Number | Name | Label | |
1 | CHILDID | Child's unique identification number | |
2 | AMALE | Endangerment Standard countable child | |
3 | AMALH | Harm Standard countable child | |
4 | ANEGE | Endangerment Standard Neglect | |
5 | ANEGH | Harm Standard Neglect | |
6 | AABUSEE | Endangerment Standard Abuse | |
7 | AABUSEH | Harm Standard Abuse | |
8 | EAE | Endangerment Standard Emotional Abuse | |
9 | EAH | Harm Standard Emotional Abuse | |
10 | EDNE | Endangerment Standard Educational Neglect | |
11 | EDNH | Harm Standard Educational Neglect | |
12 | ENE | Endangerment Standard Emotional Neglect | |
13 | ENH | Harm Standard Emotional Neglect | |
14 | OTHMALE | Endangerment Standard Other Maltreatment | |
15 | OTHNEGE | Endangerment Standard Other Neglect | |
16 | PAE | Endangerment Standard Physical Abuse | |
17 | PAH | Harm Standard Physical Abuse | |
18 | PNE | Endangerment Standard Physical Neglect | |
19 | PNH | Harm Standard Physical Neglect | |
20 | SAE | Endangerment Standard Sexual Abuse | |
21 | SAH | Harm Standard Sexual Abuse | |
22 | CPSE | Endangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated child's maltreatment | |
23 | CPSEALL | Endangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated in all four months | |
24 | CPSE_XM | Endangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated in the extra month | |
25 | CPSH | Harm Standard countable child and CPS investigated child's maltreatment | |
26 | CPSHALL | Harm Standard countable child and CPS investigated maltreatment in all four months | |
27 | CPSH_XM | Harm Standard countable child and CPS investigated in the extra month | |
28 | CPSROL | CPS Investigation of the Child's Maltreatment | |
29 | NCPSE | Endangerment Standard maltreatment not investigated by CPS | |
30 | NCPSH | Harm Standard maltreatment not investigated by CPS | |
31 | RECSOURC | Recognition source | |
32 | SCHLFLG | School flag | |
33 | PA_NODATA | No Person A on form | |
34 | PB_NODATA | No Person B on form | |
35 | OIP1_NODATA | No Other Involved Person 1 on form | |
36 | OIP2_NODATA | No Other Involved Person 2 on form | |
37 | OIP3_NODATA | No Other Involved Person 3 on form | |
38 | OIP4_NODATA | No Other Involved Person 4 on form | |
39 | OIP5_NODATA | No Other Involved Person 5 on form | |
40 | PA_PRIMEINHOME | Person A primary caregiver in home | |
41 | PA_AGE | Person A age in years | |
42 | PA_SEX | Person A sex | |
43 | PA_LIVEWITH | Person A living arrangement | |
44 | PA_EMP | Person A employment status at time of maltreatment | |
45 | PA_PASTEMPFT | Person A past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) | |
46 | PA_PASTEMPPT | Person A past employment: Employed part-time | |
47 | PA_PASTEMPUNEMP | Person A past employment: Unemployed and looking for work | |
48 | PA_PASTEMPACTDUTY | Person A past employment: Active duty military | |
49 | PA_PASTEMPOTH | Person A past employment: Other | |
50 | PA_PASTEMPUNK | Person A past employment: Unknown/not available | |
51 | PA_EDUCATION | Person A educational level | |
52 | PA_HISPANIC | Person A ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin | |
53 | PA_NONHISPOTH | Person A ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other | |
54 | PA_NONHISPOTH_TEXT | Person A ethnicity: Other specify | |
55 | PA_INDIAN | Person A race: American Indian or Alaska Native | |
56 | PA_ASIAN | Person A race: Asian | |
57 | PA_PACISLANDER | Person A race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | |
58 | PA_BLACK | Person A race: Black or African American | |
59 | PA_WHITE | Person A race: White | |
60 | PA_OTHERRACE | Person A race: Other | |
61 | PA_OTHERRACE_TEXT | Person A race: other specified | |
62 | PA_RACEUNK | Person A race: Unknown | |
63 | PB_INHOME | Person B living in home | |
64 | PB_AGE | Person B age in years | |
65 | PB_SEX | Person B sex | |
66 | PB_REL_PA | Person B relationship to Person A | |
67 | PB_EMP | Person B employment status at time of maltreatment | |
68 | PB_PASTEMPFT | Person B past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) | |
69 | PB_PASTEMPPT | Person B past employment: Employed part-time | |
70 | PB_PASTEMPUNEMP | Person B past employment: Unemployed and looking for work | |
71 | PB_PASTEMPACTDUTY | Person B past employment: Active duty military | |
72 | PB_PASTEMPOTH | Person B past employment: Other | |
73 | PB_PASTEMPUNK | Person B past employment: Unknown/not available | |
74 | PB_EDUCATION | Person B educational level | |
75 | PB_HISPANIC | Person B ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin | |
76 | PB_NONHISPOTH | Person B ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other | |
77 | PB_NONHISPOTH_TEXT | Person B ethnicity: Other specify | |
78 | PB_INDIAN | Person B race: American Indian or Alaska Native | |
79 | PB_ASIAN | Person B race: Asian | |
80 | PB_PACISLANDER | Person B race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | |
81 | PB_BLACK | Person B race: Black or African American | |
82 | PB_WHITE | Person B race: White | |
83 | PB_OTHERRACE | Person B race: Other | |
84 | PB_OTHERRACE_TEXT | Person B race: Other specified | |
85 | PB_RACEUNK | Person B race: Unknown | |
86 | OIP_AGE1 | Other Involved Person 1 age | |
87 | OIP_AGE2 | Other Involved Person 2 age | |
88 | OIP_AGE3 | Other Involved Person 3 age | |
89 | OIP_AGE4 | Other Involved Person 4 age | |
90 | OIP_AGE5 | Other Involved Person 5 age | |
91 | OIP_SEX1 | Other Involved Person 1 sex | |
92 | OIP_SEX2 | Other Involved Person 2 sex | |
93 | OIP_SEX3 | Other Involved Person 3 sex | |
94 | OIP_SEX4 | Other Involved Person 4 sex | |
95 | OIP_SEX5 | Other Involved Person 5 sex | |
96 | OIP_INHOME1 | Other Involved Person 1 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event | |
97 | OIP_INHOME2 | Other Involved Person 2 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event | |
98 | OIP_INHOME3 | Other Involved Person 3 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event | |
99 | OIP_INHOME4 | Other Involved Person 4 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event | |
100 | OIP_INHOME5 | Other Involved Person 5 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event | |
101 | OIP_EMP1 | Other Involved Person 1 employment status at time of maltreatment | |
102 | OIP_EMP2 | Other Involved Person 2 employment status at time of maltreatment | |
103 | OIP_EMP3 | Other Involved Person 3 employment status at time of maltreatment | |
104 | OIP_EMP4 | Other Involved Person 4 employment status at time of maltreatment | |
105 | OIP_EMP5 | Other Involved Person 5 employment status at time of maltreatment | |
106 | OIP_PASTEMPFT1 | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) | |
107 | OIP_PASTEMPFT2 | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) | |
108 | OIP_PASTEMPFT3 | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) | |
109 | OIP_PASTEMPFT4 | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) | |
110 | OIP_PASTEMPFT5 | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) | |
111 | OIP_PASTEMPPT1 | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Employed part-time | |
112 | OIP_PASTEMPPT2 | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Employed part-time | |
113 | OIP_PASTEMPPT3 | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Employed part-time | |
114 | OIP_PASTEMPPT4 | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Employed part-time | |
115 | OIP_PASTEMPPT5 | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Employed part-time | |
116 | OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP1 | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work | |
117 | OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP2 | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work | |
118 | OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP3 | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work | |
119 | OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP4 | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work | |
120 | OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP5 | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work | |
121 | OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY1 | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Active duty military | |
122 | OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY2 | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Active duty military | |
123 | OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY3 | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Active duty military | |
124 | OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY4 | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Active duty military | |
125 | OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY5 | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Active duty military | |
126 | OIP_PASTEMPOTH1 | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Other | |
127 | OIP_PASTEMPOTH2 | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Other | |
128 | OIP_PASTEMPOTH3 | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Other | |
129 | OIP_PASTEMPOTH4 | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Other | |
130 | OIP_PASTEMPOTH5 | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Other | |
131 | OIP_PASTEMPUNK1 | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Unknown/not available | |
132 | OIP_PASTEMPUNK2 | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Unknown/not available | |
133 | OIP_PASTEMPUNK3 | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Unknown/not available | |
134 | OIP_PASTEMPUNK4 | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Unknown/not available | |
135 | OIP_PASTEMPUNK5 | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Unknown/not available | |
136 | OIP_EDUCATION1 | Other Involved Person 1 education level | |
137 | OIP_EDUCATION2 | Other Involved Person 2 education level | |
138 | OIP_EDUCATION3 | Other Involved Person 3 education level | |
139 | OIP_EDUCATION4 | Other Involved Person 4 education level | |
140 | OIP_EDUCATION5 | Other Involved Person 5 education level | |
141 | OIP_HISPANIC1 | Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin | |
142 | OIP_HISPANIC2 | Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin | |
143 | OIP_HISPANIC3 | Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin | |
144 | OIP_HISPANIC4 | Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin | |
145 | OIP_HISPANIC5 | Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin | |
146 | OIP_NONHISPOTH1 | Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other | |
147 | OIP_NONHISPOTH2 | Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other | |
148 | OIP_NONHISPOTH3 | Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other | |
149 | OIP_NONHISPOTH4 | Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other | |
150 | OIP_NONHISPOTH5 | Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other | |
151 | OIP_NONHISPOTH_TEXT1 | Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Other specify | |
152 | OIP_NONHISPOTH_TEXT2 | Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Other specify | |
153 | OIP_NONHISPOTH_TEXT3 | Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Other specify | |
154 | OIP_NONHISPOTH_TEXT4 | Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Other specify | |
155 | OIP_NONHISPOTH_TEXT5 | Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Other specify | |
156 | OIP_INDIAN1 | Other Involved Person 1 race: American Indian or Alaska Native | |
157 | OIP_INDIAN2 | Other Involved Person 2 race: American Indian or Alaska Native | |
158 | OIP_INDIAN3 | Other Involved Person 3 race: American Indian or Alaska Native | |
159 | OIP_INDIAN4 | Other Involved Person 4 race: American Indian or Alaska Native | |
160 | OIP_INDIAN5 | Other Involved Person 5 race: American Indian or Alaska Native | |
161 | OIP_ASIAN1 | Other Involved Person 1 race: Asian | |
162 | OIP_ASIAN2 | Other Involved Person 2 race: Asian | |
163 | OIP_ASIAN3 | Other Involved Person 3 race: Asian | |
164 | OIP_ASIAN4 | Other Involved Person 4 race: Asian | |
165 | OIP_ASIAN5 | Other Involved Person 5 race: Asian | |
166 | OIP_PACISLANDER1 | Other Involved Person 1 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | |
167 | OIP_PACISLANDER2 | Other Involved Person 2 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | |
168 | OIP_PACISLANDER3 | Other Involved Person 3 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | |
169 | OIP_PACISLANDER4 | Other Involved Person 4 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | |
170 | OIP_PACISLANDER5 | Other Involved Person 5 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | |
171 | OIP_BLACK1 | Other Involved Person 1 race: Black or African American | |
172 | OIP_BLACK2 | Other Involved Person 2 race: Black or African American | |
173 | OIP_BLACK3 | Other Involved Person 3 race: Black or African American | |
174 | OIP_BLACK4 | Other Involved Person 4 race: Black or African American | |
175 | OIP_BLACK5 | Other Involved Person 5 race: Black or African American | |
176 | OIP_WHITE1 | Other Involved Person 1 race: White | |
177 | OIP_WHITE2 | Other Involved Person 2 race: White | |
178 | OIP_WHITE3 | Other Involved Person 3 race: White | |
179 | OIP_WHITE4 | Other Involved Person 4 race: White | |
180 | OIP_WHITE5 | Other Involved Person 5 race: White | |
181 | OIP_OTHERRACE1 | Other Involved Person 1 race: Other | |
182 | OIP_OTHERRACE2 | Other Involved Person 2 race: Other | |
183 | OIP_OTHERRACE3 | Other Involved Person 3 race: Other | |
184 | OIP_OTHERRACE4 | Other Involved Person 4 race: Other | |
185 | OIP_OTHERRACE5 | Other Involved Person 5 race: Other | |
186 | OIP_OTHERRACE_TEXT1 | Other Involved Person 1 Race: Other specified | |
187 | OIP_OTHERRACE_TEXT2 | Other Involved Person 2 race: Other specified | |
188 | OIP_OTHERRACE_TEXT3 | Other Involved Person 3 race: Other specified | |
189 | OIP_OTHERRACE_TEXT4 | Other Involved Person 4 race: Other specified | |
190 | OIP_OTHERRACE_TEXT5 | Other Involved Person 5 race: Other specified | |
191 | OIP_RACEUNK1 | Other Involved Person 1 race: Unknown | |
192 | OIP_RACEUNK2 | Other Involved Person 2 race: Unknown | |
193 | OIP_RACEUNK3 | Other Involved Person 3 race: Unknown | |
194 | OIP_RACEUNK4 | Other Involved Person 4 race: Unknown | |
195 | OIP_RACEUNK5 | Other Involved Person 5 race: Unknown | |
196 | INCOME | Estimated annual household income | |
197 | INCOMESF | Household income is sufficient to pay for basic necessities | |
198 | POVPROG | Any household member participating in poverty-related program | |
199 | NCHILDR | Number of children in household revised (after evaluative coding review) | |
200 | CHSEX | Child sex | |
201 | CHENROLL | Child enrolled in school | |
202 | CHAGEM | Reformatted child age in months | |
203 | CHAGEY | Reformatted child age in years | |
204 | CH_HISPANIC | Child ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin | |
205 | CH_NONHISPOTH | Child ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other | |
206 | CH_INDIAN | Child race: American Indian or Alaska Native | |
207 | CH_ASIAN | Child race: Asian | |
208 | CH_PACISLANDER | Child race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | |
209 | CH_BLACK | Child race: Black or African American | |
210 | CH_WHITE | Child race: White | |
211 | CH_OTHERRACE | Child race: Other | |
212 | CH_RACEUNK | Child race: Unknown | |
213 | CH_DISAB_DEVEL | Child disability: Developmental | |
214 | CH_DISAB_CHRONIC | Child disability: Chronic/serious health condition | |
215 | CH_DISAB_ORTHO | Child disability: Orthopedic impairment | |
216 | CH_DISAB_HEARING | Child disability: Hearing impairment/deafness | |
217 | CH_DISAB_VISION | Child disability: Visual impairment/blindness | |
218 | CH_DISAB_ADHD | Child disability: ADD/ADHD | |
219 | CH_DISAB_EMOTION | Child disability: Emotionally disturbed | |
220 | CH_DISAB_LEARN | Child disability: Learning disability | |
221 | CH_DISAB_AUTISM | Child disability: Autism | |
222 | CH_DISAB_BRAININJ | Child disability: Traumatic brain injury | |
223 | CH_DISAB_SPEECH | Child disability: Speech or language impairment | |
224 | CH_DISAB_OTHPHYS | Child disability: Other physical | |
225 | CH_DISAB_OTHMENTAL | Child disability: Other mental/emotional | |
226 | PA_BIOPAR | Person A relationship to child: Biological parent | |
227 | PA_STEP | Person A relationship to child: Stepparent | |
228 | PA_ADOPT | Person A relationship to child: Adoptive parent | |
229 | PA_FOSTER | Person A relationship to child: Foster parent | |
230 | PA_GRAND | Person A relationship to child: Grandparent | |
231 | PA_GUARDIAN | Person A relationship to child: Guardian | |
232 | PA_FRIEND | Person A relationship to child: Friend | |
233 | PAOTHREL | Person A relationship to child: Other relative subcategory | |
234 | PAOTHNONREL | Person A relationship to child: Other non-relative subcategory | |
235 | PA_UNK | Person A relationship to child: Unknown/not available | |
236 | PB_BIOPAR | Person B relationship to child: Biological parent | |
237 | PB_STEP | Person B relationship to child: Stepparent | |
238 | PB_ADOPT | Person B relationship to child: Adoptive parent | |
239 | PB_FOSTER | Person B relationship to child: Foster parent | |
240 | PB_GRAND | Person B relationship to child: Grandparent | |
241 | PB_GUARDIAN | Person B relationship to child: Guardian | |
242 | PB_FRIEND | Person B relationship to child: Friend | |
243 | PBOTHREL | Person B relationship to child: Other relative subcategory | |
244 | PBOTHNONREL | Person B relationship to child: Other non-relative subcategory | |
245 | PB_UNK | Person B relationship to child: Unknown/not available | |
246 | OIP_RELATION1 | Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child | |
247 | OIP_RELATION2 | Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child | |
248 | OIP_RELATION3 | Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child | |
249 | OIP_RELATION4 | Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child | |
250 | OIP_RELATION5 | Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child | |
251 | OIP_OTHREL1 | Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child: Other relative | |
252 | OIP_OTHREL2 | Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child: Other relative | |
253 | OIP_OTHREL3 | Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child: Other relative | |
254 | OIP_OTHREL4 | Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child: Other relative | |
255 | OIP_OTHREL5 | Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child: Other relative | |
256 | OIP_OTHNONREL1 | Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child: Other non-relative | |
257 | OIP_OTHNONREL2 | Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child: Other non-relative | |
258 | OIP_OTHNONREL3 | Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child: Other non-relative | |
259 | OIP_OTHNONREL4 | Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child: Other non-relative | |
260 | OIP_OTHNONREL5 | Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child: Other non-relative | |
261 | OIP_RESPONSIBLE1 | Other Involved Person 1 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment | |
262 | OIP_RESPONSIBLE2 | Other Involved Person 2 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment | |
263 | OIP_RESPONSIBLE3 | Other Involved Person 3 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment | |
264 | OIP_RESPONSIBLE4 | Other Involved Person 4 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment | |
265 | OIP_RESPONSIBLE5 | Other Involved Person 5 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment | |
266 | AGEMCALC | Child age at time of maltreatment/report in months (Calculated) | |
267 | AGEYCALC | Child age at time of maltreatment/report in years (Calculated) | |
268 | AGEYRMO | Child age at time of maltreatment/report | |
269 | AGECLASS | Child age group | |
270 | AGECLASS2 | Child age group: Census enrollment categories | |
271 | ANYDISAB | Child confirmed disability | |
272 | CH_ETHNICUNK | Child ethnicity unknown | |
273 | CH_MULTIRACE | Child race: multi-racial, not specified | |
274 | ETHNIC | Child race/ethnicity | |
275 | RACECENSUS | Child race following Census categories (with Hispanic origin category) | |
276 | RACEMCAT | Child race | |
277 | RACET4 | Child race/ethnicity, 4-categories | |
278 | EMPSUM | Parental employment, present and past | |
279 | FASTRUCT | Family structure | |
280 | FOSTER | Child has foster parent(s) | |
281 | GRDCARE | Presence of grandparents as caregivers | |
282 | INCOME2 | Estimated annual household income, collapsed | |
283 | INHSTATP | Number and status of in-home parents | |
284 | INHSTONE | Mother-only or father-only | |
285 | LIVESTRUCT2 | Family structure and parental living arrangement | |
286 | LOWSES2 | Family of low socioeconomic status | |
287 | PARED | Parent/caregiver education level | |
288 | PAREMPB | Parental employment at the time of maltreatment | |
289 | PARENTLIVE | Parental living arrangement | |
290 | PASTEMPB | Parental employment in past year | |
291 | METSTAT03 | Metropolitan classification | |
292 | NIS3URB | NIS3 Urbanicity code | |
293 | PRPRELCAT_E1 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
294 | PRPRELCAT_E2 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
295 | PRPRELCAT_E3 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
296 | PRPRELCAT_E4 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
297 | PRPRELCAT_E5 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
298 | PRPRELCAT_E6 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
299 | PRPRELCAT_E7 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
300 | PRPRELCAT_E8 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
301 | PRPRELCAT_E9 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
302 | PRPRELCAT_H1 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
303 | PRPRELCAT_H2 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any abuse | |
304 | PRPRELCAT_H3 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
305 | PRPRELCAT_H4 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard physical abuse | |
306 | PRPRELCAT_H5 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
307 | PRPRELCAT_H6 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any neglect | |
308 | PRPRELCAT_H7 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard physical neglect | |
309 | PRPRELCAT_H8 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard educational neglect | |
310 | PRPRELCAT_H9 | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
311 | PRPAGCAT1E1 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
312 | PRPAGCAT1E2 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
313 | PRPAGCAT1E3 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
314 | PRPAGCAT1E4 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
315 | PRPAGCAT1E5 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
316 | PRPAGCAT1E6 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
317 | PRPAGCAT1E7 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
318 | PRPAGCAT1E8 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
319 | PRPAGCAT1E9 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
320 | PRPAGCAT1H1 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
321 | PRPAGCAT1H2 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any abuse | |
322 | PRPAGCAT1H3 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
323 | PRPAGCAT1H4 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse | |
324 | PRPAGCAT1H5 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
325 | PRPAGCAT1H6 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any neglect | |
326 | PRPAGCAT1H7 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect | |
327 | PRPAGCAT1H8 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect | |
328 | PRPAGCAT1H9 | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
329 | PRPAGCAT2E1 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
330 | PRPAGCAT2E2 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
331 | PRPAGCAT2E3 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
332 | PRPAGCAT2E4 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
333 | PRPAGCAT2E5 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
334 | PRPAGCAT2E6 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
335 | PRPAGCAT2E7 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
336 | PRPAGCAT2E8 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
337 | PRPAGCAT2E9 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
338 | PRPAGCAT2H1 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
339 | PRPAGCAT2H2 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any abuse | |
340 | PRPAGCAT2H3 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
341 | PRPAGCAT2H4 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse | |
342 | PRPAGCAT2H5 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
343 | PRPAGCAT2H6 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any neglect | |
344 | PRPAGCAT2H7 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect | |
345 | PRPAGCAT2H8 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect | |
346 | PRPAGCAT2H9 | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
347 | PRPAGCAT3E1 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
348 | PRPAGCAT3E2 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
349 | PRPAGCAT3E3 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
350 | PRPAGCAT3E4 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
351 | PRPAGCAT3E5 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
352 | PRPAGCAT3E6 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
353 | PRPAGCAT3E7 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
354 | PRPAGCAT3E8 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
355 | PRPAGCAT3E9 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
356 | PRPAGCAT3H1 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
357 | PRPAGCAT3H2 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any abuse | |
358 | PRPAGCAT3H3 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
359 | PRPAGCAT3H4 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse | |
360 | PRPAGCAT3H5 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
361 | PRPAGCAT3H6 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any neglect | |
362 | PRPAGCAT3H7 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect | |
363 | PRPAGCAT3H8 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect | |
364 | PRPAGCAT3H9 | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
365 | PRPAGCATUNKE1 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
366 | PRPAGCATUNKE2 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
367 | PRPAGCATUNKE3 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
368 | PRPAGCATUNKE4 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
369 | PRPAGCATUNKE5 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
370 | PRPAGCATUNKE6 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
371 | PRPAGCATUNKE7 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
372 | PRPAGCATUNKE8 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
373 | PRPAGCATUNKE9 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
374 | PRPAGCATUNKH1 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
375 | PRPAGCATUNKH2 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any abuse | |
376 | PRPAGCATUNKH3 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
377 | PRPAGCATUNKH4 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard physical abuse | |
378 | PRPAGCATUNKH5 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
379 | PRPAGCATUNKH6 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any neglect | |
380 | PRPAGCATUNKH7 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard physical neglect | |
381 | PRPAGCATUNKH8 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard educational neglect | |
382 | PRPAGCATUNKH9 | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
383 | PRPALCOHOLE1 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
384 | PRPALCOHOLE2 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
385 | PRPALCOHOLE3 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
386 | PRPALCOHOLE4 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
387 | PRPALCOHOLE5 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
388 | PRPALCOHOLE6 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
389 | PRPALCOHOLE7 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
390 | PRPALCOHOLE8 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
391 | PRPALCOHOLE9 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
392 | PRPALCOHOLH1 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
393 | PRPALCOHOLH2 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse | |
394 | PRPALCOHOLH3 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
395 | PRPALCOHOLH4 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse | |
396 | PRPALCOHOLH5 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
397 | PRPALCOHOLH6 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect | |
398 | PRPALCOHOLH7 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect | |
399 | PRPALCOHOLH8 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect | |
400 | PRPALCOHOLH9 | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
401 | PRPDRUGE1 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
402 | PRPDRUGE2 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
403 | PRPDRUGE3 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
404 | PRPDRUGE4 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
405 | PRPDRUGE5 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
406 | PRPDRUGE6 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
407 | PRPDRUGE7 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
408 | PRPDRUGE8 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
409 | PRPDRUGE9 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
410 | PRPDRUGH1 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
411 | PRPDRUGH2 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse | |
412 | PRPDRUGH3 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
413 | PRPDRUGH4 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse | |
414 | PRPDRUGH5 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
415 | PRPDRUGH6 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect | |
416 | PRPDRUGH7 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect | |
417 | PRPDRUGH8 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect | |
418 | PRPDRUGH9 | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
419 | PRPMENTILLE1 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
420 | PRPMENTILLE2 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
421 | PRPMENTILLE3 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
422 | PRPMENTILLE4 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
423 | PRPMENTILLE5 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
424 | PRPMENTILLE6 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
425 | PRPMENTILLE7 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
426 | PRPMENTILLE8 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
427 | PRPMENTILLE9 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
428 | PRPMENTILLH1 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
429 | PRPMENTILLH2 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse | |
430 | PRPMENTILLH3 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
431 | PRPMENTILLH4 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse | |
432 | PRPMENTILLH5 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
433 | PRPMENTILLH6 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect | |
434 | PRPMENTILLH7 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect | |
435 | PRPMENTILLH8 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect | |
436 | PRPMENTILLH9 | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
437 | PRPSEXFEMALEE1 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
438 | PRPSEXFEMALEE2 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
439 | PRPSEXFEMALEE3 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
440 | PRPSEXFEMALEE4 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
441 | PRPSEXFEMALEE5 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
442 | PRPSEXFEMALEE6 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
443 | PRPSEXFEMALEE7 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
444 | PRPSEXFEMALEE8 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
445 | PRPSEXFEMALEE9 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
446 | PRPSEXFEMALEH1 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
447 | PRPSEXFEMALEH2 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any abuse | |
448 | PRPSEXFEMALEH3 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
449 | PRPSEXFEMALEH4 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard physical abuse | |
450 | PRPSEXFEMALEH5 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
451 | PRPSEXFEMALEH6 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any neglect | |
452 | PRPSEXFEMALEH7 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard physical neglect | |
453 | PRPSEXFEMALEH8 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard educational neglect | |
454 | PRPSEXFEMALEH9 | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
455 | PRPSEXMALEE1 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
456 | PRPSEXMALEE2 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
457 | PRPSEXMALEE3 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
458 | PRPSEXMALEE4 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
459 | PRPSEXMALEE5 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
460 | PRPSEXMALEE6 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
461 | PRPSEXMALEE7 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
462 | PRPSEXMALEE8 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
463 | PRPSEXMALEE9 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
464 | PRPSEXMALEH1 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
465 | PRPSEXMALEH2 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any abuse | |
466 | PRPSEXMALEH3 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
467 | PRPSEXMALEH4 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard physical abuse | |
468 | PRPSEXMALEH5 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
469 | PRPSEXMALEH6 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any neglect | |
470 | PRPSEXMALEH7 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard physical neglect | |
471 | PRPSEXMALEH8 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard educational neglect | |
472 | PRPSEXMALEH9 | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
473 | PRPSEXUNKE1 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
474 | PRPSEXUNKE2 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
475 | PRPSEXUNKE3 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
476 | PRPSEXUNKE4 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
477 | PRPSEXUNKE5 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
478 | PRPSEXUNKE6 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
479 | PRPSEXUNKE7 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
480 | PRPSEXUNKE8 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
481 | PRPSEXUNKE9 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
482 | PRPSEXUNKH1 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
483 | PRPSEXUNKH2 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any abuse | |
484 | PRPSEXUNKH3 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
485 | PRPSEXUNKH4 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard physical abuse | |
486 | PRPSEXUNKH5 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
487 | PRPSEXUNKH6 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any neglect | |
488 | PRPSEXUNKH7 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard physical neglect | |
489 | PRPSEXUNKH8 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard educational neglect | |
490 | PRPSEXUNKH9 | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
491 | SEVER1 | Most severe outcome from any Harm Standard maltreatment | |
492 | SEVER2 | Most severe outcome from any Endangerment Standard maltreatment | |
493 | SEVERITYE1 | Severity of Endangerment Standard any maltreatment | |
494 | SEVERITYE2 | Severity of Endangerment Standard any abuse | |
495 | SEVERITYE3 | Severity of Endangerment Standard sexual abuse | |
496 | SEVERITYE4 | Severity of Endangerment Standard physical abuse | |
497 | SEVERITYE5 | Severity of Endangerment Standard emotional abuse | |
498 | SEVERITYE6 | Severity of Endangerment Standard any neglect | |
499 | SEVERITYE7 | Severity of Endangerment Standard physical neglect | |
500 | SEVERITYE8 | Severity of Endangerment Standard educational neglect | |
501 | SEVERITYE9 | Severity of Endangerment Standard emotional neglect | |
502 | SEVERITYH1 | Severity of Harm Standard any maltreatment | |
503 | SEVERITYH2 | Severity of Harm Standard any abuse | |
504 | SEVERITYH3 | Severity of Harm Standard sexual abuse | |
505 | SEVERITYH4 | Severity of Harm Standard physical abuse | |
506 | SEVERITYH5 | Severity of Harm Standard emotional abuse | |
507 | SEVERITYH6 | Severity of Harm Standard any neglect | |
508 | SEVERITYH7 | Severity of Harm Standard physical neglect | |
509 | SEVERITYH8 | Severity of Harm Standard educational neglect | |
510 | SEVERITYH9 | Severity of Harm Standard emotional neglect | |
511 | SPMDATA | SPM Extract record | |
512 | SPSDATA | SPS Extract record | |
513 | ARSPM | Agencies with alternative response on the SPM survey | |
514 | ARSPMSPS | Agencies with alternative response from the SPM & SPS surveys | |
515 | ARSPS | Agencies with alternative response on the SPS survey | |
516 | SPSSCREEN | CPS Screening Level of Agencies | |
517 | SPM_B_Q3 | SPM: Did your agency experience an excessive screening workload demand on staff conducting screening/intake | |
518 | SPM_B_Q5 | SPM: Did your agency receive referrals from a State hotline? | |
519 | SPM_B_Q6A | SPM: How did agency handle phone calls during non-business hours? Who handled the calls Mon through Thurs evenings? | |
520 | SPM_B_Q6B | SPM: How did agency handle phone calls during non-business hours? Who handled calls Frid evenings-Sun evenings? | |
521 | SPM_B_Q8 | SPM: Did agency maintain record of calls? | |
522 | SPM_B_Q9 | SPM: Did agency share responsibility for screening referrals? | |
523 | SPM_B_Q11 | SPM: In screening, did your agency prioritize recommended responses to referrals? | |
524 | SPM_B_Q12 | SPM: In screening, did agency consider any mandated limit on caseload size when recommending responses to references? | |
525 | SPM_C_Q1 | SPM: Did your agency have a worker or unit of workers devoted solely to investigating referrals? | |
526 | SPM_C_Q5 | SPM: Did you experience excessive workload demand on staff conducting investigations? | |
527 | SPM_C_Q6A | SPM: Agencys role in investigating severe physical abuse | |
528 | SPM_C_Q6B | SPM: Agencys role in investigating other physical abuse | |
529 | SPM_C_Q6C | SPM: Agencys role in investigating sexual abuse | |
530 | SPM_C_Q6D | SPM: Agencys role in investigating severe physical neglect | |
531 | SPM_C_Q6E | SPM: Agencys role in investigating other physical neglect | |
532 | SPM_C_Q6F | SPM: Agencys role in investigating emotional abuse/neglect | |
533 | SPM_C_Q6G | SPM: Agencys role in investigating truancy | |
534 | SPM_C_Q6H | SPM: Agencys role in investigating abandonment | |
535 | SPM_C_Q6I | SPM: Agencys role in investigating child fatality | |
536 | INVESTIGATECHILD | Investigated at least one maltreatment | |
537 | ALLPOP | Total child population | |
538 | AGEPOP | Child age population denominator | |
539 | DISABPOP | Child disability population denominator | |
540 | EMPSUMPOP | Summary measure of parental employment population denominator | |
541 | ENROLL3POP | School enrollment (children 3 years and older) population denominator | |
542 | ENROLLALLPOP | School enrollment (all children) population denominator | |
543 | ENROLLMPOP | School enrollment (mandated school-aged children) population denominator | |
544 | ETHNICITYPOP | Child ethnicity population denominator | |
545 | ETHNICPOP | Child race/ethnicity population denominator | |
546 | GP2POP | Presence of grandparent(s) population denominator | |
547 | INHSTATPOP | Population total by INHSTATP | |
548 | INHSTONEPOP | Population total by INHSTONE | |
549 | LIVESTRUCT2POP | Family structure/living arrangement population denominator | |
550 | LOWSESPOP | Family of low socioeconomic status population denominator | |
551 | NCHPOP | Number of children population denominator (4 levels) | |
552 | NCH2POP | Number of children population denominator (3 levels) | |
553 | NIS3URBPOP | NIS-3 Urban designation population denominator | |
554 | METPOP | Metro status population denominator | |
555 | PAREDPOP | Parental education population denominator | |
556 | PASTEMPPOP | Parental employment in past year population denominator | |
557 | POVPOP | Participation in poverty-related programs population denominator | |
558 | RACET4POP | Race/ethnicity 4-categories population denominator | |
559 | SEXPOP | Child sex population denominator | |
560 | PAREMPPOP | Parental employment at time of maltreatment population denominator | |
561 | ANNFAC | Annualization factor | |
562 | CHAWT | Annualized child weight | |
563 | CHAWT1 | Annualized child replicate weight 1 | |
564 | CHAWT2 | Annualized child replicate weight 2 | |
565 | CHAWT3 | Annualized child replicate weight 3 | |
566 | CHAWT4 | Annualized child replicate weight 4 | |
567 | CHAWT5 | Annualized child replicate weight 5 | |
568 | CHAWT6 | Annualized child replicate weight 6 | |
569 | CHAWT7 | Annualized child replicate weight 7 | |
570 | CHAWT8 | Annualized child replicate weight 8 | |
571 | CHAWT9 | Annualized child replicate weight 9 | |
572 | CHAWT10 | Annualized child replicate weight 10 | |
573 | CHAWT11 | Annualized child replicate weight 11 | |
574 | CHAWT12 | Annualized child replicate weight 12 | |
575 | CHAWT13 | Annualized child replicate weight 13 | |
576 | CHAWT14 | Annualized child replicate weight 14 | |
577 | CHAWT15 | Annualized child replicate weight 15 | |
578 | CHAWT16 | Annualized child replicate weight 16 | |
579 | CHAWT17 | Annualized child replicate weight 17 | |
580 | CHAWT18 | Annualized child replicate weight 18 | |
581 | CHAWT19 | Annualized child replicate weight 19 | |
582 | CHAWT20 | Annualized child replicate weight 20 | |
583 | CHAWT21 | Annualized child replicate weight 21 | |
584 | CHAWT22 | Annualized child replicate weight 22 | |
585 | CHAWT23 | Annualized child replicate weight 23 | |
586 | CHAWT24 | Annualized child replicate weight 24 | |
587 | CHAWT25 | Annualized child replicate weight 25 | |
588 | CHAWT26 | Annualized child replicate weight 26 | |
589 | CHAWT27 | Annualized child replicate weight 27 | |
590 | CHAWT28 | Annualized child replicate weight 28 | |
591 | CHAWT29 | Annualized child replicate weight 29 | |
592 | CHAWT30 | Annualized child replicate weight 30 | |
593 | CHAWT31 | Annualized child replicate weight 31 | |
594 | CHAWT32 | Annualized child replicate weight 32 | |
595 | CHAWT33 | Annualized child replicate weight 33 | |
596 | CHAWT34 | Annualized child replicate weight 34 | |
597 | CHAWT35 | Annualized child replicate weight 35 | |
598 | CHAWT36 | Annualized child replicate weight 36 | |
599 | CHAWT37 | Annualized child replicate weight 37 | |
600 | CHAWT38 | Annualized child replicate weight 38 | |
601 | CHAWT39 | Annualized child replicate weight 39 | |
602 | CHAWT40 | Annualized child replicate weight 40 | |
603 | CHAWT41 | Annualized child replicate weight 41 | |
604 | CHAWT42 | Annualized child replicate weight 42 | |
605 | CHAWT43 | Annualized child replicate weight 43 | |
606 | CHAWT44 | Annualized child replicate weight 44 | |
607 | CHAWT45 | Annualized child replicate weight 45 | |
608 | CHAWT46 | Annualized child replicate weight 46 | |
609 | CHAWT47 | Annualized child replicate weight 47 | |
610 | CHAWT48 | Annualized child replicate weight 48 | |
611 | CHAWT49 | Annualized child replicate weight 49 | |
612 | CHAWT50 | Annualized child replicate weight 50 | |
613 | CHAWT51 | Annualized child replicate weight 51 | |
614 | CHAWT52 | Annualized child replicate weight 52 | |
615 | CHAWT53 | Annualized child replicate weight 53 | |
616 | CHAWT54 | Annualized child replicate weight 54 | |
617 | CHAWT55 | Annualized child replicate weight 55 | |
618 | CHAWT56 | Annualized child replicate weight 56 | |
619 | CHAWT57 | Annualized child replicate weight 57 | |
620 | CHAWT58 | Annualized child replicate weight 58 | |
621 | CHAWT59 | Annualized child replicate weight 59 | |
622 | CHAWT60 | Annualized child replicate weight 60 | |
623 | CHAWT61 | Annualized child replicate weight 61 | |
624 | CHAWT62 | Annualized child replicate weight 62 | |
625 | SXA_PA_ROLE | Person A either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse | |
626 | SXA_PA_ALC | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
627 | SXA_PA_DRG | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
628 | SXA_PA_MNT | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
629 | SXA_PA_PERPRELAT | Person A - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child | |
630 | SXA_PA_RESP | Person A - degree of responsibility for sexual abuse | |
631 | SXA_PB_ROLE | Person B either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse | |
632 | SXA_PB_ALC | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
633 | SXA_PB_DRG | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
634 | SXA_PB_MNT | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
635 | SXA_PB_PERPRELAT | Person B - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child | |
636 | SXA_PB_RESP | Person B- degree of responsibility for sexual abuse | |
637 | SXA_OIP1_ROLE | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse | |
638 | SXA_OIP1_ALC | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
639 | SXA_OIP1_DRG | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
640 | SXA_OIP1_MNT | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
641 | SXA_OIP1_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child | |
642 | SXA_OIP1_RESP | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsiblity for sexual abuse | |
643 | SXA_OIP2_ROLE | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse | |
644 | SXA_OIP2_ALC | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
645 | SXA_OIP2_DRG | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
646 | SXA_OIP2_MNT | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
647 | SXA_OIP2_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child | |
648 | SXA_OIP2_RESP | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse | |
649 | SXA_OIP3_ROLE | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse | |
650 | SXA_OIP3_ALC | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
651 | SXA_OIP3_DRG | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
652 | SXA_OIP3_MNT | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
653 | SXA_OIP3_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child | |
654 | SXA_OIP3_RESP | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse | |
655 | SXA_OIP4_ROLE | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse | |
656 | SXA_OIP4_ALC | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
657 | SXA_OIP4_DRG | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
658 | SXA_OIP4_MNT | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
659 | SXA_OIP4_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child | |
660 | SXA_OIP4_RESP | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse | |
661 | SXA_OIP5_ROLE | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse | |
662 | SXA_OIP5_ALC | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
663 | SXA_OIP5_DRG | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
664 | SXA_OIP5_MNT | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse | |
665 | SXA_OIP5_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child | |
666 | SXA_OIP5_RESP | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse | |
667 | SXA_PINJ1 | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from sexual abuse | |
668 | SXA_PINJ2 | Fractured or broken bones from sexual abuse | |
669 | SXA_PINJ3 | Gunshot wounds from sexual abuse | |
670 | SXA_PINJ4 | Intracranial hemorrhages from sexual abuse | |
671 | SXA_PINJ5 | Trauma or injuries to the skull from sexual abuse | |
672 | SXA_PINJ6 | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from sexual abuse | |
673 | SXA_PINJ7 | Shaken baby syndrome from sexual abuse | |
674 | SXA_PINJ8 | Concussion from sexual abuse | |
675 | SXA_PINJ9 | Spinal cord injuries from sexual abuse | |
676 | SXA_PINJ10 | ,Amputations from sexual abuse | |
677 | SXA_PINJ11 | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from sexual abuse | |
678 | SXA_PINJ12 | Injuries that damage internal organs from sexual abuse | |
679 | SXA_PINJ13 | Internal bleeding from sexual abuse | |
680 | SXA_PINJ14 | Near drowning from sexual abuse | |
681 | SXA_PINJ15 | Poisoning from sexual abuse | |
682 | SXA_PINJ16 | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from sexual abuse | |
683 | SXA_PINJ17 | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from sexual abuse | |
684 | SXA_PINJ18 | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from sexual abuse | |
685 | SXA_PINJ19 | 3rd degree burns from sexual abuse | |
686 | SXA_PINJ20 | 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse | |
687 | SXA_PINJ21 | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from sexual abuse | |
688 | SXA_PINJ22 | 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse | |
689 | SXA_PINJ23 | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse | |
690 | SXA_PINJ24 | Cuts and lacerations from sexual abuse | |
691 | SXA_PINJ25 | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from sexual abuse | |
692 | SXA_PINJ26 | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from sexual abuse | |
693 | SXA_PINJ27 | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from sexual abuse | |
694 | SXA_PINJ28 | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from sexual abuse | |
695 | SXA_PINJ29 | Any other physical injuries from sexual abuse | |
696 | SXA_PIMO1 | Illness-related death from sexual abuse | |
697 | SXA_PIMO2 | Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from sexual abuse | |
698 | SXA_PIMO3 | Complications caused by injuries or impairments from sexual abuse | |
699 | SXA_PIMO4 | Coma from sexual abuse | |
