknown
11647 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
Number: 1413
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2275
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
94 1 Maltreated
16 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12584 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1414
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2276
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
92 0 No
16 1 Yes
2 9 Unknown
12584 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 108
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1415
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2277
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
77 0 No
30 1 Yes
3 9 Unknown
12584 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 107
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.28
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1416
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2278
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
103 0 No
4 1 Yes
3 9 Unknown
12584 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 107
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Label: Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of emotional neglect elationship to child
Number: 1417
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2279
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
24 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
71 2 Adult Caregiver
4 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12595 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
Number: 1418
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2280
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
94 1 Strong Evidence
14 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
2 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12584 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
Number: 1419
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2281
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
15 1 Maltreated
4 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12675 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1420
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2282
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
16 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12675 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 19
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1421
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2283
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
13 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12675 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 19
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.32
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1422
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2284
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
19 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12675 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 19
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
Number: 1423
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2285
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
13 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12679 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
Number: 1424
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2286
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
17 1 Strong Evidence
2 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12675 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
Number: 1425
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2287
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
6 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12688 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1426
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2288
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12688 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 6
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1427
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2289
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12688 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 6
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.50
Standard Deviation: 0.55

Label: Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1428
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2290
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
6 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12688 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 6
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
Number: 1429
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2291
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
4 2 Adult Caregiver
2 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12688 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
Number: 1430
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2292
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4 1 Strong Evidence
2 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12688 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect
Number: 1431
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2293
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1432
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2294
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1433
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2295
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect
Number: 1434
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2296
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child
Number: 1435
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2297
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
2 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect
Number: 1436
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2298
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury

Label: Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from emotional neglect
Number: 1437
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2299
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
75 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Label: Fractured or broken bones from emotional neglect
Number: 1438
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2300
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
77 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.16

Label: Gunshot wounds from emotional neglect
Number: 1439
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2301
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Intracranial hemorrhages from emotional neglect
Number: 1440
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2302
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Trauma or injuries to the skull from emotional neglect
Number: 1441
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2303
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
74 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from emotional neglect
Number: 1442
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2304
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
72 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Shaken baby syndrome from emotional neglect
Number: 1443
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2305
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Concussion from emotional neglect
Number: 1444
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2306
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Spinal cord injuries from emotional neglect
Number: 1445
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2307
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ10
Label: ,Amputations from emotional neglect
Number: 1446
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2308
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ11
Label: Disfigurements (significant scarring) from emotional neglect
Number: 1447
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2309
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ12
Label: Injuries that damage internal organs from emotional neglect
Number: 1448
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2310
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ13
Label: Internal bleeding from emotional neglect
Number: 1449
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2311
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ14
Label: Near drowning from emotional neglect
Number: 1450
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2312
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ15
Label: Poisoning from emotional neglect
Number: 1451
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2313
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion
of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect)

Frequency Code Description
75 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Name: EMN_PINJ16
Label: Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from emotional neglect
Number: 1452
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2314
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage
to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to
child's mobility, this code should also be checked.)

Frequency Code Description
78 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Name: EMN_PINJ17
Label: Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from emotional neglect
Number: 1453
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2315
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
76 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Name: EMN_PINJ18
Label: Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from emotional neglect
Number: 1454
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2316
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
58 0 No
21 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.27
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Name: EMN_PINJ19
Label: 3rd degree burns from emotional neglect
Number: 1455
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2317
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ20
Label: 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect
Number: 1456
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2318
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ21
Label: 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from emotional neglect
Number: 1457
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2319
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ22
Label: 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect
Number: 1458
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2320
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ23
Label: 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect
Number: 1459
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2321
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ24
Label: Cuts and lacerations from emotional neglect
Number: 1460
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2322
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
53 0 No
26 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.47

Name: EMN_PINJ25
Label: Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from emotional neglect
Number: 1461
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2323
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
73 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: EMN_PINJ26
Label: Welts, swelling, or abrasions from emotional neglect
Number: 1462
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2324
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
67 0 No
12 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Name: EMN_PINJ27
Label: Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from emotional neglect
Number: 1463
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2325
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PINJ28
Label: Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from emotional neglect
Number: 1464
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2326
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
78 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Name: EMN_PINJ29
Label: Any other physical injuries from emotional neglect
Number: 1465
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2327
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
59 0 No
20 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12615 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 79
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.44

The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition

Label: Illness-related death from emotional neglect
Number: 1466
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2328
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
82 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from emotional neglect
Number: 1467
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2329
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by
injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections,
blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
83 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from emotional neglect
Number: 1468
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2330
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or
impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood

Frequency Code Description
80 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Label: Coma from emotional neglect
Number: 1469
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2331
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
83 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other loss of consciousness from emotional neglect
Number: 1470
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2332
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
83 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Breathing stopped (suffocation) from emotional neglect
Number: 1471
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2333
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
82 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from emotional neglect
Number: 1472
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2334
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
82 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Seizures from emotional neglect
Number: 1473
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2335
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
82 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Malnourished or severely underweight from emotional neglect
Number: 1474
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2336
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
64 0 No
19 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.23
Standard Deviation: 0.42

Name: EMN_PIMO10
Label: Professionally diagnosed cases of organic from emotional neglect
Number: 1475
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2337
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive
(generally associated with infants)