700 | SXA_PIMO5 | Other loss of consciousness from sexual abuse | |
701 | SXA_PIMO6 | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from sexual abuse | |
702 | SXA_PIMO7 | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from sexual abuse | |
703 | SXA_PIMO8 | Seizures from sexual abuse | |
704 | SXA_PIMO9 | Malnourished or severely underweight from sexual abuse | |
705 | SXA_PIMO10 | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from sexual abuse | |
706 | SXA_PIMO11 | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from sexual abuse | |
707 | SXA_PIMO12 | Impaired vision or eye problems from sexual abuse | |
708 | SXA_PIMO13 | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from sexual abuse | |
709 | SXA_PIMO14 | Speech impediments from sexual abuse | |
710 | SXA_PIMO15 | Venereal diseases from sexual abuse | |
711 | SXA_PIMO16 | Diaper rash from sexual abuse | |
712 | SXA_PIMO17 | Unexplained developmental delays from sexual abuse | |
713 | SXA_PIMO18 | Lice infestation from sexual abuse | |
714 | SXA_PIMO19 | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from sexual abuse | |
715 | SXA_PIMO20 | Other health/medical problems or conditions from sexual abuse | |
716 | SXA_IMED1 | Learning disability from sexual abuse | |
717 | SXA_IMED2 | Poor attention span from sexual abuse | |
718 | SXA_IMED3 | Drop in academic performance from sexual abuse | |
719 | SXA_IMED4 | Chronic truancy from sexual abuse | |
720 | SXA_IMED5 | Chronic tardiness from sexual abuse | |
721 | SXA_IMED6 | Non-enrollment in school from sexual abuse | |
722 | SXA_IMED7 | Behavior problems in class from sexual abuse | |
723 | SXA_IMED8 | Other diagnosed educational needs from sexual abuse | |
724 | SXA_IMED9 | Expelled or suspended from school from sexual abuse | |
725 | SXA_IMED10 | Other educational problems from sexual abuse | |
726 | SXA_MEEM1 | Suicide resulting from sexual abuse | |
727 | SXA_MEEM2 | Suicide attempt from sexual abuse | |
728 | SXA_MEEM3 | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from sexual abuse | |
729 | SXA_MEEM4 | Dangerous level of instability from sexual abuse | |
730 | SXA_MEEM5 | Self-inflicted injury from sexual abuse | |
731 | SXA_MEEM6 | Fearful or distrustful from sexual abuse | |
732 | SXA_MEEM7 | Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from sexual abuse | |
733 | SXA_MEEM8 | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from sexual abuse | |
734 | SXA_MEEM9 | Fighting from sexual abuse | |
735 | SXA_MEEM10 | Delinquency from sexual abuse | |
736 | SXA_MEEM11 | Prostitution from sexual abuse | |
737 | SXA_MEEM12 | Drug/alcohol abuse from sexual abuse | |
738 | SXA_MEEM13 | Anxiety from sexual abuse | |
739 | SXA_MEEM14 | Depression from sexual abuse | |
740 | SXA_MEEM15 | Withdrawal from sexual abuse | |
741 | SXA_MEEM16 | Psychosis from sexual abuse | |
742 | SXA_MEEM17 | Sexual problems from sexual abuse | |
743 | SXA_MEEM18 | Sleeping disorders from sexual abuse | |
744 | SXA_MEEM19 | Hyperactive activity from sexual abuse | |
745 | SXA_MEEM20 | Aggressive or violent behavior from sexual abuse | |
746 | SXA_MEEM21 | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from sexual abuse | |
747 | SXA_MEEM22 | Low self-esteem from sexual abuse | |
748 | SXA_MEEM23 | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from sexual abuse | |
749 | SXA_MEEM24 | Threats of self-destructive behavior from sexual abuse | |
750 | SXA_MEEM25 | Suspected emotional damage from sexual abuse | |
751 | SXA_MEEM26 | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from sexual abuse | |
752 | SXA_UNKN | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from sexual abuse | |
753 | SXA_ENDG | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from sexual abuse | |
754 | SXA_NONE | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from sexual abuse | |
755 | SXA_NATUREPHYSICAL | Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from sexual abuse | |
756 | SXA_NATUREPHYSIMP | Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from sexual abuse | |
757 | SXA_NATUREIMPED | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from sexual abuse | |
758 | SXA_NATUREMENTAL | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from sexual abuse | |
759 | SXA_NATUREUNKNOWN | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from sexual abuse | |
760 | SXA_NATUREINJURYEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from sexual abuse | |
761 | SXA_NATUREINJURYNOTEND | Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from sexual abuse | |
762 | SXA_MOSTSEVERE | Severity of injury/harm from sexual abuse | |
763 | SXA1_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Sexual Abuse form1: Code 01.1--Any Intrusion Sex | |
764 | SXA1_CNTBL | Countability of Sexual Abuse form1: Code 01.1--Any Intrusion Sex | |
765 | SXA2_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Sexual Abuse form2: Code 01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force | |
766 | SXA2_CNTBL | Countability of Sexual Abuse form2: Code 01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force | |
767 | SXA3_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Sexual Abuse form3: Code 01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with intrusion | |
768 | SXA3_CNTBL | Countability of Sexual Abuse form3: Code 01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with intrusion | |
769 | SXA4_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Sexual Abuse form4: Code 02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact | |
770 | SXA4_CNTBL | Countability of Sexual Abuse form4: Code 02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact | |
771 | SXA5_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Sexual Abuse form5: Code 03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism | |
772 | SXA5_CNTBL | Countability of Sexual Abuse form5: Code 03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism | |
773 | SXA6_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Sexual Abuse form6: Code 03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials | |
774 | SXA6_CNTBL | Countability of Sexual Abuse form6: Code 03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials | |
775 | SXA7_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Sexual Abuse form7: Code 03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion) | |
776 | SXA7_CNTBL | Countability of Sexual Abuse form7: Code 03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion) | |
777 | SXA8_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Sexual Abuse form8: Code 03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity | |
778 | SXA8_CNTBL | Countability of Sexual Abuse form8: Code 03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity | |
779 | SXA9_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Sexual Abuse form9: Code 03.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact | |
780 | SXA9_CNTBL | Countability of Sexual Abuse form9: Code 03.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact | |
781 | SXA10_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Sexual Abuse form10: Code 03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse | |
782 | SXA10_CNTBL | Countability of Sexual Abuse form10: Code 03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse | |
783 | PHA_PA_ROLE | Person A either maltreated or permitted physical abuse | |
784 | PHA_PA_ALC | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
785 | PHA_PA_DRG | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
786 | PHA_PA_MNT | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
787 | PHA_PA_PERPRELAT | Person A - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child | |
788 | PHA_PA_RESP | Person A degree of responsibility for physical abuse | |
789 | PHA_PB_ROLE | Person B either maltreated or permitted physical abuse | |
790 | PHA_PB_ALC | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
791 | PHA_PB_DRG | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
792 | PHA_PB_MNT | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
793 | PHA_PB_PERPRELAT | Person B - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child | |
794 | PHA_PB_RESP | Person B degree of responsibility for physical abuse | |
795 | PHA_OIP1_ROLE | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse | |
796 | PHA_OIP1_ALC | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
797 | PHA_OIP1_DRG | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
798 | PHA_OIP1_MNT | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
799 | PHA_OIP1_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child | |
800 | PHA_OIP1_RESP | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for physical abuse | |
801 | PHA_OIP2_ROLE | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse | |
802 | PHA_OIP2_ALC | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
803 | PHA_OIP2_DRG | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
804 | PHA_OIP2_MNT | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
805 | PHA_OIP2_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child | |
806 | PHA_OIP2_RESP | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for physical abuse | |
807 | PHA_OIP3_ROLE | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse | |
808 | PHA_OIP3_ALC | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
809 | PHA_OIP3_DRG | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
810 | PHA_OIP3_MNT | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
811 | PHA_OIP3_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child | |
812 | PHA_OIP3_RESP | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for physical abuse | |
813 | PHA_OIP4_ROLE | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse | |
814 | PHA_OIP4_ALC | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
815 | PHA_OIP4_DRG | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
816 | PHA_OIP4_MNT | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
817 | PHA_OIP4_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child | |
818 | PHA_OIP4_RESP | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for physical abuse | |
819 | PHA_OIP5_ROLE | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse | |
820 | PHA_OIP5_ALC | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
821 | PHA_OIP5_DRG | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
822 | PHA_OIP5_MNT | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse | |
823 | PHA_OIP5_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child | |
824 | PHA_OIP5_RESP | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for physical abuse | |
825 | PHA_PINJ1 | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from physical abuse | |
826 | PHA_PINJ2 | Fractured or broken bones from physical abuse | |
827 | PHA_PINJ3 | Gunshot wounds from physical abuse | |
828 | PHA_PINJ4 | Intracranial hemorrhages from physical abuse | |
829 | PHA_PINJ5 | Trauma or injuries to the skull from physical abuse | |
830 | PHA_PINJ6 | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from physical abuse | |
831 | PHA_PINJ7 | Shaken baby syndrome from physical abuse | |
832 | PHA_PINJ8 | Concussion from physical abuse | |
833 | PHA_PINJ9 | Spinal cord injuries from physical abuse | |
834 | PHA_PINJ10 | Amputations from physical abuse | |
835 | PHA_PINJ11 | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from physical abuse | |
836 | PHA_PINJ12 | Injuries that damage any internal organs from physical abuse | |
837 | PHA_PINJ13 | Internal bleeding from physical abuse | |
838 | PHA_PINJ14 | Near drowning from physical abuse | |
839 | PHA_PINJ15 | Poisoning from physical abuse | |
840 | PHA_PINJ16 | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from physical abuse | |
841 | PHA_PINJ17 | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from physical abuse | |
842 | PHA_PINJ18 | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from physical abuse | |
843 | PHA_PINJ19 | 3rd degree burns from physical abuse | |
844 | PHA_PINJ20 | 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from physical abuse | |
845 | PHA_PINJ21 | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical abuse | |
846 | PHA_PINJ22 | 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from physical abuse | |
847 | PHA_PINJ23 | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from physical abuse | |
848 | PHA_PINJ24 | Cuts and lacerations from physical abuse | |
849 | PHA_PINJ25 | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from physical abuse | |
850 | PHA_PINJ26 | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from physical abuse | |
851 | PHA_PINJ27 | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital area, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from physical abuse | |
852 | PHA_PINJ28 | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from physical abuse | |
853 | PHA_PINJ29 | Any other physical injuries from physical abuse | |
854 | PHA_PIMO1 | Illness-related death from physical abuse | |
855 | PHA_PIMO2 | Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical abuse | |
856 | PHA_PIMO3 | Complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical abuse | |
857 | PHA_PIMO4 | Coma from physical abuse | |
858 | PHA_PIMO5 | Other loss of consciousness from physical abuse | |
859 | PHA_PIMO6 | Breathing stopped from physical abuse | |
860 | PHA_PIMO7 | Anoxia from physical abuse | |
861 | PHA_PIMO8 | Seizures from physical abuse | |
862 | PHA_PIMO9 | Malnourished or severely underweight from physical abuse | |
863 | PHA_PIMO10 | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from physical abuse | |
864 | PHA_PIMO11 | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from physical abuse | |
865 | PHA_PIMO12 | Impaired vision or eye problems from physical abuse | |
866 | PHA_PIMO13 | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from physical abuse | |
867 | PHA_PIMO14 | Speech impediments from physical abuse | |
868 | PHA_PIMO15 | Venereal diseases from physical abuse | |
869 | PHA_PIMO16 | Diaper rash from physical abuse | |
870 | PHA_PIMO17 | Unexplained developmental delays from physical abuse | |
871 | PHA_PIMO18 | Lice infestation from physical abuse | |
872 | PHA_PIMO19 | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from physical abuse | |
873 | PHA_PIMO20 | Other health/medical problems or conditions from physical abuse | |
874 | PHA_IMED1 | Learning disability from physical abuse | |
875 | PHA_IMED2 | Poor attention span from physical abuse | |
876 | PHA_IMED3 | Drop in academic performance from physical abuse | |
877 | PHA_IMED4 | Chronic truancy from physical abuse | |
878 | PHA_IMED5 | Chronic tardiness from physical abuse | |
879 | PHA_IMED6 | Non-enrollment in school from physical abuse | |
880 | PHA_IMED7 | Behavior problems in class from physical abuse | |
881 | PHA_IMED8 | Other diagnosed educational needs from physical abuse | |
882 | PHA_IMED9 | Expelled or suspended from school from physical abuse | |
883 | PHA_IMED10 | Other educational problems from physical abuse | |
884 | PHA_MEEM1 | Suicide from physical abuse | |
885 | PHA_MEEM2 | Suicide attempt from physical abuse | |
886 | PHA_MEEM3 | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from physical abuse | |
887 | PHA_MEEM4 | Dangerous level of instability from physical abuse | |
888 | PHA_MEEM5 | Self-inflicted injury from physical abuse | |
889 | PHA_MEEM6 | Fearful or distrustful from physical abuse | |
890 | PHA_MEEM7 | Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from physical abuse | |
891 | PHA_MEEM8 | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from physical abuse | |
892 | PHA_MEEM9 | Fighting from physical abuse | |
893 | PHA_MEEM10 | Delinquency from physical abuse | |
894 | PHA_MEEM11 | Prostitution from physical abuse | |
895 | PHA_MEEM12 | Drug/alcohol abuse from physical abuse | |
896 | PHA_MEEM13 | Anxiety from physical abuse | |
897 | PHA_MEEM14 | Depression from physical abuse | |
898 | PHA_MEEM15 | Withdrawal from physical abuse | |
899 | PHA_MEEM16 | Psychosis from physical abuse | |
900 | PHA_MEEM17 | Sexual problems from physical abuse | |
901 | PHA_MEEM18 | Sleeping disorders from physical abuse | |
902 | PHA_MEEM19 | Hyperactive activity from physical abuse | |
903 | PHA_MEEM20 | Aggressive or violent behavior from physical abuse | |
904 | PHA_MEEM21 | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from physical abuse | |
905 | PHA_MEEM22 | Low self-esteem from physical abuse | |
906 | PHA_MEEM23 | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from physical abuse | |
907 | PHA_MEEM24 | Threats of self-destructive behavior from physical abuse | |
908 | PHA_MEEM25 | Suspected emotional damage from physical abuse | |
909 | PHA_MEEM26 | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from physical abuse | |
910 | PHA_UNKN | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from physical abuse | |
911 | PHA_ENDG | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from physical abuse | |
912 | PHA_NONE | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from physical abuse | |
913 | PHA_NATUREPHYSICAL | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from physical abuse | |
914 | PHA_NATUREPHYSIMP | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from physical abuse | |
915 | PHA_NATUREIMPED | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from physical abuse | |
916 | PHA_NATUREMENTAL | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from physical abuse | |
917 | PHA_NATUREUNKNOWN | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from physical abuse | |
918 | PHA_NATUREINJURYEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from physical abuse | |
919 | PHA_NATUREINJURYNOTEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from physical abuse | |
920 | PHA_MOSTSEVERE | Severity of injury/harm from physical abuse | |
921 | PHA1_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Abuse form1: Code 04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop | |
922 | PHA1_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Abuse form1: Code 04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop | |
923 | PHA2_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Abuse form2: Code 04.2--Hit with Hand | |
924 | PHA2_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Abuse form2: Code 04.2--Hit with Hand | |
925 | PHA3_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Abuse form3: Code 04.3--Hit with Object | |
926 | PHA3_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Abuse form3: Code 04.3--Hit with Object | |
927 | PHA4_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Abuse form4: Code 04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull | |
928 | PHA4_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Abuse form4: Code 04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull | |
929 | PHA5_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Abuse form5: Code 04.5--Punch, Kick | |
930 | PHA5_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Abuse form5: Code 04.5--Punch, Kick | |
931 | PHA6_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Abuse form6: Code 04.6--Other Physical Abuse | |
932 | PHA6_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Abuse form6: Code 04.6--Other Physical Abuse | |
933 | EMA_PA_ROLE | Person A either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse | |
934 | EMA_PA_ALC | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
935 | EMA_PA_DRG | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
936 | EMA_PA_MNT | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
937 | EMA_PA_PERPRELAT | Person A - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child | |
938 | EMA_PA_RESP | Person A degree of responsibility for emotional abuse | |
939 | EMA_PB_ROLE | Person B either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse | |
940 | EMA_PB_ALC | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
941 | EMA_PB_DRG | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
942 | EMA_PB_MNT | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
943 | EMA_PB_PERPRELAT | Person B - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child | |
944 | EMA_PB_RESP | Person B degree of responsibility for emotional abuse | |
945 | EMA_OIP1_ROLE | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse | |
946 | EMA_OIP1_ALC | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
947 | EMA_OIP1_DRG | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
948 | EMA_OIP1_MNT | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
949 | EMA_OIP1_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child | |
950 | EMA_OIP1_RESP | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse | |
951 | EMA_OIP2_ROLE | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse | |
952 | EMA_OIP2_ALC | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
953 | EMA_OIP2_DRG | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
954 | EMA_OIP2_MNT | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
955 | EMA_OIP2_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child | |
956 | EMA_OIP2_RESP | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse | |
957 | EMA_OIP3_ROLE | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse | |
958 | EMA_OIP3_ALC | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
959 | EMA_OIP3_DRG | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
960 | EMA_OIP3_MNT | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
961 | EMA_OIP3_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child | |
962 | EMA_OIP3_RESP | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse | |
963 | EMA_OIP4_ROLE | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse | |
964 | EMA_OIP4_ALC | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
965 | EMA_OIP4_DRG | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
966 | EMA_OIP4_MNT | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
967 | EMA_OIP4_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child | |
968 | EMA_OIP4_RESP | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse | |
969 | EMA_OIP5_ROLE | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse | |
970 | EMA_OIP5_ALC | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
971 | EMA_OIP5_DRG | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
972 | EMA_OIP5_MNT | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse | |
973 | EMA_OIP5_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child | |
974 | EMA_OIP5_RESP | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse | |
975 | EMA_PINJ1 | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from emotional abuse | |
976 | EMA_PINJ2 | Fractured or broken bones from emotional abuse | |
977 | EMA_PINJ3 | Gunshot wounds from emotional abuse | |
978 | EMA_PINJ4 | Intracranial hemorrhages from emotional abuse | |
979 | EMA_PINJ5 | Trauma or injuries to the skull from emotional abuse | |
980 | EMA_PINJ6 | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from emotional abuse | |
981 | EMA_PINJ7 | Shaken baby syndrome from emotional abuse | |
982 | EMA_PINJ8 | Concussion from emotional abuse | |
983 | EMA_PINJ9 | Spinal cord injuries from emotional abuse | |
984 | EMA_PINJ10 | Amputations from emotional abuse | |
985 | EMA_PINJ11 | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from emotional abuse | |
986 | EMA_PINJ12 | Injuries that damage any internal organs from emotional abuse | |
987 | EMA_PINJ13 | Internal bleeding from emotional abuse | |
988 | EMA_PINJ14 | Near drowning from emotional abuse | |
989 | EMA_PINJ15 | Poisoning from emotional abuse | |
990 | EMA_PINJ16 | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from emotional abuse | |
991 | EMA_PINJ17 | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from emotional abuse | |
992 | EMA_PINJ18 | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from emotional abuse | |
993 | EMA_PINJ19 | 3rd degree burns from emotional abuse | |
994 | EMA_PINJ20 | 2nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse | |
995 | EMA_PINJ21 | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse | |
996 | EMA_PINJ22 | 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse | |
997 | EMA_PINJ23 | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from emotional abuse | |
998 | EMA_PINJ24 | Cuts and lacerations from emotional abuse | |
999 | EMA_PINJ25 | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from emotional abuse | |
1000 | EMA_PINJ26 | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from emotional abuse | |
1001 | EMA_PINJ27 | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from emotional abuse | |
1002 | EMA_PINJ28 | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from emotional abuse | |
1003 | EMA_PINJ29 | Any other physical injuries from emotional abuse | |
1004 | EMA_PIMO1 | Illness-related death from emotional abuse | |
1005 | EMA_PIMO2 | Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from emotional abuse | |
1006 | EMA_PIMO3 | Complications caused by injuries or impairments from emotional abuse | |
1007 | EMA_PIMO4 | Coma from emotional abuse | |
1008 | EMA_PIMO5 | Other loss of consciousness from emotional abuse | |
1009 | EMA_PIMO6 | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from emotional abuse | |
1010 | EMA_PIMO7 | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from emotional abuse | |
1011 | EMA_PIMO8 | Seizures from emotional abuse | |
1012 | EMA_PIMO9 | Malnourished or severely underweight from emotional abuse | |
1013 | EMA_PIMO10 | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from emotional abuse | |
1014 | EMA_PIMO11 | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from emotional abuse | |
1015 | EMA_PIMO12 | Impaired vision or eye problems from emotional abuse | |
1016 | EMA_PIMO13 | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from emotional abuse | |
1017 | EMA_PIMO14 | Speech impediments from emotional abuse | |
1018 | EMA_PIMO15 | Venereal diseases from emotional abuse | |
1019 | EMA_PIMO16 | Diaper rash from emotional abuse | |
1020 | EMA_PIMO17 | Unexplained developmental delays from emotional abuse | |
1021 | EMA_PIMO18 | Lice infestation resulting from emotional abuse | |
1022 | EMA_PIMO19 | Fetal alcohol or drug symptomsfrom emotional abuse | |
1023 | EMA_PIMO20 | Other health/medical problems or conditions from emotional abuse | |
1024 | EMA_IMED1 | Learning disability from emotional abuse | |
1025 | EMA_IMED2 | Poor attention span from emotional abuse | |
1026 | EMA_IMED3 | Drop in academic performance from emotional abuse | |
1027 | EMA_IMED4 | Chronic truancy from emotional abuse | |
1028 | EMA_IMED5 | Chronic tardiness from emotional abuse | |
1029 | EMA_IMED6 | Non-enrollment in school from emotional abuse | |
1030 | EMA_IMED7 | Behavior problems in class from emotional abuse | |
1031 | EMA_IMED8 | Other diagnosed educational needs from emotional abuse | |
1032 | EMA_IMED9 | Expelled or suspended from school from emotional abuse | |
1033 | EMA_IMED10 | Other educational problems from emotional abuse | |
1034 | EMA_MEEM1 | Suicide from emotional abuse | |
1035 | EMA_MEEM2 | Suicide attempt from emotional abuse | |
1036 | EMA_MEEM3 | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from emotional abuse | |
1037 | EMA_MEEM4 | Dangerous level of instability from emotional abuse | |
1038 | EMA_MEEM5 | Self-inflicted injury from emotional abuse | |
1039 | EMA_MEEM6 | Fearful or distrustful from emotional abuse | |
1040 | EMA_MEEM7 | Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from emotional abuse | |
1041 | EMA_MEEM8 | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from emotional abuse | |
1042 | EMA_MEEM9 | Fighting from emotional abuse | |
1043 | EMA_MEEM10 | Delinquency from emotional abuse | |
1044 | EMA_MEEM11 | Prostitution from emotional abuse | |
1045 | EMA_MEEM12 | Drug/alcohol abuse from emotional abuse | |
1046 | EMA_MEEM13 | Anxiety from emotional abuse | |
1047 | EMA_MEEM14 | Depression from emotional abuse | |
1048 | EMA_MEEM15 | Withdrawal from emotional abuse | |
1049 | EMA_MEEM16 | Psychosis from emotional abuse | |
1050 | EMA_MEEM17 | Sexual problems from emotional abuse | |
1051 | EMA_MEEM18 | Sleeping disorders from emotional abuse | |
1052 | EMA_MEEM19 | Hyperactive activity from emotional abuse | |
1053 | EMA_MEEM20 | Aggressive or violent behavior from emotional abuse | |
1054 | EMA_MEEM21 | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from emotional abuse | |
1055 | EMA_MEEM22 | Low self-esteem from emotional abuse | |
1056 | EMA_MEEM23 | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from emotional abuse | |
1057 | EMA_MEEM24 | Threats of self-destructive behavior from emotional abuse | |
1058 | EMA_MEEM25 | Suspected emotional damage from emotional abuse | |
1059 | EMA_MEEM26 | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from emotional abuse | |
1060 | EMA_UNKN | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from emotional abuse | |
1061 | EMA_ENDG | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from emotional abuse | |
1062 | EMA_NONE | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from emotional abuse | |
1063 | EMA_NATUREPHYSICAL | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from emotional abuse | |
1064 | EMA_NATUREPHYSIMP | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from emotional abuse | |
1065 | EMA_NATUREIMPED | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from emotional abuse | |
1066 | EMA_NATUREMENTAL | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from emotional abuse | |
1067 | EMA_NATUREUNKNOWN | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from emotional abuse | |
1068 | EMA_NATUREINJURYEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from emotional abuse | |
1069 | EMA_NATUREINJURYNOTEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from emotional abuse | |
1070 | EMA_MOSTSEVERE | Severity of injury/harm from emotional abuse | |
1071 | EMA1_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Abuse form1: Code 05.1--Close confinement: Tying and Binding | |
1072 | EMA1_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Abuse form1: Code 05.1--Close confinement: Tying and Binding | |
1073 | EMA2_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Abuse form2: Code 05.2--Close Confinement: Other | |
1074 | EMA2_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Abuse form2: Code 05.2--Close Confinement: Other | |
1075 | EMA3_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Abuse form 3: Code 06.1--Verbal Assaults and Emotional Abuse | |
1076 | EMA3_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Abuse form 3: Code 06.1--Verbal Assaults and Emotional Abuse | |
1077 | EMA4_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Abuse form4: Code 06.2--Threats of Sexual Abuse | |
1078 | EMA4_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Abuse form4: Code 06.2--Threats of Sexual Abuse | |
1079 | EMA5_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Abuse form5: Code 06.3--Threats of Other Maltreatment | |
1080 | EMA5_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Abuse form5: Code 06.3--Threats of Other Maltreatment | |
1081 | EMA6_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Abuse form6: Code 07.1--Terrorizing a Child | |
1082 | EMA6_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Abuse form6: Code 07.1--Terrorizing a Child | |
1083 | EMA7_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Abuse form7: Code 07.2--Administering unprescribed substances | |
1084 | EMA7_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Abuse form7: Code 07.2--Administering unprescribed substances | |
1085 | EMA8_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Abuse form8: Code 07.3--Other or Unknown Abuse | |
1086 | EMA8_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Abuse form8: Code 07.3--Other or Unknown Abuse | |
1087 | PHN_PA_ROLE | Person A either maltreated or permitted maltreatment | |
1088 | PHN_PA_ALC | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1089 | PHN_PA_DRG | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1090 | PHN_PA_MNT | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1091 | PHN_PA_PERPRELAT | Person A - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child | |
1092 | PHN_PA_RESP | Person A degree of responsibility for physical neglect | |
1093 | PHN_PB_ROLE | Person B either maltreated or permitted physical neglect | |
1094 | PHN_PB_ALC | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1095 | PHN_PB_DRG | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1096 | PHN_PB_MNT | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1097 | PHN_PB_PERPRELAT | Person B - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child | |
1098 | PHN_PB_RESP | Person B degree of responsibility for physical neglect | |
1099 | PHN_OIP1_ROLE | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect | |
1100 | PHN_OIP1_ALC | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1101 | PHN_OIP1_DRG | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1102 | PHN_OIP1_MNT | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1103 | PHN_OIP1_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child | |
1104 | PHN_OIP1_RESP | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for physical neglect | |
1105 | PHN_OIP2_ROLE | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect | |
1106 | PHN_OIP2_ALC | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1107 | PHN_OIP2_DRG | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1108 | PHN_OIP2_MNT | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1109 | PHN_OIP2_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child | |
1110 | PHN_OIP2_RESP | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for physical neglect | |
1111 | PHN_OIP3_ROLE | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect | |
1112 | PHN_OIP3_ALC | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1113 | PHN_OIP3_DRG | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1114 | PHN_OIP3_MNT | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1115 | PHN_OIP3_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child | |
1116 | PHN_OIP3_RESP | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for physical neglect | |
1117 | PHN_OIP4_ROLE | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect | |
1118 | PHN_OIP4_ALC | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1119 | PHN_OIP4_DRG | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1120 | PHN_OIP4_MNT | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1121 | PHN_OIP4_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child | |
1122 | PHN_OIP4_RESP | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for physical neglect | |
1123 | PHN_OIP5_ROLE | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect | |
1124 | PHN_OIP5_ALC | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1125 | PHN_OIP5_DRG | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1126 | PHN_OIP5_MNT | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect | |
1127 | PHN_OIP5_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child | |
1128 | PHN_OIP5_RESP | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for physical neglect | |
1129 | PHN_PINJ1 | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from physical neglect | |
1130 | PHN_PINJ2 | Fractured or broken bones from physical neglect | |
1131 | PHN_PINJ3 | Gunshot wounds from physical neglect | |
1132 | PHN_PINJ4 | Intracranial hemorrhages from physical neglect | |
1133 | PHN_PINJ5 | Trauma or injuries to the skull from physical neglect | |
1134 | PHN_PINJ6 | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from physical neglect | |
1135 | PHN_PINJ7 | Shaken baby syndrome from physical neglect | |
1136 | PHN_PINJ8 | Concussion from physical neglect | |
1137 | PHN_PINJ9 | Spinal cord injuries from physical neglect | |
1138 | PHN_PINJ10 | Amputations from physical neglect | |
1139 | PHN_PINJ11 | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from physical neglect | |
1140 | PHN_PINJ12 | Injuries that damage any internal organs from physical neglect | |
1141 | PHN_PINJ13 | Internal bleeding from physical neglect | |
1142 | PHN_PINJ14 | Near drowning from physical neglect | |
1143 | PHN_PINJ15 | Poisoning from physical neglect | |
1144 | PHN_PINJ16 | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from physical neglect | |
1145 | PHN_PINJ17 | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from physical neglect | |
1146 | PHN_PINJ18 | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from physical neglect | |
1147 | PHN_PINJ19 | 3rd degree burns from physical neglect | |
1148 | PHN_PINJ20 | 2nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect | |
1149 | PHN_PINJ21 | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect | |
1150 | PHN_PINJ22 | 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface resulting from physical neglect | |
1151 | PHN_PINJ23 | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect | |
1152 | PHN_PINJ24 | Cuts and lacerations from physical neglect | |
1153 | PHN_PINJ25 | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from physical neglect | |
1154 | PHN_PINJ26 | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from physical neglect | |
1155 | PHN_PINJ27 | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from physical neglect | |
1156 | PHN_PINJ28 | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from physical neglect | |
1157 | PHN_PINJ29 | Any other physical injuries from physical neglect | |
1158 | PHN_PIMO1 | Illness-related death from physical neglect | |
1159 | PHN_PIMO2 | Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical neglect | |
1160 | PHN_PIMO3 | Complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical neglect | |
1161 | PHN_PIMO4 | Coma from physical neglect | |
1162 | PHN_PIMO5 | Other loss of consciousness from physical neglect | |
1163 | PHN_PIMO6 | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from physical neglect | |
1164 | PHN_PIMO7 | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from physical neglect | |
1165 | PHN_PIMO8 | Seizures from physical neglect | |
1166 | PHN_PIMO9 | Malnourished or severely underweight from physical neglect | |
1167 | PHN_PIMO10 | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from physical neglect | |
1168 | PHN_PIMO11 | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from physical neglect | |
1169 | PHN_PIMO12 | Impaired vision or eye problems from physical neglect | |
1170 | PHN_PIMO13 | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from physical neglect | |
1171 | PHN_PIMO14 | Speech impediments from physical neglect | |
1172 | PHN_PIMO15 | Venereal diseases from physical neglect | |
1173 | PHN_PIMO16 | Diaper rash from physical neglect | |
1174 | PHN_PIMO17 | Unexplained developmental delays from physical neglect | |
1175 | PHN_PIMO18 | Lice infestation from physical neglect | |
1176 | PHN_PIMO19 | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from physical neglect | |
1177 | PHN_PIMO20 | Other health/medical problems or conditions from physical neglect | |
1178 | PHN_IMED1 | Learning disability from physical neglect | |
1179 | PHN_IMED2 | Poor attention span from physical neglect | |
1180 | PHN_IMED3 | Drop in academic performance from physical neglect | |
1181 | PHN_IMED4 | Chronic truancy from physical neglect | |
1182 | PHN_IMED5 | Chronic tardiness from physical neglect | |
1183 | PHN_IMED6 | Non-enrollment in school from physical neglect | |
1184 | PHN_IMED7 | Behavior problems in class from physical neglect | |
1185 | PHN_IMED8 | Other diagnosed educational needs from physical neglect | |
1186 | PHN_IMED9 | Expelled or suspended from school from physical neglect | |
1187 | PHN_IMED10 | Other educational problems from physical neglect | |
1188 | PHN_MEEM1 | Suicide from physical neglect | |
1189 | PHN_MEEM2 | Suicide attempt from physical neglect | |
1190 | PHN_MEEM3 | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from physical neglect | |
1191 | PHN_MEEM4 | Dangerous level of instability from physical neglect | |
1192 | PHN_MEEM5 | Self-inflicted injury from physical neglect | |
1193 | PHN_MEEM6 | Fearful or distrustful from physical neglect | |
1194 | PHN_MEEM7 | Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from physical neglect | |
1195 | PHN_MEEM8 | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from physical neglect | |
1196 | PHN_MEEM9 | Fighting from physical neglect | |
1197 | PHN_MEEM10 | Delinquency from physical neglect | |
1198 | PHN_MEEM11 | Prostitution from physical neglect | |
1199 | PHN_MEEM12 | Drug/alcohol abuse from physical neglect | |
1200 | PHN_MEEM13 | Anxiety from physical neglect | |
1201 | PHN_MEEM14 | Depression from physical neglect | |
1202 | PHN_MEEM15 | Withdrawal from physical neglect | |
1203 | PHN_MEEM16 | Psychosis from physical neglect | |
1204 | PHN_MEEM17 | Sexual problems from physical neglect | |
1205 | PHN_MEEM18 | Sleeping disorders from physical neglect | |
1206 | PHN_MEEM19 | Hyperactive activity from physical neglect | |
1207 | PHN_MEEM20 | Aggressive or violent behavior from physical neglect | |
1208 | PHN_MEEM21 | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from physical neglect | |
1209 | PHN_MEEM22 | Low self-esteem from physical neglect | |
1210 | PHN_MEEM23 | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from physical neglect | |
1211 | PHN_MEEM24 | Threats of self-destructive behavior from physical neglect | |
1212 | PHN_MEEM25 | Suspected emotional damage from physical neglect | |
1213 | PHN_MEEM26 | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from physical neglect | |
1214 | PHN_UNKN | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from physical neglect | |
1215 | PHN_ENDG | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from physical neglect | |
1216 | PHN_NONE | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from physical neglect | |
1217 | PHN_NATUREPHYSICAL | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from physical neglect | |
1218 | PHN_NATUREPHYSIMP | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from physical neglect | |
1219 | PHN_NATUREIMPED | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from physical neglect | |
1220 | PHN_NATUREMENTAL | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from physical neglect | |
1221 | PHN_NATUREUNKNOWN | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from physical neglect | |
1222 | PHN_NATUREINJURYEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from physical neglect | |
1223 | PHN_NATUREINJURYNOTEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from physical neglect | |
1224 | PHN_MOSTSEVERE | Severity of injury/harm from physical neglect | |
1225 | PHN1_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form1: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment | |
1226 | PHN1_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form1: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment | |
1227 | PHN2_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form2: Code 09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care | |
1228 | PHN2_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form2: Code 09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care | |
1229 | PHN3_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form3: Code 10.1--Refusal of Custody or Abandonment | |
1230 | PHN3_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form3: Code 10.1--Refusal of Custody or Abandonment | |
1231 | PHN4_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form4: Code 10.2--Other Refusal of Custody | |
1232 | PHN4_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form4: Code 10.2--Other Refusal of Custody | |
1233 | PHN5_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form5: Code 10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody | |
1234 | PHN5_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form5: Code 10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody | |
1235 | PHN6_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form6: Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements | |
1236 | PHN6_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form6: Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements | |
1237 | PHN7_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form7: Code 11.0--Inadequate Supervision | |
1238 | PHN7_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form7: Code 11.0--Inadequate Supervision | |
1239 | PHN8_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form8: Code 12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition | |
1240 | PHN8_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form8: Code 12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition | |
1241 | PHN9_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form9: Code 12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene | |
1242 | PHN9_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form9: Code 12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene | |
1243 | PHN10_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form10: Code 12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing | |
1244 | PHN10_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form10: Code 12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing | |
1245 | PHN11_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form11: Code 12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter | |
1246 | PHN11_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form11: Code 12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter | |
1247 | PHN12_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Physical Neglect form12: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs & Physical Safety | |
1248 | PHN12_CNTBL | Countability of Physical Neglect form12: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs & Physical Safety | |
1249 | EDN_PA_ROLE | Person A either maltreated or permitted educational neglect | |
1250 | EDN_PA_ALC | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1251 | EDN_PA_DRG | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1252 | EDN_PA_MNT | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1253 | EDN_PA_PERPRELAT | Person A - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child | |
1254 | EDN_PA_RESP | Person A degree of responsibility for educational neglect | |
1255 | EDN_PB_ROLE | Person B either maltreated or permitted educational neglect | |
1256 | EDN_PB_ALC | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1257 | EDN_PB_DRG | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1258 | EDN_PB_MNT | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1259 | EDN_PB_PERPRELAT | Person B - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child | |
1260 | EDN_PB_RESP | Person B degree of responsibility for educational neglect | |
1261 | EDN_OIP1_ROLE | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect | |
1262 | EDN_OIP1_ALC | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1263 | EDN_OIP1_DRG | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1264 | EDN_OIP1_MNT | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1265 | EDN_OIP1_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child | |
1266 | EDN_OIP1_RESP | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for educational neglect | |
1267 | EDN_OIP2_ROLE | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect | |
1268 | EDN_OIP2_ALC | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1269 | EDN_OIP2_DRG | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1270 | EDN_OIP2_MNT | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1271 | EDN_OIP2_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child | |
1272 | EDN_OIP2_RESP | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for educational neglect | |
1273 | EDN_OIP3_ROLE | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect | |
1274 | EDN_OIP3_ALC | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1275 | EDN_OIP3_DRG | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1276 | EDN_OIP3_MNT | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1277 | EDN_OIP3_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child | |
1278 | EDN_OIP3_RESP | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for educational neglect | |
1279 | EDN_OIP4_ROLE | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect | |
1280 | EDN_OIP4_ALC | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1281 | EDN_OIP4_DRG | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1282 | EDN_OIP4_MNT | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1283 | EDN_OIP4_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child | |
1284 | EDN_OIP4_RESP | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for educational neglect | |
1285 | EDN_OIP5_ROLE | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect | |
1286 | EDN_OIP5_ALC | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1287 | EDN_OIP5_DRG | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1288 | EDN_OIP5_MNT | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect | |
1289 | EDN_OIP5_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child | |
1290 | EDN_OIP5_RESP | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for educational neglect | |
1291 | EDN_PINJ1 | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from educational neglect | |
1292 | EDN_PINJ2 | Fractured or broken bones from educational neglect | |
1293 | EDN_PINJ3 | Gunshot wounds from educational neglect | |
1294 | EDN_PINJ4 | Intracranial hemorrhages from educational neglect | |
1295 | EDN_PINJ5 | Trauma or injuries to the skull from educational neglect | |
1296 | EDN_PINJ6 | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from educational neglect | |
1297 | EDN_PINJ7 | Shaken baby syndrome from educational neglect | |
1298 | EDN_PINJ8 | Concussion from educational neglect | |
1299 | EDN_PINJ9 | Spinal cord injuries from educational neglect | |
1300 | EDN_PINJ10 | Amputations from educational neglect | |
1301 | EDN_PINJ11 | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from educational neglect | |
1302 | EDN_PINJ12 | Injuries that damage any internal organs from educational neglect | |
1303 | EDN_PINJ13 | Internal bleeding from educational neglect | |
1304 | EDN_PINJ14 | Near drowning from educational neglect | |
1305 | EDN_PINJ15 | Poisoning from educational neglect | |
1306 | EDN_PINJ16 | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from educational neglect | |
1307 | EDN_PINJ17 | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from educational neglect | |
1308 | EDN_PINJ18 | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from educational neglect | |
1309 | EDN_PINJ19 | 3rd degree burns resulting from educational neglect from educational neglect | |
1310 | EDN_PINJ20 | 2nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect | |
1311 | EDN_PINJ21 | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect | |
1312 | EDN_PINJ22 | 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect | |
1313 | EDN_PINJ23 | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect | |
1314 | EDN_PINJ24 | Cuts and lacerations from educational neglect | |
1315 | EDN_PINJ25 | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from educational neglect | |
1316 | EDN_PINJ26 | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from educational neglect | |
1317 | EDN_PINJ27 | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from educational neglect | |
1318 | EDN_PINJ28 | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from educational neglect | |
1319 | EDN_PINJ29 | Any other physical injuries from educational neglect | |
1320 | EDN_PIMO1 | Illness-related death from educational neglect | |
1321 | EDN_PIMO2 | Death due to complications from educational neglect | |
1322 | EDN_PIMO3 | Complications from educational neglect | |
1323 | EDN_PIMO4 | Coma from educational neglect | |
1324 | EDN_PIMO5 | Other loss of consciousness from educational neglect | |
1325 | EDN_PIMO6 | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from educational neglect | |
1326 | EDN_PIMO7 | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from educational neglect | |
1327 | EDN_PIMO8 | Seizures from educational neglect | |
1328 | EDN_PIMO9 | Malnourished or severely underweight from educational neglect | |
1329 | EDN_PIMO10 | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from educational neglect | |
1330 | EDN_PIMO11 | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from educational neglect | |
1331 | EDN_PIMO12 | Impaired vision or eye problems from educational neglect | |
1332 | EDN_PIMO13 | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from educational neglect | |
1333 | EDN_PIMO14 | Speech impediments from educational neglect | |
1334 | EDN_PIMO15 | Venereal diseases from educational neglect | |
1335 | EDN_PIMO16 | Diaper rash from educational neglect | |
1336 | EDN_PIMO17 | Unexplained developmental delays from educational neglect | |
1337 | EDN_PIMO18 | Lice infestation from educational neglect | |
1338 | EDN_PIMO19 | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from educational neglect | |
1339 | EDN_PIMO20 | Other health/medical problems or conditions from educational neglect | |
1340 | EDN_IMED1 | Learning disability from educational neglect | |
1341 | EDN_IMED2 | Poor attention span from educational neglect | |
1342 | EDN_IMED3 | Drop in academic performance from educational neglect | |
1343 | EDN_IMED4 | Chronic truancy from educational neglect | |
1344 | EDN_IMED5 | Chronic tardiness from educational neglect | |
1345 | EDN_IMED6 | Non-enrollment in school from educational neglect | |
1346 | EDN_IMED7 | Behavior problems in class from educational neglect | |
1347 | EDN_IMED8 | Other diagnosed educational needs from educational neglect | |
1348 | EDN_IMED9 | Expelled or suspended from school from educational neglect | |
1349 | EDN_IMED10 | Other educational problems from educational neglect | |
1350 | EDN_MEEM1 | Suicide from educational neglect | |
1351 | EDN_MEEM2 | Suicide attempt from educational neglect | |
1352 | EDN_MEEM3 | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from educational neglect | |
1353 | EDN_MEEM4 | Dangerous level of instability from educational neglect | |
1354 | EDN_MEEM5 | Self-inflicted injury from educational neglect | |
1355 | EDN_MEEM6 | Fearful or distrustful from educational neglect | |
1356 | EDN_MEEM7 | Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from educational neglect | |
1357 | EDN_MEEM8 | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from educational neglect | |
1358 | EDN_MEEM9 | Fighting from educational neglect | |
1359 | EDN_MEEM10 | Delinquency from educational neglect | |
1360 | EDN_MEEM11 | Prostitution from educational neglect | |
1361 | EDN_MEEM12 | Drug/alcohol abuse resulting from educational neglect | |
1362 | EDN_MEEM13 | Anxiety from educational neglect | |
1363 | EDN_MEEM14 | Depression from educational neglect | |
1364 | EDN_MEEM15 | Withdrawal from educational neglect | |
1365 | EDN_MEEM16 | Psychosis from educational neglect | |
1366 | EDN_MEEM17 | Sexual problems from educational neglect | |
1367 | EDN_MEEM18 | Sleeping disorders from educational neglect | |
1368 | EDN_MEEM19 | Hyperactive activity from educational neglect | |
1369 | EDN_MEEM20 | Aggressive or violent behavior from educational neglect | |
1370 | EDN_MEEM21 | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from educational neglect | |
1371 | EDN_MEEM22 | Low self-esteem from educational neglect | |
1372 | EDN_MEEM23 | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from educational neglect | |
1373 | EDN_MEEM24 | Threats of self-destructive behavior from educational neglect | |
1374 | EDN_MEEM25 | Suspected emotional damage from educational neglect | |
1375 | EDN_MEEM26 | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from educational neglect | |
1376 | EDN_UNKN | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from educational neglect | |
1377 | EDN_ENDG | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from educational neglect | |
1378 | EDN_NONE | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from educational neglect | |
1379 | EDN_NATUREPHYSICAL | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from educational neglect | |
1380 | EDN_NATUREPHYSIMP | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from educational neglect | |
1381 | EDN_NATUREIMPED | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from educational neglect | |
1382 | EDN_NATUREMENTAL | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from educational neglect | |
1383 | EDN_NATUREUNKNOWN | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from educational neglect | |
1384 | EDN_NATUREINJURYEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from educational neglect | |
1385 | EDN_NATUREINJURYNOTEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from educational neglect | |
1386 | EDN_MOSTSEVERE | Severity of injury/harm from educational neglect | |
1387 | EDN1_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Educational Neglect form1: Code 13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy | |
1388 | EDN1_CNTBL | Countability of Educational Neglect form1: Code 13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy | |
1389 | EDN2_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Educational Neglect form2: Code 13.2--Other Truancy | |
1390 | EDN2_CNTBL | Countability of Educational Neglect form2: Code 13.2--Other Truancy | |
1391 | EDN3_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Educational Neglect form3: Code 14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll | |
1392 | EDN3_CNTBL | Countability of Educational Neglect form3: Code 14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll | |
1393 | EDN4_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Educational Neglect form4: Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need | |
1394 | EDN4_CNTBL | Countability of Educational Neglect form4: Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need | |
1395 | EMN_PA_ROLE | Person A either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect | |
1396 | EMN_PA_ALC | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1397 | EMN_PA_DRG | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1398 | EMN_PA_MNT | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1399 | EMN_PA_PERPRELAT | Person A - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child | |
1400 | EMN_PA_RESP | Person A degree of responsibility for emotional neglect | |
1401 | EMN_PB_ROLE | Person B either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect | |
1402 | EMN_PB_ALC | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1403 | EMN_PB_DRG | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1404 | EMN_PB_MNT | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1405 | EMN_PB_PERPRELAT | Person B - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child | |
1406 | EMN_PB_RESP | Person B degree of responsibility for emotional neglect | |
1407 | EMN_OIP1_ROLE | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect | |
1408 | EMN_OIP1_ALC | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1409 | EMN_OIP1_DRG | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1410 | EMN_OIP1_MNT | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1411 | EMN_OIP1_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child | |
1412 | EMN_OIP1_RESP | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect | |
1413 | EMN_OIP2_ROLE | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect | |
1414 | EMN_OIP2_ALC | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1415 | EMN_OIP2_DRG | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1416 | EMN_OIP2_MNT | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1417 | EMN_OIP2_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of emotional neglect elationship to child | |
1418 | EMN_OIP2_RESP | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect | |
1419 | EMN_OIP3_ROLE | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect | |
1420 | EMN_OIP3_ALC | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1421 | EMN_OIP3_DRG | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1422 | EMN_OIP3_MNT | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1423 | EMN_OIP3_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child | |
1424 | EMN_OIP3_RESP | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect | |
1425 | EMN_OIP4_ROLE | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect | |
1426 | EMN_OIP4_ALC | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1427 | EMN_OIP4_DRG | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1428 | EMN_OIP4_MNT | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1429 | EMN_OIP4_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child | |
1430 | EMN_OIP4_RESP | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect | |
1431 | EMN_OIP5_ROLE | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect | |
1432 | EMN_OIP5_ALC | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1433 | EMN_OIP5_DRG | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1434 | EMN_OIP5_MNT | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect | |
1435 | EMN_OIP5_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child | |
1436 | EMN_OIP5_RESP | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect | |
1437 | EMN_PINJ1 | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from emotional neglect | |
1438 | EMN_PINJ2 | Fractured or broken bones from emotional neglect | |
1439 | EMN_PINJ3 | Gunshot wounds from emotional neglect | |
1440 | EMN_PINJ4 | Intracranial hemorrhages from emotional neglect | |
1441 | EMN_PINJ5 | Trauma or injuries to the skull from emotional neglect | |
1442 | EMN_PINJ6 | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from emotional neglect | |
1443 | EMN_PINJ7 | Shaken baby syndrome from emotional neglect | |
1444 | EMN_PINJ8 | Concussion from emotional neglect | |
1445 | EMN_PINJ9 | Spinal cord injuries from emotional neglect | |
1446 | EMN_PINJ10 | ,Amputations from emotional neglect | |
1447 | EMN_PINJ11 | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from emotional neglect | |
1448 | EMN_PINJ12 | Injuries that damage internal organs from emotional neglect | |
1449 | EMN_PINJ13 | Internal bleeding from emotional neglect | |
1450 | EMN_PINJ14 | Near drowning from emotional neglect | |
1451 | EMN_PINJ15 | Poisoning from emotional neglect | |
1452 | EMN_PINJ16 | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from emotional neglect | |
1453 | EMN_PINJ17 | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from emotional neglect | |
1454 | EMN_PINJ18 | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from emotional neglect | |
1455 | EMN_PINJ19 | 3rd degree burns from emotional neglect | |
1456 | EMN_PINJ20 | 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect | |
1457 | EMN_PINJ21 | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from emotional neglect | |
1458 | EMN_PINJ22 | 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect | |
1459 | EMN_PINJ23 | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect | |
1460 | EMN_PINJ24 | Cuts and lacerations from emotional neglect | |
1461 | EMN_PINJ25 | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from emotional neglect | |
1462 | EMN_PINJ26 | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from emotional neglect | |
1463 | EMN_PINJ27 | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from emotional neglect | |
1464 | EMN_PINJ28 | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from emotional neglect | |
1465 | EMN_PINJ29 | Any other physical injuries from emotional neglect | |
1466 | EMN_PIMO1 | Illness-related death from emotional neglect | |
1467 | EMN_PIMO2 | Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from emotional neglect | |
1468 | EMN_PIMO3 | Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from emotional neglect | |
1469 | EMN_PIMO4 | Coma from emotional neglect | |
1470 | EMN_PIMO5 | Other loss of consciousness from emotional neglect | |
1471 | EMN_PIMO6 | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from emotional neglect | |
1472 | EMN_PIMO7 | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from emotional neglect | |
1473 | EMN_PIMO8 | Seizures from emotional neglect | |
1474 | EMN_PIMO9 | Malnourished or severely underweight from emotional neglect | |
1475 | EMN_PIMO10 | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic from emotional neglect | |
1476 | EMN_PIMO11 | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from emotional neglect | |
1477 | EMN_PIMO12 | Impaired vision or eye problems from emotional neglect | |
1478 | EMN_PIMO13 | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from emotional neglect | |
1479 | EMN_PIMO14 | Speech impediments from emotional neglect | |
1480 | EMN_PIMO15 | Venereal diseases from emotional neglect | |
1481 | EMN_PIMO16 | Diaper rash resulting from emotional neglect | |
1482 | EMN_PIMO17 | Unexplained developmental delays from emotional neglect | |
1483 | EMN_PIMO18 | Lice infestation from emotional neglect | |
1484 | EMN_PIMO19 | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from emotional neglect | |
1485 | EMN_PIMO20 | Other health/medical problems or conditions from emotional neglect | |
1486 | EMN_IMED1 | Learning disability from emotional neglect | |
1487 | EMN_IMED2 | Poor attention span from emotional neglect | |
1488 | EMN_IMED3 | Drop in academic performance from emotional neglect | |
1489 | EMN_IMED4 | Chronic truancy from emotional neglect | |
1490 | EMN_IMED5 | Chronic tardiness from emotional neglect | |
1491 | EMN_IMED6 | Non-enrollment in school from emotional neglect | |
1492 | EMN_IMED7 | Behavior problems in class from emotional neglect | |
1493 | EMN_IMED8 | Other diagnosed educational needs from emotional neglect | |
1494 | EMN_IMED9 | Expelled or suspended from school from emotional neglect | |
1495 | EMN_IMED10 | Other educational problems from emotional neglect | |
1496 | EMN_MEEM1 | Suicide from emotional neglect | |
1497 | EMN_MEEM2 | Suicide attempt from emotional neglect | |
1498 | EMN_MEEM3 | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from emotional neglect | |
1499 | EMN_MEEM4 | Dangerous level of instability from emotional neglect | |
1500 | EMN_MEEM5 | Self-inflicted injury from emotional neglect | |
1501 | EMN_MEEM6 | Fearful or distrustful from emotional neglect | |
1502 | EMN_MEEM7 | Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from emotional neglect | |
1503 | EMN_MEEM8 | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from emotional neglect | |
1504 | EMN_MEEM9 | Fighting from emotional neglect | |
1505 | EMN_MEEM10 | Delinquency from emotional neglect | |
1506 | EMN_MEEM11 | Prostitution from emotional neglect | |
1507 | EMN_MEEM12 | Drug/alcohol abuse from emotional neglect | |
1508 | EMN_MEEM13 | Anxiety from emotional neglect | |
1509 | EMN_MEEM14 | Depression from emotional neglect | |
1510 | EMN_MEEM15 | Withdrawal from emotional neglect | |
1511 | EMN_MEEM16 | Psychosis from emotional neglect | |
1512 | EMN_MEEM17 | Sexual problems from emotional neglect | |
1513 | EMN_MEEM18 | Sleeping disorders from emotional neglect | |
1514 | EMN_MEEM19 | Hyperactive activity from emotional neglect | |
1515 | EMN_MEEM20 | Aggressive or violent behavior from emotional neglect | |
1516 | EMN_MEEM21 | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from emotional neglect | |
1517 | EMN_MEEM22 | Low self-esteem from emotional neglect | |
1518 | EMN_MEEM23 | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from emotional neglect | |
1519 | EMN_MEEM24 | Threats of self-destructive behavior from emotional neglect | |
1520 | EMN_MEEM25 | Suspected emotional damage from emotional neglect | |
1521 | EMN_MEEM26 | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from emotional neglect | |
1522 | EMN_UNKN | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from emotional neglect | |
1523 | EMN_ENDG | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from emotional neglect | |
1524 | EMN_NONE | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from emotional neglect | |
1525 | EMN_NATUREPHYSICAL | Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from emotional neglect | |
1526 | EMN_NATUREPHYSIMP | Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from emotional neglect | |
1527 | EMN_NATUREIMPED | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from emotional neglect | |
1528 | EMN_NATUREMENTAL | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from emotional neglect | |
1529 | EMN_NATUREUNKNOWN | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from emotional neglect | |
1530 | EMN_NATUREINJURYEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from emotional neglect | |
1531 | EMN_NATUREINJURYNOTEND | Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from emotional neglect | |
1532 | EMN_MOSTSEVERE | Severity of injury/harm from emotional neglect | |
1533 | EMN1_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Neglect form1: Code 15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection | |
1534 | EMN1_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Neglect form1: Code 15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection | |
1535 | EMN2_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Neglect form2: Code 15.2--Domestic Violence | |
1536 | EMN2_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Neglect form2: Code 15.2--Domestic Violence | |
1537 | EMN3_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Neglect form3: Code 16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse | |
1538 | EMN3_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Neglect form3: Code 16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse | |
1539 | EMN4_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Neglect form4: Code 16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior | |
1540 | EMN4_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Neglect form4: Code 16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior | |
1541 | EMN5_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Neglect: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem | |
1542 | EMN5_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Neglect: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem | |
1543 | EMN6_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Neglect form6: Code 17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/ Problem | |
1544 | EMN6_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Neglect form6: Code 17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/ Problem | |
1545 | EMN7_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Neglect form7: Code 17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness | |
1546 | EMN7_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Neglect form7: Code 17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness | |
1547 | EMN8_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Neglect form8: Code 17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure | |
1548 | EMN8_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Neglect form8: Code 17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure | |
1549 | EMN9_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Neglect form9: Code 17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced Expectations | |
1550 | EMN9_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Neglect form9: Code 17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced Expectations | |
1551 | EMN10_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6-- Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments | |
1552 | EMN10_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6-- Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments | |
1553 | EMN11_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7-- Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs | |
1554 | EMN11_CNTBL | Countability of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7-- Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs | |
1555 | OTM_PA_ROLE | Person A either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment | |
1556 | OTM_PA_ALC | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1557 | OTM_PA_DRG | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1558 | OTM_PA_MNT | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1559 | OTM_PA_PERPRELAT | Person A - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child | |
1560 | OTM_PA_RESP | Person A degree of responsibility for other maltreatment | |
1561 | OTM_PB_ROLE | Person B either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment | |
1562 | OTM_PB_ALC | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1563 | OTM_PB_DRG | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1564 | OTM_PB_MNT | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1565 | OTM_PB_PERPRELAT | Person B - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child | |
1566 | OTM_PB_RESP | Person B degree of responsibility for other maltreatment | |
1567 | OTM_OIP1_ROLE | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment | |
1568 | OTM_OIP1_ALC | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1569 | OTM_OIP1_DRG | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1570 | OTM_OIP1_MNT | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1571 | OTM_OIP1_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child | |
1572 | OTM_OIP1_RESP | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment | |
1573 | OTM_OIP2_ROLE | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment | |
1574 | OTM_OIP2_ALC | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1575 | OTM_OIP2_DRG | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1576 | OTM_OIP2_MNT | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1577 | OTM_OIP2_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child | |
1578 | OTM_OIP2_RESP | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment | |
1579 | OTM_OIP3_ROLE | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment | |
1580 | OTM_OIP3_ALC | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1581 | OTM_OIP3_DRG | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1582 | OTM_OIP3_MNT | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1583 | OTM_OIP3_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child | |
1584 | OTM_OIP3_RESP | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment | |
1585 | OTM_OIP4_ROLE | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment | |
1586 | OTM_OIP4_ALC | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1587 | OTM_OIP4_DRG | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1588 | OTM_OIP4_MNT | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1589 | OTM_OIP4_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child | |
1590 | OTM_OIP4_RESP | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment | |
1591 | OTM_OIP5_ROLE | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment | |
1592 | OTM_OIP5_ALC | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1593 | OTM_OIP5_DRG | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1594 | OTM_OIP5_MNT | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment | |
1595 | OTM_OIP5_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child | |
1596 | OTM_OIP5_RESP | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment | |
1597 | OTM_PINJ1 | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from other maltreatment | |
1598 | OTM_PINJ2 | Fractured or broken bones from other maltreatment | |
1599 | OTM_PINJ3 | Gunshot wounds from other maltreatment | |
1600 | OTM_PINJ4 | Intracranial hemorrhages from other maltreatment | |
1601 | OTM_PINJ5 | Trauma or injuries to the skull from other maltreatment | |
1602 | OTM_PINJ6 | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from other maltreatment | |
1603 | OTM_PINJ7 | Shaken baby syndrome from other maltreatment | |
1604 | OTM_PINJ8 | Concussion from other maltreatment | |
1605 | OTM_PINJ9 | Spinal cord injuries from other maltreatment | |
1606 | OTM_PINJ10 | ,Amputations from other maltreatment | |
1607 | OTM_PINJ11 | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from other maltreatment | |
1608 | OTM_PINJ12 | Injuries that damage internal organs from other maltreatment | |
1609 | OTM_PINJ13 | Internal bleeding from other maltreatment | |
1610 | OTM_PINJ14 | Near drowning from other maltreatment | |
1611 | OTM_PINJ15 | Poisoning from other maltreatment | |
1612 | OTM_PINJ16 | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from other maltreatment | |
1613 | OTM_PINJ17 | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from other maltreatment | |
1614 | OTM_PINJ18 | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from other maltreatment | |
1615 | OTM_PINJ19 | 3rd degree burns from other maltreatment | |
1616 | OTM_PINJ20 | 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment | |
1617 | OTM_PINJ21 | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from other maltreatment | |
1618 | OTM_PINJ22 | 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment | |
1619 | OTM_PINJ23 | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment | |
1620 | OTM_PINJ24 | Cuts and lacerations from other maltreatment | |
1621 | OTM_PINJ25 | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from other maltreatment | |
1622 | OTM_PINJ26 | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from other maltreatment | |
1623 | OTM_PINJ27 | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from other maltreatment | |
1624 | OTM_PINJ28 | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from other maltreatment | |
1625 | OTM_PINJ29 | Any other physical injuries from other maltreatment | |
1626 | OTM_PIMO1 | Illness-related death from other maltreatment | |
1627 | OTM_PIMO2 | Death due to complications from other maltreatment | |
1628 | OTM_PIMO3 | Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from other maltreatment | |
1629 | OTM_PIMO4 | Coma from other maltreatment | |
1630 | OTM_PIMO5 | Other loss of consciousness from other maltreatment | |
1631 | OTM_PIMO6 | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from other maltreatment | |
1632 | OTM_PIMO7 | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from other maltreatment | |
1633 | OTM_PIMO8 | Seizures from other maltreatment | |
1634 | OTM_PIMO9 | Malnourished or severely underweight from other maltreatment | |
1635 | OTM_PIMO10 | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from other maltreatment | |
1636 | OTM_PIMO11 | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from other maltreatment | |
1637 | OTM_PIMO12 | Impaired vision or eye problems from other maltreatment | |
1638 | OTM_PIMO13 | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from other maltreatment | |
1639 | OTM_PIMO14 | Speech impediments from other maltreatment | |
1640 | OTM_PIMO15 | Venereal diseases from other maltreatment | |
1641 | OTM_PIMO16 | Diaper rash from other maltreatment | |
1642 | OTM_PIMO17 | Unexplained developmental delays from other maltreatment | |
1643 | OTM_PIMO18 | Lice infestation from other maltreatment | |
1644 | OTM_PIMO19 | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from other maltreatment | |
1645 | OTM_PIMO20 | Other health/medical problems or conditions from other maltreatment | |
1646 | OTM_IMED1 | Learning disability from other maltreatment | |
1647 | OTM_IMED2 | Poor attention span from other maltreatment | |
1648 | OTM_IMED3 | Drop in academic performance from other maltreatment | |
1649 | OTM_IMED4 | Chronic truancy from other maltreatment | |
1650 | OTM_IMED5 | Chronic tardiness from other maltreatment | |
1651 | OTM_IMED6 | Non-enrollment in school from other maltreatment | |
1652 | OTM_IMED7 | Behavior problems in class from other maltreatment | |
1653 | OTM_IMED8 | Other diagnosed educational needs from other maltreatment | |
1654 | OTM_IMED9 | Expelled or suspended from school from other maltreatment | |
1655 | OTM_IMED10 | Other educational problems from other maltreatment | |
1656 | OTM_MEEM1 | Suicide from other maltreatment | |
1657 | OTM_MEEM2 | Suicide attempt from other maltreatment | |
1658 | OTM_MEEM3 | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from other maltreatment | |
1659 | OTM_MEEM4 | Dangerous level of instability from other maltreatment | |
1660 | OTM_MEEM5 | Self-inflicted injury from other maltreatment | |
1661 | OTM_MEEM6 | Fearful or distrustful from other maltreatment | |
1662 | OTM_MEEM7 | Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from other maltreatment | |
1663 | OTM_MEEM8 | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from other maltreatment | |
1664 | OTM_MEEM9 | Fighting from other maltreatment | |
1665 | OTM_MEEM10 | Delinquency from other maltreatment | |
1666 | OTM_MEEM11 | Prostitution from other maltreatment | |
1667 | OTM_MEEM12 | Drug/alcohol abuse from other maltreatment | |
1668 | OTM_MEEM13 | Anxiety from other maltreatment | |
1669 | OTM_MEEM14 | Depression from other maltreatment | |
1670 | OTM_MEEM15 | Withdrawal from other maltreatment | |
1671 | OTM_MEEM16 | Psychosis from other maltreatment | |
1672 | OTM_MEEM17 | Sexual problems from other maltreatment | |
1673 | OTM_MEEM18 | Sleeping disorders from other maltreatment | |
1674 | OTM_MEEM19 | Hyperactive activity from other maltreatment | |
1675 | OTM_MEEM20 | Aggressive or violent behavior from other maltreatment | |
1676 | OTM_MEEM21 | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from other maltreatment | |
1677 | OTM_MEEM22 | Low self-esteem resuliting from other maltreatment | |
1678 | OTM_MEEM23 | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from other maltreatment | |
1679 | OTM_MEEM24 | Threats of self-destructive behavior from other maltreatment | |
1680 | OTM_MEEM25 | Suspected emotional damage from other maltreatment | |
1681 | OTM_MEEM26 | Other emotional injuries/symptoms from other maltreatment | |
1682 | OTM_UNKN | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from other maltreatment | |
1683 | OTM_ENDG | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from other maltreatment | |
1684 | OTM_NONE | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from other maltreatment | |
1685 | OTM_NATUREPHYSICAL | Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from other maltreatment | |
1686 | OTM_NATUREPHYSIMP | Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from other maltreatment | |
1687 | OTM_NATUREIMPED | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from other maltreatment | |
1688 | OTM_NATUREMENTAL | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from other maltreatment | |
1689 | OTM_NATUREUNKNOWN | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from other maltreatment | |
1690 | OTM_NATUREINJURYEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from other maltreatment | |
1691 | OTM_NATUREINJURYNOTEND | Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from other maltreatment | |
1692 | OTM_MOSTSEVERE | Severity of injury/harm from other maltreatment | |
1693 | OTM1_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Other Maltreatment form1: Code 18.1--General Neglect: Lack of Preventive Health Care | |
1694 | OTM1_CNTBL | Countability of Other Maltreatment form1: Code 18.1--General Neglect: Lack of Preventive Health Care | |
1695 | OTM2_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Other Maltreatment form2: Code 18.2--General Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Neglect Allegations | |
1696 | OTM2_CNTBL | Countability of Other Maltreatment form2: Code 18.2--General Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Neglect Allegations | |
1697 | OTM3_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Other Maltreatment form3: Code 19.1--General Maltreatment: Custody/Child Support Problems | |
1698 | OTM3_CNTBL | Countability of Other Maltreatment form3: Code 19.1--General Maltreatment: Custody/Child Support Problems | |
1699 | OTM4_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Other Maltreatment form4: General Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues | |
1700 | OTM4_CNTBL | Countability of Other Maltreatment form4: General Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues | |
1701 | OTM5_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Other Maltreatment form5: Code 19.3--General Maltreatment: Parent Problem | |
1702 | OTM5_CNTBL | Countability of Other Maltreatment form5: Code 19.3--General Maltreatment: Parent Problem | |
1703 | OTM6_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Other Maltreatment form6: code 19.4--General Maltreatment: Unspecified/ Other | |
1704 | OTM6_CNTBL | Countability of Other Maltreatment form6: code 19.4--General Maltreatment: Unspecified/ Other | |
1705 | CHEM_PA_ROLE | Person A either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency | |
1706 | CHEM_PA_ALC | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1707 | CHEM_PA_DRG | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1708 | CHEM_PA_MNT | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1709 | CHEM_PA_PERPRELAT | Person A - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child | |
1710 | CHEM_PA_RESP | Person A degree of responsibility for chemical dependency | |
1711 | CHEM_PB_ROLE | Person B either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency | |
1712 | CHEM_PB_ALC | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1713 | CHEM_PB_DRG | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1714 | CHEM_PB_MNT | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1715 | CHEM_PB_PERPRELAT | Person B - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child | |
1716 | CHEM_PB_RESP | Person B degree of responsibility for chemical dependency | |
1717 | CHEM_OIP1_ROLE | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency | |
1718 | CHEM_OIP1_ALC | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1719 | CHEM_OIP1_DRG | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1720 | CHEM_OIP1_MNT | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1721 | CHEM_OIP1_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child | |
1722 | CHEM_OIP1_RESP | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency | |
1723 | CHEM_OIP2_ROLE | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency | |
1724 | CHEM_OIP2_ALC | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1725 | CHEM_OIP2_DRG | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1726 | CHEM_OIP2_MNT | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1727 | CHEM_OIP2_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 2 -perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child | |
1728 | CHEM_OIP2_RESP | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency | |
1729 | CHEM_OIP3_ROLE | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency | |
1730 | CHEM_OIP3_ALC | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1731 | CHEM_OIP3_DRG | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1732 | CHEM_OIP3_MNT | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1733 | CHEM_OIP3_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 3 -perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child | |
1734 | CHEM_OIP3_RESP | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency | |
1735 | CHEM_OIP4_ROLE | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency | |
1736 | CHEM_OIP4_ALC | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1737 | CHEM_OIP4_DRG | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1738 | CHEM_OIP4_MNT | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1739 | CHEM_OIP4_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child | |
1740 | CHEM_OIP4_RESP | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency | |
1741 | CHEM_OIP5_ROLE | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency | |
1742 | CHEM_OIP5_ALC | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1743 | CHEM_OIP5_DRG | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1744 | CHEM_OIP5_MNT | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency | |
1745 | CHEM_OIP5_PERPRELAT | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child | |
1746 | CHEM_OIP5_RESP | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency | |
1747 | CHEM_PINJ1 | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from chemical dependency | |
1748 | CHEM_PINJ2 | Fractured or broken bones from chemical dependency | |
1749 | CHEM_PINJ3 | Gunshot wounds from chemical dependency | |
1750 | CHEM_PINJ4 | Intracranial hemorrhages from chemical dependency | |
1751 | CHEM_PINJ5 | Trauma or injuries to the skull from chemical dependency | |
1752 | CHEM_PINJ6 | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from chemical dependency | |
1753 | CHEM_PINJ7 | Shaken baby syndrome from chemical dependency | |
1754 | CHEM_PINJ8 | Concussion from chemical dependency | |
1755 | CHEM_PINJ9 | Spinal cord injuries from chemical dependency | |
1756 | CHEM_PINJ10 | ,Amputations from chemical dependency | |
1757 | CHEM_PINJ11 | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from chemical dependency | |
1758 | CHEM_PINJ12 | Injuries that damage internal organs from chemical dependency | |
1759 | CHEM_PINJ13 | Internal bleeding from chemical dependency | |
1760 | CHEM_PINJ14 | Near drowning from chemical dependency | |
1761 | CHEM_PINJ15 | Poisoning from chemical dependency | |
1762 | CHEM_PINJ16 | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from chemical dependency | |
1763 | CHEM_PINJ17 | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from chemical dependency | |
1764 | CHEM_PINJ18 | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from chemical dependency | |
1765 | CHEM_PINJ19 | 3rd degree burns from chemical dependency | |
1766 | CHEM_PINJ20 | 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency | |
1767 | CHEM_PINJ21 | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from chemical dependency | |
1768 | CHEM_PINJ22 | 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency | |
1769 | CHEM_PINJ23 | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency | |
1770 | CHEM_PINJ24 | Cuts and lacerations from chemical dependency | |
1771 | CHEM_PINJ25 | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from chemical dependency | |
1772 | CHEM_PINJ26 | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from chemical dependency | |
1773 | CHEM_PINJ27 | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from chemical dependency | |
1774 | CHEM_PINJ28 | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from chemical dependency | |
1775 | CHEM_PINJ29 | Any other physical injuries from chemical dependency | |
1776 | CHEM_PIMO1 | Illness-related death from chemical dependency | |
1777 | CHEM_PIMO2 | Death due chemical dependency | |
1778 | CHEM_PIMO3 | Complications from chemical dependency | |
1779 | CHEM_PIMO4 | Coma from chemical dependency | |
1780 | CHEM_PIMO5 | Other loss of consciousness from chemical dependency | |
1781 | CHEM_PIMO6 | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from chemical dependency | |
1782 | CHEM_PIMO7 | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from chemical dependency | |
1783 | CHEM_PIMO8 | Seizures from chemical dependency | |
1784 | CHEM_PIMO9 | Malnourished or severely underweight from chemical dependency | |
1785 | CHEM_PIMO10 | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic from chemical dependency | |
1786 | CHEM_PIMO11 | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from chemical dependency | |
1787 | CHEM_PIMO12 | Impaired vision or eye problems from chemical dependency | |
1788 | CHEM_PIMO13 | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from chemical dependency | |
1789 | CHEM_PIMO14 | Speech impediments from chemical dependency | |
1790 | CHEM_PIMO15 | Venereal diseases from chemical dependency | |
1791 | CHEM_PIMO16 | Diaper rash from chemical dependency | |
1792 | CHEM_PIMO17 | Unexplained developmental delays from chemical dependency | |
1793 | CHEM_PIMO18 | Lice infestation from chemical dependency | |
1794 | CHEM_PIMO19 | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from chemical dependency | |
1795 | CHEM_PIMO20 | Other health/medical problems or conditions from chemical dependency | |
1796 | CHEM_IMED1 | Learning disability from chemical dependency | |
1797 | CHEM_IMED2 | Poor attention span from chemical dependency | |
1798 | CHEM_IMED3 | Drop in academic performance from chemical dependency | |
1799 | CHEM_IMED4 | Chronic truancy from chemical dependency | |
1800 | CHEM_IMED5 | Chronic tardiness from chemical dependency | |
1801 | CHEM_IMED6 | Non-enrollment in school from chemical dependency | |
1802 | CHEM_IMED7 | Behavior problems in class from chemical dependency | |
1803 | CHEM_IMED8 | Other diagnosed educational needs from chemical dependency | |
1804 | CHEM_IMED9 | Expelled or suspended from school from chemical dependency | |
1805 | CHEM_IMED10 | Other educational problems from chemical dependency | |
1806 | CHEM_MEEM1 | Suicide from chemical dependency | |
1807 | CHEM_MEEM2 | Suicide attempt from chemical dependency | |
1808 | CHEM_MEEM3 | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from chemical dependency | |
1809 | CHEM_MEEM4 | Dangerous level of instability from chemical dependency | |
1810 | CHEM_MEEM5 | Self-inflicted injury from chemical dependency | |
1811 | CHEM_MEEM6 | Fearful or distrustful from chemical dependency | |
1812 | CHEM_MEEM7 | Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from chemical dependency | |
1813 | CHEM_MEEM8 | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from chemical dependency | |
1814 | CHEM_MEEM9 | Fighting from chemical dependency | |
1815 | CHEM_MEEM10 | Delinquency from chemical dependency | |
1816 | CHEM_MEEM11 | Prostitution from chemical dependency | |
1817 | CHEM_MEEM12 | Drug/alcohol abuse from chemical dependency | |
1818 | CHEM_MEEM13 | Anxiety from chemical dependency | |
1819 | CHEM_MEEM14 | Depression from chemical dependency | |
1820 | CHEM_MEEM15 | Withdrawal from chemical dependency | |
1821 | CHEM_MEEM16 | Psychosis from chemical dependency | |
1822 | CHEM_MEEM17 | Sexual problems from chemical dependency | |
1823 | CHEM_MEEM18 | Sleeping disorders from chemical dependency | |
1824 | CHEM_MEEM19 | Hyperactive activity from chemical dependency | |
1825 | CHEM_MEEM20 | Aggressive or violent behavior from chemical dependency | |
1826 | CHEM_MEEM21 | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from chemical dependency | |
1827 | CHEM_MEEM22 | Low self-esteem from chemical dependency | |
1828 | CHEM_MEEM23 | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from chemical dependency | |
1829 | CHEM_MEEM24 | Threats of self-destructive behavior from chemical dependency | |
1830 | CHEM_MEEM25 | Suspected emotional damage from chemical dependency | |
1831 | CHEM_MEEM26 | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior from chemical dependency | |
1832 | CHEM_UNKN | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from chemical dependency | |
1833 | CHEM_ENDG | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from chemical dependency | |
1834 | CHEM_NONE | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from chemical dependency | |
1835 | CHEM_NATUREPHYSICAL | Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from chemical dependency | |
1836 | CHEM_NATUREPHYSIMP | Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from chemical dependency | |
1837 | CHEM_NATUREIMPED | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from chemical dependency | |
1838 | CHEM_NATUREMENTAL | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from chemical dependency | |
1839 | CHEM_NATUREUNKNOWN | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from chemical dependency | |
1840 | CHEM_NATUREINJURYEND | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from chemical dependency | |
1841 | CHEM_NATUREINJURYNOTEND | Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from chemical dependency | |
1842 | CHEM_MOSTSEVERE | Severity of injury/harm from chemical dependency | |
1843 | CHEM_CODEDSEVERITY | Severity of Chemically Dependent Newborns: Code 20.2 | |
1844 | CHEM_CNTBL | Countability of Chemically Dependent Newborns: Code 20.2 |
Name: | CHILDID |
Label: | Child's unique identification number |
Number: | 1 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1-5 |
The following section describes countability variables associated with the NIS-4. Note: Each maltreatment's countability was automatically derived based on the evaluatively coded decisions for the required elements in the countability criteria for each standard (Harm and Endangerment). Therefore, the variables CASEHARMCOUNTABILITY, CASEENDCOUNTABILITY, ENDCOUNTABILITY and HARMCOUNTABILITY appear but are not documented in the explanatory text that follows. |
Name: | AMALE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard countable child |
Number: | 2 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 6 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Child's maltreatment(s) met the Endangerment Standard countability
criteria (AMALE = 1),
Input Items: AABUSEE, ANEGE, OTHMALE Derivation: If AABUSEE = 1 or ANEGE = 1 or OTHMALE = 1 then AMALE = 1 else AMALE = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
286 | 0 | No | |
12408 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.98 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | AMALH |
Label: | Harm Standard countable child |
Number: | 3 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 7 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Child's maltreatment(s) met the Harm Standard countability
criteria (AMALH = 1),
Input Items: AABUSEH, ANEGH Derivation: If AABUSEH = 1 or ANEGH = 1 then AMALH = 1 else AMALH = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7468 | 0 | No | |
5226 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.41 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Name: | ANEGE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard Neglect |
Number: | 4 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 8 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was neglect
that met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (ANEGE = 1).
Input Items: PNE, EDNE, ENE, OTHNEGE Derivation: If PNE = 1 or EDNE = 1 or ENE = 1 or OTHNEGE = 1 then ANEGE = 1 else ANEGE = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3781 | 0 | Not countable as neglected under Endangerment Standard | |
8913 | 1 | Countable as neglected under Endangerment Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.70 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.46 |
Name: | ANEGH |
Label: | Harm Standard Neglect |
Number: | 5 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 9 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was neglect
that met the Harm Standard countability criteria (ANEGH = 1),
Input Items: PNH, EDNH, ENH Derivation: If PNH = 1 or EDNH = 1 or ENH = 1 then ANEGH = 1 else ANEGH = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10234 | 0 | Not countable as neglected under Harm Standard | |
2460 | 1 | Countable as neglected under Harm Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.19 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Name: | AABUSEE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard Abuse |
Number: | 6 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 10 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was abuse
that met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria
(AABUSEE = 1).
Input Items: PAE, SAE, EAE Derivation: If PAE = 1 or SAE = 1 or EAE = 1 then AABUSEE = 1 else AABUSEE = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8215 | 0 | Not countable as abused under Endangerment Standard | |
4479 | 1 | Countable as abused under Endangerment Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.35 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | AABUSEH |
Label: | Harm Standard Abuse |
Number: | 7 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 11 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was abuse
that met the Harm Standard countability criteria (AABUSEH = 1).
Input Items: PAH, SAH, EAH Derivation: If PAH = 1 or SAH = 1 or EAH = 1 then AABUSEH = 1 else AABUSEH = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9541 | 0 | Not countable as abused under Harm Standard | |
3153 | 1 | Countable as abused under Harm Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | EAE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard Emotional Abuse |
Number: | 8 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 12 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was Emotional
abuse form codes
'5.1 Close Confinement: Tying and Binding' = EMA1_CNTBL
'5.2 Close Confinement: Other' = EMA2_CNTBL,
'6.1 Verbal Assaults or Emotional Assault = EMA3_CNTBL,
'6.2 Threats of Sexual Abuse' = EMA4_CNTBL,
'6.3 Threats of Other Maltreatment' = EMA5_CNTBL,
'7.1 Terrorizing a Child' = EMA6_CNTBL,
'7.2 Administering unprescribed substances' = EMA7_CNTBL, and/or
'7.3 Other or Unknown Abuse' = EMA8_CNTBL)
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (EAE =1).