Frequency Code Description
74 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Name: EMN_PIMO11
Label: Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from emotional neglect
Number: 1476
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2338
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
80 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Name: EMN_PIMO12
Label: Impaired vision or eye problems from emotional neglect
Number: 1477
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2339
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
83 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PIMO13
Label: Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from emotional neglect
Number: 1478
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2340
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
81 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: EMN_PIMO14
Label: Speech impediments from emotional neglect
Number: 1479
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2341
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
80 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Name: EMN_PIMO15
Label: Venereal diseases from emotional neglect
Number: 1480
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2342
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
83 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: EMN_PIMO16
Label: Diaper rash resulting from emotional neglect
Number: 1481
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2343
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
81 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: EMN_PIMO17
Label: Unexplained developmental delays from emotional neglect
Number: 1482
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2344
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
69 0 No
14 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Name: EMN_PIMO18
Label: Lice infestation from emotional neglect
Number: 1483
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2345
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
81 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: EMN_PIMO19
Label: Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from emotional neglect
Number: 1484
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2346
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Name: EMN_PIMO20
Label: Other health/medical problems or conditions from emotional neglect
Number: 1485
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2347
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
36 0 No
47 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12611 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 83
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.57
Standard Deviation: 0.50

The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development

Label: Learning disability from emotional neglect
Number: 1486
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2348
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
290 0 No
16 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12388 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 306
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.22

Label: Poor attention span from emotional neglect
Number: 1487
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2349
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
279 0 No
27 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12388 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 306
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Label: Drop in academic performance from emotional neglect
Number: 1488
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2350
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
195 0 No
111 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12388 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 306
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.36
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Chronic truancy from emotional neglect
Number: 1489
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2351
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
228 0 No
78 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12388 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 306
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.44

Label: Chronic tardiness from emotional neglect
Number: 1490
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2352
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
283 0 No
23 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12388 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 306
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Label: Non-enrollment in school from emotional neglect
Number: 1491
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2353
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
299 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12388 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 306
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Behavior problems in class from emotional neglect
Number: 1492
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2354
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
173 0 No
133 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12388 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 306
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.43
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Other diagnosed educational needs from emotional neglect
Number: 1493
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2355
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
292 0 No
14 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12388 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 306
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Label: Expelled or suspended from school from emotional neglect
Number: 1494
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2356
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
283 0 No
23 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12388 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 306
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Name: EMN_IMED10
Label: Other educational problems from emotional neglect
Number: 1495
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2357
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
243 0 No
63 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12388 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 306
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.21
Standard Deviation: 0.41

The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem

Label: Suicide from emotional neglect
Number: 1496
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2358
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1933 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.02

Label: Suicide attempt from emotional neglect
Number: 1497
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2359
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1888 0 No
46 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from emotional neglect
Number: 1498
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2360
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1920 0 No
14 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Label: Dangerous level of instability from emotional neglect
Number: 1499
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2361
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1810 0 No
124 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Self-inflicted injury from emotional neglect
Number: 1500
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2362
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1874 0 No
60 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Fearful or distrustful from emotional neglect
Number: 1501
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2363
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1599 0 No
335 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.17
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Label: Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from emotional neglect
Number: 1502
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2364
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1926 0 No
8 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from emotional neglect
Number: 1503
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2365
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1878 0 No
56 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Fighting from emotional neglect
Number: 1504
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2366
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1852 0 No
82 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Name: EMN_MEEM10
Label: Delinquency from emotional neglect
Number: 1505
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2367
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1768 0 No
166 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Name: EMN_MEEM11
Label: Prostitution from emotional neglect
Number: 1506
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2368
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1933 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.02

Name: EMN_MEEM12
Label: Drug/alcohol abuse from emotional neglect
Number: 1507
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2369
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1758 0 No
176 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Name: EMN_MEEM13
Label: Anxiety from emotional neglect
Number: 1508
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2370
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1783 0 No
151 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: EMN_MEEM14
Label: Depression from emotional neglect
Number: 1509
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2371
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1783 0 No
151 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: EMN_MEEM15
Label: Withdrawal from emotional neglect
Number: 1510
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2372
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1873 0 No
61 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Name: EMN_MEEM16
Label: Psychosis from emotional neglect
Number: 1511
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2373
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1916 0 No
18 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Name: EMN_MEEM17
Label: Sexual problems from emotional neglect
Number: 1512
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2374
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1898 0 No
36 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Name: EMN_MEEM18
Label: Sleeping disorders from emotional neglect
Number: 1513
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2375
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1915 0 No
19 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.10

Name: EMN_MEEM19
Label: Hyperactive activity from emotional neglect
Number: 1514
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2376
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1918 0 No
16 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Name: EMN_MEEM20
Label: Aggressive or violent behavior from emotional neglect
Number: 1515
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2377
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1724 0 No
210 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Name: EMN_MEEM21
Label: Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from emotional neglect
Number: 1516
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2378
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1784 0 No
150 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Name: EMN_MEEM22
Label: Low self-esteem from emotional neglect
Number: 1517
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2379
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1871 0 No
63 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Name: EMN_MEEM23
Label: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from emotional neglect
Number: 1518
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2380
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1923 0 No
11 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.08

Name: EMN_MEEM24
Label: Threats of self-destructive behavior from emotional neglect
Number: 1519
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2381
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self,
threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.)

Frequency Code Description
1807 0 No
127 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Name: EMN_MEEM25
Label: Suspected emotional damage from emotional neglect
Number: 1520
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2382
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury,
but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.)

Frequency Code Description
1181 0 No
753 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.39
Standard Deviation: 0.49

Name: EMN_MEEM26
Label: Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from emotional neglect
Number: 1521
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2383
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns
impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development

Frequency Code Description
1455 0 No
479 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
10760 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1934
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.25
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from emotional neglect
Number: 1522
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2384
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from emotional neglect
Number: 1523
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2385
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
3293 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
9401 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3293
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from emotional neglect
Number: 1524
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2386
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from emotional neglect
Number: 1525
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2387
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5074 0 No
79 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
7541 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from emotional neglect
Number: 1526
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2388
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5070 0 No
83 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
7541 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from emotional neglect
Number: 1527
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2389
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4847 0 No
306 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
7541 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from emotional neglect
Number: 1528
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2390
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3219 0 No
1934 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
7541 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.38
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from emotional neglect
Number: 1529
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2391
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5153 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
7541 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from emotional neglect
Number: 1530
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2392
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1860 0 No
3293 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
7541 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.64
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from emotional neglect
Number: 1531
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2393
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5150 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
7541 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5153
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.02