Input Items: EMA1_CNTBL, EMA2_CNTBL, EMA3_CNTBL, EMA4_CNTBL EMA5_CNTBL, EMA6_CNTBL, EMA7_CNTBL, EMA8_CNTBL Derivation: If EMA1_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMA2_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMA3_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMA4_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMA5_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMA6_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMA7_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMA8_CNTBL in (1,2) then EAE = 1 ; else EAE = 0 ;
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11386 | 0 | Not countable as emotionally abused under Endangerment Standard | |
1308 | 1 | Countable as emotionally abused under Endangerment Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Name: | EAH |
Label: | Harm Standard Emotional Abuse |
Number: | 9 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 13 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was Emotional
abuse form codes
'5.1 Close Confinement: Tying and Binding' = EMA1_CNTBL
'5.2 Close Confinement: Other' = EMA2_CNTBL,
'6.1 Verbal Assaults or Emotional Assault = EMA3_CNTBL,
'6.2 Threats of Sexual Abuse' = EMA4_CNTBL,
'6.3 Threats of Other Maltreatment' = EMA5_CNTBL,
'7.1 Terrorizing a Child' = EMA6_CNTBL,
'7.2 Administering unprescribed substances' = EMA7_CNTBL, and/or
'7.3 Other or Unknown Abuse' = EMA8_CNTBL)
and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (EAH =1).
Input Items: EMA1_CNTBL, EMA2_CNTBL, EMA3_CNTBL, EMA4_CNTBL EMA5_CNTBL, EMA6_CNTBL, EMA7_CNTBL, EMA8_CNTBL Derivation: If EMA1_CNTBL =1 or EMA2_CNTBL=1 or EMA3_CNTBL=1 or EMA4_CNTBL =1 or EMA5_CNTBL=1 or EMA6_CNTBL =1 or EMA7_CNTBL=1 or EMA8_CNTBL =1, then EAH = 1 ; else EAH = 0 ;
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12033 | 0 | Not countable as emotionally abused under Harm Standard | |
661 | 1 | Countable as emotionally abused under Harm Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | EDNE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard Educational Neglect |
Number: | 10 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 14 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Sexual abuse form codes
'13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy' = EDN1_CNTBL
'13.2--Other Truancy' = EDN2_CNTBL,
'14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll' = EDN3_CNTBL,
14.2--Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to
Diagnosed Educational Need' = EDN4_CNTBL,
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (EDNE =1).
Input Items: EDN1_CNTBL, EDN2_CNTBL, EDN2_CNTBL, EDN2_CNTBL Derivation: If EDN1_CNTBL in (1,2) or EDN2_CNTBL in (1,2) or EDN3_CNTBL in (1,2) or EDN4_CNTBL in (1,2) then EDNE = 1 ; else EDNE = 0 ;
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11907 | 0 | Not countable as educationally neglected under Endangerment Standard | |
787 | 1 | Countable as educationally neglected under Endangerment Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Name: | EDNH |
Label: | Harm Standard Educational Neglect |
Number: | 11 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 15 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Sexual abuse form codes
'13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy' = EDN1_CNTBL
'13.2--Other Truancy' = EDN2_CNTBL,
'14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll' = EDN3_CNTBL,
14.2--Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to
Diagnosed Educational Need' = EDN4_CNTBL,
and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (EDNH =1).
Input Items: EDN1_CNTBL, EDN2_CNTBL, EDN2_CNTBL, EDN2_CNTBL Derivation: If EDN1_CNTBL in (1,2) or EDN2_CNTBL in (1,2) or EDN3_CNTBL in (1,2) or EDN4_CNTBL in (1,2) then EDNH = 1 ; else EDNH = 0 ;
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11907 | 0 | Not countable as educationally neglected under Harm Standard | |
787 | 1 | Countable as educationally neglected under Harm Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Name: | ENE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard Emotional Neglect |
Number: | 12 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 16 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
emotional neglect form codes
'15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection' = EMN1_CNTBL
'15.2--Domestic Violence' = EMN2_CNTBL,
'16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse' = EMN3_CNTBL,
'16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior' = EMN4_CNTBL,
'17.1--Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed
Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem' = EMn5_CNTBL,
'17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral
/ Problem' = EMN6_CNTBL,
'17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness' = EMN7_CNTBL,
'17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure' = EMN8_CNTBL,
'17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced
Expectations' = EMN9_CNTBL)
'17.6--Other Emotional Neglect: Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and
Environments' = EMN10_CNTBL,
'17.7--Other Emotional Neglect: Other Inattention to Developmental/
Emotional Needs' = EMN11_CNTBL,
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (ENE =1).
Input Items: EMN1_CNTBL, EMN2_CNTBL, EMN3_CNTBL, EMN4_CNTBL EMN5_CNTBL, EMN6_CNTBL, EMN7_CNTBL, EMN8_CNTBL, EMN9_CNTBL, EMN10_CNTBL, EMN11_CNTBL Derivation: If EMN1_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMN2_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMN3_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMN4_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMN5_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMN6_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMN7_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMN8_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMN9_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMN10_CNTBL in (1,2) or EMN11_CNTBL in (1,2) then ENE = 1 ; else ENE = 0 ; |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7541 | 0 | Not countable as emotionally neglected under Endangerment Standard | |
5153 | 1 | Countable as emotionally neglected under Endangerment Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.41 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Name: | ENH |
Label: | Harm Standard Emotional Neglect |
Number: | 13 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 17 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
emotional neglect form codes
'15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection' = EMN1_CNTBL
'15.2--Domestic Violence' = EMN2_CNTBL,
'16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse' = EMN3_CNTBL,
'16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior' = EMN4_CNTBL,
'17.1--Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed
Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem' = EMn5_CNTBL,
'17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral
/ Problem' = EMN6_CNTBL,
'17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness' = EMN7_CNTBL,
'17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure' = EMN8_CNTBL,
'17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced
Expectations' = EMN9_CNTBL)
'17.6--Other Emotional Neglect: Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and
Environments' = EMN10_CNTBL,
'17.7--Other Emotional Neglect: Other Inattention to Developmental/
Emotional Needs' = EMN11_CNTBL,
and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (ENH =1).
Input Items: EMN1_CNTBL, EMN2_CNTBL, EMN3_CNTBL, EMN4_CNTBL EMN5_CNTBL, EMN6_CNTBL, EMN7_CNTBL, EMN8_CNTBL, EMN9_CNTBL, EMN10_CNTBL, EMN11_CNTBL Derivation: If EMN1_CNTBL =1 or EMN2_CNTBL =1 or EMN3_CNTBL =1 or EMN4_CNTBL =1 or EMN5_CNTBL =1 or EMN6_CNTBL =1 or EMN7_CNTBL =1 or EMN8_CNTBL =1 or EMN9_CNTBL =1 or EMN10_CNTBL =1 or EMN11_CNTBL =1, then ENH = 1 ; else ENH = 0 ;
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11959 | 0 | Not countable as emotionally neglected under Harm Standard | |
735 | 1 | Countable as emotionally neglected under Harm Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | OTHMALE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard Other Maltreatment |
Number: | 14 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 18 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
other maltreatment (general maltreatment, acts not specified)
'19.2 Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues' = OTM4_CNTBL
'19.3 Parent Problem' = OTM5_CNTBL
'19.4 General Maltreatment: Unspecified Other' = OTM6_CNTBL
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (OTHMALE = 1).
Input Items: OTM4_CNTBL, OTM5_CNTBL, OTM6_CNTBL Derivation: If OTM4_CNTBL in (1,2) or OTM5_CNTBL in (1,2) or OTM6_CNTBL n (1,2) then OTHMALE = 1 else OTHMALE = 0 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11467 | 0 | No | |
1227 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Name: | OTHNEGE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard Other Neglect |
Number: | 15 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 19 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
other neglect (general neglect, acts not specified)
'18.1 Lack of Preventive Health Care' = OTM1_CNTBL
'18.2 Unspecified Neglect Allegations' = OTM2_CNTBL
'19.1 Custody/Child Support Problems' = OTM3_CNTBL
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria
(OTHNEGE = 1).
Input Items: OTM1_CNTBL, OTM2_CNTBL, OTM3_CNTBL Derivation: If OTM4_CNTBL in (1,2) or OTM5_CNTBL in (1,2) or OTM6_CNTBL n (1,2) then OTHNEGE = 1 else OTHNEGE = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12279 | 0 | No | |
415 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Name: | PAE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard Physical Abuse |
Number: | 16 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 20 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Physical abuse form codes
'04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop' = PHA1_CNTBL
'04.2--Hit with Hand' = PHA2_CNTBL,
'04.3--Hit with Object' = PHA3_CNTBL,
'04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull' = PHA4_CNTBL,
'04.5--Punch, Kick' = PHA5_CNTBL,
'04.6--Other Physical Abuse' = PHA6_CNTBL,
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (PAE =1).
Input Items: PHA1_CNTBL, PHA2_CNTBL, PHA3_CNTBL, PHA4_CNTBL PHA5_CNTBL, PHA6_CNTBL Derivation: If PHA1_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHA2_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHA3_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHA4_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHA5_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHA6_CNTBL in (1,2) then PAE = 1 ; else PAE = 0 ;
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9959 | 0 | Not countable as physically abused under Endangerment Standard | |
2735 | 1 | Countable as physically abused under Endangerment Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.22 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Name: | PAH |
Label: | Harm Standard Physical Abuse |
Number: | 17 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 21 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Physical abuse form codes
'04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop' = PHA1_CNTBL
'04.2--Hit with Hand' = PHA2_CNTBL,
'04.3--Hit with Object' = PHA3_CNTBL,
'04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull' = PHA4_CNTBL,
'04.5--Punch, Kick' = PHA5_CNTBL,
'04.6--Other Physical Abuse' = PHA6_CNTBL,
and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (PAH =1).
Input Items: PHA1_CNTBL, PHA2_CNTBL, PHA3_CNTBL, PHA4_CNTBL PHA5_CNTBL, PHA6_CNTBL Derivation: If PHA1_CNTBL =1 or PHA2_CNTBL =1 or PHA3_CNTBL i=1 or PHA4_CNTBL =1 or PHA5_CNTBL=1 or PHA6_CNTBL =1, then PAH = 1 ; else PAH = 0 ; |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10689 | 0 | Not countable as physically abused under Harm Standard | |
2005 | 1 | Countable as physically abused under Harm Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Name: | PNE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard Physical Neglect |
Number: | 18 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 22 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Physical neglect form codes
'08.0--Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed
Condition or Impairment ' = PHN1_CNTBL
'09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care' = PHN2_CNTBL,
'10.1--Refusal of Custody/ Abandonment ' = PHN3_CNTBL,
'10.2--Other Refusal of Custody' = PHN4_CNTBL,
'10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody' = PHN5_CNTBL,
'10.4--Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody
Arrangements' = PHN6_CNTBL,
'11.0--Inadequate Supervision' = PHN7_CNTBL,
'12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition' = PHN8_CNTBL,
'12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene' =
'12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing' = PHN10_CNTBL,
'12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter' = PHN11_CNTBL,
'12.5--Other Physical Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of
Childs Physical Needs and Physical Safety' = PHN12_CNTBL,
and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (PNE =1).
Input Items: PHN1_CNTBL, PHN2_CNTBL, PHN3_CNTBL, PHN4_CNTBL PHN5_CNTBL, PHN6_CNTBL,PHN7_CNTBL, PHN8_CNTBL, PHN9_CNTBL, PHN10_CNTBL, PHN11_CNTBL, PHN12_CNTBL Derivation: If PHN1_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHN2_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHN3_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHN4_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHN5_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHN6_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHN7_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHN8_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHN9_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHN10_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHN11_CNTBL in (1,2) or PHN12_CNTBL in (1,2) then PNE = 1 ; else PNE = 0 ;
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8039 | 0 | Not countable as physically neglected under Endangerment Standard | |
4655 | 1 | Countable as physically neglected under Endangerment Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.37 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | PNH |
Label: | Harm Standard Physical Neglect |
Number: | 19 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 23 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Physical neglect form codes
'08.0--Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed
Condition or Impairment ' = PHN1_CNTBL
'09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care' = PHN2_CNTBL,
'10.1--Refusal of Custody/ Abandonment ' = PHN3_CNTBL,
'10.2--Other Refusal of Custody' = PHN4_CNTBL,
'10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody' = PHN5_CNTBL,
'10.4--Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody
Arrangements' = PHN6_CNTBL,
'11.0--Inadequate Supervision' = PHN7_CNTBL,
'12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition' = PHN8_CNTBL,
'12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene' =
'12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing' = PHN10_CNTBL,
'12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter' = PHN11_CNTBL,
'12.5--Other Physical Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of
Childs Physical Needs and Physical Safety' = PHN12_CNTBL,
and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (PNH =1).
Input Items: PHN1_CNTBL, PHN2_CNTBL, PHN3_CNTBL, PHN4_CNTBL PHN5_CNTBL, PHN6_CNTBL, PHN7_CNTBL, PHN8_CNTBL, PHN9_CNTBL, PHN10_CNTBL, PHN11_CNTBL, PHN12_CNTBL Derivation: If PHN1_CNTBL =1 or PHN2_CNTBL =1 or PHN3_CNTBL =1 or PHN4_CNTBL =1 or PHN5_CNTBL =1 or PHN6_CNTBL =1 or PHN7_CNTBL =1 or PHN8_CNTBL =1 or PHN9_CNTBL =1 or PHN10_CNTBL =1 or PHN11_CNTBL =1 or PHN12_CNTBL =1, then PNH = 1 ; else PNH = 0 ;
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11494 | 0 | Not countable as physically neglected under Harm Standard | |
1200 | 1 | Countable as physically neglected under Harm Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | SAE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard Sexual Abuse |
Number: | 20 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 24 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Sexual abuse form codes
'01.1--Any Intrusion Sex' = SXA1_CNTBL
'01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force' = SXA2_CNTBL,
'01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with
intrusion ' = SXA3_CNTBL,
'02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact' = SXA4_CNTBL,
'03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism' = SXA5_CNTBL,
'03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials' = SXA6_CNTBL,
'03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion)' =
'03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity' =
'103.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact' =
'03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse' = SXA10_CNTBL,
'and met the Endangerment Standard countability criteria (SAE =1).
Input Items: SXA1_CNTBL, SXA2_CNTBL, SXA3_CNTBL, SXA4_CNTBL, SXA5_CNTBL, SXA6_CNTBL, SXA7_CNTBL, SXA8_CNTBL, SXA9_CNTBL, and SXA10_CNTBL Derivation: If SXA1_CNTBL in (1,2) or SXA2_CNTBL in (1,2) or SXA3_CNTBL in (1,2) or SXA4_CNTBL in (1,2) or SXA5_CNTBL in (1,2) or SXA6_CNTBL in (1,2) or SXA7_CNTBL in (1,2) or SXA8_CNTBL in (1,2) or SXA9_CNTBL in (1,2) or SXA10_CNTBL in (1,2) then SAE = 1 ; else SAE = 0 ;
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11602 | 0 | Not countable as sexually abused under Endangerment Standard | |
1092 | 1 | Countable as sexually abused under Endangerment Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Name: | SAH |
Label: | Harm Standard Sexual Abuse |
Number: | 21 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 25 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
Sexual abuse form codes
'01.1--Any Intrusion Sex' = SXA1_CNTBL
'01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force' = SXA2_CNTBL,
'01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with
intrusion ' = SXA3_CNTBL,
'02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact' = SXA4_CNTBL,
'03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism' = SXA5_CNTBL,
'03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials' = SXA6_CNTBL,
'03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion)' =
'03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity' =
'103.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact' =
'03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse' = SXA10_CNTBL,
'and met the Harm Standard countability criteria (SAH =1).
Input Items: SXA1_CNTBL, SXA2_CNTBL, SXA3_CNTBL, SXA4_CNTBL, SXA5_CNTBL, SXA6_CNTBL, SXA7_CNTBL, SXA8_CNTBL, SXA9_CNTBL, and SXA10_CNTBL Derivation: If SXA1_CNTBL =1 or SXA2_CNTBL =1 or SXA3_CNTBL =1 or SXA4_CNTBL =1 or SXA5_CNTBL =1 or SXA6_CNTBL =1 or SXA7_CNTBL =1 or SXA8_CNTBL =1 or SXA9_CNTBL =1 or SXA10_CNTBL =1, then SAH = 1 ; else SAH = 0 ;
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11905 | 0 | Not countable as sexually abused under Harm Standard | |
789 | 1 | Countable as sexually abused under Harm Standard |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Name: | CPSE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated child's maltreatment |
Number: | 22 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 26 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Child's maltreatment(s) met the Endangerment Standard countability
criteria and CPS investigated the child's maltreatment(s) (CPSE = 1).
Input Items: CPSROL, AMALE Derivation: If (CPSROL =1 or CPSROL = 8) and AMALE = 1 then CPSE = 1 else CPSE = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3661 | 0 | Child was not countable as maltreated under the Endangerment Standard and/or CPS did not investigate the child's maltreatment | |
9033 | 1 | Child was countable as maltreated under the Endangerment Standard and CPS investigated the child's maltreatment |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.71 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Name: | CPSEALL |
Label: | Endangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated in all four months |
Number: | 23 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 27 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Child's maltreatment(s) met the Endangerment Standard countability
criteria and CPS investigated the child's maltreatment(s) in all three
months of the study period and in the month following the end of the
study period (CPSEALL = 1),
Input Items: CPSE, CPSE_XM Derivation: If CPSE = 1 or CPSE_XM = 1 then CPSEALL = 1 else CPSEALL = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3611 | 0 | No | |
9083 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.72 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Name: | CPSE_XM |
Label: | Endangerment Standard countable child and CPS investigated in the extra month |
Number: | 24 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 28 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Child's maltreatment(s) met the Endangerment Standard countability
criteria and CPS investigated child's maltreatment(s) in the month
following the end of the study period (CPSE_XM = 1).
Input Items: AMALE Setup: Determine CPS investigation of the child's maltreatment for the extra month cases (CPSROLXM) Derivation: If AMALE = 1 and (CPSROLXM = 1 or CPSROLXM = 8) then CPSE_XM = 1 else CPSE_XM = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12617 | 0 | No | |
77 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | CPSH |
Label: | Harm Standard countable child and CPS investigated child's maltreatment |
Number: | 25 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 29 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Child's maltreatment(s) met the Harm Standard countability criteria
and CPS investigated child's maltreatment(s) (CPSH = 1).
Input Items: CPSROL, AMALH Derivation: If (CPSROL = 1 or CPSROL = 8) and AMALH = 1 then CPSH = 1 else CPSH = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9326 | 0 | Child was not countable as maltreated under the Harm Standard and/or CPS did not investigate the child's maltreatment | |
3368 | 1 | Child was countable as maltreated under the Harm Standard and CPS investigated the child's maltreatment |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.27 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Name: | CPSHALL |
Label: | Harm Standard countable child and CPS investigated maltreatment in all four months |
Number: | 26 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 30 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Child's maltreatment(s) met the Harm Standard countability
criteria and CPS investigated the child's maltreatment(s) in
all three months of the study period and in the month following
the end of the study period (CPSHALL = 1).
Input Items: CPSH, CPSH_XM Derivation: If (CPSH = 1 or CPSH_XM = 1) then CPSHALL = 1 else CPSHALL = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9301 | 0 | No | |
3393 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.27 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Name: | CPSH_XM |
Label: | Harm Standard countable child and CPS investigated in the extra month |
Number: | 27 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 31 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Child's maltreatment(s) met the Harm Standard countability
criteria and CPS investigated child's maltreatment(s) in the
month following the end of the study period (CPSH_XM = 1).
Input Items: AMALH Setup: Determine CPS investigation of the child's maltreatment for the extra month cases (CPSROLXM) Derivation: If AMALH = 1 and (CPSROLXM = 1 or CPSROLXM = 8) then CPSH_XM = 1 else CPSH_XM = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12651 | 0 | No | |
43 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | CPSROL |
Label: | CPS Investigation of the Child's Maltreatment |
Number: | 28 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 32 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
CPS investigated child's maltreatment.
The child was reported to the study on a CPS Summary Data Form and/or a CPS Maltreatment Data Form and at least one or more of the following conditions was true: 1) The CPS Summary Data form reported the child as an alleged victim. 2) The CPS Maltreatment Data form reported the child as an alleged victim and/or a substantiated/indicated victim. 3) The child's victim status was evaluatively coded as alleged victim or substantiated/indicated victim. 4). From the data reported, it could not be determined whether CPS investigated the child's maltreatment. 5) The child's maltreatment was Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countable; therefore, the child was countable. Input Items: Not included in Public Use File CPS Summary Data Form -- Alleged Victiim checked. CPS Maltreatment Data Form: Question 25 -- 'The report alleged that the child was a victim of maltreatment? Yes, No, Unknown/Not Available' Queston 26 -- 'The investigation substantiated that the child was a victim of maltreatment? Yes, No, Unknown/Not Available' Evaluatively coded Child Victim Status: '1 -- Alleged Victim' '2 -- Substantiated/Indicated Victim' '3 -- Not a Victim' Harm Standard Countability (HARMCOUNTABILITY and CASEHARMCOUNTABILITY) Endangerment Standard Countabiliy (ENDCOUNTABILITY and CASEENDCOUNTABILITY) Child's County of Residence
Derivation: This variable was not derived from variables included in the Public Use file. If child was reported on a CPS Summary Data form or a CPS Maltreatment Data form and Child was an alleged victim = '1 -- yes' or child was a substantiated/indicated victim = '1 -- yes' or Child's coded status was either '1 -- alleged victim' or '2 -- substantiated or indicated victim' or child's Harm Standard countability was 'very probable', 'probable' or 'probable, except for time of occurrence' or child's Endangerment countability was 'very probable', 'probable' or 'probable, except for time of occurrence' then CPSROL = 1 else if child's alleged victim = '0 -- no' and child was substantiated/indicated = '0 -- no' or child's coded victim status = '3 -- not a victim' then CPSROL = 2 else CPSROL = '8 -- Not determined whether CPS investigated child's maltreatment' Otherwise If not determined whether CPS investigated the child's maltreatment and the child was not living in a NIS-4 County, then CPSROL = 9 If child was reported on a Sentinel Data form only (no CPS data form), then CPSROL = BLANK
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8997 | 1 | CPS Investigated this child's maltreatment | |
11 | 2 | CPS did not investigate this child's maltreatment | |
256 | 8 | Not determined whether CPS investigated this child's maltreatment | |
453 | 9 | Children on sentinel form only not living in a NIS-4 county | |
2977 | BLANK | No CPS data form for the child |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | NCPSE |
Label: | Endangerment Standard maltreatment not investigated by CPS |
Number: | 29 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 33 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Child's maltreatment(s) met the Endangerment Standard countability
criteria but CPS did not investigate child's maltreatment(s)
(NCPSE = 1).
Input Items: CPSROL, AMALE Derivation: If CPSROL not in (1,8) and AMALE = 1 then NCPSE = 1 else NCPSE = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9319 | 0 | Child was not countable as maltreated under the Endangerment Standard and/or CPS investigated the child's maltreatment | |
3375 | 1 | Child was countable as maltreated under the Endangerment Standard and CPS did not investigate the child's maltreatment |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.27 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Name: | NCPSH |
Label: | Harm Standard maltreatment not investigated by CPS |
Number: | 30 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 34 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Child's maltreatment(s) met the Harm Standard countability
criteria but CPS did not investigate child's maltreatment(s)
(NCPSH = 1).
Input Items: CPSROL, AMALH Derivation: If CPSROL not in (1,8) and AMALH = 1 then NCPSH = 1 else NCPSH = 0
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10836 | 0 | Child was not countable as maltreated under the Harm Standard and/or CPS investigated the child's maltreatment | |
1858 | 1 | Child was countable as maltreated under the Harm Standard and CPS did not investigate the child's maltreatment |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Name: | RECSOURC |
Label: | Recognition source |
Number: | 31 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 35-36 |
Recognition Source code categorizes the agency or person(s) who
recognized the child as maltreated.
It was derived from source of report to CPS and the Sentinel agencies reporting to the study. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
575 | 1 | Court, probation | |
3059 | 2 | County sheriff, state/municipal police | |
374 | 3 | Public health | |
2161 | 4 | Hospital | |
2821 | 5 | School | |
149 | 6 | Daycare | |
480 | 7 | Mental health | |
369 | 8 | Social services | |
332 | 9 | Shelter (domestic violence of runaway youth) | |
39 | 10 | Public housing agency | |
347 | 11 | Other unit of DSS/Welfare Department in other state or county | |
195 | 12 | Other agency or professional not represented among NIS non-CPS sentinels | |
1726 | 13 | General public (including self, family member, relative, and anonymous) | |
67 | 99 | Unknown |
Missing Data Code: | 99 |
Name: | SCHLFLG |
Label: | School flag |
Number: | 32 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 37 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9674 | 0 | No | |
3020 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.24 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | PA_NODATA |
Label: | No Person A on form |
Number: | 33 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 38 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
No Person A (Parent in the home or person with primary child care responsibilities living in the home) was reported on the form. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12681 | 0 | No | |
13 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.03 |
Name: | PB_NODATA |
Label: | No Person B on form |
Number: | 34 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 39 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
No Person B (Person A's spouse or partner living in the home or
other person with child care responsibilities living in the home) was
reported on the form.
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8698 | 0 | No | |
3996 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.31 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.46 |
Name: | OIP1_NODATA |
Label: | No Other Involved Person 1 on form |
Number: | 35 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 40 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
No Other Involved Person 1 (other person who maltreated or permitted maltreatment) was reported on the form. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4164 | 0 | No | |
8530 | 1 | Yes |
Name: | OIP2_NODATA |
Label: | No Other Involved Person 2 on form |
Number: | 36 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 41 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
No Other Involved Person 2 (other person who maltreated or permitted maltreatment) was reported on the form. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
452 | 0 | No | |
12242 | 1 | Yes |
Name: | OIP3_NODATA |
Label: | No Other Involved Person 3 on form |
Number: | 37 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 42 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
No OIther Involved Person 3 (other person who maltreated or permitted maltreatment) was reported on the form. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
97 | 0 | No | |
12597 | 1 | Yes |
Name: | OIP4_NODATA |
Label: | No Other Involved Person 4 on form |
Number: | 38 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 43 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
No Other Involved Person 4 (other person who maltreated or permitted maltreatment) was reported on the form. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
20 | 0 | No | |
12674 | 1 | Yes |
Name: | OIP5_NODATA |
Label: | No Other Involved Person 5 on form |
Number: | 39 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 44 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
No Other Involved Person 5 (other person who maltreated or permitted maltreatment) was reported on the form. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
12689 | 1 | Yes |
PERSON A (Parent in Home) |
Label: | Person A primary caregiver in home |
Number: | 40 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 45 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person A is the parent living in the home or the person with primary child care responsibility in the home. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11913 | 1 | Parent living in home | |
617 | 2 | Person with primary child care responsibility living in home | |
151 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Name: | PA_AGE |
Label: | Person A age in years |
Number: | 41 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 3 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 46-48 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Code | Description | |
998 | Not ascertained | |
999 | Unknown | |
BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 998,999,BLANK |
Valid: | 11292 |
Minimum: | 14.00 |
Maximum: | 77.00 |
Mean: | 33.58 |
Standard Deviation: | 8.88 |
Name: | PA_SEX |
Label: | Person A sex |
Number: | 42 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 49 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1887 | 1 | Male | |
10702 | 2 | Female | |
92 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Label: | Person A living arrangement |
Number: | 43 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 50 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5104 | 1 | A single parent/person | |
4185 | 2 | Living with spouse | |
2261 | 3 | Living with unmarried partner | |
33 | 4 | Other | |
145 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
953 | 9 | Unknown | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | PA_EMP |
Label: | Person A employment status at time of maltreatment |
Number: | 44 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 51 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2707 | 1 | Employed full-time | |
644 | 2 | Employed part-time | |
221 | 3 | Employed | |
381 | 4 | Temporarily unemployed | |
2260 | 5 | Not in the labor force | |
14 | 6 | Unemployed and looking for work | |
9 | 7 | Active duty military | |
27 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
6418 | 9 | Unknown | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Label: | Person A past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) |
Number: | 45 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 52 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person A was employed full-time in the past year. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10258 | 0 | No | |
1502 | 1 | Yes | |
921 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 11760 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Label: | Person A past employment: Employed part-time |
Number: | 46 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 53 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person A was employed part-time in the past year. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11257 | 0 | No | |
503 | 1 | Yes | |
921 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 11760 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Label: | Person A past employment: Unemployed and looking for work |
Number: | 47 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 54 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person A unemployed and looking for work in the past year. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10904 | 0 | No | |
856 | 1 | Yes | |
921 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 11760 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Label: | Person A past employment: Active duty military |
Number: | 48 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 55 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person A on active military duty in past year. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11740 | 0 | No | |
20 | 1 | Yes | |
921 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 11760 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Label: | Person A past employment: Other |
Number: | 49 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 56 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person A's other specified employment in the past year. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10963 | 0 | No | |
797 | 1 | Yes | |
921 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 11760 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Label: | Person A past employment: Unknown/not available |
Number: | 50 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 57 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person A's employment status in past year was unknown or not available. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3511 | 0 | No | |
8249 | 1 | Yes | |
921 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 11760 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.70 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.46 |
Label: | Person A educational level |
Number: | 51 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 58 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
899 | 1 | Did not complete high school | |
1029 | 2 | Completed high school | |
347 | 3 | Some education beyond high school | |
96 | 4 | Completed college (bachelor's degree) | |
31 | 5 | Completed advanced degree | |
0 | 6 | No parents present | |
216 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
10063 | 9 | Unknown | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Label: | Person A ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin |
Number: | 52 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 59 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7603 | 0 | No | |
2423 | 1 | Yes | |
349 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
2306 | 9 | Unknown | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 10026 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.24 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Label: | Person A ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other |
Number: | 53 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 60 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4994 | 0 | No | |
1248 | 1 | Yes | |
1101 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
5338 | 9 | Unknown | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 6242 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Label: | Person A ethnicity: Other specify |
Number: | 54 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 43 |
Location: | 61-103 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of PA_NONHISPOTH |
Name: | PA_INDIAN |
Label: | Person A race: American Indian or Alaska Native |
Number: | 55 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 104 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12184 | 0 | No | |
353 | 1 | Yes | |
144 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12537 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | PA_ASIAN |
Label: | Person A race: Asian |
Number: | 56 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 105 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12394 | 0 | No | |
143 | 1 | Yes | |
144 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12537 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Label: | Person A race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Number: | 57 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 106 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12470 | 0 | No | |
67 | 1 | Yes | |
144 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12537 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Name: | PA_BLACK |
Label: | Person A race: Black or African American |
Number: | 58 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 107 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9602 | 0 | No | |
2935 | 1 | Yes | |
144 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12537 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.23 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.42 |
Name: | PA_WHITE |
Label: | Person A race: White |
Number: | 59 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 108 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5814 | 0 | No | |
6723 | 1 | Yes | |
144 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12537 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.54 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Label: | Person A race: Other |
Number: | 60 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 109 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person A's race was other specified. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11681 | 0 | No | |
856 | 1 | Yes | |
144 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12537 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Label: | Person A race: other specified |
Number: | 61 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 27 |
Location: | 110-136 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of PA_OTHERRACE |
Name: | PA_RACEUNK |
Label: | Person A race: Unknown |
Number: | 62 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 137 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person A's race was unknown or not available. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10826 | 0 | No | |
1711 | 1 | Yes | |
144 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12537 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
PERSON B (Person A's Spouse/Partner) |
Name: | PB_INHOME |
Label: | Person B living in home |
Number: | 63 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 138 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person B is Person A's spouse or partner living in the home or an other person with child care responsibilities living in the home. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6347 | 1 | Person A's Spouse/Partner living in home (preferred) | |
887 | 2 | Other person with child care responsibility living in home | |
515 | 3 | Neither (there is no person B) | |
81 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
4856 | 9 | Unknown | |
8 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | PB_AGE |
Label: | Person B age in years |
Number: | 64 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 3 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 139-141 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Code | Description | |
998 | Not ascertained | |
999 | Unknown | |
BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 998,999,BLANK |
Valid: | 6294 |
Minimum: | 12.00 |
Maximum: | 86.00 |
Mean: | 35.77 |
Standard Deviation: | 10.12 |
Name: | PB_SEX |
Label: | Person B sex |
Number: | 65 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 142 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5536 | 1 | Male | |
1792 | 2 | Female | |
1370 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Name: | PB_REL_PA |
Label: | Person B relationship to Person A |
Number: | 66 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 143-144 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person B's relationship to Person A (the parent living in the home or to the caregiver with primary child care responsibility living in the home). |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4167 | 1 | Spouse | |
2247 | 2 | Unmarried live-in partner | |
40 | 3 | Roomer/boarder/housemate/roommate | |
380 | 4 | Parent | |
69 | 5 | Sibling | |
76 | 6 | Son or daughter | |
7 | 7 | In-law | |
132 | 8 | Other relative | |
80 | 9 | Other non-relative | |
1286 | 98 | Not ascertained | |
214 | 99 | Unknown | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 98,99,BLANK |
Name: | PB_EMP |
Label: | Person B employment status at time of maltreatment |
Number: | 67 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 145 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2149 | 1 | Employed full-time | |
230 | 2 | Employed part-time | |
114 | 3 | Employed | |
82 | 4 | Temporarily unemployed | |
902 | 5 | Not in the labor force | |
34 | 6 | Unemployed and looking for work | |
5 | 7 | Active duty military | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3882 | 9 | Unknown | |
5296 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Label: | Person B past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) |
Number: | 68 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 146 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person B was employed full-time in the past year. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5721 | 0 | No | |
1211 | 1 | Yes | |
1766 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 6932 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Label: | Person B past employment: Employed part-time |
Number: | 69 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 147 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person B's was employed part-time in the past year. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6739 | 0 | No | |
193 | 1 | Yes | |
1766 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 6932 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Label: | Person B past employment: Unemployed and looking for work |
Number: | 70 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 148 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person B was unemployed and looking for work in the past year. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6634 | 0 | No | |
298 | 1 | Yes | |
1766 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 6932 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Label: | Person B past employment: Active duty military |
Number: | 71 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 149 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person B was on active military duty in the past year. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6904 | 0 | No | |
28 | 1 | Yes | |
1766 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 6932 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Label: | Person B past employment: Other |
Number: | 72 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 150 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person B's other specified employment in the past year. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6670 | 0 | No | |
262 | 1 | Yes | |
1766 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 6932 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Label: | Person B past employment: Unknown/not available |
Number: | 73 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 151 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person B's employment in the past year was unknown or not available. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1943 | 0 | No | |
4989 | 1 | Yes | |
1766 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 6932 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.72 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Label: | Person B educational level |
Number: | 74 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 152 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
353 | 1 | Did not complete high school | |
508 | 2 | Completed high school | |
118 | 3 | Some education beyond high school | |
53 | 4 | Completed college (bachelor's degree) | |
17 | 5 | Completed advanced degree | |
0 | 6 | No parents present | |
1419 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
6230 | 9 | Unknown | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Label: | Person B ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin |
Number: | 75 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 153 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4023 | 0 | No | |
1514 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
1679 | 9 | Unknown | |
5478 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5537 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.27 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Label: | Person B ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other |
Number: | 76 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 154 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2784 | 0 | No | |
627 | 1 | Yes | |
1965 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3322 | 9 | Unknown | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3411 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.18 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.39 |
Label: | Person B ethnicity: Other specify |
Number: | 77 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 30 |
Location: | 155-184 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable PB_NONHISPOTH |
Name: | PB_INDIAN |
Label: | Person B race: American Indian or Alaska Native |
Number: | 78 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 185 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7183 | 0 | No | |
174 | 1 | Yes | |
1341 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7357 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | PB_ASIAN |
Label: | Person B race: Asian |
Number: | 79 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 186 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7259 | 0 | No | |
98 | 1 | Yes | |
1341 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7357 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Label: | Person B race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Number: | 80 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 187 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7307 | 0 | No | |
50 | 1 | Yes | |
1341 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7357 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | PB_BLACK |
Label: | Person B race: Black or African American |
Number: | 81 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 188 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6089 | 0 | No | |
1268 | 1 | Yes | |
1341 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7357 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Name: | PB_WHITE |
Label: | Person B race: White |
Number: | 82 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 189 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3450 | 0 | No | |
3907 | 1 | Yes | |
1341 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7357 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.53 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Label: | Person B race: Other |
Number: | 83 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 190 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person B's race was other specified. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6862 | 0 | No | |
495 | 1 | Yes | |
1341 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7357 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Label: | Person B race: Other specified |
Number: | 84 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 28 |
Location: | 191-218 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable PB_OTHERRACE |
Name: | PB_RACEUNK |
Label: | Person B race: Unknown |
Number: | 85 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 219 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Person B's race is unknown or not available. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5852 | 0 | No | |
1538 | 1 | Yes | |
1341 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3963 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7390 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.21 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
OTHER INVOLVED PERSON Other person who maltreated or permitted maltreatment |
Name: | OIP_AGE1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 age |
Number: | 86 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 3 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 220-222 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Code | Description | |
998 | Not ascertained | |
999 | Unknown | |
BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 998,999,BLANK |
Valid: | 2400 |
Minimum: | 2.00 |
Maximum: | 85.00 |
Mean: | 31.65 |
Standard Deviation: | 13.71 |
Name: | OIP_AGE2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 age |
Number: | 87 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 3 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 223-225 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Code | Description | |
998 | Not ascertained | |
999 | Unknown | |
BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 998,999,BLANK |
Valid: | 172 |
Minimum: | 4.00 |
Maximum: | 73.00 |
Mean: | 30.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 15.90 |
Name: | OIP_AGE3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 age |
Number: | 88 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 3 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 226-228 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Code | Description | |
998 | Not ascertained | |
999 | Unknown | |
BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 998,999,BLANK |
Valid: | 39 |
Minimum: | 6.00 |
Maximum: | 72.00 |
Mean: | 32.87 |
Standard Deviation: | 18.35 |
Name: | OIP_AGE4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 age |
Number: | 89 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 3 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 229-231 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Code | Description | |
998 | Not ascertained | |
999 | Unknown | |
BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 998,999,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 14.00 |
Maximum: | 56.00 |
Mean: | 34.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 15.03 |
Name: | OIP_AGE5 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 age |
Number: | 90 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 3 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 232-234 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Code | Description | |
998 | Not ascertained | |
999 | Unknown | |
BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 998,999,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | OIP_SEX1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 sex |
Number: | 91 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 235 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2282 | 1 | Male | |
996 | 2 | Female | |
886 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_SEX2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 sex |
Number: | 92 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 236 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
249 | 1 | Male | |
170 | 2 | Female | |
33 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_SEX3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 sex |
Number: | 93 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 237 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
66 | 1 | Male | |
21 | 2 | Female | |
10 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_SEX4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 sex |
Number: | 94 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 238 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
16 | 1 | Male | |
0 | 2 | Female | |
4 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_SEX5 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 sex |
Number: | 95 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 239 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Male | |
1 | 2 | Female | |
2 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_INHOME1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event |
Number: | 96 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 240 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1755 | 0 | No | |
1179 | 1 | Yes | |
738 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
492 | 9 | Unknown | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.40 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Name: | OIP_INHOME2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event |
Number: | 97 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 241 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
157 | 0 | No | |
154 | 1 | Yes | |
6 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
135 | 9 | Unknown | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 311 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.50 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | OIP_INHOME3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event |
Number: | 98 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 242 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
32 | 0 | No | |
23 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
42 | 9 | Unknown | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 55 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.42 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | OIP_INHOME4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event |
Number: | 99 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 243 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
5 | 9 | Unknown | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 15 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.47 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.52 |
Name: | OIP_INHOME5 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 living in child's home at time of maltreatment event |
Number: | 100 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 244 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.50 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
Name: | OIP_EMP1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 employment status at time of maltreatment |
Number: | 101 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 245 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
367 | 1 | Employed full-time | |
62 | 2 | Employed part-time | |
149 | 3 | Employed | |
7 | 4 | Temporarily unemployed | |
309 | 5 | Not in the labor force | |
0 | 6 | Unemployed and looking for work | |
0 | 7 | Active duty military | |
810 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
2460 | 9 | Unknown | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_EMP2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 employment status at time of maltreatment |
Number: | 102 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 246 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10 | 1 | Employed full-time | |
3 | 2 | Employed part-time | |
4 | 3 | Employed | |
1 | 4 | Temporarily unemployed | |
27 | 5 | Not in the labor force | |
0 | 6 | Unemployed and looking for work | |
0 | 7 | Active duty military | |
4 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
403 | 9 | Unknown | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_EMP3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 employment status at time of maltreatment |
Number: | 103 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 247 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Employed full-time | |
1 | 2 | Employed part-time | |
2 | 3 | Employed | |
0 | 4 | Temporarily unemployed | |
7 | 5 | Not in the labor force | |
0 | 6 | Unemployed and looking for work | |
0 | 7 | Active duty military | |
3 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
84 | 9 | Unknown | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_EMP4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 employment status at time of maltreatment |
Number: | 104 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 248 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Employed full-time | |
0 | 2 | Employed part-time | |
0 | 3 | Employed | |
0 | 4 | Temporarily unemployed | |
0 | 5 | Not in the labor force | |
0 | 6 | Unemployed and looking for work | |
0 | 7 | Active duty military | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
20 | 9 | Unknown | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_EMP5 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 employment status at time of maltreatment |
Number: | 105 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 249 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Employed full-time | |
0 | 2 | Employed part-time | |
0 | 3 | Employed | |
0 | 4 | Temporarily unemployed | |
0 | 5 | Not in the labor force | |
0 | 6 | Unemployed and looking for work | |
0 | 7 | Active duty military | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
5 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) |
Number: | 106 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 250 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3007 | 0 | No | |
205 | 1 | Yes | |
952 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3212 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) |
Number: | 107 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 251 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
423 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
25 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 427 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) |
Number: | 108 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 252 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
88 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
7 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 90 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) |
Number: | 109 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 253 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
19 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 19 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week) |
Number: | 110 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 254 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Employed part-time |
Number: | 111 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 255 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3152 | 0 | No | |
60 | 1 | Yes | |
952 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3212 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Employed part-time |
Number: | 112 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 256 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
425 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
25 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 427 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Employed part-time |
Number: | 113 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 257 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
89 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
7 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 90 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Employed part-time |
Number: | 114 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 258 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
19 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 19 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Employed part-time |
Number: | 115 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 259 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work |
Number: | 116 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 260 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3129 | 0 | No | |
83 | 1 | Yes | |
952 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3212 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work |
Number: | 117 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 261 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
426 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
25 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 427 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work |
Number: | 118 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 262 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
90 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
7 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 90 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work |
Number: | 119 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 263 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
19 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 19 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Unemployed and looking for work |
Number: | 120 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 264 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Active duty military |
Number: | 121 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 265 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3203 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
952 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3212 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Active duty military |
Number: | 122 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 266 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
427 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
25 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 427 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Active duty military |
Number: | 123 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 267 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
90 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
7 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 90 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Active duty military |
Number: | 124 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 268 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
19 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 19 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Active duty military |
Number: | 125 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 269 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Other |
Number: | 126 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 270 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2992 | 0 | No | |
220 | 1 | Yes | |
952 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3212 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Other |
Number: | 127 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 271 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
407 | 0 | No | |
20 | 1 | Yes | |
25 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 427 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Other |
Number: | 128 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 272 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
85 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
7 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 90 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Other |
Number: | 129 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 273 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 19 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Other |
Number: | 130 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 274 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 past employment: Unknown/not available |
Number: | 131 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 275 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
559 | 0 | No | |
2653 | 1 | Yes | |
952 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3212 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.83 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 past employment: Unknown/not available |
Number: | 132 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 276 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
26 | 0 | No | |
401 | 1 | Yes | |
25 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 427 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.94 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 past employment: Unknown/not available |
Number: | 133 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 277 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7 | 0 | No | |
83 | 1 | Yes | |
7 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 90 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.92 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 past employment: Unknown/not available |
Number: | 134 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 278 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
18 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 19 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.95 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 past employment: Unknown/not available |
Number: | 135 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 279 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 education level |
Number: | 136 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 280 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
250 | 1 | Did not complete high school | |
112 | 2 | Completed high school | |
27 | 3 | Some education beyond high school | |
10 | 4 | Completed college (bachelor's degree) | |
6 | 5 | Completed advanced degree | |
0 | 6 | No parents present | |
817 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
2942 | 9 | Unknown | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 education level |
Number: | 137 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 281 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
24 | 1 | Did not complete high school | |
5 | 2 | Completed high school | |
1 | 3 | Some education beyond high school | |
0 | 4 | Completed college (bachelor's degree) | |
0 | 5 | Completed advanced degree | |
0 | 6 | No parents present | |
9 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
413 | 9 | Unknown | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 education level |
Number: | 138 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 282 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 1 | Did not complete high school | |
0 | 2 | Completed high school | |
0 | 3 | Some education beyond high school | |
0 | 4 | Completed college (bachelor's degree) | |
0 | 5 | Completed advanced degree | |
0 | 6 | No parents present | |
3 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
88 | 9 | Unknown | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 education level |
Number: | 139 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 283 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Did not complete high school | |
0 | 2 | Completed high school | |
0 | 3 | Some education beyond high school | |
0 | 4 | Completed college (bachelor's degree) | |
0 | 5 | Completed advanced degree | |
0 | 6 | No parents present | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
18 | 9 | Unknown | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 education level |
Number: | 140 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 284 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Did not complete high school | |
0 | 2 | Completed high school | |
0 | 3 | Some education beyond high school | |
0 | 4 | Completed college (bachelor's degree) | |
0 | 5 | Completed advanced degree | |
0 | 6 | No parents present | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
4 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin |
Number: | 141 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 285 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1376 | 0 | No | |
509 | 1 | Yes | |
854 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
1425 | 9 | Unknown | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1885 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.27 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin |
Number: | 142 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 286 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
56 | 0 | No | |
41 | 1 | Yes | |
17 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
338 | 9 | Unknown | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 97 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.42 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin |
Number: | 143 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 287 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
13 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
67 | 9 | Unknown | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 17 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.47 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.51 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin |
Number: | 144 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 288 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
17 | 9 | Unknown | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin |
Number: | 145 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 289 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
5 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other |
Number: | 146 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 290 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
963 | 0 | No | |
206 | 1 | Yes | |
1026 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
1969 | 9 | Unknown | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1169 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.18 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other |
Number: | 147 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 291 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
40 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
40 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
362 | 9 | Unknown | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 50 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other |
Number: | 148 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 292 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
13 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
75 | 9 | Unknown | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 9 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.22 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other |
Number: | 149 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 293 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
18 | 9 | Unknown | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.50 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.71 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other |
Number: | 150 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 294 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
5 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 ethnicity: Other specify |
Number: | 151 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 23 |
Location: | 295-317 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable OIP_NONHISPOTH1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 ethnicity: Other specify |
Number: | 152 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 18 |
Location: | 318-335 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable OIP_NONHISPOTH2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 ethnicity: Other specify |
Number: | 153 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 8 |
Location: | 336-343 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable OIP_NONHISPOTH3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 ethnicity: Other specify |
Number: | 154 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 5 |
Location: | 344-348 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable OIP_NONHISPOTH4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 ethnicity: Other specify |
Number: | 155 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 1 |
Location: | 349 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable OIP_NONHISPOTH5 |
Name: | OIP_INDIAN1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 race: American Indian or Alaska Native |
Number: | 156 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 350 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3306 | 0 | No | |
67 | 1 | Yes | |
791 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3373 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | OIP_INDIAN2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 race: American Indian or Alaska Native |
Number: | 157 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 351 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
435 | 0 | No | |
12 | 1 | Yes | |
5 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 447 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | OIP_INDIAN3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 race: American Indian or Alaska Native |
Number: | 158 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 352 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
96 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 96 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OIP_INDIAN4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 race: American Indian or Alaska Native |
Number: | 159 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 353 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
20 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 20 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OIP_INDIAN5 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 race: American Indian or Alaska Native |
Number: | 160 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 354 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OIP_ASIAN1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 race: Asian |
Number: | 161 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 355 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3341 | 0 | No | |
32 | 1 | Yes | |
791 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3373 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | OIP_ASIAN2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 race: Asian |
Number: | 162 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 356 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
446 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
5 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 447 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Name: | OIP_ASIAN3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 race: Asian |
Number: | 163 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 357 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
96 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 96 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OIP_ASIAN4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 race: Asian |
Number: | 164 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 358 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
20 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 20 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OIP_ASIAN5 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 race: Asian |
Number: | 165 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 359 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Number: | 166 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 360 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3355 | 0 | No | |
18 | 1 | Yes | |
791 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3373 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Number: | 167 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 361 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
447 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
5 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 447 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Number: | 168 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 362 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
96 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 96 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Number: | 169 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 363 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
20 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 20 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Number: | 170 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 364 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OIP_BLACK1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 race: Black or African American |
Number: | 171 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 365 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2827 | 0 | No | |
546 | 1 | Yes | |
791 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3373 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | OIP_BLACK2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 race: Black or African American |
Number: | 172 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 366 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
417 | 0 | No | |
30 | 1 | Yes | |
5 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 447 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | OIP_BLACK3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 race: Black or African American |
Number: | 173 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 367 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
92 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 96 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | OIP_BLACK4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 race: Black or African American |
Number: | 174 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 368 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
19 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 20 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | OIP_BLACK5 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 race: Black or African American |
Number: | 175 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 369 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OIP_WHITE1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 race: White |
Number: | 176 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 370 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2017 | 0 | No | |
1356 | 1 | Yes | |
791 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3373 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.40 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Name: | OIP_WHITE2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 race: White |
Number: | 177 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 371 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
365 | 0 | No | |
82 | 1 | Yes | |
5 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 447 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.18 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.39 |
Name: | OIP_WHITE3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 race: White |
Number: | 178 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 372 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
77 | 0 | No | |
19 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 96 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Name: | OIP_WHITE4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 race: White |
Number: | 179 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 373 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
17 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 20 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | OIP_WHITE5 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 race: White |
Number: | 180 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 374 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 race: Other |
Number: | 181 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 375 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3247 | 0 | No | |
126 | 1 | Yes | |
791 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3373 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 race: Other |
Number: | 182 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 376 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
439 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
5 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 447 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 race: Other |
Number: | 183 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 377 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
96 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 96 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 race: Other |
Number: | 184 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 378 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
20 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 20 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 race: Other |
Number: | 185 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 379 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 Race: Other specified |
Number: | 186 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 20 |
Location: | 380-399 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable OIP_OTHERRACE1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 race: Other specified |
Number: | 187 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 8 |
Location: | 400-407 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable OIP_OTHERRACE2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 race: Other specified |
Number: | 188 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 1 |
Location: | 408 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable OIP_OTHERRACE3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 race: Other specified |
Number: | 189 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 1 |
Location: | 409 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable OIP_OTHERRACE4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 race: Other specified |
Number: | 190 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 1 |
Location: | 410 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
"Other Specify" text was not recoded in the existing categories of the variable OIP_OTHERRACE5 |
Name: | OIP_RACEUNK1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 race: Unknown |
Number: | 191 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 411 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Other Involved Persons race is unknown or not available. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2117 | 0 | No | |
1256 | 1 | Yes | |
791 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 3373 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.37 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | OIP_RACEUNK2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 race: Unknown |
Number: | 192 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 412 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
125 | 0 | No | |
322 | 1 | Yes | |
5 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 447 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.72 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Name: | OIP_RACEUNK3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 race: Unknown |
Number: | 193 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 413 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
23 | 0 | No | |
73 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 96 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.76 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | OIP_RACEUNK4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 race: Unknown |
Number: | 194 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 414 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
17 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 20 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.85 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | OIP_RACEUNK5 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 race: Unknown |
Number: | 195 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 415 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | INCOME |
Label: | Estimated annual household income |
Number: | 196 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 416 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2014 | 1 | Less than $15,000 | |
1103 | 2 | $15,000-$24,000 | |
709 | 3 | $25,000-$39,000 | |
304 | 4 | $40,000-$54,000 | |
187 | 5 | $55,000 or more | |
186 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
8191 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Name: | INCOMESF |
Label: | Household income is sufficient to pay for basic necessities |
Number: | 197 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 417 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1867 | 0 | No | |
4129 | 1 | Yes | |
191 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
6507 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Valid: | 5996 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.69 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.46 |
Name: | POVPROG |
Label: | Any household member participating in poverty-related program |
Number: | 198 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 418 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1946 | 0 | No | |
3857 | 1 | Yes | |
203 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
6688 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Valid: | 5803 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.66 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Name: | NCHILDR |
Label: | Number of children in household revised (after evaluative coding review) |
Number: | 199 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 419-420 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
** The assigned value for this variable reflects corrections based on
narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data item on the topic.