The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment

Label: Severity of injury/harm from emotional neglect
Number: 1532
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2394
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
7 1 Fatal
701 2 Serious
929 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
442 5 Probable Harm
3074 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
7541 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments

Label: Severity of Emotional Neglect form1: Code 15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection
Number: 1533
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2395
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Fatal
115 2 Serious
133 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
33 5 Probable Harm
107 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12304 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Neglect form1: Code 15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection
Number: 1534
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2396
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 15.1Inadequate Nurturance/Affection; and the evaluatively
coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (EMN1_CNTBL=1 or EMN1_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 15.1, then EMN1_CNTBL=1 or EMN1_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 15.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
117 1 Harm Standard
273 2 Endangerment Standard only
12304 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Neglect form2: Code 15.2--Domestic Violence
Number: 1535
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2397
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
174 2 Serious
441 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
266 5 Probable Harm
1863 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
9950 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Neglect form2: Code 15.2--Domestic Violence
Number: 1536
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2398
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 15.2Domestic Violence and the evaluatively
coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (EMN2_CNTBL=1 or EMN2_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 15.2, then EMN2_CNTBL=1 or EMN2_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 15.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
163 1 Harm Standard
2581 2 Endangerment Standard only
9950 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Neglect form3: Code 16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse
Number: 1537
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2399
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Fatal
124 2 Serious
42 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
3 5 Probable Harm
26 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12498 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Neglect form3: Code 16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse
Number: 1538
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2400
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 16.1Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alchol Abuse; and the evaluatively
coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (EMN3_CNTBL=1 or EMN3_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 16.1, then EMN3_CNTBL=1 or EMN3_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 16.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
125 1 Harm Standard
71 2 Endangerment Standard only
12498 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Neglect form4: Code 16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior
Number: 1539
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2401
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Fatal
77 2 Serious
58 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
5 5 Probable Harm
20 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12533 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Neglect form4: Code 16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior
Number: 1540
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2402
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 16.2Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior; and the
evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMN4_CNTBL=1 or EMN4_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 16.2, then EMN4_CNTBL=1 or EMN4_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 16.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatementwas code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
78 1 Harm Standard
83 2 Endangerment Standard only
12533 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Neglect: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem
Number: 1541
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2403
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Severity of Emotional Neglect form5: Code 17.1--Refusal to Allow or
Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
123 2 Serious
41 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
2 5 Probable Harm
17 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12511 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Neglect: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem
Number: 1542
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2404
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Countability of Emotional Neglect form5: Code 17.1--Refusal to Allow
or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral

At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 17.1Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed
Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem; and the evaluatively
coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (EMN5_CNTBL=1 or EMN5_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 17.1, then EMN5_CNTBL=1 or EMN5_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
164 1 Harm Standard
19 2 Endangerment Standard only
12511 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Neglect form6: Code 17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/ Problem
Number: 1543
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2405
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
92 2 Serious
51 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
5 5 Probable Harm
13 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12533 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Neglect form6: Code 17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/ Problem
Number: 1544
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2406
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 17.2Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral
Impairment/Problem; and the evaluativelycoded criteria that met the
Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 17.2, then EMN6_CNTBL=1 or EMN6_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
92 1 Harm Standard
69 2 Endangerment Standard only
12533 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Neglect form7: Code 17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness
Number: 1545
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2407
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
5 2 Serious
4 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
3 5 Probable Harm
6 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Neglect form7: Code 17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness
Number: 1546
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2408
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 17.3Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness; and the
evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMN7_CNTBL=1 or EMN7_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 17.3, then EMN7_CNTBL=1 or EMN7_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.3
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
5 1 Harm Standard
13 2 Endangerment Standard only
12676 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Neglect form8: Code 17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure
Number: 1547
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2409
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
14 2 Serious
22 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
5 5 Probable Harm
18 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12635 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Neglect form8: Code 17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure
Number: 1548
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2410
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 17.4Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure; and the
evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMN8_CNTBL=1 or EMN8_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 17.4, then EMN8_CNTBL=1 or EMN8_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.4
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
14 1 Harm Standard
45 2 Endangerment Standard only
12635 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Neglect form9: Code 17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced Expectations
Number: 1549
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2411
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
16 2 Serious
46 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
12 5 Probable Harm
35 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Neglect form9: Code 17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced Expectations
Number: 1550
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2412
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 17.5OTher Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced
Expectations; and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 17.5, then EMN9_CNTBL=1 or EMN9_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.9
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
16 1 Harm Standard
93 2 Endangerment Standard only
12585 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6-- Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments
Number: 1551
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2413
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Severity of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6--Other Emotional
Neglect: Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments

Frequency Code Description
4 1 Fatal
149 2 Serious
213 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
158 5 Probable Harm
1547 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
10623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6-- Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments
Number: 1552
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2414
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Countability of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6--Other Emotional
Neglect: Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments

At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 17.6Other Emotional Neglect: Esposure to Maladaptive Behaviors
and Environments; and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.
(EMN10_CNTBL=1 or EMN10_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 17.6, then EMN10_CNTBL=1 or EMN10_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.6
Then EMN10_CNTBL=1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code
Then EMN10_CNTBL=2

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
153 1 Harm Standard
1918 2 Endangerment Standard only
10623 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7-- Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs
Number: 1553
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2415
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Severity of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7--Other Emotional
Neglect: Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
27 2 Serious
39 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
18 5 Probable Harm
41 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12569 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7-- Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs
Number: 1554
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2416
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Countability of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7--Other Emotional
Neglect: Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs

At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 17.7---Other Emotional Negelct: Other Inattention to
Emotional Needs; and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.
(EMN11_CNTBL=1 or EMN11_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 17.7, then EMN11_CNTBL=1 or EMN11_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.7
Then EMN11_CNTBL=1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code
Then EMN11_CNTBL=2

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
27 1 Harm Standard
98 2 Endangerment Standard only
12569 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe: The Person's Role

Label: Person A either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
Number: 1555
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2417
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1415 1 Maltreated
76 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
11203 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1556
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2418
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1226 0 No
199 1 Yes
66 9 Unknown
11203 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1425
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Person A drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1557
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2419
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
759 0 No
680 1 Yes
52 9 Unknown
11203 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1439
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.47
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1558
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2420
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1190 0 No
229 1 Yes
72 9 Unknown
11203 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1419
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Person A - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
Number: 1559
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2421
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1478 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
13 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
11203 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
Number: 1560
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2422
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1254 1 Strong Evidence
235 2 Likely
2 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
11203 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
Number: 1561
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2423
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
561 1 Maltreated
145 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
11988 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1562
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2424
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
568 0 No
100 1 Yes
38 9 Unknown
11988 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 668
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.15
Standard Deviation: 0.36

Label: Person B drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1563
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2425
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
425 0 No
247 1 Yes
34 9 Unknown
11988 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 672
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.37
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1564
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2426
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
623 0 No
39 1 Yes
44 9 Unknown
11988 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 662
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.24

Label: Person B - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
Number: 1565
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2427
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
560 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
146 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
11988 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
Number: 1566
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2428
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
557 1 Strong Evidence
147 2 Likely
2 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
11988 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
Number: 1567
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2429
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
172 1 Maltreated
41 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12481 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1568
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2430
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
158 0 No
51 1 Yes
4 9 Unknown
12481 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 209
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.24
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1569
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2431
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
108 0 No
100 1 Yes
5 9 Unknown
12481 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 208
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.48
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1570
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2432
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
191 0 No
17 1 Yes
5 9 Unknown
12481 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 208
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.27

Label: Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
Number: 1571
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2433
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
79 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
129 2 Adult Caregiver
2 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12484 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
Number: 1572
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2434
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
176 1 Strong Evidence
37 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12481 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
Number: 1573
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2435
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
22 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12672 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1574
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2436
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
19 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12672 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 22
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1575
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2437
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
7 0 No
15 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12672 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 22
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.68
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Label: Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1576
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2438
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
22 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12672 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 22
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
Number: 1577
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2439
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
12 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
9 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12673 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
Number: 1578
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2440
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
22 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12672 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
Number: 1579
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2441
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1580
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2442
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1581
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2443
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1582
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2444
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
Number: 1583
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2445
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
2 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
Number: 1584
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2446
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
Number: 1585
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2447
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1586
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2448
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1587
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2449
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1588
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2450
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
Number: 1589
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2451
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
Number: 1590
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2452
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment
Number: 1591
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2453
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1592
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2454
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1593
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2455
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment
Number: 1594
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2456
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child
Number: 1595
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2457
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment
Number: 1596
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2458
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury

Label: Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from other maltreatment
Number: 1597
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2459
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
67 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Fractured or broken bones from other maltreatment
Number: 1598
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2460
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
66 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Gunshot wounds from other maltreatment
Number: 1599
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2461
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Intracranial hemorrhages from other maltreatment
Number: 1600
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2462
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
69 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Trauma or injuries to the skull from other maltreatment
Number: 1601
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2463
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
67 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from other maltreatment
Number: 1602
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2464
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
66 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.06
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Shaken baby syndrome from other maltreatment
Number: 1603
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2465
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Concussion from other maltreatment
Number: 1604
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2466
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Spinal cord injuries from other maltreatment
Number: 1605
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2467
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ10
Label: ,Amputations from other maltreatment
Number: 1606
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2468
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ11
Label: Disfigurements (significant scarring) from other maltreatment
Number: 1607
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2469
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ12
Label: Injuries that damage internal organs from other maltreatment
Number: 1608
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2470
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ13
Label: Internal bleeding from other maltreatment
Number: 1609
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2471
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ14
Label: Near drowning from other maltreatment
Number: 1610
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2472
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ15
Label: Poisoning from other maltreatment
Number: 1611
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2473
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion
of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect)

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ16
Label: Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from other maltreatment
Number: 1612
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2474
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage
to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to
child's mobility, this code should also be checked.)

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ17
Label: Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from other maltreatment
Number: 1613
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2475
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
68 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Name: OTM_PINJ18
Label: Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from other maltreatment
Number: 1614
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2476
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
39 0 No
31 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.44
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Name: OTM_PINJ19
Label: 3rd degree burns from other maltreatment
Number: 1615
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2477
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ20
Label: 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment
Number: 1616
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2478
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ21
Label: 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from other maltreatment
Number: 1617
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2479
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
69 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Name: OTM_PINJ22
Label: 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment
Number: 1618
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2480
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ23
Label: 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment
Number: 1619
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2481
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ24
Label: Cuts and lacerations from other maltreatment
Number: 1620
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2482
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
56 0 No
14 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.40

Name: OTM_PINJ25
Label: Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from other maltreatment
Number: 1621
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2483
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
68 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Name: OTM_PINJ26
Label: Welts, swelling, or abrasions from other maltreatment
Number: 1622
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2484
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
59 0 No
11 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Name: OTM_PINJ27
Label: Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from other maltreatment
Number: 1623
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2485
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
69 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Name: OTM_PINJ28
Label: Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from other maltreatment
Number: 1624
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2486
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
70 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PINJ29
Label: Any other physical injuries from other maltreatment
Number: 1625
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2487
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
56 0 No
14 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12624 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 70
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.40