NCHILD is the number of children in the household reported on the form. When the narrative and case documentation on the form provided evidence of other children living in the household not listed on the form, then the evaluative coders added those children to the household. This count of the number of children in the household is NCHILD2. NCHILDR is the revised number of children in the household based on the greater of NCHILD or NCHILD2.
Where SOURCEOFDATA = "C" (CPS) -- If NCHILD = missing or 99 or NCHILD < NCHILD2 then NCHILDR = NCHILD2 else if NCHILD > NCHILD2 then NCHILDR = NCHILD Where SOURCEOFDATA = "S" or "SW" -- If NCHILD = missing or 99 or NCHILD > NCHILD2 then NCHILDR = NCHILD else if NCHILD < NCHILD2 then NCHILDR = NCHILD2 Else if NCHILD = NCHILD2 then NCHILDR = NCHILD
Sentinel forms where NCHILD is blank or unknown will remain as unknown |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12209 | 1-15 | Number of children | |
141 | 98 | Not ascertained | |
344 | 99 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 98,99 |
Valid: | 12209 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 15.00 |
Mean: | 2.76 |
Standard Deviation: | 1.58 |
Name: | CHSEX |
Label: | Child sex |
Number: | 200 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 421 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6046 | 1 | Male | |
6217 | 2 | Female | |
53 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
378 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Name: | CHENROLL |
Label: | Child enrolled in school |
Number: | 201 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 422 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3284 | 0 | No | |
6667 | 1 | Yes | |
913 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
1830 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Valid: | 9951 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.67 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Name: | CHAGEM |
Label: | Reformatted child age in months |
Number: | 202 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 2 |
Location: | 423-424 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
330 | 00-11 | Actual age in months | |
452 | 98 | Not ascertained | |
77 | 99 | Unknown | |
11835 | BLANK | Inapplicable (CHAGEY not missing or birth date was provided) |
Missing Data Codes: | 98,99,BLANK |
Name: | CHAGEY |
Label: | Reformatted child age in years |
Number: | 203 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 2 |
Location: | 425-426 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Input Items: CHAGEM
Derivation: If CHAGEM ge 12 then calculate child age in years = CHAGEY
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3227 | 00-17 | Actual age in years | |
4 | 18 | Listed as 18 or older | |
452 | 98 | Not ascertained | |
67 | 99 | Unknown | |
8944 | BLANK | Inapplicable (CHAGEM not missing or birth date was provided) |
Missing Data Codes: | 98,99,BLANK |
Label: | Child ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino origin |
Number: | 204 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 427 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7622 | 0 | No | |
2620 | 1 | Yes | |
240 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
2212 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Valid: | 10242 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.26 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Label: | Child ethnicity: Non-Hispanic other |
Number: | 205 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 428 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
1200 | 1 | Yes | |
11447 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
47 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Valid: | 1200 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CH_INDIAN |
Label: | Child race: American Indian or Alaska Native |
Number: | 206 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 429 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12185 | 0 | No | |
408 | 1 | Yes | |
101 | 8 | Not ascertained |
Missing Data Code: | 8 |
Valid: | 12593 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Name: | CH_ASIAN |
Label: | Child race: Asian |
Number: | 207 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 430 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12432 | 0 | No | |
161 | 1 | Yes | |
101 | 8 | Not ascertained |
Missing Data Code: | 8 |
Valid: | 12593 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Label: | Child race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Number: | 208 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 431 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12502 | 0 | No | |
91 | 1 | Yes | |
101 | 8 | Not ascertained |
Missing Data Code: | 8 |
Valid: | 12593 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | CH_BLACK |
Label: | Child race: Black or African American |
Number: | 209 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 432 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9404 | 0 | No | |
3189 | 1 | Yes | |
101 | 8 | Not ascertained |
Missing Data Code: | 8 |
Valid: | 12593 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | CH_WHITE |
Label: | Child race: White |
Number: | 210 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 433 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5930 | 0 | No | |
6663 | 1 | Yes | |
101 | 8 | Not ascertained |
Missing Data Code: | 8 |
Valid: | 12593 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.53 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Label: | Child race: Other |
Number: | 211 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 434 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11900 | 0 | No | |
693 | 1 | Yes | |
101 | 8 | Not ascertained |
Missing Data Code: | 8 |
Valid: | 12593 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | CH_RACEUNK |
Label: | Child race: Unknown |
Number: | 212 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 435 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10914 | 0 | No | |
1679 | 1 | Yes | |
101 | 8 | Not ascertained |
Missing Data Code: | 8 |
Valid: | 12593 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Label: | Child disability: Developmental |
Number: | 213 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 436 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11837 | 0 | No | |
60 | 1 | Confirmed | |
9 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: Chronic/serious health condition |
Number: | 214 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 437 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11739 | 0 | No | |
139 | 1 | Confirmed | |
28 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: Orthopedic impairment |
Number: | 215 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 438 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11868 | 0 | No | |
35 | 1 | Confirmed | |
3 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: Hearing impairment/deafness |
Number: | 216 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 439 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11903 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Confirmed | |
2 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: Visual impairment/blindness |
Number: | 217 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 440 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11901 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Confirmed | |
1 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: ADD/ADHD |
Number: | 218 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 441 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11898 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Confirmed | |
1 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: Emotionally disturbed |
Number: | 219 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 442 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11522 | 0 | No | |
277 | 1 | Confirmed | |
107 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: Learning disability |
Number: | 220 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 443 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11897 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Confirmed | |
1 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: Autism |
Number: | 221 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 444 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11899 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Confirmed | |
2 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: Traumatic brain injury |
Number: | 222 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 445 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11902 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Confirmed | |
0 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: Speech or language impairment |
Number: | 223 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 446 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11905 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Confirmed | |
0 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: Other physical |
Number: | 224 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 447 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5466 | 0 | No | |
29 | 1 | Confirmed | |
12 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
6399 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Label: | Child disability: Other mental/emotional |
Number: | 225 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 448 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5406 | 0 | No | |
144 | 1 | Confirmed | |
96 | 2 | Suspected | |
788 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
6260 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Name: | PA_BIOPAR |
Label: | Person A relationship to child: Biological parent |
Number: | 226 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 449 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1168 | 0 | No | |
11489 | 1 | Yes | |
24 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12657 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.91 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | PA_STEP |
Label: | Person A relationship to child: Stepparent |
Number: | 227 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 450 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12496 | 0 | No | |
161 | 1 | Yes | |
24 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12657 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | PA_ADOPT |
Label: | Person A relationship to child: Adoptive parent |
Number: | 228 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 451 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12542 | 0 | No | |
115 | 1 | Yes | |
24 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12657 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | PA_FOSTER |
Label: | Person A relationship to child: Foster parent |
Number: | 229 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 452 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12504 | 0 | No | |
153 | 1 | Yes | |
24 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12657 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | PA_GRAND |
Label: | Person A relationship to child: Grandparent |
Number: | 230 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 453 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12328 | 0 | No | |
329 | 1 | Yes | |
24 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12657 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Label: | Person A relationship to child: Guardian |
Number: | 231 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 454 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12509 | 0 | No | |
148 | 1 | Yes | |
24 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12657 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | PA_FRIEND |
Label: | Person A relationship to child: Friend |
Number: | 232 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 455 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12643 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
24 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12657 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.03 |
Name: | PAOTHREL |
Label: | Person A relationship to child: Other relative subcategory |
Number: | 233 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 456 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
160 | 1 | Other Family member/relative | |
41 | 2 | Sibling | |
0 | 3 | Spouse | |
24 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12469 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A or not other relative) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Label: | Person A relationship to child: Other non-relative subcategory |
Number: | 234 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 457 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
62 | 1 | Parent's paramour | |
3 | 2 | Other non-relative, previous partner of family member | |
5 | 3 | Child's friend | |
17 | 4 | Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker | |
29 | 5 | Other non-relative | |
0 | 6 | Stranger | |
24 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12554 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A or not other non-relative) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Name: | PA_UNK |
Label: | Person A relationship to child: Unknown/not available |
Number: | 235 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 458 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12649 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
24 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
13 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person A) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 12657 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.03 |
Name: | PB_BIOPAR |
Label: | Person B relationship to child: Biological parent |
Number: | 236 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 459 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3333 | 0 | No | |
4093 | 1 | Yes | |
1272 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7426 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.55 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | PB_STEP |
Label: | Person B relationship to child: Stepparent |
Number: | 237 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 460 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6361 | 0 | No | |
1065 | 1 | Yes | |
1272 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7426 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Name: | PB_ADOPT |
Label: | Person B relationship to child: Adoptive parent |
Number: | 238 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 461 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7356 | 0 | No | |
70 | 1 | Yes | |
1272 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7426 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | PB_FOSTER |
Label: | Person B relationship to child: Foster parent |
Number: | 239 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 462 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7355 | 0 | No | |
71 | 1 | Yes | |
1272 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7426 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | PB_GRAND |
Label: | Person B relationship to child: Grandparent |
Number: | 240 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 463 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6905 | 0 | No | |
521 | 1 | Yes | |
1272 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7426 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Label: | Person B relationship to child: Guardian |
Number: | 241 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 464 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7382 | 0 | No | |
44 | 1 | Yes | |
1272 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7426 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | PB_FRIEND |
Label: | Person B relationship to child: Friend |
Number: | 242 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 465 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7381 | 0 | No | |
45 | 1 | Yes | |
1272 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7426 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | PBOTHREL |
Label: | Person B relationship to child: Other relative subcategory |
Number: | 243 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 466 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
194 | 1 | Other Family member/relative | |
59 | 2 | Sibling | |
2 | 3 | Spouse | |
1272 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
11167 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B or not other relative) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Label: | Person B relationship to child: Other non-relative subcategory |
Number: | 244 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 467 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1095 | 1 | Parent's paramour | |
4 | 2 | Other non-relative, previous partner of family member | |
34 | 3 | Child's friend | |
31 | 4 | Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker | |
81 | 5 | Other non-relative | |
0 | 6 | Stranger | |
1272 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
10177 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B or not other non-relative) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Name: | PB_UNK |
Label: | Person B relationship to child: Unknown/not available |
Number: | 245 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 468 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7376 | 0 | No | |
50 | 1 | Yes | |
1272 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
3996 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Person B) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Valid: | 7426 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child |
Number: | 246 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 469-470 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1248 | 1 | Biological parent | |
57 | 2 | Stepparent | |
10 | 3 | Adoptive parent | |
3 | 4 | Foster parent | |
372 | 5 | Grandparent | |
4 | 6 | Guardian | |
134 | 7 | Friend | |
743 | 8 | Other relative | |
713 | 9 | Other non-relative | |
869 | 98 | Not ascertained | |
11 | 99 | Unknown | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 98,99,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child |
Number: | 247 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 471-472 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
92 | 1 | Biological parent | |
21 | 2 | Stepparent | |
0 | 3 | Adoptive parent | |
0 | 4 | Foster parent | |
63 | 5 | Grandparent | |
1 | 6 | Guardian | |
11 | 7 | Friend | |
116 | 8 | Other relative | |
115 | 9 | Other non-relative | |
25 | 98 | Not ascertained | |
8 | 99 | Unknown | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 98,99,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child |
Number: | 248 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 473-474 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7 | 1 | Biological parent | |
3 | 2 | Stepparent | |
0 | 3 | Adoptive parent | |
0 | 4 | Foster parent | |
18 | 5 | Grandparent | |
0 | 6 | Guardian | |
2 | 7 | Friend | |
25 | 8 | Other relative | |
36 | 9 | Other non-relative | |
6 | 98 | Not ascertained | |
0 | 99 | Unknown | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 98,99,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child |
Number: | 249 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 475-476 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Biological parent | |
0 | 2 | Stepparent | |
0 | 3 | Adoptive parent | |
0 | 4 | Foster parent | |
3 | 5 | Grandparent | |
0 | 6 | Guardian | |
2 | 7 | Friend | |
7 | 8 | Other relative | |
3 | 9 | Other non-relative | |
4 | 98 | Not ascertained | |
1 | 99 | Unknown | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 98,99,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child |
Number: | 250 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 477-478 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Biological parent | |
0 | 2 | Stepparent | |
0 | 3 | Adoptive parent | |
0 | 4 | Foster parent | |
0 | 5 | Grandparent | |
0 | 6 | Guardian | |
0 | 7 | Friend | |
2 | 8 | Other relative | |
0 | 9 | Other non-relative | |
0 | 99 | Unknown | |
3 | 98 | Not ascertained | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 99,98,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_OTHREL1 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child: Other relative |
Number: | 251 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 479 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
420 | 1 | Other Family member/relative | |
323 | 2 | Sibling | |
0 | 3 | Spouse | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
11951 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1 or OIP_RELATION1 not coded 8) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_OTHREL2 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child: Other relative |
Number: | 252 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 480 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
81 | 1 | Other Family member/relative | |
40 | 2 | Sibling | |
0 | 3 | Spouse | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12573 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2 or OIP_RELATION2 not coded 8) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_OTHREL3 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child: Other relative |
Number: | 253 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 481 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
21 | 1 | Other Family member/relative | |
7 | 2 | Sibling | |
0 | 3 | Spouse | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12666 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3 or OIP_RELATION3 not coded 8) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_OTHREL4 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child: Other relative |
Number: | 254 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 482 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Other Family member/relative | |
5 | 2 | Sibling | |
0 | 3 | Spouse | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12687 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4 or OIP_RELATION4 not coded 8) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Name: | OIP_OTHREL5 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child: Other relative |
Number: | 255 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 483 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Other Family member/relative | |
1 | 2 | Sibling | |
0 | 3 | Spouse | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5 or OIP_RELATION5 not coded 8) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 relationship to child: Other non-relative |
Number: | 256 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 484 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
251 | 1 | Parent's paramour | |
68 | 2 | Other non-relative, previous partner of family member | |
3 | 3 | Child's friend | |
115 | 4 | Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker | |
238 | 5 | Other non-relative | |
36 | 6 | Stranger | |
2 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
11981 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1 or OIP_RELATION1 not coded 9) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 relationship to child: Other non-relative |
Number: | 257 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 485 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
37 | 1 | Parent's paramour | |
3 | 2 | Other non-relative, previous partner of family member | |
0 | 3 | Child's friend | |
14 | 4 | Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker | |
52 | 5 | Other non-relative | |
24 | 6 | Stranger | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12564 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2 or OIP_RELATION2 not coded 9) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 relationship to child: Other non-relative |
Number: | 258 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 486 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 1 | Parent's paramour | |
2 | 2 | Other non-relative, previous partner of family member | |
0 | 3 | Child's friend | |
3 | 4 | Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker | |
20 | 5 | Other non-relative | |
10 | 6 | Stranger | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12654 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3 or OIP_RELATION3 not coded 9) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 relationship to child: Other non-relative |
Number: | 259 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 487 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent's paramour | |
0 | 2 | Other non-relative, previous partner of family member | |
0 | 3 | Child's friend | |
1 | 4 | Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker | |
1 | 5 | Other non-relative | |
1 | 6 | Stranger | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4 or OIP_RELATION4 not coded 9) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 relationship to child: Other non-relative |
Number: | 260 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 488 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent's paramour | |
0 | 2 | Other non-relative, previous partner of family member | |
0 | 3 | Child's friend | |
0 | 4 | Child's babysitter or other non-relative caretaker | |
0 | 5 | Other non-relative | |
0 | 6 | Stranger | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5 or OIP_RELATION5 not coded 9) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment |
Number: | 261 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 489 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1242 | 0 | No | |
1310 | 1 | Yes | |
832 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
780 | 9 | Unknown | |
8530 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 1) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2552 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.51 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment |
Number: | 262 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 490 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
103 | 0 | No | |
148 | 1 | Yes | |
51 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
150 | 9 | Unknown | |
12242 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 2) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 251 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.59 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment |
Number: | 263 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 491 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
25 | 0 | No | |
16 | 1 | Yes | |
9 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
47 | 9 | Unknown | |
12597 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 3) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.39 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment |
Number: | 264 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 492 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
12 | 9 | Unknown | |
12674 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 4) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 7 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.29 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 responsible for child at the time of maltreatment |
Number: | 265 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 493 |
Source: | CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 8 | Not ascertained | |
4 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No Other Involved Person 5) |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | AGEMCALC |
Label: | Child age at time of maltreatment/report in months (Calculated) |
Number: | 266 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 2 |
Location: | 494-495 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Computed age of children less than one year old at the time of
Derivation: Age is calculated using the same convention as AGEYCALC
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10249 | 00 | Less than one month or AGEYCALC => 1 | |
767 | 01-11 | Age in months | |
1678 | 99 | Could not be calculated (no birth date or no maltreatment date) |
Missing Data Code: | 99 |
Name: | AGEYCALC |
Label: | Child age at time of maltreatment/report in years (Calculated) |
Number: | 267 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 2 |
Location: | 496-497 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
The childs age at maltreatment in years, defined as the childs age
at the time of the earliest countable maltreatment in the study
reference period, or (for non-countable children) the earliest
maltreatment within the NIS-4 study reference period. For CPS reported
children whose only countable forms of maltreatment fall outside of
study reference period, use the latest maltreatment date to calculate
the age. Failing those alternatives, age is defined as the age at the
time of the latest maltreatment described.
AGE = Maltreatment Date Birth date Where: Birthdate = Birth date with non-missing month and year. Missing day set to 15. Maltreatment date = Maltreatment date with non-missing month and year for each countable form of maltreatment. Missing day set to 15. Time Frame Eligibility = Assessment of whether maltreatment occurred during the study period. Date selected according to the following priority: 1. Earliest date where any of the 14 countable Harm standard forms of maltreatment or any of the 14 countable Endangerment forms of maltreatment were assessed as probable and Time Frame Eligibility indicate that the events of maltreatment occurred during the study period.
2. Latest date where any of the 14 countable Harm standard forms of maltreatment or any of the 14 countable Endangerment forms of maltreatment were assessed as probable and Time Frame Eligibility indicate that it is unclear whether events occurred outside of the study reference periods or the events of maltreatment occurred outside of the study period (for CPS agencies)
3. Earliest date where Time Frame Eligibility indicate that the events of maltreatment occurred during the study period. 4. Latest date
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1186 | 00 | Less than one year | |
9819 | 01-18 | Age in years | |
11 | 98 | 18 Years of age or older | |
1678 | 99 | Could not be calculated (no birth date or no maltreatment date) |
Missing Data Codes: | 98,99 |
Name: | AGEYRMO |
Label: | Child age at time of maltreatment/report |
Number: | 268 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 4 |
Location: | 498-501 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Derivation: If calculated age not = 9999 then AGEYRMO = AGEYCALC followed by AGEMCALC else AGEYRMO = Reported age in years followed by reported age in months
Frequency | Code | Description | |
423 | 0000 | Less than 1 month | |
800 | 0001-0011 | Age in months (under 1 year) | |
9 | 0099 | Age unknown but less than 1 year | |
10582 | 0100-1800 | Age in years (children one year or older, last two digits are always 00) | |
12 | 9997 | Age in years (over 18) | |
868 | 9999 | No age information available |
Missing Data Codes: | 9997,9999 |
Name: | AGECLASS |
Label: | Child age group |
Number: | 269 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 502 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Derivation: If (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0000 and AGEYRMO less than 0300) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 1 else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0300 and AGEYRMO less than 0600) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 2 else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0600 and AGEYRMO less than 0900) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 3 else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0900 and AGEYRMO less than 1200) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 4 else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 1200 and AGEYRMO less than 1500) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 5 else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 1500 and AGEYRMO less than or equal to 1700) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS = 6 else if (AGEYRMO = 9997 and AMALE = 1) or (AGEYRMO = 9999 and AMALE = 1) then AGECLASS = 7 else AGECLASS = 9
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2382 | 1 | 0-2 years old | |
1939 | 2 | 3 to 5 years old | |
1931 | 3 | 6 to 8 years old | |
2000 | 5 | 12 to 14 years old | |
1631 | 4 | 9 to 11 years old | |
1677 | 6 | 15 to 17 years old | |
848 | 7 | Unknown age, countable | |
286 | 9 | Non-countable children |
Missing Data Codes: | 7,9 |
Name: | AGECLASS2 |
Label: | Child age group: Census enrollment categories |
Number: | 270 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 503 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Derivation: If (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0000 and AGEYRMO less than 0300) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 1 else if (AGEYRMOgreater than or equal to 0300 and AGEYRMO less than 0500) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 2 else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0500 and AGEYRMO less than 0700) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 3 else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 0700 and AGEYRMO less than 1000) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 4 else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 1000 and AGEYRMO less than 1400) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 5 else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to 1400 and AGEYRMO less than 1600) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 6 else if (AGEYRMO greater than or equal to1600 and AGEYRMO less than or equal to 1700) and AMALE = 1 then AGECLASS2 = 7 else if (AGEYRMO = 9997 and AMALE = 1) or (AGEYRMO = 9999 and AMALE = 1) then AGECLASS2 = 8 else AGECLASS2 = 9
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2382 | 1 | 0-2 years old | |
1276 | 2 | 3 and 4 years old | |
1367 | 3 | 5 and 6 years old | |
1765 | 4 | 7 to 9 years old | |
2399 | 5 | 10 to 13 years old | |
1413 | 6 | 14 and 15 years old | |
958 | 7 | 16 and 17 years old | |
848 | 8 | Unknown age, countable | |
286 | 9 | Non countable children |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9 |
Name: | ANYDISAB |
Label: | Child confirmed disability |
Number: | 271 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 504 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Note: This variable measures whether or not the child had ANY confirmed disability. Setup: Initiate the interim variables MISSCNT and UNKCNT to zero. Initiate the variable ANYDISAB to zero. Derivation: Loop through all the input items and increment MISSCNT where any input item equals missing (blank), increment UNKCNT where any input item equals 9 and if any input item equals 1, then set ANYDISAB = 1. If MISSCNT = the number of input items or UNKCNT = the number of input items, then ANYDISAB = 9
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11234 | 0 | Child has no confirmed disability | |
672 | 1 | Child has at least one confirmed disability | |
788 | 9 | Missing or unknown |
Missing Data Code: | 9 |
Valid: | 11906 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Label: | Child ethnicity unknown |
Number: | 272 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 505 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Derivation: If CH_NONHISPOTH_TEXT is blank and CH_HISPANIC ne 1 and ((CH_HISPANIC = 9 and CH_NONHISPOTH= 9) or (CH_HISPANIC = missing and CH_NONHISPOTH = 9) or (CH_HISPANIC = 9 and CH_NONHISPOTH = missing) or (CH_HISPANIC = missing and CH_NONHISPOTH = missing) or (CH_HISPANIC = missing and CH_NONHISPOTH = 8) or (CH_HISPANIC = 8 and CH_NONHISPOTH = missing) or (CH_HISPANIC = 8 and CH_NONHISPOTH = 9) or (CH_HISPANIC = 9 and CH_NONHISPOTH = 8)) then CH_ETHNICUNK= 1 else if CH_HISPANIC = 0, 1 or CH_NONHISPOTH = 0, 1 then CH_ETHNICUNK = 0 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10412 | 0 | No | |
2282 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.18 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Label: | Child race: multi-racial, not specified |
Number: | 273 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 506 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Derivation: This variable was created based on a review of the items checked on the form from question 7b. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12542 | 0 | No | |
51 | 1 | Yes | |
101 | 8 | Not ascertained |
Missing Data Code: | 8 |
Valid: | 12593 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | ETHNIC |
Label: | Child race/ethnicity |
Number: | 274 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 507 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Derivation: If RACECENSUS = 4 then ETHNIC = 1 else if RACECENSUS = 5, 6 then ETHNIC = 2 else if RACECENSUS = 2 then ETHNIC = 3 else if RACECENSUS = 3 then ETHNIC = 4 else if RACECENSUS = 1 then ETHNIC = 5 else if RACECENSUS = 7, 8 then ETHNIC = 6 else if RACECENSUS = 9 then ETHNIC = 9
Frequency | Code | Description | |
292 | 1 | American Indian or Alaskan Native | |
176 | 2 | Asian or Pacific Islander | |
2961 | 3 | Black, not of Hispanic origin | |
2620 | 4 | Hispanic | |
5179 | 5 | White, not of Hispanic origin | |
329 | 6 | Other | |
1097 | 9 | Unknown | |
40 | BLANK | Missing |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Label: | Child race following Census categories (with Hispanic origin category) |
Number: | 275 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 508 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Setup: Count the number of races specified and create the interim variable SUM_RACE as follows: Initialize SUM_RACE at zero and then increment SUM_RACE for each 'yes' response among the variables: CH_INDIAN, CH_ASIAN, CH_PACISLANDER, CH_BLACK, CH_WHITE, CH_MULTIRACE, CH_OTHERRACE, CH_RACEUNK Derivation: If CH_HISPANIC = 1 then RACECENSUS = 3 else if CH_WHITE = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 1 else if CH_BLACK = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 2 else if CH_INDIAN_ = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 4 else if CH_ASIAN = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 5 else if CH_PACISLANDER = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 6 else if CH_OTHERRACE = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 7 else if (CH_MULTIRACE = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1) or SUM_RACE > 1 then RACECENSUS = 8 else if CH_RACEUNK = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACECENSUS = 9
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5179 | 1 | White, alone | |
2961 | 2 | Black or African American, alone | |
2620 | 3 | Hispanic (any) | |
292 | 4 | American Indian or Alaska Native, alone | |
125 | 5 | Asian, alone | |
51 | 6 | Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, alone | |
3 | 7 | Some other race | |
326 | 8 | Other: two or more race groups | |
1097 | 9 | Unknown/not specified | |
40 | BLANK | Missing |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | RACEMCAT |
Label: | Child race |
Number: | 276 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 509 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Setup: Count the number of races specified and create the interim variable SUM_RACE as follows: Initialize SUM_RACE at zero and then increment SUM_RACE for each 'yes' response among the variables: CH_INDIAN, CH_ASIAN, CH_PACISLANDER, CH_BLACK, CH_WHITE, CH_MULTIRACE, CH_OTHERRACE, CH_RACEUNK Derivation: if CH_WHITE= 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 1 else if CH_BLACK = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 2 else if CH_INDIAN = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 3 else if CH_ASIAN = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 4 else if CH_PACISLANDER = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 5 else if CH_OTHERRACE = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 6 else if (CH_MULTIRACE = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1) or SUM_RACE > 1 then RACEMCAT = 7 else if CH_RACEUNK = 1 and SUM_RACE = 1 then RACEMCAT = 8 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6386 | 1 | White, alone | |
3019 | 2 | Black, alone | |
324 | 3 | American Indian or Alaska Native, alone | |
127 | 4 | Asian, alone | |
54 | 5 | Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, alone | |
687 | 6 | Some other race, alone | |
381 | 7 | Other: two or more race groups | |
1615 | 8 | Unknown/not specified | |
101 | BLANK | Missing |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,BLANK |
Name: | RACET4 |
Label: | Child race/ethnicity, 4-categories |
Number: | 277 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 510 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Input Items: ETHNIC
Derivation: If ETHNIC = 5 then RACET4 = 1 else if ETHNIC = 3 then RACET4 = 2 else if ETHNIC = 4 then RACET4 = 3 else if ETHNIC = 1, 2, 6 then RACET4 = 4 else if (ETHNIC = missing or ETHNIC = 9) then RACET4 = 9
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5179 | 1 | White non-Hispanic | |
2961 | 2 | Black non-Hispanic | |
2620 | 3 | Hispanic | |
797 | 4 | Other, non-Hispanic | |
1137 | 9 | Missing/unknown |
Missing Data Code: | 9 |
Name: | EMPSUM |
Label: | Parental employment, present and past |
Number: | 278 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 511 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.
Input Items: FASTRUCT, PA_EMP, PA_PASTEMPUNEMP, PA_PASTEMPOTH, PA_PASTEMPFT, PA_PASTEMPPT, PA_PASTEMPACTDUTY, PA_PASTEMPUNK, PB_EMP, PB_PASTEMPUNEMP, PB_PASTEMPOTH, PB_PASTEMPFT, PB_PASTEMPPT, PB_PASTEMPACTDUTY, PB_PASTEMPUNK, OIP_EMP1-OIP_EMP5, OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP1-OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP5, OIP_PASTEMPOTH1-OIP_PASTEMPOTH5, OIP_PASTEMPFT1-OIP_PASTEMPFT5, OIP_PASTEMPPT1-OIP_PASTEMPPT5, OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY1-OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY5, OIP_PASTEMPUNK1-OIP_PASTEMPUNK5 Setup: This is a summary variable of the parental employment status at the time of maltreatment and in the past year. NOTE: Other specify text variables were recoded to the appropriate categories. New interim variables were created for other specify text that did not fit the data form categories, but which fit our definition of employed, unemployed or not in the labor force. Those variables are referred to as OTHEMPLOYED, OTHUNEMP and PASTEMNILF respectively. In order to derive parental employment status we first identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered parents if they were in the household and were either biological, step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1, Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine parental employment. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and PARENT2.