The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition

Label: Illness-related death from other maltreatment
Number: 1626
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2488
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
63 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Death due to complications from other maltreatment
Number: 1627
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2489
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by
injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure,
infections, blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
64 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from other maltreatment
Number: 1628
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2490
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or
impairments (pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
63 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Coma from other maltreatment
Number: 1629
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2491
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
65 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other loss of consciousness from other maltreatment
Number: 1630
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2492
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
65 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Breathing stopped (suffocation) from other maltreatment
Number: 1631
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2493
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
63 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from other maltreatment
Number: 1632
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2494
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
64 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Seizures from other maltreatment
Number: 1633
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2495
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
63 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Malnourished or severely underweight from other maltreatment
Number: 1634
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2496
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
58 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Name: OTM_PIMO10
Label: Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from other maltreatment
Number: 1635
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2497
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to
thrive (generally associated with infants)

Frequency Code Description
62 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Name: OTM_PIMO11
Label: Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from other maltreatment
Number: 1636
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2498
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
65 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PIMO12
Label: Impaired vision or eye problems from other maltreatment
Number: 1637
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2499
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
63 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Name: OTM_PIMO13
Label: Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from other maltreatment
Number: 1638
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2500
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
64 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Name: OTM_PIMO14
Label: Speech impediments from other maltreatment
Number: 1639
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2501
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
65 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PIMO15
Label: Venereal diseases from other maltreatment
Number: 1640
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2502
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
65 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PIMO16
Label: Diaper rash from other maltreatment
Number: 1641
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2503
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
65 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_PIMO17
Label: Unexplained developmental delays from other maltreatment
Number: 1642
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2504
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
64 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Name: OTM_PIMO18
Label: Lice infestation from other maltreatment
Number: 1643
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2505
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
64 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Name: OTM_PIMO19
Label: Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from other maltreatment
Number: 1644
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2506
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
50 0 No
15 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.23
Standard Deviation: 0.42

Name: OTM_PIMO20
Label: Other health/medical problems or conditions from other maltreatment
Number: 1645
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2507
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
30 0 No
35 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12629 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 65
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.54
Standard Deviation: 0.50

The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development

Label: Learning disability from other maltreatment
Number: 1646
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2508
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
48 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12645 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 49
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Label: Poor attention span from other maltreatment
Number: 1647
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2509
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
47 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12645 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 49
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Drop in academic performance from other maltreatment
Number: 1648
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2510
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
39 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12645 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 49
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Chronic truancy from other maltreatment
Number: 1649
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2511
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
37 0 No
12 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12645 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 49
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.24
Standard Deviation: 0.43

Label: Chronic tardiness from other maltreatment
Number: 1650
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2512
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
49 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12645 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 49
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Non-enrollment in school from other maltreatment
Number: 1651
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2513
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
49 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12645 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 49
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Behavior problems in class from other maltreatment
Number: 1652
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2514
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
28 0 No
21 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12645 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 49
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.43
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Other diagnosed educational needs from other maltreatment
Number: 1653
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2515
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
49 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12645 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 49
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Expelled or suspended from school from other maltreatment
Number: 1654
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2516
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
43 0 No
6 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12645 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 49
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.12
Standard Deviation: 0.33

Name: OTM_IMED10
Label: Other educational problems from other maltreatment
Number: 1655
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2517
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
35 0 No
14 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12645 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 49
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.29
Standard Deviation: 0.46

The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem

Label: Suicide from other maltreatment
Number: 1656
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2518
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
230 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Suicide attempt from other maltreatment
Number: 1657
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2519
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
225 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from other maltreatment
Number: 1658
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2520
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
230 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Dangerous level of instability from other maltreatment
Number: 1659
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2521
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
207 0 No
23 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.10
Standard Deviation: 0.30

Label: Self-inflicted injury from other maltreatment
Number: 1660
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2522
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
221 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.19

Label: Fearful or distrustful from other maltreatment
Number: 1661
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2523
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
215 0 No
15 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.25

Label: Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from other maltreatment
Number: 1662
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2524
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
230 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from other maltreatment
Number: 1663
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2525
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
227 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Fighting from other maltreatment
Number: 1664
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2526
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
189 0 No
41 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.18
Standard Deviation: 0.38

Name: OTM_MEEM10
Label: Delinquency from other maltreatment
Number: 1665
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2527
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
193 0 No
37 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.16
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Name: OTM_MEEM11
Label: Prostitution from other maltreatment
Number: 1666
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2528
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
229 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.07

Name: OTM_MEEM12
Label: Drug/alcohol abuse from other maltreatment
Number: 1667
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2529
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
211 0 No
19 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.08
Standard Deviation: 0.28

Name: OTM_MEEM13
Label: Anxiety from other maltreatment
Number: 1668
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2530
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
220 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Name: OTM_MEEM14
Label: Depression from other maltreatment
Number: 1669
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2531
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
213 0 No
17 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.07
Standard Deviation: 0.26

Name: OTM_MEEM15
Label: Withdrawal from other maltreatment
Number: 1670
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2532
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
225 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: OTM_MEEM16
Label: Psychosis from other maltreatment
Number: 1671
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2533
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
228 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Name: OTM_MEEM17
Label: Sexual problems from other maltreatment
Number: 1672
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2534
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
226 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Name: OTM_MEEM18
Label: Sleeping disorders from other maltreatment
Number: 1673
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2535
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
225 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Name: OTM_MEEM19
Label: Hyperactive activity from other maltreatment
Number: 1674
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2536
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
226 0 No
4 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Name: OTM_MEEM20
Label: Aggressive or violent behavior from other maltreatment
Number: 1675
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2537
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
150 0 No
80 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.35
Standard Deviation: 0.48

Name: OTM_MEEM21
Label: Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from other maltreatment
Number: 1676
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2538
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
219 0 No
11 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.21

Name: OTM_MEEM22
Label: Low self-esteem resuliting from other maltreatment
Number: 1677
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2539
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
222 0 No
8 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Name: OTM_MEEM23
Label: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from other maltreatment
Number: 1678
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2540
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
230 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Name: OTM_MEEM24
Label: Threats of self-destructive behavior from other maltreatment
Number: 1679
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2541
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Threats of self-destructive behavior
(threats of harming self, threats of suicide, threats of running
away, etc.)

Frequency Code Description
205 0 No
25 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.11
Standard Deviation: 0.31

Name: OTM_MEEM25
Label: Suspected emotional damage from other maltreatment
Number: 1680
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2542
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury,
but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.)

Frequency Code Description
160 0 No
70 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.30
Standard Deviation: 0.46

Name: OTM_MEEM26
Label: Other emotional injuries/symptoms from other maltreatment
Number: 1681
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2543
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns
impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development

Frequency Code Description
180 0 No
50 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12464 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 230
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.22
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from other maltreatment
Number: 1682
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2544
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from other maltreatment
Number: 1683
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2545
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
1279 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11415 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1279
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from other maltreatment
Number: 1684
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2546
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00

The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from other maltreatment
Number: 1685
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2547
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1549 0 No
70 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11075 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1619
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from other maltreatment
Number: 1686
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2548
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1554 0 No
65 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11075 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1619
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.04
Standard Deviation: 0.20

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from other maltreatment
Number: 1687
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2549
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1570 0 No
49 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11075 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1619
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.17

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from other maltreatment
Number: 1688
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2550
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1389 0 No
230 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11075 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1619
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.14
Standard Deviation: 0.35

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from other maltreatment
Number: 1689
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2551
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1619 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11075 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1619
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from other maltreatment
Number: 1690
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2552
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
340 0 No
1279 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11075 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1619
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.79
Standard Deviation: 0.41

Label: Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from other maltreatment
Number: 1691
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2553
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1618 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
11075 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1619
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.02

The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment

Label: Severity of injury/harm from other maltreatment
Number: 1692
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2554
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
6 1 Fatal
116 2 Serious
186 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
43 5 Probable Harm
1268 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
11075 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments

Label: Severity of Other Maltreatment form1: Code 18.1--General Neglect: Lack of Preventive Health Care
Number: 1693
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2555
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
6 2 Serious
24 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
4 5 Probable Harm
96 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12564 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Other Maltreatment form1: Code 18.1--General Neglect: Lack of Preventive Health Care
Number: 1694
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2556
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
18.1--General Neglect: Lack of Preventive Health Care; and the
evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM1_CNTBL=1
or OTM1_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 18.1, then OTM1_CNTBL=1 or OTM1_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 18.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
0 1 Harm Standard
130 2 Endangerment Standard only
12564 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Other Maltreatment form2: Code 18.2--General Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Neglect Allegations
Number: 1695
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2557
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 1 Fatal
9 2 Serious
21 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
9 5 Probable Harm
248 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12404 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Other Maltreatment form2: Code 18.2--General Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Neglect Allegations
Number: 1696
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2558
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
18.2--General Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Neglect Allegations;
and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM2_CNTBL=1
or OTM2_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 18.2, then OTM2_CNTBL=1 or OTM2_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 18.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
0 1 Harm Standard
290 2 Endangerment Standard only
12404 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Other Maltreatment form3: Code 19.1--General Maltreatment: Custody/Child Support Problems
Number: 1697
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2559
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
1 2 Serious
10 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
8 5 Probable Harm
53 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12622 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Other Maltreatment form3: Code 19.1--General Maltreatment: Custody/Child Support Problems
Number: 1698
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2560
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
19.1--General Maltreatment: Custody/Child Support Problems;
and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM3_CNTBL=1
or OTM3_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 19.1, then OTM3_CNTBL=1 or OTM3_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.1
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
0 1 Harm Standard
72 2 Endangerment Standard only
12622 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Other Maltreatment form4: General Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues
Number: 1699
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2561
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Severity of Other Maltreatment form4: Code 19.2--General
Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Fatal
46 2 Serious
100 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
13 5 Probable Harm
77 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12458 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Other Maltreatment form4: General Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues
Number: 1700
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2562
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
19.2--General Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues;
and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM4_CNTBL=1
or OTM4_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 19.2, then OTM4_CNTBL=1 or OTM4_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.2
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code
19.2 Then OTM4_CNTBL=2

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
0 1 Harm Standard
236 2 Endangerment Standard only
12458 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Valid: 236
Minimum: 2.00
Maximum: 2.00
Mean: 2.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Severity of Other Maltreatment form5: Code 19.3--General Maltreatment: Parent Problem
Number: 1701
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2563
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 1 Fatal
33 2 Serious
11 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
11 5 Probable Harm
786 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
11850 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Other Maltreatment form5: Code 19.3--General Maltreatment: Parent Problem
Number: 1702
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2564
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
19.3--General Maltreatment: Parent Problem;
and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM5_CNTBL=1
or OTM5_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 19.3, then OTM5_CNTBL=1 or OTM5_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.3
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code
19.3 Then OTM5_CNTBL=2

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
0 1 Harm Standard
844 2 Endangerment Standard only
11850 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Severity of Other Maltreatment form6: code 19.4--General Maltreatment: Unspecified/ Other
Number: 1703
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2565
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Fatal
21 2 Serious
21 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
49 6 Endangered
0 7 Insufficient Info
0 9 No Harm or Injury
12602 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Other Maltreatment form6: code 19.4--General Maltreatment: Unspecified/ Other
Number: 1704
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2566
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
19.4--General Maltreatment: Unspecified/ Other;
and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM6_CNTBL=1
or OTM6_CNTBL=2)


If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or '
probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable
except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report
data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of
maltreatment was code 19.4, then OTM6_CNTBL=1 or OTM6_CNTBL=2

If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.4
Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code
19.4 Then OTM6_CNTBL=2

Frequency Code Description
0 0 Not Countable
0 1 Harm Standard
92 2 Endangerment Standard only
12602 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe: The Person's Role