PAST EMPLOYMENT Past employment for each parent (PASTEMPLOY_P1, PASTEMPLOY_P2) was turned into a categorical variable as follows: if past employment is unemployed or if OTHUNEMP = 1 then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 2 else if past employment was employed full-time, part-time, active duty military or OTHEMPLOYED = 1 then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 1 else if PASTEMNILF = 1 then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 3 else if employment was unknown then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 9 if a parent was identified and PASTMEPLOY_PX was missing, then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 9 1 = Employed in the past year 2 = Unemployed in the past year 3 = Not in the labor in the past year 9 = Unknown Next, past employment for both parents was combined to create PASTEMPB, a single categorical variable for past employment, as follows: if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 1 then PASTEMPB = 1 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2) then PASTEMPB = 2 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3) then PASTEMPB = 3 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9) then PASTEMPB = 4 else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2 then PASTEMPB = 5 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3) then PASTEMPB = 6 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9) then PASTEMPB = 7 else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3 then PASTEMPB = 8 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9) then PASTEMPB = 9 else if PASTEMPLOY = 1 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 10 else if PASTEMPLOY = 2 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 11 else if PASTEMPLOY = 3 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 12 else if FASTRUCT = 6 then PASTEMPB = 96 else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9 then PASTEMPB = 97 else if PASTEMPLOY = Missing, 9 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 98 else if FASTRUCT = Missing, 9 then PASTEMPB = 99 1 = Both parents employed (two parents) 2 = One parent employed and the other unemployed (two parents) 3 = One parent employed and the other NILF (two parents) 4 = One parent employed, one parent employment unknown (two parents) 5 = Both parents unemployed (two parents) 6 = One parent unemployed and the other NILF (two parents) 7 = One parent unemployed, one parent employment unknown (two parents) 8 = Both parents NILF (two parents) 9 = One parent NILF, one parent employment unknown (two parents) 10 = Parent employed (single parent) 11 = Parent unemployed (single parent) 12 = Parent not in work force (single parent) 96 = No parent present 97 = Missing employment for both parents (two parents) 98 = Parents employment unknown or missing (single parent) 99 = Unknown or missing relationship Finally, past employment was collapsed to create PASTMEP2 as follows: if PASTEMPB = 2,5,6,7,11 then PASTEMP2 = 1 else if PASTEMPB = 1,3,4,10 then PASTEMP2 = 2 else if PASTEMPB = 8,9,12 then PASTEMP2 = 3 else if PASTEMPB = 96 then PASTEMP2 = 8 else if PASTEMPB = 97,98,99 then PASTEMP2 = Missing 1 = Unemployed 2 = Employed 3 = Not in labor force 8 = Unknown
EMPLOYMENT AT TIME OF MALTREATMENT if employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 then PAREMPB = 1 else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 ) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6)) then PAREMPB = 2 else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT2 = 5) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT1 = 5) then PAREMPB = 3 else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT1 = 9) then PAREMPB = 4 else if employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 then PAREMPB = 5 else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status for PARENT2 = 5) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 and employment status for PARENT1 = 5) then PAREMPB = 6 else if employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 and employment status for PARENT1 = 9) then PAREMPB = 7 else if employment status for PARENT1 = 5 and employment status for PARENT2 = 5 then PAREMPB = 8 else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 5 and employment status for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 5 and employment status for PARENT1 = 9) then PAREMPB = 9 else if PAREMP = 1, 2, 3 or 7 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3 or 4 then PAREMPB = 10 else if PAREMP = 4 or 6 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 11 else if PAREMP = 5 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 12 else if FASTRUCT = 6 then PAREMPB = 96 else if employment status for PARENT1 = 9 and employment status for PARENT2 = 9 then PAREMPB = 97 else if PAREMP = 9, Missing and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 98 else if FASTRUCT = Missing, 9 then PAREMPB = 99 1 = Both parents employed (two parents) 2 = One parent employed and the other unemployed (two parents) 3 = One parent employed and the other NILF (two parents) 4 = One parent employed, one parent employment unknown (two parents) 5 = Both parents unemployed (two parents) 6 = One parent unemployed and the other NILF (two parents) 7 = One parent unemployed, one parent employment unknown (two parents) 8 = Both parents NILF (two parents) 9 = One parent NILF, one parent employment unknown (two parents) 10 = Parent employed (single parent) 11 = Parent unemployed (single parent) 12 = Parent not in work force (single parent) 96 = No parent present 97 = Missing employment for both parents (two parents) 98 = Parents employment unknown or missing (single parent) 99 = Unknown or missing relationship Finally, employment at the time of maltreatment was collapsed to create PAREMP2 as follows: if PAREMPB = 2,5,6,7,11 then PAREMP2 = 1 else if PAREMPB = 1,3,4,10 then PAREMP2 = 2 else if PAREMPB = 8,9,12 then PAREMP2 = 3 else if PAREMPB = 96 then PAREMP2 = 8 else if PAREMPB = 97,98,99 then PAREMP2 = Missing 1 = Unemployed 2 = Employed 3 = Not in labor force 8 = Unknown Derivation: If PAREMP2 = 1 or PASTEMP2 = 1 then EMPSUM = 1 else if PAREMP2 = 2 or PASTEMP2 = 2 then EMPSUM = 2 else if PAREMP2 = 3 or PASTEMP2 = 3 then EMPSUM = 3 else if PAREMP2 = 8 or PASTEMP2 = 8 then EMPSUM = 8 else EMPSUM = Missing
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1367 | 1 | Any parent unemployed | |
4170 | 2 | Parent(s) employed | |
1021 | 3 | Parent(s) not in labor force | |
694 | 8 | No parents present | |
5442 | BLANK | Missing |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | FASTRUCT |
Label: | Family structure |
Number: | 279 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 512 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.
Input Items: PA_SEX, PA_BIOPAR, PA_STEP, PA_ADOPT, PA_FOSTER, PA_GUARDIAN, PA_GRAND, PA_FRIEND, PA_OTHREL, PA_OTHNONREL, PB_SEX, PB_BIOPAR, PB_STEP, PB_ADOPT, PB_FOSTER, PB_GUARDIAN, PB_GRAND, PB_FRIEND, PB_OTHREL, PB_OTHNONREL, OIP_RELATION1-OIP_RELATION5, OIP_INHOME1-OIP_INHOME5, OIP_SEX1-OIP_SEX5 Setup: NOTE: Other specify text variables were recoded to the appropriate relationship categories. In order to derive family structure we first identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered parents if they were in the household and were either biological, step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1, Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine family structure. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and PARENT2. Derivation: If (PARENT1 is male and PARENT2 is female) or (PARENT1 is female and PARENT2 is male) or (PARENT1 and PARENT2 have the same gender) or (two parents are present and one parent's gender is missing)) then FASTRUCT = 1 else if only one parent was identified and gender is female then FASTRUCT = 2 else if only one parent was identified and gender is male then FASTRUCT = 3 else if only one parent was identified and gender was unknown then FASTRUCT = 4 else if two parents were identified and for both gender was missing then FASTRUCT = 5 If no parents were identified then family structure was classified as either unknown or neither parent. If no other persons were found in the household (including Persons A, B and all OIPs), then FASTRUCT was considered to be unknown; if any other persons were found, we concluded that neither parent was present in the household. The interim variable PXOTHERMEM was created to check for other non-parent, in-home Other Involved Persons. If OIP_RELATION1 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and OIP_INHOME1 = 1 or OIP_RELATION2 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and OIP_INHOME2 = 1 or OIP_RELATION3 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and OIP_INHOME3 = 1 or OIP_RELATION4 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and OIP_INHOME4 = 1 or OIP_RELATION5 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and OIP_INHOME5 = 1 or then PXOTHERMEM = 1 If PA_FOSTER = 1 or PA_GUARDIAN = 1 or PA_GRAND = 1 or PA_FRIEND = 1 or PA_OTHREL = 1 or PA_OTHNONREL = 1 or PB_FOSTER = 1 or PB_GUARDIAN = 1 or PB_GRAND = 1 or PB_FRIEND = 1 or PB_OTHREL = 1 or PB_OTHNONREL = 1 or PXOTHERMEM = 1 then FASTRUCT = 6 else FASTRUCT = 9 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5174 | 1 | Both parents | |
6024 | 2 | Mother only | |
734 | 3 | Father only | |
46 | 4 | One Parent - gender unknown | |
3 | 5 | Two Parents - gender unknown | |
694 | 6 | Neither Parent | |
19 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Code: | 9 |
Name: | FOSTER |
Label: | Child has foster parent(s) |
Number: | 280 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 513 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
153 | 1 | Single parent is foster parent or two foster parent family | |
1 | 2 | Two parent family - one is a foster parent | |
12540 | BLANK | Inapplicable, no foster parents |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | GRDCARE |
Label: | Presence of grandparents as caregivers |
Number: | 281 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 514 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Derivation: If PA_GRAND = 1 or PB_GRAND = 1 or (OIP_RELATION1 = 5 and OIP_INHOME1 = 1) or (OIP_RELATION2 = 5 and OIP_INHOME2 = 1) or (OIP_RELATION3 = 5 and OIP_INHOME3 = 1) or (OIP_RELATION4 = 5 and OIP_INHOME4 = 1) or (OIP_RELATION5 = 5 and OIP_INHOME5 = 1) then GRDCARE = 1 else if PA_GRAND not = missing, 1 or PB_GRAND not = missing, 1 and (OIP_RELATION1 not = missing, 5, 99 and OIP_INHOME1 = 1) and (OIP_RELATION2 not = missing, 5, 99 and OIP_INHOME2 = 1) and (OIP_RELATION3 not = missing, 5, 99 and OIP_INHOME3 = 1) and (OIP_RELATION4 not = missing, 5, 99 and OIP_INHOME4 = 1) and (OIP_RELATION5 not = missing, 5, 99 and OIP_INHOME5 = 1) then GRDCARE = 2 else if PA_UNK = 1 or PB_UNK = 1 or (PX_RELATION1 = 99 and PX_INHOME1 = 1) or (PX_RELATION2 = 99 and PX_INHOME2 = 1) or (PX_RELATION3 = 99 and PX_INHOME3 = 1) or (PX_RELATION4 = 99 and PX_INHOME4 = 1) or (PX_RELATION5 = 99 and PX_INHOME5 = 1) then GRDCARE = 9
Frequency | Code | Description | |
909 | 1 | Grandparent present | |
11765 | 0 | Grandparents not present | |
3 | 9 | Unknown | |
17 | BLANK | Missing |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | INCOME2 |
Label: | Estimated annual household income, collapsed |
Number: | 282 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 515 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Input Items: INCOME
Derivation: If INCOME = 4, 5 then INCOME2 = 4 else INCOME2 = INCOME
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2014 | 1 | Less than $15,000 | |
1103 | 2 | $15,000-$24,999 | |
709 | 3 | $25,000-$39,999 | |
491 | 4 | $40,000 or more | |
8191 | 9 | Unknown | |
186 | BLANK | Missing |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | INHSTATP |
Label: | Number and status of in-home parents |
Number: | 283 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 516 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.
Input Items: FASTRUCT, INHSTATP Derivation: If FASTRUCT = 1 then INHSTATP = 2 else if FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then INHSTATP = 1 else if FASTRUCT = 6 then INHSTAT = 3 else if FASTRUCT = 9 then INHSTATP = 9
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6804 | 1 | One parent | |
5177 | 2 | Two parents | |
694 | 3 | Neither parent | |
19 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Code: | 9 |
Name: | INHSTONE |
Label: | Mother-only or father-only |
Number: | 284 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 517 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.
Input Items: FASTRUCT Derivation: If FASTRUCT = 2 then INHSTONE = 1 else if FASTRUCT = 3 then INHSTONE = 2 else if FASTRUCT = 4 then INHSTONE = 3 else if FASTRUCT = 4 then INHSTONE = 9 else INHSTONE = missing
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6024 | 1 | Mother only | |
734 | 2 | Father only | |
46 | 3 | One parent - gender unknown | |
19 | 9 | Unknown | |
5871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Label: | Family structure and parental living arrangement |
Number: | 285 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 518 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.
Input Items: LIVESTRUCT, PARENTLIVE, INHSTATP Setup: In order to derive family structure we first identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered parents if they were in the household and were either biological, step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1, Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine family structure. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and PARENT2. The interim variable LIVESTRUCT was created as follows: If INHSTATP = 2 and PARENTLIVE = 2 then LIVESTRUCT = 1 else if INHSTATP = 2 and PARENTLIVE = 3 then LIVESTRUCT = 2 else if INHSTATP = 1 and PARENTLIVE = 3 then LIVESTRUCT = 3 else if INHSTATP = 1 and PARENTLIVE = 1 then LIVESTRUCT = 4 else if INHSTATP = 3 then LIVESTRUCT = 5 else if INHSTATP = (1, 2, 3, 9) and PARENTLIVE = 9 then LIVESTRUCT = 9 Derivation: If LIVESTRUCT = 1 then if PARENT1 and PARENT2 are biological parents then LIVESTRUCT2 = 1 else if PARENT1 or PARENT2 are step or adoptive parents then LIVESTRUCT2 = 2 otherwise if LIVESTRUCT = 9 then LIVESTRUCT2 = 9 else if LIVESTRUCT not = missing then LIVESTRUCT2 = LIVESTRUCT + 1
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2798 | 1 | Married parents, both biological | |
1167 | 2 | Married parents, other legal arrangements | |
1053 | 3 | Unmarried parents | |
1259 | 4 | Single parent, with partner | |
5004 | 5 | Single parent, no partner | |
694 | 6 | Neither parent | |
719 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Code: | 9 |
Name: | LOWSES2 |
Label: | Family of low socioeconomic status |
Number: | 286 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 519 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Derivation: If INCOME = 1 or PARED = 1 or POVPROG = 1 then LOWSES2 = 1 else if (INCOME > 1 and INCOME < 9) or PARED = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) or POVPROG = 0 then LOWSES2 = 0 else if (INCOME = 9 and PARED = 9 and POVPROG = 9) then LOWSES2 = 9 if INCOME = 1 or POVPROG = 1 then LOWSES2 = 1 else if INCOME = 9 and POVPROG = 9 then LOWSES2 = 9 else LOWSES2 = 0 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2368 | 0 | No | |
4650 | 1 | Yes | |
5181 | 9 | Unknown | |
495 | BLANK | Missing |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 7018 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.66 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Name: | PARED |
Label: | Parent/caregiver education level |
Number: | 287 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 520 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.
Input Items: PA_EDUCATION, PB_EDUCATION, OIP_EDUCATION1-OIP_EDUCATION5 Setup: In order to derive parental employment status we first identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered parents if they were in the household and were either biological, step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1, Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine parental employment. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and PARENT2. Derivation: if no parents were identified then PARED = 6 else if education status for PARENT1 = 5 or education status for PARENT2 = 5 then PARED = 5 else if education status for PARENT1 = 4 or education status for PARENT2 = 4 then PARED = 4 else if education status for PARENT1 = 3 or education status for PARENT2 = 3 then PARED = 3 else if education status for PARENT1 = 2 or education status for PARENT2 = 2 then PARED = 2 else if education status for PARENT1 = 1 or education status for PARENT2 = 1 then PARED = 1 else if education status for PARENT1 = 9 or education status for PARENT2 = 9 then PARED = 9
Frequency | Code | Description | |
856 | 1 | Did not complete high school | |
990 | 2 | Completed high school | |
372 | 3 | Some education beyond high school | |
110 | 4 | Completed college (Bachelor's degree) | |
40 | 5 | Completed advanced degree | |
713 | 6 | No parents present | |
9442 | 9 | Unknown | |
171 | BLANK | Missing |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PAREMPB |
Label: | Parental employment at the time of maltreatment |
Number: | 288 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 521-522 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.
Input Items: PA_EMP, PB_EMP, OIP_EMP1-OIP_EMP5 Setup: In order to derive parental employment status we first identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered parents if they were in the household and were either biological, step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1, Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine parental employment. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and PARENT2. Derivation: if employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 then PAREMPB = 1 else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 ) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6)) then PAREMPB = 2 else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT2 = 5) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT1 = 5) then PAREMPB = 3 else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 1, 2, 3, 7 and employment status for PARENT1 = 9) then PAREMPB = 4 else if employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 then PAREMPB = 5 else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status for PARENT2 = 5) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 and employment status for PARENT1 = 5) then PAREMPB = 6 else if employment status for PARENT1 = 4, 6 and employment status for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 4, 6 and employment status for PARENT1 = 9) then PAREMPB = 7 else if employment status for PARENT1 = 5 and employment status for PARENT2 = 5 then PAREMPB = 8 else if (employment status for PARENT1 = 5 and employment status for PARENT2 = 9) or (employment status for PARENT2 = 5 and employment status for PARENT1 = 9) then PAREMPB = 9 else if PAREMP = 1, 2, 3 or 7 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3 or 4 then PAREMPB = 10 else if PAREMP = 4 or 6 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 11 else if PAREMP = 5 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 12 else if FASTRUCT = 6 then PAREMPB = 96 else if employment status for PARENT1 = 9 and employment status for PARENT2 = 9 then PAREMPB = 97 else if PAREMP = 9, Missing and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PAREMPB = 98 else if FASTRUCT = Missing, 9 then PAREMPB = 99 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
997 | 1 | Both parents employed (two parents) | |
144 | 2 | One parent employed and the other unemployed (two parents) | |
780 | 3 | One parent employed and the other NILF (two parents) | |
725 | 4 | One parent employed, one parent employment unknown (two parents) | |
30 | 5 | Both parents unemployed (two parents) | |
35 | 6 | One parent unemployed and the other NILF (two parents) | |
41 | 7 | One parent unemployed, one parent employment unknown (two parents) | |
264 | 8 | Both parents NILF (two parents) | |
208 | 9 | One parent NILF, one parent employment unknown (two parents) | |
1807 | 10 | Parent employed (single parent) | |
193 | 11 | Parent unemployed (single parent) | |
1220 | 12 | Parent not in work force (single parent) | |
541 | 96 | No parent present | |
2121 | 97 | Missing employment for both parents (two parents) | |
3569 | 98 | Parents employment unknown or missing (single parent) | |
19 | 99 | Unknown or missing relationship |
Missing Data Codes: | 97,98,99 |
Label: | Parental living arrangement |
Number: | 289 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 523 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.
Input Items: FASTRUCT, PA_LIVEWITH, PB_REL_PA, OIP1_NODATA, OIP2_NODATA, OIP3_NODATA, OIP4_NODATA, OIP5_NODATA, OIP_INHOME1-OIP_INHOME5, Setup: In order to derive parental living arrangements we first identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered parents if they were in the household and were either biological, step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1, Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine parental living arrangements. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and PARENT2. PARENT1 and PARENT2 can hold the following values: A, B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 where 'A' is Person A, 'B' is Person B, and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 refer to Other Involved Persons 1 through 5. Next, we determined if there were any Other Involved Persons in the home and created two interim variables: OIP and OIPHOME as follows: If OIP1_NODATA = 1 and OIP2_NODATA = 1 and OIP3_NODATA = 1 and OIP4_NODATA = 1 and OIP5_NODATA = 1 then OIP = 0 else OIP = 1 if OIP_INHOME1 = 0 and OIP2_INHOME = 0 and OIP_INHOME3 = 0 and OIP_INHOME4 = 0 and OIP_INHOME5 = 0 then OIPHOME = 0 else OIPHOME = 1 Note: We made an assumption about the living arrangements based on Person B and the Other Involved Persons; If the parent was Person A and there was no Person B and no resident Other Involved Persons on the form, for the purpose of deriving living arrangements, these cases are considered to be single parents with no spouse or partner. Derivation: if FASTRUCT = 9 then PARENTLIVE = 9 else if FASTRUCT = 6 then PARENTLIVE = 4 Otherwise do the following: if (PARENT1 = 'A' and PA_LIVEWITH = 1) or (PARENT1 = 'B' and PB_REL_PA not =1,2,9,Missing) then PARENTLIVE = 1 else if (PARENT1 = 'A' and PA_LIVEWITH = 2) or (PARENT1 = 'A' and PB_REL_PA = 1) or (PARENT1 = 'B' and PB_REL_PA = 1) or (PARENT2 = 'B' and PB_REL_PA = 1) then PARENTLIVE = 2 else if (PARENT1 = 'A' and PA_LIVEWITH = 2, 3) or (PARENT1 = 'A' and PB_REL_PA = 2) or (PARENT2 = 'B' and PB_REL_PA = 2) or (PARENT1 = 'B' and PB_REL_PA = 2) then PARENTLIVE = 3 else if (PARENT1 = 'A' and PB_NODATA = 1 and PARENT2 is missing and (OIP = 0 or OIPHOME = 0)) and ((PA_LIVEWITH = 9, Missing) and FASTRUCT = 2 and PB_REL_PA = Missing) or (PA_LIVEWITH = 9 and FASTRUCT= 3 and PB_REL_PA = Missing)) then PARENTLIVE = 1 else PARENTLIVE = 9 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5004 | 1 | Child has single parent with no spouse or partner | |
3965 | 2 | Child has a parent living with a spouse | |
2312 | 3 | Child has a parent living with an unmarried partner | |
694 | 4 | Child has neither parent in household | |
719 | 9 | Unknown |
Missing Data Code: | 9 |
Name: | PASTEMPB |
Label: | Parental employment in past year |
Number: | 290 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 524-525 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
** The assigned value for this variable may reflect corrections based
on narrative information on the data form, so it may not necessarily
agree with answers to the original data items on the topic.
Input Items: PA_PASTEMPUNEMP, PA_PASTEMPOTH, PA_PASTEMPFT, PA_PASTEMPPT, PA_PASTEMPACTDUTY, PA_PASTEMPUNK, PB_PASTEMPUNEMP, PB_PASTEMPOTH, PB_PASTEMPFT, PB_PASTEMPPT, PB_PASTEMPACTDUTY, PB_PASTEMPUNK, OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP1-OIP_PASTEMPUNEMP5, OIP_PASTEMPOTH1-OIP_PASTEMPOTH5, OIP_PASTEMPFT1-OIP_PASTEMPFT5, OIP_PASTEMPPT1-OIP_PASTEMPPT5, OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY1-OIP_PASTEMPACTDUTY5, OIP_PASTEMPUNK1-OIP_PASTEMPUNK5 Setup: NOTE: Other specify text variables were recoded to the appropriate categories. New interim variables were created for other specify text that did not fit the data form categories, but which fit our definition of employed, unemployed or not in the labor force. Those variables are referred to as OTHEMPLOYED, OTHUNEMP and PASTEMNILF respectively. In order to derive parental employment status we first identified the parents in the household. Persons were considered parents if they were in the household and were either biological, step or adoptive. The members of the household were evaluated in the following order: Person A, Person B, Other Involved Person 1, Other Involved Person 2, Other Involved Person 3, Other Involved Person 4 and Other Involved Person 5. Data from the first two persons identified that met the parent criteria were used to determine parental employment. These persons are referred to as PARENT1 and PARENT2. Past employment for each parent (PASTEMPLOY_P1, PASTEMPLOY_P2) was turned into a categorical variable as follows: if past employment is unemployed or if OTHUNEMP = 1 then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 2 else if past employment was employed full-time, part-time, active duty military or OTHEMPLOYED = 1 then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 1 else if PASTEMNILF = 1 then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 3 else if employment was unknown then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 9 if a parent was identified and PASTMEPLOY_PX was missing, then PASTEMPLOY_PX = 9 1 = Employed in the past year 2 = Unemployed in the past year 3 = Not in the labor in the past year 9 = Unknown Derivation: if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 1 then PASTEMPB = 1 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2) then PASTEMPB = 2 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3) then PASTEMPB = 3 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 1 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9) then PASTEMPB = 4 else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2 then PASTEMPB = 5 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3) then PASTEMPB = 6 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 2 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9) then PASTEMPB = 7 else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3 then PASTEMPB = 8 else if (PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 3 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9) or (PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 3 and PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9) then PASTEMPB = 9 else if PASTEMPLOY = 1 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 10 else if PASTEMPLOY = 2 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 11 else if PASTEMPLOY = 3 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 12 else if FASTRUCT = 6 then PASTEMPB = 96 else if PASTEMPLOY_P1 = 9 and PASTEMPLOY_P2 = 9 then PASTEMPB = 97 else if PASTEMPLOY = Missing, 9 and FASTRUCT = 2, 3, 4 then PASTEMPB = 98 else if FASTRUCT = Missing, 9 then PASTEMPB = 99 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
506 | 1 | Both parents employed (two parents) | |
210 | 2 | One parent employed and the other unemployed (two parents) | |
290 | 3 | One parent employed and the other NILF (two parents) | |
482 | 4 | One parent employed, one parent employment unknown (two parents) | |
119 | 5 | Both parents unemployed (two parents) | |
40 | 6 | One parent unemployed and the other NILF (two parents) | |
96 | 7 | One parent unemployed, one parent employment unknown (two parents) | |
43 | 8 | Both parents NILF (two parents) | |
127 | 9 | One parent NILF, one parent employment unknown (two parents) | |
996 | 10 | Parent employed (single parent) | |
510 | 11 | Parent unemployed (single parent) | |
363 | 12 | Parent not in work force (single parent) | |
541 | 96 | No parent present | |
3432 | 97 | Missing employment for both parents (two parents) | |
4920 | 98 | Parents employment unknown or missing (single parent) | |
19 | 99 | Unknown or missing relationship |
Missing Data Codes: | 97,98,99 |
Name: | METSTAT03 |
Label: | Metropolitan classification |
Number: | 291 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 526 |
This variable was derived using the new definitions by OMB for US counties (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 2003). See Chapter 5 (section 5.6) of the Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (NIS-4) Final Report to Congress. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6776 | 1 | Major Urban | |
4118 | 2 | Urban | |
1800 | 3 | Rural |
Name: | NIS3URB |
Label: | NIS3 Urbanicity code |
Number: | 292 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 1 |
Location: | 527 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4639 | A | High MSA | |
5730 | B | Low MSA | |
2325 | C | Normal MSA |
The evaluative coding system allowed for the coding of all forms of maltreatment experienced by the child and identifying all the persons responsible for perpetrating each form of maltreatment. Within a maltreatment category, the Endangerment Standard countable form of maltreatment with the most severe outcome was selected, and among the perpetrators of this form of maltreatment, the individual who was most closely related to the victim was selected. The following variables provide the relationship category of the most closely related perpetrator by Endangerment Standard countable maltreatment, overall abuse categories, overall neglect categories, and for each maltreatment category. |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_E1 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 293 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 528-529 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9966 | 1 | Biological parent | |
1427 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
999 | 3 | Other | |
16 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
286 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_E2 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 294 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 530-531 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2732 | 1 | Biological parent | |
860 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
872 | 3 | Other | |
15 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
8215 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_E3 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 295 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 532-533 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
274 | 1 | Biological parent | |
229 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
581 | 3 | Other | |
8 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
11602 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_E4 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 296 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 534-535 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1931 | 1 | Biological parent | |
520 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
278 | 3 | Other | |
6 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
9959 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_E5 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 297 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 536-537 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
930 | 1 | Biological parent | |
277 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
100 | 3 | Other | |
1 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
11386 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_E6 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 298 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 538-539 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7806 | 1 | Biological parent | |
832 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
275 | 3 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
3781 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_E7 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 299 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 540-541 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4200 | 1 | Biological parent | |
338 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
117 | 3 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
8039 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_E8 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 300 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 542-543 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
746 | 1 | Biological parent | |
41 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
0 | 3 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
11907 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_E9 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 301 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 544-545 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4397 | 1 | Biological parent | |
568 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
188 | 3 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
7541 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
The evaluative coding system allowed for the coding of all forms of maltreatment experienced by the child and for identifying all persons responsible for perpetrating each form of maltreatment. Within a maltreatment category, the Harm Standard countable form of maltreatment with the most severe outcome was selected, and among the perpetrators of this form of maltreatment, the individual who was most closely related to the victim was selected. The following variables provide the relationship category of the most closely related perpetrator of Harm Standard maltreatment, overall abuse categories, overall neglect categories, and for each maltreatment category. |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_H1 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 302 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 546-547 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3927 | 1 | Biological parent | |
741 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
547 | 3 | Other | |
11 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
7468 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_H2 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 303 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 548-549 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1910 | 1 | Biological parent | |
635 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
596 | 3 | Other | |
12 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
9541 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_H3 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 304 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 550-551 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
206 | 1 | Biological parent | |
195 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
381 | 3 | Other | |
7 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
11905 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_H4 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 305 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 552-553 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1415 | 1 | Biological parent | |
378 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
208 | 3 | Other | |
4 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
10689 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_H5 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 306 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 554-555 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
466 | 1 | Biological parent | |
140 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
54 | 3 | Other | |
1 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
12033 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_H6 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 307 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 556-557 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2278 | 1 | Biological parent | |
182 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
0 | 3 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
10234 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_H7 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 308 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 558-559 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1095 | 1 | Biological parent | |
105 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
0 | 3 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
11494 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_H8 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 309 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 560-561 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
746 | 1 | Biological parent | |
41 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
0 | 3 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
11907 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPRELCAT_H9 |
Label: | Relationship category of most closely related perpetrator 1 of Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 310 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 2 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 562-563 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
680 | 1 | Biological parent | |
55 | 2 | Other parent/parent substitute | |
0 | 3 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown relationship | |
11959 | 10 | No maltreatment in the category was countable under HS or no one had a role in maltreating child |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,10 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1E1 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 311 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 564 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10466 | 0 | No | |
2228 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.18 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1E2 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 312 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 565 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11888 | 0 | No | |
806 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1E3 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 313 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 566 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12381 | 0 | No | |
313 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1E4 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 314 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 567 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12284 | 0 | No | |
410 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1E5 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 315 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 568 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12543 | 0 | No | |
151 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1E6 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 316 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 569 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11147 | 0 | No | |
1547 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.12 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1E7 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 317 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 570 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11797 | 0 | No | |
897 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1E8 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 318 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 571 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12657 | 0 | No | |
37 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1E9 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 319 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 572 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11830 | 0 | No | |
864 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1H1 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 320 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 573 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11873 | 0 | No | |
821 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1H2 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 321 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 574 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12155 | 0 | No | |
539 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1H3 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 322 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 575 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12524 | 0 | No | |
170 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1H4 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 323 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 576 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12359 | 0 | No | |
335 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1H5 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 324 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 577 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12629 | 0 | No | |
65 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1H6 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 325 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 578 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12341 | 0 | No | |
353 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1H7 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 326 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 579 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12419 | 0 | No | |
275 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1H8 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 327 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 580 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12657 | 0 | No | |
37 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT1H9 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is less than 26 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 328 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 581 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12620 | 0 | No | |
74 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2E1 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 329 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 582 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8023 | 0 | No | |
4671 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.37 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2E2 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 330 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 583 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11339 | 0 | No | |
1355 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2E3 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 331 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 584 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12463 | 0 | No | |
231 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2E4 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 332 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 585 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11773 | 0 | No | |
921 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2E5 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 333 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 586 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12290 | 0 | No | |
404 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2E6 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 334 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 587 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9166 | 0 | No | |
3528 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.28 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2E7 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 335 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 588 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10853 | 0 | No | |
1841 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2E8 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 336 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 589 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12429 | 0 | No | |
265 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2E9 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 337 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 590 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10649 | 0 | No | |
2045 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2H1 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 338 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 591 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11043 | 0 | No | |
1651 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2H2 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 339 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 592 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11743 | 0 | No | |
951 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2H3 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 340 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 593 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12515 | 0 | No | |
179 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2H4 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 341 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 594 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12044 | 0 | No | |
650 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2H5 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 342 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 595 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12493 | 0 | No | |
201 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2H6 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 343 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 596 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11893 | 0 | No | |
801 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2H7 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 344 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 597 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12314 | 0 | No | |
380 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2H8 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 345 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 598 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12429 | 0 | No | |
265 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT2H9 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is 26-35 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 346 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 599 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12457 | 0 | No | |
237 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3E1 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 347 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 600 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8223 | 0 | No | |
4471 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.35 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3E2 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 348 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 601 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11067 | 0 | No | |
1627 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3E3 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 349 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 602 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12367 | 0 | No | |
327 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3E4 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 350 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 603 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11736 | 0 | No | |
958 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3E5 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 351 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 604 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12079 | 0 | No | |
615 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3E6 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 352 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 605 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9343 | 0 | No | |
3351 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.26 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3E7 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 353 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 606 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11085 | 0 | No | |
1609 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3E8 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 354 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 607 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12346 | 0 | No | |
348 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3E9 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 355 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 608 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10580 | 0 | No | |
2114 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3H1 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 356 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 609 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10703 | 0 | No | |
1991 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3H2 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 357 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 610 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11540 | 0 | No | |
1154 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3H3 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 358 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 611 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12429 | 0 | No | |
265 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3H4 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 359 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 612 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12002 | 0 | No | |
692 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3H5 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 360 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 613 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12357 | 0 | No | |
337 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3H6 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 361 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 614 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11695 | 0 | No | |
999 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3H7 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 362 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 615 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12294 | 0 | No | |
400 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3H8 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 363 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 616 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12346 | 0 | No | |
348 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | PRPAGCAT3H9 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is more than 35 years old for Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 364 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 617 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12313 | 0 | No | |
381 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 365 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 618 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11190 | 0 | No | |
1504 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.12 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 366 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 619 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11968 | 0 | No | |
726 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 367 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 620 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12468 | 0 | No | |
226 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 368 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 621 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12230 | 0 | No | |
464 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 369 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 622 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12542 | 0 | No | |
152 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 370 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 623 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11767 | 0 | No | |
927 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 371 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 624 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12175 | 0 | No | |
519 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 372 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 625 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12539 | 0 | No | |
155 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 373 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 626 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12309 | 0 | No | |
385 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 374 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 627 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11816 | 0 | No | |
878 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 375 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 628 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12154 | 0 | No | |
540 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 376 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 629 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12511 | 0 | No | |
183 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 377 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 630 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12348 | 0 | No | |
346 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 378 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 631 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12631 | 0 | No | |
63 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 379 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 632 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12298 | 0 | No | |
396 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 380 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 633 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12497 | 0 | No | |
197 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 381 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 634 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12539 | 0 | No | |
155 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator age is unknown for Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 382 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 635 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12624 | 0 | No | |
70 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 383 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 636 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10528 | 0 | No | |
1880 | 1 | Yes | |
286 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 12408 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 384 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 637 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3913 | 0 | No | |
566 | 1 | Yes | |
8215 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 4479 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 385 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 638 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1012 | 0 | No | |
80 | 1 | Yes | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 1092 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 386 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 639 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2411 | 0 | No | |
324 | 1 | Yes | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 2735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.12 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 387 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 640 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1027 | 0 | No | |
281 | 1 | Yes | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 1308 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.21 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 388 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 641 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7260 | 0 | No | |
1653 | 1 | Yes | |
3781 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 8913 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.19 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.39 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 389 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 642 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3878 | 0 | No | |
777 | 1 | Yes | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 4655 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 390 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 643 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
713 | 0 | No | |
74 | 1 | Yes | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 391 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 644 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3822 | 0 | No | |
1331 | 1 | Yes | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 5153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.26 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 392 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 645 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4596 | 0 | No | |
630 | 1 | Yes | |
7468 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 5226 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.12 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 393 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 646 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2781 | 0 | No | |
372 | 1 | Yes | |
9541 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 3153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.12 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 394 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 647 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
727 | 0 | No | |
62 | 1 | Yes | |
11905 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 789 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 395 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 648 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1796 | 0 | No | |
209 | 1 | Yes | |
10689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 2005 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 396 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 649 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
506 | 0 | No | |
155 | 1 | Yes | |
12033 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 661 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.23 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.42 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 397 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 650 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2117 | 0 | No | |
343 | 1 | Yes | |
10234 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 2460 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 398 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 651 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1064 | 0 | No | |
136 | 1 | Yes | |
11494 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 1200 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 399 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 652 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
713 | 0 | No | |
74 | 1 | Yes | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Label: | Alcohol use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 400 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 653 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
550 | 0 | No | |
185 | 1 | Yes | |
11959 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | PRPDRUGE1 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 401 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 654 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9831 | 0 | No | |
2577 | 1 | Yes | |
286 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 12408 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.21 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Name: | PRPDRUGE2 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 402 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 655 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4030 | 0 | No | |
449 | 1 | Yes | |
8215 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 4479 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Name: | PRPDRUGE3 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 403 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 656 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1010 | 0 | No | |
82 | 1 | Yes | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 1092 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | PRPDRUGE4 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 404 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 657 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2493 | 0 | No | |
242 | 1 | Yes | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 2735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Name: | PRPDRUGE5 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 405 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 658 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1086 | 0 | No | |
222 | 1 | Yes | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 1308 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Name: | PRPDRUGE6 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 406 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 659 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6795 | 0 | No | |
2118 | 1 | Yes | |
3781 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 8913 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.24 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | PRPDRUGE7 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 407 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 660 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3509 | 0 | No | |
1146 | 1 | Yes | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 4655 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | PRPDRUGE8 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 408 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 661 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
685 | 0 | No | |
102 | 1 | Yes | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Name: | PRPDRUGE9 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 409 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 662 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3415 | 0 | No | |
1738 | 1 | Yes | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 5153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.34 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Name: | PRPDRUGH1 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 410 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 663 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4553 | 0 | No | |
673 | 1 | Yes | |
7468 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 5226 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Name: | PRPDRUGH2 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 411 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 664 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2864 | 0 | No | |
289 | 1 | Yes | |
9541 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 3153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | PRPDRUGH3 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 412 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 665 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
729 | 0 | No | |
60 | 1 | Yes | |
11905 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 789 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | PRPDRUGH4 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 413 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 666 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1842 | 0 | No | |
163 | 1 | Yes | |
10689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 2005 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | PRPDRUGH5 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 414 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 667 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
548 | 0 | No | |
113 | 1 | Yes | |
12033 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 661 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Name: | PRPDRUGH6 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 415 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 668 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1994 | 0 | No | |
466 | 1 | Yes | |
10234 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 2460 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.19 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.39 |
Name: | PRPDRUGH7 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 416 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 669 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
970 | 0 | No | |
230 | 1 | Yes | |
11494 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 1200 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.19 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.39 |
Name: | PRPDRUGH8 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 417 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 670 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
685 | 0 | No | |
102 | 1 | Yes | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Name: | PRPDRUGH9 |
Label: | Illicit drug use by most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 418 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 671 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
523 | 0 | No | |
212 | 1 | Yes | |
11959 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.29 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 419 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 672 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11386 | 0 | No | |
1022 | 1 | Yes | |
286 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 12408 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 420 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 673 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4196 | 0 | No | |
283 | 1 | Yes | |
8215 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 4479 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 421 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 674 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1043 | 0 | No | |
49 | 1 | Yes | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 1092 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 422 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 675 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2607 | 0 | No | |
128 | 1 | Yes | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 2735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 423 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 676 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1138 | 0 | No | |
170 | 1 | Yes | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 1308 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 424 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 677 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8081 | 0 | No | |
832 | 1 | Yes | |
3781 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 8913 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 425 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 678 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4199 | 0 | No | |
456 | 1 | Yes | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 4655 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 426 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 679 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
729 | 0 | No | |
58 | 1 | Yes | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 427 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 680 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4588 | 0 | No | |
565 | 1 | Yes | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Endangerment Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 5153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 428 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 681 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4816 | 0 | No | |
410 | 1 | Yes | |
7468 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 5226 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 429 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 682 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2958 | 0 | No | |
195 | 1 | Yes | |
9541 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 3153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 430 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 683 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
754 | 0 | No | |
35 | 1 | Yes | |
11905 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 789 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 431 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 684 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1922 | 0 | No | |
83 | 1 | Yes | |
10689 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 2005 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 432 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 685 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
557 | 0 | No | |
104 | 1 | Yes | |
12033 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 661 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 433 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 686 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2208 | 0 | No | |
252 | 1 | Yes | |
10234 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 2460 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 434 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 687 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1073 | 0 | No | |
127 | 1 | Yes | |
11494 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 1200 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 435 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 688 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
729 | 0 | No | |
58 | 1 | Yes | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Label: | Mental illness of most closely related perpetrator is a factor for Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 436 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 689 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
630 | 0 | No | |
105 | 1 | Yes | |
11959 | BLANK | Inapplicable (No maltreatment in the category was countable under the Harm Standard or no one had a role in maltreating child) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 437 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 690 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4304 | 0 | No | |
8390 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.66 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 438 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 691 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10792 | 0 | No | |
1902 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 439 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 692 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12572 | 0 | No | |
122 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 440 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 693 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11313 | 0 | No | |
1381 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 441 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 694 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12022 | 0 | No | |
672 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 442 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 695 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5958 | 0 | No | |
6736 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.53 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 443 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 696 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8658 | 0 | No | |
4036 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.32 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 444 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 697 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11996 | 0 | No | |
698 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 445 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 698 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9337 | 0 | No | |
3357 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.26 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 446 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 699 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9454 | 0 | No | |
3240 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.26 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 447 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 700 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11373 | 0 | No | |
1321 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 448 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 701 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12610 | 0 | No | |
84 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 449 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 702 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11690 | 0 | No | |
1004 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 450 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 703 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12351 | 0 | No | |
343 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 451 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 704 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10593 | 0 | No | |
2101 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 452 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 705 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11641 | 0 | No | |
1053 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 453 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 706 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11996 | 0 | No | |
698 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is female for Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 454 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 707 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12116 | 0 | No | |
578 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 455 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 708 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6738 | 0 | No | |
5956 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.47 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 456 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 709 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9935 | 0 | No | |
2759 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.22 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 457 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 710 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11731 | 0 | No | |
963 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 458 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 711 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11213 | 0 | No | |
1481 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.12 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 459 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 712 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11966 | 0 | No | |
728 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 460 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 713 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8730 | 0 | No | |
3964 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.31 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.46 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 461 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 714 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11103 | 0 | No | |
1591 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 462 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 715 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12468 | 0 | No | |
226 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 463 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 716 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9970 | 0 | No | |
2724 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.21 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 464 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 717 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10088 | 0 | No | |
2606 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.21 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 465 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 718 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10732 | 0 | No | |
1962 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 466 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 719 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11998 | 0 | No | |
696 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 467 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 720 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11605 | 0 | No | |
1089 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 468 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 721 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12313 | 0 | No | |
381 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 469 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 722 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11826 | 0 | No | |
868 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 470 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 723 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12267 | 0 | No | |
427 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 471 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 724 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12468 | 0 | No | |
226 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator is male for Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 472 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 725 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12389 | 0 | No | |