Label: Person A either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
Number: 1705
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2567
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
348 1 Maltreated
2 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12344 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1706
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2568
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
308 0 No
31 1 Yes
11 9 Unknown
12344 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 339
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Person A drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1707
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2569
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
344 1 Yes
1 9 Unknown
12344 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 349
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.99
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1708
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2570
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
308 0 No
32 1 Yes
10 9 Unknown
12344 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 340
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.09
Standard Deviation: 0.29

Label: Person A - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
Number: 1709
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2571
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
347 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
3 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12344 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person A degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
Number: 1710
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2572
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
332 1 Strong Evidence
6 2 Likely
6 3 Doubtful
6 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12344 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
Number: 1711
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2573
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
15 1 Maltreated
78 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12601 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1712
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2574
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
87 0 No
5 1 Yes
1 9 Unknown
12601 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 92
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.05
Standard Deviation: 0.23

Label: Person B drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1713
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2575
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
47 0 No
45 1 Yes
1 9 Unknown
12601 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 92
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.49
Standard Deviation: 0.50

Label: Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1714
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2576
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
89 0 No
1 1 Yes
3 9 Unknown
12601 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 90
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Person B - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
Number: 1715
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2577
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
88 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
5 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12601 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Person B degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
Number: 1716
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2578
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
77 1 Strong Evidence
15 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
1 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12601 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
Number: 1717
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2579
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
6 1 Maltreated
6 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12682 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1718
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2580
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
12 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12682 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 12
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1719
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2581
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
10 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12682 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 12
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.83
Standard Deviation: 0.39

Label: Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1720
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2582
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
12 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12682 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 12
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
Number: 1721
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2583
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
7 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
5 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12682 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
Number: 1722
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2584
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
11 1 Strong Evidence
1 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12682 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
Number: 1723
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2585
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1724
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2586
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1725
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2587
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.50
Standard Deviation: 0.71

Label: Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1726
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2588
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 2
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 2 -perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
Number: 1727
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2589
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
Number: 1728
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2590
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12692 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
Number: 1729
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2591
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
1 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1730
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2592
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1731
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2593
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1732
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2594
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 1
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00

Label: Other Involved Person 3 -perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
Number: 1733
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2595
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
Number: 1734
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2596
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12693 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
Number: 1735
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2597
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1736
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2598
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1737
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2599
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1738
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2600
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
Number: 1739
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2601
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
Number: 1740
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2602
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency
Number: 1741
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2603
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Maltreated
0 2 Permitted
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1742
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2604
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1743
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2605
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency
Number: 1744
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2606
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 0

Label: Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child
Number: 1745
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2607
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Parent/Parent Substitute
0 2 Adult Caregiver
0 3 Minor Caregiver
0 4 Other
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Label: Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency
Number: 1746
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2608
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 1 Strong Evidence
0 2 Likely
0 3 Doubtful
0 4 Poor Evidence
0 9 Unknown
12694 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury

Label: Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from chemical dependency
Number: 1747
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2609
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.40
Standard Deviation: 0.55

Label: Fractured or broken bones from chemical dependency
Number: 1748
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2610
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Gunshot wounds from chemical dependency
Number: 1749
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2611
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Intracranial hemorrhages from chemical dependency
Number: 1750
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2612
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Trauma or injuries to the skull from chemical dependency
Number: 1751
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2613
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from chemical dependency
Number: 1752
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2614
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Shaken baby syndrome from chemical dependency
Number: 1753
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2615
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Concussion from chemical dependency
Number: 1754
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2616
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Spinal cord injuries from chemical dependency
Number: 1755
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2617
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: ,Amputations from chemical dependency
Number: 1756
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2618
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Disfigurements (significant scarring) from chemical dependency
Number: 1757
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2619
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Injuries that damage internal organs from chemical dependency
Number: 1758
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2620
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
4 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.20
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Internal bleeding from chemical dependency
Number: 1759
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2621
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Near drowning from chemical dependency
Number: 1760
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2622
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Poisoning from chemical dependency
Number: 1761
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2623
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion of
drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect)

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from chemical dependency
Number: 1762
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2624
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage
to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to
child's mobility, this code should also be checked.)

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from chemical dependency
Number: 1763
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2625
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from chemical dependency
Number: 1764
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2626
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: 3rd degree burns from chemical dependency
Number: 1765
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2627
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency
Number: 1766
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2628
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from chemical dependency
Number: 1767
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2629
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency
Number: 1768
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2630
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency
Number: 1769
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2631
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Cuts and lacerations from chemical dependency
Number: 1770
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2632
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from chemical dependency
Number: 1771
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2633
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Welts, swelling, or abrasions from chemical dependency
Number: 1772
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2634
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from chemical dependency
Number: 1773
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2635
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from chemical dependency
Number: 1774
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2636
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
5 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Any other physical injuries from chemical dependency
Number: 1775
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2637
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12689 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 5
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.60
Standard Deviation: 0.55

The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition

Label: Illness-related death from chemical dependency
Number: 1776
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2638
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
259 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Death due chemical dependency
Number: 1777
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2639
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries
or impairments (pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
258 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Complications from chemical dependency
Number: 1778
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2640
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or
impairments (pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning)

Frequency Code Description
250 0 No
9 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.03
Standard Deviation: 0.18

Label: Coma from chemical dependency
Number: 1779
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2641
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
259 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other loss of consciousness from chemical dependency
Number: 1780
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2642
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
259 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Breathing stopped (suffocation) from chemical dependency
Number: 1781
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2643
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
259 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from chemical dependency
Number: 1782
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2644
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
259 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Seizures from chemical dependency
Number: 1783
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2645
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
258 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Malnourished or severely underweight from chemical dependency
Number: 1784
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2646
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
256 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.11

Label: Professionally diagnosed cases of organic from chemical dependency
Number: 1785
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2647
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive
(generally associated with infants)

Frequency Code Description
258 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from chemical dependency
Number: 1786
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2648
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
259 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Impaired vision or eye problems from chemical dependency
Number: 1787
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2649
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
257 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Label: Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from chemical dependency
Number: 1788
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2650
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
259 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Speech impediments from chemical dependency
Number: 1789
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2651
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
259 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Venereal diseases from chemical dependency
Number: 1790
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2652
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
259 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Diaper rash from chemical dependency
Number: 1791
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2653
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
259 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Unexplained developmental delays from chemical dependency
Number: 1792
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2654
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
258 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.06

Label: Lice infestation from chemical dependency
Number: 1793
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2655
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
259 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from chemical dependency
Number: 1794
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2656
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
41 0 No
218 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.84
Standard Deviation: 0.37

Label: Other health/medical problems or conditions from chemical dependency
Number: 1795
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2657
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
196 0 No
63 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12435 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 259
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.24
Standard Deviation: 0.43

The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development

Label: Learning disability from chemical dependency
Number: 1796
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2658
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Poor attention span from chemical dependency
Number: 1797
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2659
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Drop in academic performance from chemical dependency
Number: 1798
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2660
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Chronic truancy from chemical dependency
Number: 1799
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2661
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Chronic tardiness from chemical dependency
Number: 1800
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2662
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Non-enrollment in school from chemical dependency
Number: 1801
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2663
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Behavior problems in class from chemical dependency
Number: 1802
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2664
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.58

Label: Other diagnosed educational needs from chemical dependency
Number: 1803
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2665
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.58

Label: Expelled or suspended from school from chemical dependency
Number: 1804
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2666
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Other educational problems from chemical dependency
Number: 1805
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2667
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
1 0 No
2 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.67
Standard Deviation: 0.58

The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem

Label: Suicide from chemical dependency
Number: 1806
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2668
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Suicide attempt from chemical dependency
Number: 1807
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2669
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from chemical dependency
Number: 1808
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2670
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Dangerous level of instability from chemical dependency
Number: 1809
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2671
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Self-inflicted injury from chemical dependency
Number: 1810
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2672
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Fearful or distrustful from chemical dependency
Number: 1811
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2673
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from chemical dependency
Number: 1812
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2674
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from chemical dependency
Number: 1813
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2675
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Fighting from chemical dependency
Number: 1814
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2676
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Delinquency from chemical dependency
Number: 1815
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2677
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Prostitution from chemical dependency
Number: 1816
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2678
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Drug/alcohol abuse from chemical dependency
Number: 1817
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2679
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Anxiety from chemical dependency
Number: 1818
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2680
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Depression from chemical dependency
Number: 1819
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2681
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Withdrawal from chemical dependency
Number: 1820
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2682
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.58

Label: Psychosis from chemical dependency
Number: 1821
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2683
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Sexual problems from chemical dependency
Number: 1822
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2684
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Sleeping disorders from chemical dependency
Number: 1823
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2685
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Hyperactive activity from chemical dependency
Number: 1824
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2686
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Aggressive or violent behavior from chemical dependency
Number: 1825
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2687
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from chemical dependency
Number: 1826
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2688
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Low self-esteem from chemical dependency
Number: 1827
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2689
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from chemical dependency
Number: 1828
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2690
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Threats of self-destructive behavior from chemical dependency
Number: 1829
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2691
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self,
threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.)

Frequency Code Description
3 0 No
0 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 0.00
Mean: 0.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: Suspected emotional damage from chemical dependency
Number: 1830
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2692
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury,
but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.)

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.58

Label: Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior from chemical dependency
Number: 1831
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2693
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events


Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior
patterns impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development

Frequency Code Description
2 0 No
1 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12691 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 3
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.33
Standard Deviation: 0.58

Label: Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from chemical dependency
Number: 1832
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2694
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
8 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12686 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 8
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from chemical dependency
Number: 1833
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2695
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
84 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12610 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 84
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

Label: No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from chemical dependency
Number: 1834
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2696
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
0 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12687 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 7
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 1.00
Standard Deviation: 0.00

The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from chemical dependency
Number: 1835
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2697
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
356 0 No
5 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12333 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 361
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.12

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from chemical dependency
Number: 1836
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2698
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
102 0 No
259 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12333 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 361
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.72
Standard Deviation: 0.45

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from chemical dependency
Number: 1837
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2699
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
358 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12333 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 361
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from chemical dependency
Number: 1838
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2700
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
358 0 No
3 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12333 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 361
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.01
Standard Deviation: 0.09

Label: Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from chemical dependency
Number: 1839
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2701
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
353 0 No
8 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12333 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 361
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.15

Label: Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from chemical dependency
Number: 1840
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2702
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
277 0 No
84 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12333 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 361
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.23
Standard Deviation: 0.42

Label: Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from chemical dependency
Number: 1841
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2703
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
354 0 No
7 1 Yes
0 9 Unknown
12333 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Codes: 9,BLANK

Valid: 361
Minimum: 0.00
Maximum: 1.00
Mean: 0.02
Standard Deviation: 0.14

The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment

Label: Severity of injury/harm from chemical dependency
Number: 1842
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2704
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
6 1 Fatal
178 2 Serious
78 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
84 6 Endangered
8 7 Insufficient Info
7 9 No Harm or Injury
12333 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments

Label: Severity of Chemically Dependent Newborns: Code 20.2
Number: 1843
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2705
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
6 1 Fatal
178 2 Serious
78 3 Moderate
0 4 Assumed Harm
0 5 Probable Harm
84 6 Endangered
8 7 Insufficient Info
7 9 No Harm or Injury
12333 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK

Label: Countability of Chemically Dependent Newborns: Code 20.2
Number: 1844
Type: Numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Location: 2706
Source: Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events

Frequency Code Description
361 0 Not Countable
0 1 Harm Standard
0 2 Endangerment Standard only
12333 BLANK Inapplicable

Missing Data Code: BLANK