305 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 473 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 726 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12625 | 0 | No | |
69 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 474 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 727 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12653 | 0 | No | |
41 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 475 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 728 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12671 | 0 | No | |
23 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 476 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 729 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12675 | 0 | No | |
19 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 477 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 730 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12694 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 478 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 731 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12661 | 0 | No | |
33 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 479 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 732 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12685 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.03 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 480 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 733 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12670 | 0 | No | |
24 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 481 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 734 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12694 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 482 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 735 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12624 | 0 | No | |
70 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 483 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 736 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12653 | 0 | No | |
41 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 484 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 737 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12671 | 0 | No | |
23 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 485 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 738 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12675 | 0 | No | |
19 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 486 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 739 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12694 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 487 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 740 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12661 | 0 | No | |
33 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 488 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 741 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12685 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.03 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 489 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 742 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12670 | 0 | No | |
24 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Label: | Most closely related perpetrator sex unknown for Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 490 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 743 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12694 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SEVER1 |
Label: | Most severe outcome from any Harm Standard maltreatment |
Number: | 491 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 744 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Derivation: If (HARMCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and SOURCEOFDATA = 'C') then If SEVER1 not equal missing and coded severity not equal missing then SEVER1 = minimum value of (SEVER1, coded severity) Else if coded severity not equal missing then SEVER1 equals coded severity
Frequency | Code | Description | |
92 | 1 | Fatal injury/harm | |
2165 | 2 | Serious injury/harm | |
2519 | 3 | Moderate injury/harm | |
450 | 4 | Inferred or probably injury/harm | |
7468 | BLANK | Inapplicable (Not countable under Harm Standard) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVER2 |
Label: | Most severe outcome from any Endangerment Standard maltreatment |
Number: | 492 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 745 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Derivation: If (ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and SOURCEOFDATA = 'C') then If SEVER2 not equal missing and coded severity not equal missing then SERVER2 = minimum value of (SEVER2, coded severity) Else if coded severity not equal missing then SEVER2 equals coded severity |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
97 | 1 | Fatal injury/harm | |
2288 | 2 | Serious injury/harm | |
3529 | 3 | Moderate injury/harm | |
1122 | 4 | Inferred or probable injury/harm | |
5372 | 5 | Endangered | |
286 | BLANK | Inapplicable (Not countable under Endangerment Standard) |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYE1 |
Label: | Severity of Endangerment Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 493 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 746 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
97 | 1 | Fatal | |
2288 | 2 | Serious | |
3529 | 3 | Moderate | |
497 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
625 | 5 | Probable harm | |
5372 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
286 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYE2 |
Label: | Severity of Endangerment Standard any abuse |
Number: | 494 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 747 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
36 | 1 | Fatal | |
985 | 2 | Serious | |
1889 | 3 | Moderate | |
360 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
256 | 5 | Probable harm | |
953 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
8215 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYE3 |
Label: | Severity of Endangerment Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 495 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 748 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
270 | 2 | Serious | |
276 | 3 | Moderate | |
362 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
62 | 5 | Probable harm | |
122 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYE4 |
Label: | Severity of Endangerment Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 496 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 749 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
35 | 1 | Fatal | |
583 | 2 | Serious | |
1387 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
74 | 5 | Probable harm | |
656 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYE5 |
Label: | Severity of Endangerment Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 497 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 750 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Fatal | |
211 | 2 | Serious | |
437 | 3 | Moderate | |
12 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
189 | 5 | Probable harm | |
458 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYE6 |
Label: | Severity of Endangerment Standard any neglect |
Number: | 498 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 751 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
64 | 1 | Fatal | |
1476 | 2 | Serious | |
1945 | 3 | Moderate | |
173 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
493 | 5 | Probable harm | |
4762 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
3781 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYE7 |
Label: | Severity of Endangerment Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 499 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 752 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
60 | 1 | Fatal | |
797 | 2 | Serious | |
658 | 3 | Moderate | |
186 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
125 | 5 | Probable harm | |
2829 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYE8 |
Label: | Severity of Endangerment Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 500 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 753 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
138 | 2 | Serious | |
649 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYE9 |
Label: | Severity of Endangerment Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 501 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 754 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7 | 1 | Fatal | |
701 | 2 | Serious | |
929 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
442 | 5 | Probable harm | |
3074 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYH1 |
Label: | Severity of Harm Standard any maltreatment |
Number: | 502 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 755 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
92 | 1 | Fatal | |
2165 | 2 | Serious | |
2519 | 3 | Moderate | |
450 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
7468 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYH2 |
Label: | Severity of Harm Standard any abuse |
Number: | 503 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 756 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
36 | 1 | Fatal | |
957 | 2 | Serious | |
1861 | 3 | Moderate | |
299 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
9541 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYH3 |
Label: | Severity of Harm Standard sexual abuse |
Number: | 504 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 757 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
242 | 2 | Serious | |
247 | 3 | Moderate | |
300 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
11905 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYH4 |
Label: | Severity of Harm Standard physical abuse |
Number: | 505 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 758 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
35 | 1 | Fatal | |
583 | 2 | Serious | |
1387 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
10689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYH5 |
Label: | Severity of Harm Standard emotional abuse |
Number: | 506 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 759 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Fatal | |
211 | 2 | Serious | |
437 | 3 | Moderate | |
12 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
12033 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYH6 |
Label: | Severity of Harm Standard any neglect |
Number: | 507 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 760 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
62 | 1 | Fatal | |
1434 | 2 | Serious | |
782 | 3 | Moderate | |
182 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
10234 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYH7 |
Label: | Severity of Harm Standard physical neglect |
Number: | 508 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 761 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
59 | 1 | Fatal | |
774 | 2 | Serious | |
180 | 3 | Moderate | |
187 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
11494 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYH8 |
Label: | Severity of Harm Standard educational neglect |
Number: | 509 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 762 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
138 | 2 | Serious | |
649 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEVERITYH9 |
Label: | Severity of Harm Standard emotional neglect |
Number: | 510 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 763 |
Source: | Derived variable from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form and/or evaluatively coded variables |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7 | 1 | Fatal | |
690 | 2 | Serious | |
38 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient information | |
11959 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SPMDATA |
Label: | SPM Extract record |
Number: | 511 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 764 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
197 | 0 | No | |
12497 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.98 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | SPSDATA |
Label: | SPS Extract record |
Number: | 512 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 765 |
Source: | CPS Screening Policies Survey data form Item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
197 | 0 | No | |
12497 | 1 | Yes |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.98 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | ARSPM |
Label: | Agencies with alternative response on the SPM survey |
Number: | 513 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 766 |
Source: | Derived from the Structure and Practices Mail survey data items |
This variable was created to show the agencies that reported they have an alternative response (AR) option based on the SPM survey items. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9968 | 0 | No | |
2529 | 1 | Yes | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 12497 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Name: | ARSPMSPS |
Label: | Agencies with alternative response from the SPM & SPS surveys |
Number: | 514 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 767 |
Source: | Derived from the Structure and Practices Mail survey data items and CPS Screening Policies survey data items |
This variable was created to combine the SPM and SPS survey item responses regarding the alternative response (AR) option reported by the agencies. For example, if an agency indicated "No" for AR on the SPM survey but referred to AR on the SPS survey, or vice versa, the agency was coded as "Yes" for AR for this variable. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9536 | 0 | No | |
2961 | 1 | Yes | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 12497 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.24 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | ARSPS |
Label: | Agencies with alternative response on the SPS survey |
Number: | 515 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 768 |
Source: | Derived from CPS Screening Policies survey data items |
This variable was created to show the agencies that reported they have an alternative response (AR) option based on the SPS survey items. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10787 | 0 | No | |
1710 | 1 | Yes | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 12497 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Label: | CPS Screening Level of Agencies |
Number: | 516 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 769 |
Source: | Derived from background questions of the CPS Screening Policies survey |
This variable was derived from the background questions of the SPS survey regarding whether the jurisdiction conducts CPS screening at the local agency, the state/regional hotline, or both. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5840 | 1 | Local only | |
5417 | 2 | State hotline only | |
1240 | 3 | Both | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SPM_B_Q3 |
Label: | SPM: Did your agency experience an excessive screening workload demand on staff conducting screening/intake |
Number: | 517 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 770 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8026 | 1 | Yes | |
4471 | 2 | No | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_B_Q5 |
Label: | SPM: Did your agency receive referrals from a State hotline? |
Number: | 518 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 771 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6565 | 1 | Yes | |
4194 | 2 | No | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
1738 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_B_Q6A |
Label: | SPM: How did agency handle phone calls during non-business hours? Who handled the calls Mon through Thurs evenings? |
Number: | 519 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 1 |
Location: | 772 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
SPM: How did your agency handle phone calls during non-business hours? Who handled the calls Monday through Thursday evenings? |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
125 | 0 | Our agency assigned staff to be on call AND the state hotline handled these calls | |
2189 | 1 | Our agency handled calls through our intake unit | |
2206 | 2 | Our agency assigned staff to be on call. | |
140 | 3 | Our agency routed these calls directly to another agency | |
5951 | 4 | The State hotline handled these calls | |
888 | 5 | Other Specify | |
110 | 6 | Our agency does did not accept calls at these times | |
11 | 7 | Codes 4 and 5 | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
455 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
279 | A | Codes 1 and 2 | |
143 | B | Codes 2 and 5 | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_B_Q6B |
Label: | SPM: How did agency handle phone calls during non-business hours? Who handled calls Frid evenings-Sun evenings? |
Number: | 520 |
Type: | Character |
Width: | 1 |
Location: | 773 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
SPM: How did your agency handle phone calls during non-business hours? Who handled calls Friday evenings-Sunday evenings? |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
125 | 0 | Our agency assigned staff to be on call AND the state hotline handled these calls | |
2469 | 1 | Our agency handled calls through our intake unit | |
2381 | 2 | Our agency assigned staff to be on call | |
140 | 3 | Our agency routed these calls directly to another agency | |
5951 | 4 | The State hotline handled these calls | |
888 | 5 | Other Specify | |
110 | 6 | Our agency does did not accept calls at these times | |
11 | 7 | Codes 4 and 5 | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
279 | A | Codes 1 and 2 | |
143 | B | Codes 2 and 5 | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_B_Q8 |
Label: | SPM: Did agency maintain record of calls? |
Number: | 521 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 774 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11224 | 1 | Yes, we maintained records for all calls | |
1273 | 2 | No, we maintained records only for those accepted for agency response | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_B_Q9 |
Label: | SPM: Did agency share responsibility for screening referrals? |
Number: | 522 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 775 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12272 | 1 | We have had sole responsibility for screening | |
74 | 2 | We shared responsibility with law enforcement | |
69 | 3 | We shared responsibility with another agency | |
0 | 4 | We supported the following agency: | |
82 | 5 | No, we have had no responsibility for screening | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_B_Q11 |
Label: | SPM: In screening, did your agency prioritize recommended responses to referrals? |
Number: | 523 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 776 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11818 | 1 | Yes | |
679 | 2 | No | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_B_Q12 |
Label: | SPM: In screening, did agency consider any mandated limit on caseload size when recommending responses to references? |
Number: | 524 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 777 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
701 | 1 | Yes | |
11796 | 2 | No | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
197 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_C_Q1 |
Label: | SPM: Did your agency have a worker or unit of workers devoted solely to investigating referrals? |
Number: | 525 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 778 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11622 | 1 | Yes | |
720 | 2 | No | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
58 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
294 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_C_Q5 |
Label: | SPM: Did you experience excessive workload demand on staff conducting investigations? |
Number: | 526 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 779 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8459 | 1 | Yes | |
3941 | 2 | No | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
294 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_C_Q6A |
Label: | SPM: Agencys role in investigating severe physical abuse |
Number: | 527 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 780 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1997 | 1 | We had sole responsibility | |
9354 | 2 | We shared responsibility with law enforcement | |
109 | 3 | We shared responsibility with other agency | |
0 | 4 | We supported other agency (specify) | |
0 | 5 | No role -- we did not investigate | |
371 | 6 | Codes 2 and 3 | |
569 | 7 | Codes 1 and 2 | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
294 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_C_Q6B |
Label: | SPM: Agencys role in investigating other physical abuse |
Number: | 528 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 781 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6343 | 1 | We had sole responsibility | |
5866 | 2 | We shared responsibility with law enforcement | |
0 | 3 | We shared responsibility with other agency | |
0 | 4 | We supported other agency (specify) | |
0 | 5 | No role -- we did not investigate | |
0 | 6 | Codes 2 and 3 | |
191 | 7 | Codes 1 and 2 | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
294 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_C_Q6C |
Label: | SPM: Agencys role in investigating sexual abuse |
Number: | 529 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 782 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1715 | 1 | We had sole responsibility | |
9337 | 2 | We shared responsibility with law enforcement | |
408 | 3 | We shared responsibility with other agency | |
0 | 4 | We supported other agency (specify) | |
0 | 5 | No role -- we did not investigate | |
371 | 6 | Codes 2 and 3 | |
569 | 7 | Codes 1 and 2 | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
294 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_C_Q6D |
Label: | SPM: Agencys role in investigating severe physical neglect |
Number: | 530 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 783 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5042 | 1 | We had sole responsibility | |
6585 | 2 | We shared responsibility with law enforcement | |
0 | 3 | We shared responsibility with other agency | |
0 | 4 | We supported other agency (specify) | |
0 | 5 | No role -- we did not investigate | |
313 | 6 | Codes 2 and 3 | |
397 | 7 | Codes 1 and 2 | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
63 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
294 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_C_Q6E |
Label: | SPM: Agencys role in investigating other physical neglect |
Number: | 531 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 784 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
9969 | 1 | We had sole responsibility | |
2374 | 2 | We shared responsibility with law enforcement | |
0 | 3 | We shared responsibility with other agency | |
0 | 4 | We supported other agency (specify) | |
0 | 5 | No role -- we did not investigate | |
0 | 6 | Codes 2 and 3 | |
57 | 7 | Codes 1 and 2 | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
294 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_C_Q6F |
Label: | SPM: Agencys role in investigating emotional abuse/neglect |
Number: | 532 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 785 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
10851 | 1 | We had sole responsibility | |
1072 | 2 | We shared responsibility with law enforcement | |
73 | 3 | We shared responsibility with other agency | |
0 | 4 | We supported other agency (specify) | |
264 | 5 | No role -- we did not investigate | |
0 | 6 | Codes 2 and 3 | |
0 | 7 | Codes 1 and 2 | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
140 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
294 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_C_Q6G |
Label: | SPM: Agencys role in investigating truancy |
Number: | 533 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 786 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1716 | 1 | We had sole responsibility | |
0 | 2 | We shared responsibility with law enforcement | |
1215 | 3 | We shared responsibility with other agency | |
1636 | 4 | We supported other agency (specify) | |
7756 | 5 | No role -- we did not investigate | |
0 | 6 | Codes 2 and 3 | |
0 | 7 | Codes 1 and 2 | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
77 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
294 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_C_Q6H |
Label: | SPM: Agencys role in investigating abandonment |
Number: | 534 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 787 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6871 | 1 | We had sole responsibility | |
5307 | 2 | We shared responsibility with law enforcement | |
63 | 3 | We shared responsibility with other agency | |
0 | 4 | We supported other agency (specify) | |
0 | 5 | No role -- we did not investigate | |
45 | 6 | Codes 2 and 3 | |
114 | 7 | Codes 1 and 2 | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
294 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Name: | SPM_C_Q6I |
Label: | SPM: Agencys role in investigating child fatality |
Number: | 535 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 788 |
Source: | Structure and Practices Mail Survey data form item |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
698 | 1 | We had sole responsibility | |
9192 | 2 | We shared responsibility with law enforcement | |
1237 | 3 | We shared responsibility with other agency | |
140 | 4 | We supported other agency (specify) | |
251 | 5 | No role -- we did not investigate | |
313 | 6 | Codes 2 and 3 | |
569 | 7 | Codes 1 and 2 | |
0 | 8 | Don't know | |
0 | 9 | Not ascertained | |
294 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 8,9,BLANK |
Label: | Investigated at least one maltreatment |
Number: | 536 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 789 |
Source: | Derived from CPS Screening Policies survey data items |
This variable was derived based on the SPS coding procedures whether CPS would would definitely investigate or probabably investigate any maltreatment for the child if the case were reported to them. |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
700 | 0 | No clear indication of investigation on any maltreatment | |
2541 | 1 | Yes probably or definitely investigate at least one maltreatment | |
9453 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 3241 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.78 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Name: | ALLPOP |
Label: | Total child population |
Number: | 537 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 790-794 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
This population denominator is applied to all children
Derivation: ALLPOP = 73635 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12694 | 73635 | Total child population |
Name: | AGEPOP |
Label: | Child age population denominator |
Number: | 538 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 795-799 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: AGECLASS
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable AGECLASS Derivation: If AGECLASS = 1 then AGEPOP = 12292 else if AGECLASS = 2 then AGEPOP = 12069 else if AGECLASS = 3 then AGEPOP = 11682 else if AGECLASS = 4 then AGEPOP = 12067 else if AGECLASS = 5 then AGEPOP = 12643 else if AGECLASS = 6 then AGEPOP = 12882 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2382 | 12292 | Child population 0-2 years old | |
1939 | 12069 | Child population 3-5 years old | |
1931 | 11682 | Child population 6-8 years old | |
1631 | 12067 | Child population 9-11 years old | |
2000 | 12643 | Child population 12-14 years old | |
1677 | 12882 | Child population 15-17 years old | |
1134 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | DISABPOP |
Label: | Child disability population denominator |
Number: | 539 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 800-804 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: ANYDISAB
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable ANYDISAB Derivation: If ANYDISAB = 1 then DISABPOP = 6689 else if ANYDISAB = 0 then DISABPOP = 66946 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
672 | 6689 | Child population with any disability | |
11234 | 66946 | Child population with no disability | |
788 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Summary measure of parental employment population denominator |
Number: | 540 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 805-809 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: EMPSUM
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable EMPSUM Derivation: If EMPSUM = 1 then EMPSUMPOP = 8986 else if EMPSUM = 2 then EMPSUMPOP = 58218 else if EMPSUM = 3 then EMPSUMPOP = 3982 else if EMPSUM = 8 then EMPSUMPOP = 2449 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1367 | 8986 | Population of any parent unemployed | |
4170 | 58218 | Population of employed parent(s) | |
1021 | 3982 | Population of parent(s) not in labor force | |
694 | 2449 | Population of no parents present | |
5442 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | ENROLL3POP |
Label: | School enrollment (children 3 years and older) population denominator |
Number: | 541 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 810-814 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable CHENROLL. Derivation: If CHENROLL = 1 and AGECLASS > 1) then ENROLL3POP = 56225 else if CHENROLL = 0 and AGECLASS > 1) then ENROLL3POP = 5119 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6613 | 56225 | Child population (children 3 years and older) enrolled in school | |
1351 | 5119 | Child population (children 3 years and older) not enrolled in school | |
4730 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | School enrollment (all children) population denominator |
Number: | 542 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 815-819 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: CHENROLL
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable CHENROLL Derivation: If CHENROLL = 1 then ENROLLALLPOP = 56392 else if CHENROLL = 0 then ENROLLALLPOP = 17244 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6667 | 56392 | Child population (all children) enrolled in school | |
3284 | 17244 | Child population (all children) not enrolled in school | |
2743 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | School enrollment (mandated school-aged children) population denominator |
Number: | 543 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 820-824 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable CHENROLL Derivation: If CHENROLL = 1 and (AGECLASS2 > 2 and AGECLASS2 < 7) then ENROLLMPOP = 43819 else if CHENROLL = 0 and (AGECLASS2 > 2 and AGECLASS2 < 7) then ENROLLMPOP = 928 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5439 | 43819 | Child population (mandated school-age children) enrolled in school | |
215 | 928 | Child population (mandated school-age children) not enrolled in school | |
7040 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Child ethnicity population denominator |
Number: | 544 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 825-829 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable CH_HISPANIC Derivation: If CH_HISPANIC = 1 then ETHNICITYPOP = 14752 else if CH_HISPANIC = 0 then ETHNICITYPOP = 58883 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2620 | 14752 | Child population Hispanic or Latino origin | |
7622 | 58883 | Child population non-Hispanic and non-Latino origin | |
2452 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Child race/ethnicity population denominator |
Number: | 545 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 830-834 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: ETHNIC
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable ETHNIC Derivation: If ETHNIC = 1 then ETHNICPOP = 663 else if ETHNIC = 2 then ETHNICPOP = 2982 else if ETHNIC = 3 then ETHNICPOP = 10797 else if ETHNIC = 4 then ETHNICPOP = 14752 else if ETHNIC = 5 then ETHNICPOP = 42623 else if ETHNIC = 6 then ETHNICPOP = 1817 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
292 | 663 | Child population American Indian and Alaska Native | |
176 | 2982 | Child population Asian or Pacific Islander | |
2961 | 10797 | Child population Black, not of Hispanic origin | |
2620 | 14752 | Child population Hispanic | |
5179 | 42623 | Child population White, not of Hispanic origin | |
329 | 1817 | Child population other race/ethnicity | |
1137 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | GP2POP |
Label: | Presence of grandparent(s) population denominator |
Number: | 546 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 835-839 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: GRDCARE
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable GRDCARE Derivation: If GRDCARE = 1 or GRDCARE = 2 then GP2POP = 5877 else if GRDCARE = 3 then GP2POP = 67759 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
909 | 5877 | Population of families with grandparent(s) present | |
11765 | 67759 | Population of families with no grandparent(s) present | |
20 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Population total by INHSTATP |
Number: | 547 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 840-844 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: INHSTATP
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable INHSTATP Derivation: If INHSTATP = 1 then INHSTATPOP = 19043 else if INHSTATP = 2 then INHSTATPOP = 52143 else if INHSTATP = 3 then INHSTATPOP = 2449 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6804 | 19043 | Population of families with single parent | |
5177 | 52143 | Population of families with both parents | |
694 | 2449 | Population of families with neither parent | |
19 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Population total by INHSTONE |
Number: | 548 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 845-849 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: INHSTONE
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable INHSTONE Derivation: If INHSTONE = 1 then INHSTATONEPOP = 16654 else if INHSTONE = 2 then INHSTATONEPOP = 2389
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6024 | 16654 | Population of families with mother only | |
734 | 2389 | Population of families with father only | |
5936 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Family structure/living arrangement population denominator |
Number: | 549 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 850-854 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable LIVESTRUCT2 Derivation: If LIVESTRUCT2 = 1 then LIVESTRUCT2POP = 44799 else if LIVESTRUCT2 = 2 then LIVESTRUCT2POP = 5152 else if LIVESTRUCT2 = 3 then LIVESTRUCT2POP = 2192 else if LIVESTRUCT2 = 4 then LIVESTRUCT2POP = 2081 else if LIVESTRUCT2 = 5 then LIVESTRUCT2POP = 16962 else if LIVESTRUCT2 = 6 then LIVESTRUCT2POP = 2449 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2798 | 44799 | Population of families with married parents, both biological | |
1167 | 5152 | Population of families with married parents, other legal arrangements | |
1053 | 2192 | Population of families with unmarried parents | |
1259 | 2081 | Population of families with single parent with partner | |
5004 | 16962 | Population of families with single parent without partner | |
694 | 2449 | Population of families with neither parent present | |
719 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Family of low socioeconomic status population denominator |
Number: | 550 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 855-859 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: LOWSES2
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable LOWSES2 Derivation: If LOWSES2 = 0 then LOWSESPOP = 53885 else if LOWSES2 = 1 then LOWSESPOP = 19750 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2368 | 53885 | Population of families of non-low socioeconomic status | |
4650 | 19750 | Population of families of low socioeconomic status | |
5676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | NCHPOP |
Label: | Number of children population denominator (4 levels) |
Number: | 551 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 860-864 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: NCHILDR
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable NCHILDR Derivation: If NCHILDR = 1 then NCHPOP = 16791 else if NCHILDR = 2 then NCHPOP = 28919 else if NCHILDR = 3 then NCHPOP = 17413 else if NCHILDR >= 4 then NCHPOP = 10511 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2705 | 16791 | Population of families with 1 child | |
3495 | 28919 | Population of families with 2 children | |
2916 | 17413 | Population of families with 3 children | |
3093 | 10511 | Population of families with 4 or more children | |
485 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | NCH2POP |
Label: | Number of children population denominator (3 levels) |
Number: | 552 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 865-869 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Items: NCHILDR
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable NCHILDR Derivation: If NCHILDR = 1 then NCH2POP = 16791 else if NCHILDR in (2,3) then NCH2POP = 46332 else if NCHILDR ge 4 and NCHILDR ne 99 then NCH2POP = 10511 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2705 | 16791 | Population of families with 1 child | |
6411 | 46332 | Population of families with 2 or 3 children | |
3093 | 10511 | Population of families with 4 or more children | |
485 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | NIS3URBPOP |
Label: | NIS-3 Urban designation population denominator |
Number: | 553 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 10 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 870-879 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: NIS3URB
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable NIS3URB Derivation; If NIS3URB = 'A' then NIS3URBPOP = 27634.2150 else if NIS3URB = 'B' then NIS3URBPOP = 30852.7075 else if NIS3URB = 'C' then NIS3URBPOP = 15147.9785 |
Name: | METPOP |
Label: | Metro status population denominator |
Number: | 554 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 880-884 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: METSTAT03
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable METSTAT03 Derivation: If METSTAT03 = 1 then METPOP = 40161 else if METSTAT03 = 2 then METPOP = 21768 else if METSTAT03 = 3 then METPOP = 11706 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6776 | 40161 | Population of major urban area | |
4118 | 21768 | Population of urban area | |
1800 | 11706 | Population of rural area |
Name: | PAREDPOP |
Label: | Parental education population denominator |
Number: | 555 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 885-889 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable PARED Derivation: If PARED = 1 then PAREDPOP = 8341 else if PARED = 2 then PAREDPOP = 17446 else if PARED = 3 then PAREDPOP = 20595 else if PARED = 4 then PAREDPOP = 14949 else if PARED = 5 then PAREDPOP = 9801 else if PAREMPB = 96 then PAREDPOP = 2505 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
859 | 8341 | Population of parents that did not complete high school | |
1002 | 17446 | Population of parents that completed high school | |
380 | 20595 | Population of parents that have some education beyond high school | |
112 | 14949 | Population of parents that completed college (Bachelor's degree) | |
40 | 9801 | Population of parents that completed an advanced degree | |
541 | 2505 | Population where no parents are present | |
9760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Parental employment in past year population denominator |
Number: | 556 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 890-894 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: PASTEMPB
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable PASTEMPB Derivation: If PASTEMPB = 1 then PASTEMPPOP = 29185 else if PASTEMPB = 2 then PASTEMPPOP = 3373 else if PASTEMPB = 3 then PASTEMPPOP = 15195 else if PASTEMPB = 4 then PASTEMPPOP = 0 else if PASTEMPB = 5 then PASTEMPPOP = 374 else if PASTEMPB = 6 then PASTEMPPOP = 701 else if PASTEMPB = 7 then PASTEMPPOP = 0 else if PASTEMPB = 8 then PASTEMPPOP = 764 else if PASTEMPB = 9 then PASTEMPPOP = 0 else if PASTEMPB = 10 then PASTEMPPOP = 14141 else if PASTEMPB = 11 then PASTEMPPOP = 2421 else if PASTEMPB = 12 then PASTEMPPOP = 4029 else if PASTEMPB = 96 then PASTEMPPOP = 2415 else if PASTEMPB = 97 then PASTEMPPOP = 0 else if PASTEMPB = 98 then PASTEMPPOP = 0 else if PASTEMPB = 99 then PASTEMPPOP = 1035 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
506 | 29185 | Population of families with both parents employed (two parent family) | |
210 | 3373 | Population of families with one parent employed and one parent unemployed (two parent family) | |
290 | 15195 | Population of families with one parent employed and one parent not in labor force (two parent family) employment unknown (two parent family) | |
119 | 374 | Population of families with both parents unemployed (two parent family) | |
40 | 701 | Population of families with one parent unemployed and one parent not in labor force (two parent family) | |
43 | 764 | Population of families with both parents not in labor force (two parent family) | |
996 | 14141 | Population of families with parent employed (single parent family) | |
510 | 2421 | Population of families with parent unemployed (single parent family) | |
363 | 4029 | Population of families with parent not in labor force (single parent family) | |
541 | 2415 | Population of families with no parent present (two parent family) | |
19 | 1035 | Unknown or missing relationship | |
9057 | 0 | Population of families with one parent employed and one parent employment unknown (two parent family) or with one parent unemployed and one parent employment (two parent family) or with one parent not in labor force and one parent employment unknown (two parent family) or missing employment for for both parents (two parent family) or missing employment (single parent family) |
Missing Data Codes: | 1035,0 |
Name: | POVPOP |
Label: | Participation in poverty-related programs population denominator |
Number: | 557 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 895-899 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: POVPROG
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable POVPROG Derivation: If POVPROG = 1 then POVPOP = 10290 else if POVPROG = 0 then POVPOP = 63345 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3857 | 10290 | Population of families that participate in poverty related programs | |
1946 | 63345 | Population of families that did not participate in poverty related programs | |
6891 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | RACET4POP |
Label: | Race/ethnicity 4-categories population denominator |
Number: | 558 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 900-904 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: RACET4
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable RACET4 Derivation: If RACET4 = 1 then RACET4POP = 42623 else if RACET4 = 2 then RACET4POP = 10797 else if RACET4 = 3 then RACET4POP = 14752 else if RACET4 = 4 then RACET4POP = 5462 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5179 | 42623 | Child population White, non-Hispanic | |
2961 | 10797 | Child population Black, non-Hispanic | |
2620 | 14752 | Child population Hispanic | |
797 | 5462 | Child population other, non-Hispanic | |
1137 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SEXPOP |
Label: | Child sex population denominator |
Number: | 559 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 905-909 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: CHSEX
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable CHSEX Derivation: If CHSEX = 1 then SEXPOP = 37685 else if CHSEX = 2 then SEXPOP = 35950
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6046 | 37685 | Child population male | |
6217 | 35950 | Child population female | |
431 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Parental employment at time of maltreatment population denominator |
Number: | 560 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 910-914 |
Source: | U.S. Census Population files |
Input Item: PAREMPB
Note: This population denominator variable is used with the variable PAREMPB Derivation: If PAREMPB = 1 then PAREMPPOP = 28583 else if PAREMPB = 2 then PAREMPPOP = 1643 else if PAREMPB = 3 then PAREMPPOP = 16936 else if PAREMPB = 4 then PAREMPPOP = 477 else if PAREMPB = 5 then PAREMPPOP = 92 else if PAREMPB = 6 then PAREMPPOP = 534 else if PAREMPB = 7 then PAREMPPOP = 25 else if PAREMPB = 8 then PAREMPPOP = 808 else if PAREMPB = 9 then PAREMPPOP = 444 else if PAREMPB = 10 then PAREMPPOP = 14398 else if PAREMPB = 11 then PAREMPPOP = 1630 else if PAREMPB = 12 then PAREMPPOP = 4605 else if PAREMPB = 96 then PAREMPPOP = 2473 else if PAREMPB = 97 then PAREMPPOP = 11 else if PAREMPB = 98 then PAREMPPOP = 31 else if PAREMPB = 99 then PAREMPPOP = 943 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
997 | 28583 | Population of families with both parents employed (two parent family) | |
144 | 1643 | Population of families with one parent employed and one parent unemployed (two parent family) | |
780 | 16936 | Population of families with one parent employed and one parent not in labor force (two parent family) | |
725 | 477 | Population of families with one parent employed and one parent employment unknown (two parent family) | |
30 | 92 | Population of families with both parents unemployed (two parent family) | |
35 | 534 | Population of families with one parent unemployed and one parent not in labor force (two parent family) | |
41 | 25 | Population of families with one parent unemployed and one parent employment unknown (two parent family) | |
264 | 808 | Population of families with both parents not in labor force (two parent family) | |
208 | 444 | Population of families with one parent not in labor force and one parent employment unknown (two parent family) | |
1807 | 14398 | Population of families with parent employed (single parent family) | |
193 | 1630 | Population of families with parent unemployed (single parent family) | |
1220 | 4605 | Population of families with parent not in labor force (single parent family) | |
541 | 2473 | Population of families with no parent present | |
2121 | 11 | Missing employment for both parents (two parent family) | |
3569 | 31 | Missing employment (single parent family) | |
19 | 943 | Unknown or missing relationship |
Name: | ANNFAC |
Label: | Annualization factor |
Number: | 561 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 5 |
Decimals: | 3 |
Location: | 915-919 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
652 | 2.809 | Multiplier | |
2368 | 3.496 | Multiplier | |
2355 | 3.758 | Multiplier | |
7319 | 3.985 | Multiplier |
Name: | CHAWT |
Label: | Annualized child weight |
Number: | 562 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 920-928 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 234.67 |
Standard Deviation: | 404.23 |
Name: | CHAWT1 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 1 |
Number: | 563 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 929-937 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 229.71 |
Standard Deviation: | 406.88 |
Name: | CHAWT2 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 2 |
Number: | 564 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 938-946 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 233.99 |
Standard Deviation: | 401.94 |
Name: | CHAWT3 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 3 |
Number: | 565 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 947-955 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 235.36 |
Standard Deviation: | 405.14 |
Name: | CHAWT4 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 4 |
Number: | 566 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 956-964 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 235.60 |
Standard Deviation: | 406.31 |
Name: | CHAWT5 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 5 |
Number: | 567 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 965-973 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 234.69 |
Standard Deviation: | 405.16 |
Name: | CHAWT6 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 6 |
Number: | 568 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 974-982 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 234.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 405.37 |
Name: | CHAWT7 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 7 |
Number: | 569 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 983-991 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 234.97 |
Standard Deviation: | 406.47 |
Name: | CHAWT8 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 8 |
Number: | 570 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 992-1000 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 234.76 |
Standard Deviation: | 404.99 |
Name: | CHAWT9 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 9 |
Number: | 571 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1001-1009 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 234.92 |
Standard Deviation: | 405.53 |
Name: | CHAWT10 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 10 |
Number: | 572 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1010-1018 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 234.81 |
Standard Deviation: | 404.14 |
Name: | CHAWT11 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 11 |
Number: | 573 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1019-1027 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 235.45 |
Standard Deviation: | 405.01 |
Name: | CHAWT12 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 12 |
Number: | 574 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1028-1036 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 234.55 |
Standard Deviation: | 404.03 |
Name: | CHAWT13 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 13 |
Number: | 575 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1037-1045 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 234.71 |
Standard Deviation: | 403.68 |
Name: | CHAWT14 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 14 |
Number: | 576 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1046-1054 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 4394.42 |
Mean: | 234.75 |
Standard Deviation: | 404.95 |
Name: | CHAWT15 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 15 |
Number: | 577 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1055-1063 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.66 |
Maximum: | 4403.91 |
Mean: | 234.78 |
Standard Deviation: | 404.53 |
Name: | CHAWT16 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 16 |
Number: | 578 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1064-1072 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.76 |
Maximum: | 4404.03 |
Mean: | 234.77 |
Standard Deviation: | 405.86 |
Name: | CHAWT17 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 17 |
Number: | 579 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1073-1081 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 1.78 |
Maximum: | 4394.36 |
Mean: | 234.23 |
Standard Deviation: | 405.56 |
Name: | CHAWT18 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 18 |
Number: | 580 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1082-1090 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 1.78 |
Maximum: | 4394.39 |
Mean: | 232.31 |
Standard Deviation: | 404.72 |
Name: | CHAWT19 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 19 |
Number: | 581 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1091-1099 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 1.71 |
Maximum: | 4392.44 |
Mean: | 234.47 |
Standard Deviation: | 405.71 |
Name: | CHAWT20 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 20 |
Number: | 582 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1100-1108 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.25 |
Maximum: | 4392.45 |
Mean: | 236.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 407.47 |
Name: | CHAWT21 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 21 |
Number: | 583 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1109-1117 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4381.06 |
Mean: | 234.22 |
Standard Deviation: | 403.35 |
Name: | CHAWT22 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 22 |
Number: | 584 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1118-1126 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 1.95 |
Maximum: | 4407.80 |
Mean: | 235.75 |
Standard Deviation: | 410.20 |
Name: | CHAWT23 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 23 |
Number: | 585 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1127-1135 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 6872.15 |
Mean: | 235.99 |
Standard Deviation: | 413.81 |
Name: | CHAWT24 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 24 |
Number: | 586 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1136-1144 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4357.29 |
Mean: | 233.74 |
Standard Deviation: | 400.02 |
Name: | CHAWT25 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 25 |
Number: | 587 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1145-1153 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 1.91 |
Maximum: | 4430.75 |
Mean: | 233.78 |
Standard Deviation: | 403.90 |
Name: | CHAWT26 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 26 |
Number: | 588 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1154-1162 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 1.88 |
Maximum: | 4356.27 |
Mean: | 234.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 402.52 |
Name: | CHAWT27 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 27 |
Number: | 589 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1163-1171 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.31 |
Maximum: | 4144.30 |
Mean: | 223.41 |
Standard Deviation: | 326.72 |
Name: | CHAWT28 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 28 |
Number: | 590 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1172-1180 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.78 |
Maximum: | 4049.08 |
Mean: | 221.81 |
Standard Deviation: | 324.55 |
Name: | CHAWT29 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 29 |
Number: | 591 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1181-1189 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.76 |
Maximum: | 4422.72 |
Mean: | 235.32 |
Standard Deviation: | 408.17 |
Name: | CHAWT30 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 30 |
Number: | 592 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1190-1198 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.76 |
Maximum: | 4436.36 |
Mean: | 234.94 |
Standard Deviation: | 407.95 |
Name: | CHAWT31 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 31 |
Number: | 593 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1199-1207 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.75 |
Maximum: | 4424.10 |
Mean: | 233.42 |
Standard Deviation: | 404.48 |
Name: | CHAWT32 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 32 |
Number: | 594 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1208-1216 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.69 |
Maximum: | 5893.42 |
Mean: | 234.85 |
Standard Deviation: | 414.02 |
Name: | CHAWT33 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 33 |
Number: | 595 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1217-1225 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4342.47 |
Mean: | 233.90 |
Standard Deviation: | 411.66 |
Name: | CHAWT34 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 34 |
Number: | 596 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1226-1234 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4339.58 |
Mean: | 242.19 |
Standard Deviation: | 434.29 |
Name: | CHAWT35 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 35 |
Number: | 597 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1235-1243 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4383.16 |
Mean: | 234.58 |
Standard Deviation: | 402.80 |
Name: | CHAWT36 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 36 |
Number: | 598 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1244-1252 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4379.89 |
Mean: | 234.61 |
Standard Deviation: | 403.48 |
Name: | CHAWT37 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 37 |
Number: | 599 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1253-1261 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4290.55 |
Mean: | 234.56 |
Standard Deviation: | 402.15 |
Name: | CHAWT38 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 38 |
Number: | 600 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1262-1270 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4292.69 |
Mean: | 235.39 |
Standard Deviation: | 403.76 |
Name: | CHAWT39 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 39 |
Number: | 601 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1271-1279 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 1.96 |
Maximum: | 4389.89 |
Mean: | 235.21 |
Standard Deviation: | 409.49 |
Name: | CHAWT40 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 40 |
Number: | 602 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1280-1288 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.00 |
Maximum: | 4405.20 |
Mean: | 235.59 |
Standard Deviation: | 412.74 |
Name: | CHAWT41 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 41 |
Number: | 603 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1289-1297 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4408.19 |
Mean: | 234.37 |
Standard Deviation: | 408.44 |
Name: | CHAWT42 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 42 |
Number: | 604 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1298-1306 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 1.53 |
Maximum: | 4384.91 |
Mean: | 234.35 |
Standard Deviation: | 406.68 |
Name: | CHAWT43 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 43 |
Number: | 605 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1307-1315 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4410.94 |
Mean: | 236.58 |
Standard Deviation: | 407.81 |
Name: | CHAWT44 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 44 |
Number: | 606 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1316-1324 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.34 |
Maximum: | 4387.93 |
Mean: | 232.22 |
Standard Deviation: | 402.70 |
Name: | CHAWT45 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 45 |
Number: | 607 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1325-1333 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4404.40 |
Mean: | 235.71 |
Standard Deviation: | 407.51 |
Name: | CHAWT46 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 46 |
Number: | 608 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1334-1342 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4431.42 |
Mean: | 235.76 |
Standard Deviation: | 407.63 |
Name: | CHAWT47 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 47 |
Number: | 609 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1343-1351 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.41 |
Maximum: | 4389.32 |
Mean: | 235.93 |
Standard Deviation: | 414.16 |
Name: | CHAWT48 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 48 |
Number: | 610 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1352-1360 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4399.37 |
Mean: | 232.52 |
Standard Deviation: | 401.73 |
Name: | CHAWT49 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 49 |
Number: | 611 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1361-1369 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4384.14 |
Mean: | 233.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 405.00 |
Name: | CHAWT50 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 50 |
Number: | 612 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1370-1378 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4768.77 |
Mean: | 233.63 |
Standard Deviation: | 405.75 |
Name: | CHAWT51 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 51 |
Number: | 613 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1379-1387 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4399.43 |
Mean: | 232.95 |
Standard Deviation: | 403.25 |
Name: | CHAWT52 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 52 |
Number: | 614 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1388-1396 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.74 |
Maximum: | 5256.46 |
Mean: | 235.47 |
Standard Deviation: | 419.22 |
Name: | CHAWT53 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 53 |
Number: | 615 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1397-1405 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 1.43 |
Maximum: | 4393.18 |
Mean: | 234.61 |
Standard Deviation: | 403.25 |
Name: | CHAWT54 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 54 |
Number: | 616 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1406-1414 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4393.13 |
Mean: | 234.45 |
Standard Deviation: | 407.87 |
Name: | CHAWT55 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 55 |
Number: | 617 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1415-1423 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4368.58 |
Mean: | 231.87 |
Standard Deviation: | 403.57 |
Name: | CHAWT56 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 56 |
Number: | 618 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1424-1432 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4422.76 |
Mean: | 236.39 |
Standard Deviation: | 409.75 |
Name: | CHAWT57 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 57 |
Number: | 619 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1433-1441 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4395.61 |
Mean: | 234.75 |
Standard Deviation: | 407.67 |
Name: | CHAWT58 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 58 |
Number: | 620 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1442-1450 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4402.58 |
Mean: | 235.24 |
Standard Deviation: | 409.65 |
Name: | CHAWT59 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 59 |
Number: | 621 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1451-1459 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4153.44 |
Mean: | 233.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 397.33 |
Name: | CHAWT60 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 60 |
Number: | 622 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1460-1468 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.77 |
Maximum: | 4240.80 |
Mean: | 232.39 |
Standard Deviation: | 397.50 |
Name: | CHAWT61 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 61 |
Number: | 623 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1469-1477 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.63 |
Maximum: | 4535.40 |
Mean: | 241.27 |
Standard Deviation: | 438.96 |
Name: | CHAWT62 |
Label: | Annualized child replicate weight 62 |
Number: | 624 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 9 |
Decimals: | 4 |
Location: | 1478-1486 |
Valid: | 12694 |
Minimum: | 2.63 |
Maximum: | 4242.93 |
Mean: | 237.53 |
Standard Deviation: | 422.49 |
Note: Maltreatment information was evaluatively coded from information on the maltreatment form and the case narrative. For all variables in this section with the suffix _ROLE, the following derivation applies: If the evaluative coder determined that the involved person maltreated the child then _ROLE = 1 Else if the evaluative coder determined that the involved person permitted the maltreatment, then _ROLE = 2 For all variables in this section with the suffix _PERPRELAT, the following derivation applies: If the evaluative coder indicated that the 'situation clearly fulfills perpetrator requirement' or that the 'situation probably fulfills the perpetrator requirement' then _PERPRELAT equals the perpetrator relationship which the evaluative coder determined to have maltreated or permitted the maltreatment For all variables in this section with the suffix _CNTBL, the following derivation applies: _CNTBL = 0 If HARMCOUNTABILITY* is 'very probable' or 'probable' then _CNTBL = 1 else if ENDCOUNTABILITY* is 'very probable' or 'probable' then _CNTBL = 2 * See End User Note at the beginning of the COUNTABILITY VARIABLES section of this codebook. ____________________________________________________________________ The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe: The Person's Role |
Name: | SXA_PA_ROLE |
Label: | Person A either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse |
Number: | 625 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1487 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
142 | 1 | Maltreated | |
311 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12241 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_PA_ALC |
Label: | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 626 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1488 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
393 | 0 | No | |
45 | 1 | Yes | |
15 | 9 | Unknown | |
12241 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 438 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Name: | SXA_PA_DRG |
Label: | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 627 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1489 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
391 | 0 | No | |
47 | 1 | Yes | |
15 | 9 | Unknown | |
12241 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 438 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Name: | SXA_PA_MNT |
Label: | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 628 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1490 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
401 | 0 | No | |
38 | 1 | Yes | |
14 | 9 | Unknown | |
12241 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 439 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Label: | Person A - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 629 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1491 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
440 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
10 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
3 | 9 | Unknown | |
12241 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_PA_RESP |
Label: | Person A - degree of responsibility for sexual abuse |
Number: | 630 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1492 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
322 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
116 | 2 | Likely | |
14 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
12241 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_PB_ROLE |
Label: | Person B either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse |
Number: | 631 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1493 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
288 | 1 | Maltreated | |
85 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12321 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_PB_ALC |
Label: | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 632 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1494 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
322 | 0 | No | |
33 | 1 | Yes | |
18 | 9 | Unknown | |
12321 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 355 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | SXA_PB_DRG |
Label: | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 633 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1495 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
323 | 0 | No | |
32 | 1 | Yes | |
18 | 9 | Unknown | |
12321 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 355 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | SXA_PB_MNT |
Label: | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 634 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1496 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
344 | 0 | No | |
11 | 1 | Yes | |
18 | 9 | Unknown | |
12321 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 355 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Label: | Person B - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 635 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1497 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
252 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
119 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
2 | 9 | Unknown | |
12321 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_PB_RESP |
Label: | Person B- degree of responsibility for sexual abuse |
Number: | 636 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1498 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
293 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
77 | 2 | Likely | |
2 | 3 | Doubtful | |
1 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12321 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP1_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse |
Number: | 637 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1499 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
664 | 1 | Maltreated | |
25 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12005 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP1_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 638 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1500 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
615 | 0 | No | |
45 | 1 | Yes | |
29 | 9 | Unknown | |
12005 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 660 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | SXA_OIP1_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 639 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1501 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
615 | 0 | No | |
45 | 1 | Yes | |
29 | 9 | Unknown | |
12005 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 660 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | SXA_OIP1_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 640 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1502 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
630 | 0 | No | |
29 | 1 | Yes | |
30 | 9 | Unknown | |
12005 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 659 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 641 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1503 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
77 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
367 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
156 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
2 | 4 | Other | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
12091 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP1_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsiblity for sexual abuse |
Number: | 642 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1504 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
546 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
142 | 2 | Likely | |
1 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12005 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP2_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse |
Number: | 643 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1505 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
86 | 1 | Maltreated | |
14 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12594 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP2_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 644 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1506 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
90 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
4 | 9 | Unknown | |
12594 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 96 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Name: | SXA_OIP2_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 645 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1507 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
86 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
4 | 9 | Unknown | |
12594 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 96 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Name: | SXA_OIP2_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 646 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1508 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
92 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
4 | 9 | Unknown | |
12594 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 96 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 647 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1509 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
45 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
20 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12617 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP2_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse |
Number: | 648 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1510 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
80 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
17 | 2 | Likely | |
3 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12594 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP3_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse |
Number: | 649 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1511 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
24 | 1 | Maltreated | |
1 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12669 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP3_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 650 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1512 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
21 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
2 | 9 | Unknown | |
12669 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 23 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | SXA_OIP3_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 651 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1513 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
22 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
2 | 9 | Unknown | |
12669 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 23 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Name: | SXA_OIP3_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 652 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1514 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
22 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
2 | 9 | Unknown | |
12669 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 23 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 653 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1515 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
15 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12678 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP3_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse |
Number: | 654 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1516 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
7 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12669 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP4_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse |
Number: | 655 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1517 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 1 | Maltreated | |
1 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12688 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP4_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 656 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1518 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12688 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 6 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_OIP4_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 657 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1519 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12688 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 6 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_OIP4_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 658 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1520 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12688 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 6 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 659 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1521 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
4 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12690 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP4_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse |
Number: | 660 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1522 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
2 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12688 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP5_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted sexual abuse |
Number: | 661 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1523 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP5_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 662 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1524 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | SXA_OIP5_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 663 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1525 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | SXA_OIP5_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in sexual abuse |
Number: | 664 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1526 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of sexual abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 665 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1527 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | SXA_OIP5_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for sexual abuse |
Number: | 666 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1528 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the
Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injuries.
The evaluative coding system (CAEDS) provided a list of injuries and harms resulting from the maltreatment that were organized into the following seven major Nature of Injury/Harm categories: 1) Physical injuries, 2) Physical impairments/health conditions, 3) Impaired educational development 4) Mental/emotional injuries and impairments 5) Unknown harm 6) No apparent injury or harm -- child endangered 7) No known injuries or harm The Nature of Injury/Harm major categories and the individual injuries and harms under each category have been coded for the applicable maltreatment categories: 1) Sexual Abuse -- SXA 2) Physical Abuse -- PHA 3) Emotional Abuse -- EMA 4) Physical Neglect -- PHN 5) Educational Neglect -- EDN 6) Emotional Neglect -- EMN 7) Other Maltreatment -- OTM 8) Chemically-dependent newborns -- CHEM |
Name: | SXA_PINJ1 |
Label: | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from sexual abuse |
Number: | 667 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1529 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ2 |
Label: | Fractured or broken bones from sexual abuse |
Number: | 668 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1530 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ3 |
Label: | Gunshot wounds from sexual abuse |
Number: | 669 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1531 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ4 |
Label: | Intracranial hemorrhages from sexual abuse |
Number: | 670 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1532 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ5 |
Label: | Trauma or injuries to the skull from sexual abuse |
Number: | 671 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1533 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ6 |
Label: | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from sexual abuse |
Number: | 672 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1534 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ7 |
Label: | Shaken baby syndrome from sexual abuse |
Number: | 673 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1535 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ8 |
Label: | Concussion from sexual abuse |
Number: | 674 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1536 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ9 |
Label: | Spinal cord injuries from sexual abuse |
Number: | 675 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1537 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ10 |
Label: | ,Amputations from sexual abuse |
Number: | 676 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1538 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ11 |
Label: | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from sexual abuse |
Number: | 677 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1539 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ12 |
Label: | Injuries that damage internal organs from sexual abuse |
Number: | 678 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1540 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ13 |
Label: | Internal bleeding from sexual abuse |
Number: | 679 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1541 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
108 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ14 |
Label: | Near drowning from sexual abuse |
Number: | 680 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1542 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ15 |
Label: | Poisoning from sexual abuse |
Number: | 681 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1543 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ16 |
Label: | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from sexual abuse |
Number: | 682 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1544 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to child's mobility, this code should also be checked.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ17 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from sexual abuse |
Number: | 683 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1545 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
107 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ18 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from sexual abuse |
Number: | 684 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1546 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
103 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ19 |
Label: | 3rd degree burns from sexual abuse |
Number: | 685 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1547 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ20 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse |
Number: | 686 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1548 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ21 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from sexual abuse |
Number: | 687 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1549 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ22 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse |
Number: | 688 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1550 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ23 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from sexual abuse |
Number: | 689 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1551 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ24 |
Label: | Cuts and lacerations from sexual abuse |
Number: | 690 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1552 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
106 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ25 |
Label: | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from sexual abuse |
Number: | 691 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1553 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ26 |
Label: | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from sexual abuse |
Number: | 692 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1554 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
99 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ27 |
Label: | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from sexual abuse |
Number: | 693 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1555 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
68 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.62 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ28 |
Label: | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from sexual abuse |
Number: | 694 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1556 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
109 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PINJ29 |
Label: | Any other physical injuries from sexual abuse |
Number: | 695 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1557 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
39 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 109 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.36 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition |
Name: | SXA_PIMO1 |
Label: | Illness-related death from sexual abuse |
Number: | 696 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1558 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition subcode |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO2 |
Label: | Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from sexual abuse |
Number: | 697 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1559 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO3 |
Label: | Complications caused by injuries or impairments from sexual abuse |
Number: | 698 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1560 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO4 |
Label: | Coma from sexual abuse |
Number: | 699 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1561 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO5 |
Label: | Other loss of consciousness from sexual abuse |
Number: | 700 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1562 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO6 |
Label: | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from sexual abuse |
Number: | 701 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1563 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO7 |
Label: | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from sexual abuse |
Number: | 702 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1564 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO8 |
Label: | Seizures from sexual abuse |
Number: | 703 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1565 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO9 |
Label: | Malnourished or severely underweight from sexual abuse |
Number: | 704 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1566 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO10 |
Label: | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from sexual abuse |
Number: | 705 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1567 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive (generally associated with infants) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO11 |
Label: | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from sexual abuse |
Number: | 706 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1568 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO12 |
Label: | Impaired vision or eye problems from sexual abuse |
Number: | 707 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1569 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO13 |
Label: | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from sexual abuse |
Number: | 708 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1570 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO14 |
Label: | Speech impediments from sexual abuse |
Number: | 709 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1571 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
40 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO15 |
Label: | Venereal diseases from sexual abuse |
Number: | 710 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1572 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
36 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.12 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO16 |
Label: | Diaper rash from sexual abuse |
Number: | 711 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1573 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO17 |
Label: | Unexplained developmental delays from sexual abuse |
Number: | 712 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1574 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO18 |
Label: | Lice infestation from sexual abuse |
Number: | 713 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1575 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO19 |
Label: | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from sexual abuse |
Number: | 714 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1576 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_PIMO20 |
Label: | Other health/medical problems or conditions from sexual abuse |
Number: | 715 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1577 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
38 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 41 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.93 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the
Nature of Injury/Harm:
Impaired Educational Development
Name: | SXA_IMED1 |
Label: | Learning disability from sexual abuse |
Number: | 716 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1578 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
47 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 47 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_IMED2 |
Label: | Poor attention span from sexual abuse |
Number: | 717 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1579 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
46 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 47 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | SXA_IMED3 |
Label: | Drop in academic performance from sexual abuse |
Number: | 718 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1580 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
32 | 0 | No | |
15 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 47 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.32 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Name: | SXA_IMED4 |
Label: | Chronic truancy from sexual abuse |
Number: | 719 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1581 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
35 | 0 | No | |
12 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 47 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.26 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Name: | SXA_IMED5 |
Label: | Chronic tardiness from sexual abuse |
Number: | 720 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1582 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
46 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 47 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | SXA_IMED6 |
Label: | Non-enrollment in school from sexual abuse |
Number: | 721 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1583 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
46 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 47 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | SXA_IMED7 |
Label: | Behavior problems in class from sexual abuse |
Number: | 722 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1584 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
30 | 0 | No | |
17 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 47 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.36 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Name: | SXA_IMED8 |
Label: | Other diagnosed educational needs from sexual abuse |
Number: | 723 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1585 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
47 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 47 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_IMED9 |
Label: | Expelled or suspended from school from sexual abuse |
Number: | 724 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1586 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
45 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 47 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | SXA_IMED10 |
Label: | Other educational problems from sexual abuse |
Number: | 725 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1587 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
38 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 47 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.19 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the
Nature of Injury/Harm:
Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem
Name: | SXA_MEEM1 |
Label: | Suicide resulting from sexual abuse |
Number: | 726 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1588 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
914 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM2 |
Label: | Suicide attempt from sexual abuse |
Number: | 727 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1589 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
904 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM3 |
Label: | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from sexual abuse |
Number: | 728 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1590 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
914 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM4 |
Label: | Dangerous level of instability from sexual abuse |
Number: | 729 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1591 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
887 | 0 | No | |
27 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM5 |
Label: | Self-inflicted injury from sexual abuse |
Number: | 730 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1592 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
908 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM6 |
Label: | Fearful or distrustful from sexual abuse |
Number: | 731 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1593 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
792 | 0 | No | |
122 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM7 |
Label: | Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from sexual abuse |
Number: | 732 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1594 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
911 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM8 |
Label: | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from sexual abuse |
Number: | 733 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1595 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
914 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM9 |
Label: | Fighting from sexual abuse |
Number: | 734 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1596 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
910 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM10 |
Label: | Delinquency from sexual abuse |
Number: | 735 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1597 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
900 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM11 |
Label: | Prostitution from sexual abuse |
Number: | 736 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1598 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
911 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM12 |
Label: | Drug/alcohol abuse from sexual abuse |
Number: | 737 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1599 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
905 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM13 |
Label: | Anxiety from sexual abuse |
Number: | 738 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1600 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
883 | 0 | No | |
31 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM14 |
Label: | Depression from sexual abuse |
Number: | 739 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1601 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
875 | 0 | No | |
39 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM15 |
Label: | Withdrawal from sexual abuse |
Number: | 740 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1602 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
893 | 0 | No | |
21 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM16 |
Label: | Psychosis from sexual abuse |
Number: | 741 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1603 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
913 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.03 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM17 |
Label: | Sexual problems from sexual abuse |
Number: | 742 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1604 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
810 | 0 | No | |
104 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM18 |
Label: | Sleeping disorders from sexual abuse |
Number: | 743 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1605 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
900 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM19 |
Label: | Hyperactive activity from sexual abuse |
Number: | 744 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1606 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
913 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.03 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM20 |
Label: | Aggressive or violent behavior from sexual abuse |
Number: | 745 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1607 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
891 | 0 | No | |
23 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM21 |
Label: | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from sexual abuse |
Number: | 746 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1608 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
894 | 0 | No | |
20 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM22 |
Label: | Low self-esteem from sexual abuse |
Number: | 747 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1609 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
902 | 0 | No | |
12 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM23 |
Label: | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from sexual abuse |
Number: | 748 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1610 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
901 | 0 | No | |
13 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM24 |
Label: | Threats of self-destructive behavior from sexual abuse |
Number: | 749 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1611 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self, threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
886 | 0 | No | |
28 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM25 |
Label: | Suspected emotional damage from sexual abuse |
Number: | 750 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1612 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury, but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
334 | 0 | No | |
580 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.63 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | SXA_MEEM26 |
Label: | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from sexual abuse |
Number: | 751 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1613 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
732 | 0 | No | |
182 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11780 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 914 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Name: | SXA_UNKN |
Label: | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from sexual abuse |
Number: | 752 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1614 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Note: Use only when severity is "endangered" |
Name: | SXA_ENDG |
Label: | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from sexual abuse |
Number: | 753 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1615 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
142 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12552 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 142 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | SXA_NONE |
Label: | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from sexual abuse |
Number: | 754 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1616 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the
Individual Natures of Injury/Harm resulting from maltreatment.
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from sexual abuse |
Number: | 755 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1617 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
983 | 0 | No | |
109 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1092 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from sexual abuse |
Number: | 756 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1618 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1051 | 0 | No | |
41 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1092 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from sexual abuse |
Number: | 757 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1619 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1045 | 0 | No | |
47 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from sexual abuse |
Number: | 758 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1620 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
178 | 0 | No | |
914 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1092 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.84 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from sexual abuse |
Number: | 759 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1621 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1092 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1092 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from sexual abuse |
Number: | 760 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1622 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
950 | 0 | No | |
142 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1092 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from sexual abuse |
Number: | 761 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1623 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1092 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1092 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
The following SEXUAL ABUSE variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment |
Label: | Severity of injury/harm from sexual abuse |
Number: | 762 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1624 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
270 | 2 | Serious | |
276 | 3 | Moderate | |
362 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
62 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
122 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
11602 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following SEXUAL ABUSE variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments |
Label: | Severity of Sexual Abuse form1: Code 01.1--Any Intrusion Sex |
Number: | 763 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1625 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
116 | 2 | Serious | |
84 | 3 | Moderate | |
144 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12350 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SXA1_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Sexual Abuse form1: Code 01.1--Any Intrusion Sex |
Number: | 764 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1626 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
01.1Any Intrusion Sex; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (SXA1_CNTBL=1 or SXA1_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 01.1, then SXA1_CNTBL=1 or SXA1_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 01.1 Then SXA1_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 01.1 Then SXA1_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
298 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
46 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12350 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Sexual Abuse form2: Code 01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force |
Number: | 765 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1627 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
23 | 2 | Serious | |
13 | 3 | Moderate | |
22 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12636 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SXA2_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Sexual Abuse form2: Code 01.2--Intrusion Sex involving use of force |
Number: | 766 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1628 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
01.2Intrusion Sex Involving the use of force ; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (SXA2_CNTBL=1 or SXA2_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 01.2, then SXA2_CNTBL=1 or SXA2_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 01.2 Then SXA2_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 01.2 Then SXA2_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
53 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
5 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12636 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Sexual Abuse form3: Code 01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with intrusion |
Number: | 767 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1629 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
5 | 2 | Serious | |
0 | 3 | Moderate | |
5 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12684 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SXA3_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Sexual Abuse form3: Code 01.3--Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with intrusion |
Number: | 768 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1630 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
01.3Child's prostitution or involvement in pornography with
intrusion; and the evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 01.3, then SXA3_CNTBL=1 or SXA3_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 01.3 Then SXA3_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 01.3 Then SXA3_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
10 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
0 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12684 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Sexual Abuse form4: Code 02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact |
Number: | 769 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1631 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
69 | 2 | Serious | |
84 | 3 | Moderate | |
214 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12327 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SXA4_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Sexual Abuse form4: Code 02.0--Molestation with Genital Contact |
Number: | 770 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1632 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
02.0Molestation with Genital contact; and the evaluatively coded
criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (SXA4_CNTBL=1 or SXA4_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 02.0, then SXA4_CNTBL=1 or SXA4_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 02.0 Then SXA4_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 02.0 Then SXA4_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
305 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
62 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12327 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Sexual Abuse form5: Code 03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism |
Number: | 771 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1633 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
5 | 2 | Serious | |
15 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
8 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
27 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12639 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SXA5_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Sexual Abuse form5: Code 03.1--Exposure/Voyeurism |
Number: | 772 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1634 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.1Exposure/Voyeurism; and the evaluatively coded criteria met the
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 03.1, then SXA5_CNTBL=1 or SXA5_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.1 Then SXA5_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.1 Then SXA5_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
17 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
38 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12639 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Sexual Abuse form6: Code 03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials |
Number: | 773 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1635 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
5 | 2 | Serious | |
9 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
5 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
12 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12663 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SXA6_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Sexual Abuse form6: Code 03.2--Providing Sexually Explicit Materials |
Number: | 774 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1636 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.2Providing Sexually Explicit Materials; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (SXA6_CNTBL=1 or SXA6_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 03.2, then SXA6_CNTBL=1 or SXA6_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.2 Then SXA6_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.2 Then SXA6_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
14 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
17 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12663 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Sexual Abuse form7: Code 03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion) |
Number: | 775 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1637 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
1 | 2 | Serious | |
4 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
2 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
2 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12685 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SXA7_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Sexual Abuse form7: Code 03.3--Child's Involvement in Pornography (without intrusion) |
Number: | 776 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1638 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.3Child's involvement in pornography (without intrusion); and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (SXA7_CNTBL=1 or SXA7_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 03.3, then SXA7_CNTBL=1 or SXA7_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.3 Then SXA7_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.3 Then SXA7_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
5 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
4 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12685 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Sexual Abuse form8: Code 03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity |
Number: | 777 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1639 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
10 | 2 | Serious | |
8 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
21 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12655 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SXA8_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Sexual Abuse form8: Code 03.4--Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity |
Number: | 778 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1640 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.4Failure to Supervise Child's Voluntary Sexual Activity; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (SXA8_CNTBL=1 or SXA8_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 03.4, then SXA8_CNTBL=1 or SXA8_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.4 Then SXA8_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.4 Then SXA8_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
18 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
21 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12655 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Sexual Abuse form9: Code 03.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact |
Number: | 779 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1641 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Code | Description | |
1 | Fatal | |
2 | Serious | |
3 | Moderate | |
4 | Assumed Harm | |
5 | Probable Harm | |
6 | Endangered | |
7 | Insufficient Info | |
9 | No Harm or Injury | |
BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SXA9_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Sexual Abuse form9: Code 03.5--Attempted/ Threatened Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact |
Number: | 780 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1642 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.5Attempted/Threatned Sexual Abuse with Physical Contact; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (SXA9_CNTBL=1 or SXA9_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 03.5, then SXA9_CNTBL=1 or SXA9_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.5 Then SXA9_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.5 Then SXA9_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
6 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
7 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12681 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Sexual Abuse form10: Code 03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse |
Number: | 781 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1643 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
68 | 2 | Serious | |
94 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
61 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
84 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12387 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | SXA10_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Sexual Abuse form10: Code 03.6--Other/ Unknown Sexual Abuse |
Number: | 782 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1644 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
03.6Other/Unknown Sexual Abuse; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (SXA10_CNTBL=1 or SXA10_CNTBL=2)
Derivation: If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 03.6, then SXA10_CNTBL=1 or SXA10_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.6 Then SXA10_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 03.6 Then SXA10_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
150 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
157 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12387 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe:
The Person's Role
Name: | PHA_PA_ROLE |
Label: | Person A either maltreated or permitted physical abuse |
Number: | 783 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1645 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1609 | 1 | Maltreated | |
550 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10535 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_PA_ALC |
Label: | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 784 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1646 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1878 | 0 | No | |
193 | 1 | Yes | |
88 | 9 | Unknown | |
10535 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2071 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | PHA_PA_DRG |
Label: | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 785 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1647 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1909 | 0 | No | |
164 | 1 | Yes | |
86 | 9 | Unknown | |
10535 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2073 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | PHA_PA_MNT |
Label: | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 786 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1648 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1975 | 0 | No | |
91 | 1 | Yes | |
93 | 9 | Unknown | |
10535 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2066 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Label: | Person A - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 787 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1649 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2133 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
26 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10535 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_PA_RESP |
Label: | Person A degree of responsibility for physical abuse |
Number: | 788 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1650 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1744 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
407 | 2 | Likely | |
8 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10535 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_PB_ROLE |
Label: | Person B either maltreated or permitted physical abuse |
Number: | 789 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1651 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
935 | 1 | Maltreated | |
381 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11378 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_PB_ALC |
Label: | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 790 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1652 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1109 | 0 | No | |
158 | 1 | Yes | |
49 | 9 | Unknown | |
11378 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1267 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.12 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Name: | PHA_PB_DRG |
Label: | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 791 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1653 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1148 | 0 | No | |
117 | 1 | Yes | |
51 | 9 | Unknown | |
11378 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1265 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | PHA_PB_MNT |
Label: | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 792 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1654 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1224 | 0 | No | |
40 | 1 | Yes | |
52 | 9 | Unknown | |
11378 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1264 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Label: | Person B - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 793 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1655 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1005 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
307 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
2 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
11379 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_PB_RESP |
Label: | Person B degree of responsibility for physical abuse |
Number: | 794 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1656 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1022 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
284 | 2 | Likely | |
9 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
11378 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP1_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse |
Number: | 795 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1657 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
508 | 1 | Maltreated | |
40 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12146 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP1_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 796 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1658 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
488 | 0 | No | |
44 | 1 | Yes | |
16 | 9 | Unknown | |
12146 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 532 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Name: | PHA_OIP1_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 797 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1659 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
488 | 0 | No | |
45 | 1 | Yes | |
15 | 9 | Unknown | |
12146 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 533 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Name: | PHA_OIP1_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 798 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1660 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
510 | 0 | No | |
23 | 1 | Yes | |
15 | 9 | Unknown | |
12146 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 533 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 799 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1661 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
95 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
376 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
28 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
1 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12194 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP1_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for physical abuse |
Number: | 800 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1662 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
432 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
112 | 2 | Likely | |
3 | 3 | Doubtful | |
1 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12146 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP2_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse |
Number: | 801 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1663 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
40 | 1 | Maltreated | |
13 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12641 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP2_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 802 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1664 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
51 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12641 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP2_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 803 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1665 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
50 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12641 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 53 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | PHA_OIP2_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 804 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1666 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
52 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12641 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 53 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 805 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1667 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
40 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12646 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP2_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for physical abuse |
Number: | 806 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1668 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
42 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
10 | 2 | Likely | |
1 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12641 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP3_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse |
Number: | 807 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1669 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
13 | 1 | Maltreated | |
1 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12680 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP3_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 808 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1670 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
13 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
12680 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 13 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_OIP3_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 809 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1671 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
12680 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 13 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Name: | PHA_OIP3_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 810 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1672 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
13 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
12680 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 13 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 811 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1673 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
11 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
2 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12681 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP3_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for physical abuse |
Number: | 812 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1674 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
2 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12680 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP4_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse |
Number: | 813 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1675 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP4_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 814 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1676 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_OIP4_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 815 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1677 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_OIP4_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 816 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1678 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 817 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1679 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
1 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP4_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for physical abuse |
Number: | 818 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1680 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP5_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted physical abuse |
Number: | 819 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1681 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP5_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 820 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1682 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_OIP5_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 821 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1683 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_OIP5_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical abuse |
Number: | 822 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1684 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of physical abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 823 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1685 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
1 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHA_OIP5_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for physical abuse |
Number: | 824 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1686 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury |
Name: | PHA_PINJ1 |
Label: | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from physical abuse |
Number: | 825 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1687 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1749 | 0 | No | |
25 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ2 |
Label: | Fractured or broken bones from physical abuse |
Number: | 826 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1688 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1655 | 0 | No | |
119 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ3 |
Label: | Gunshot wounds from physical abuse |
Number: | 827 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1689 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1768 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ4 |
Label: | Intracranial hemorrhages from physical abuse |
Number: | 828 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1690 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1741 | 0 | No | |
33 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ5 |
Label: | Trauma or injuries to the skull from physical abuse |
Number: | 829 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1691 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1692 | 0 | No | |
82 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ6 |
Label: | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from physical abuse |
Number: | 830 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1692 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1672 | 0 | No | |
102 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ7 |
Label: | Shaken baby syndrome from physical abuse |
Number: | 831 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1693 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1744 | 0 | No | |
30 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ8 |
Label: | Concussion from physical abuse |
Number: | 832 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1694 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1769 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ9 |
Label: | Spinal cord injuries from physical abuse |
Number: | 833 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1695 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1772 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.03 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ10 |
Label: | Amputations from physical abuse |
Number: | 834 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1696 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1774 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ11 |
Label: | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from physical abuse |
Number: | 835 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1697 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1770 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ12 |
Label: | Injuries that damage any internal organs from physical abuse |
Number: | 836 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1698 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1759 | 0 | No | |
15 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ13 |
Label: | Internal bleeding from physical abuse |
Number: | 837 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1699 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1754 | 0 | No | |
20 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ14 |
Label: | Near drowning from physical abuse |
Number: | 838 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1700 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1774 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ15 |
Label: | Poisoning from physical abuse |
Number: | 839 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1701 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc., through neglect) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1773 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.02 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ16 |
Label: | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from physical abuse |
Number: | 840 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1702 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to child's mobility, this code should also be checked.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1767 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ17 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from physical abuse |
Number: | 841 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1703 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1620 | 0 | No | |
154 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ18 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from physical abuse |
Number: | 842 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1704 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
904 | 0 | No | |
870 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.49 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ19 |
Label: | 3rd degree burns from physical abuse |
Number: | 843 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1705 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1769 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ20 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from physical abuse |
Number: | 844 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1706 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1759 | 0 | No | |
15 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ21 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical abuse |
Number: | 845 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1707 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1755 | 0 | No | |
19 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ22 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from physical abuse |
Number: | 846 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1708 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1772 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.03 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ23 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from physical abuse |
Number: | 847 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1709 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1761 | 0 | No | |
13 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ24 |
Label: | Cuts and lacerations from physical abuse |
Number: | 848 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1710 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1578 | 0 | No | |
196 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ25 |
Label: | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from physical abuse |
Number: | 849 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1711 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1737 | 0 | No | |
37 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ26 |
Label: | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from physical abuse |
Number: | 850 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1712 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1335 | 0 | No | |
439 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ27 |
Label: | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital area, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from physical abuse |
Number: | 851 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1713 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1768 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ28 |
Label: | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from physical abuse |
Number: | 852 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1714 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1767 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | PHA_PINJ29 |
Label: | Any other physical injuries from physical abuse |
Number: | 853 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1715 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1369 | 0 | No | |
405 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10920 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1774 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.23 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.42 |
The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition |
Name: | PHA_PIMO1 |
Label: | Illness-related death from physical abuse |
Number: | 854 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1716 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO2 |
Label: | Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical abuse |
Number: | 855 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1717 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
40 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO3 |
Label: | Complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical abuse |
Number: | 856 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1718 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
36 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO4 |
Label: | Coma from physical abuse |
Number: | 857 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1719 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO5 |
Label: | Other loss of consciousness from physical abuse |
Number: | 858 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1720 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
42 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO6 |
Label: | Breathing stopped from physical abuse |
Number: | 859 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1721 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
36 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO7 |
Label: | Anoxia from physical abuse |
Number: | 860 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1722 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
39 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO8 |
Label: | Seizures from physical abuse |
Number: | 861 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1723 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
34 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.19 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO9 |
Label: | Malnourished or severely underweight from physical abuse |
Number: | 862 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1724 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO10 |
Label: | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from physical abuse |
Number: | 863 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1725 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
42 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO11 |
Label: | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from physical abuse |
Number: | 864 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1726 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO12 |
Label: | Impaired vision or eye problems from physical abuse |
Number: | 865 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1727 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
33 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.21 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.42 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO13 |
Label: | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from physical abuse |
Number: | 866 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1728 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
40 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO14 |
Label: | Speech impediments from physical abuse |
Number: | 867 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1729 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO15 |
Label: | Venereal diseases from physical abuse |
Number: | 868 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1730 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
42 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO16 |
Label: | Diaper rash from physical abuse |
Number: | 869 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1731 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
42 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO17 |
Label: | Unexplained developmental delays from physical abuse |
Number: | 870 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1732 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO18 |
Label: | Lice infestation from physical abuse |
Number: | 871 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1733 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
42 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO19 |
Label: | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from physical abuse |
Number: | 872 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1734 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
42 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_PIMO20 |
Label: | Other health/medical problems or conditions from physical abuse |
Number: | 873 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1735 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
25 | 0 | No | |
17 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 42 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.40 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development |
Name: | PHA_IMED1 |
Label: | Learning disability from physical abuse |
Number: | 874 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1736 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 71 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | PHA_IMED2 |
Label: | Poor attention span from physical abuse |
Number: | 875 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1737 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
65 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 71 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Name: | PHA_IMED3 |
Label: | Drop in academic performance from physical abuse |
Number: | 876 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1738 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
56 | 0 | No | |
15 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 71 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.21 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Name: | PHA_IMED4 |
Label: | Chronic truancy from physical abuse |
Number: | 877 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1739 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
62 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 71 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Name: | PHA_IMED5 |
Label: | Chronic tardiness from physical abuse |
Number: | 878 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1740 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
69 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 71 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | PHA_IMED6 |
Label: | Non-enrollment in school from physical abuse |
Number: | 879 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1741 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
71 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 71 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_IMED7 |
Label: | Behavior problems in class from physical abuse |
Number: | 880 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1742 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
36 | 0 | No | |
35 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 71 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.49 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | PHA_IMED8 |
Label: | Other diagnosed educational needs from physical abuse |
Number: | 881 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1743 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
71 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 71 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_IMED9 |
Label: | Expelled or suspended from school from physical abuse |
Number: | 882 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1744 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
61 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 71 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Name: | PHA_IMED10 |
Label: | Other educational problems from physical abuse |
Number: | 883 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1745 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
54 | 0 | No | |
17 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 71 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.24 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem |
Name: | PHA_MEEM1 |
Label: | Suicide from physical abuse |
Number: | 884 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1746 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
627 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM2 |
Label: | Suicide attempt from physical abuse |
Number: | 885 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1747 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
620 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM3 |
Label: | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from physical abuse |
Number: | 886 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1748 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
626 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM4 |
Label: | Dangerous level of instability from physical abuse |
Number: | 887 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1749 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
607 | 0 | No | |
20 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM5 |
Label: | Self-inflicted injury from physical abuse |
Number: | 888 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1750 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
615 | 0 | No | |
12 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM6 |
Label: | Fearful or distrustful from physical abuse |
Number: | 889 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1751 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
415 | 0 | No | |
212 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.34 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM7 |
Label: | Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from physical abuse |
Number: | 890 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1752 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
626 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM8 |
Label: | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from physical abuse |
Number: | 891 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1753 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
626 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM9 |
Label: | Fighting from physical abuse |
Number: | 892 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1754 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
611 | 0 | No | |
16 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM10 |
Label: | Delinquency from physical abuse |
Number: | 893 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1755 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
606 | 0 | No | |
21 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM11 |
Label: | Prostitution from physical abuse |
Number: | 894 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1756 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
627 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM12 |
Label: | Drug/alcohol abuse from physical abuse |
Number: | 895 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1757 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
620 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM13 |
Label: | Anxiety from physical abuse |
Number: | 896 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1758 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
566 | 0 | No | |
61 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM14 |
Label: | Depression from physical abuse |
Number: | 897 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1759 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
586 | 0 | No | |
41 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM15 |
Label: | Withdrawal from physical abuse |
Number: | 898 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1760 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
615 | 0 | No | |
12 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM16 |
Label: | Psychosis from physical abuse |
Number: | 899 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1761 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
625 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM17 |
Label: | Sexual problems from physical abuse |
Number: | 900 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1762 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
621 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM18 |
Label: | Sleeping disorders from physical abuse |
Number: | 901 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1763 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
620 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM19 |
Label: | Hyperactive activity from physical abuse |
Number: | 902 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1764 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
627 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM20 |
Label: | Aggressive or violent behavior from physical abuse |
Number: | 903 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1765 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
578 | 0 | No | |
49 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM21 |
Label: | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from physical abuse |
Number: | 904 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1766 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
621 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM22 |
Label: | Low self-esteem from physical abuse |
Number: | 905 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1767 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
608 | 0 | No | |
19 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM23 |
Label: | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from physical abuse |
Number: | 906 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1768 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
625 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM24 |
Label: | Threats of self-destructive behavior from physical abuse |
Number: | 907 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1769 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self, threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
590 | 0 | No | |
37 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM25 |
Label: | Suspected emotional damage from physical abuse |
Number: | 908 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1770 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury, but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
382 | 0 | No | |
245 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.39 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Name: | PHA_MEEM26 |
Label: | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from physical abuse |
Number: | 909 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1771 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
473 | 0 | No | |
154 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12067 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 627 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | PHA_UNKN |
Label: | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from physical abuse |
Number: | 910 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1772 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | PHA_ENDG |
Label: | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from physical abuse |
Number: | 911 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1773 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
724 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11970 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 724 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHA_NONE |
Label: | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from physical abuse |
Number: | 912 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1774 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm resulting from maltreatment. |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from physical abuse |
Number: | 913 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1775 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
961 | 0 | No | |
1774 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.65 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from physical abuse |
Number: | 914 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1776 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2693 | 0 | No | |
42 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from physical abuse |
Number: | 915 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1777 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2664 | 0 | No | |
71 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from physical abuse |
Number: | 916 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1778 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2108 | 0 | No | |
627 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.23 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.42 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from physical abuse |
Number: | 917 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1779 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2735 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from physical abuse |
Number: | 918 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1780 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2011 | 0 | No | |
724 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.26 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from physical abuse |
Number: | 919 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1781 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2734 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.02 |
The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment |
Label: | Severity of injury/harm from physical abuse |
Number: | 920 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1782 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
35 | 1 | Fatal | |
583 | 2 | Serious | |
1387 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
74 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
656 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
9959 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following PHYSICAL ABUSE variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments |
Label: | Severity of Physical Abuse form1: Code 04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop |
Number: | 921 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1783 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 1 | Fatal | |
42 | 2 | Serious | |
41 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
3 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
36 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12566 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHA1_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Abuse form1: Code 04.1--Shake, throw, purposefully drop |
Number: | 922 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1784 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.1Shake, throw, purposely drop; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA1_CNTBL=1 or PHA1_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 04.1, then PHA1_CNTBL=1 or PHA1_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.1 Then PHA1_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.1 Then PHA1_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
89 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
39 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12566 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Abuse form2: Code 04.2--Hit with Hand |
Number: | 923 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1785 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
36 | 2 | Serious | |
281 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
14 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
141 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12222 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHA2_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Abuse form2: Code 04.2--Hit with Hand |
Number: | 924 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1786 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.2Hit the Hand; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA2_CNTBL=1 or PHA2_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 04.2, then PHA2_CNTBL=1 or PHA2_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.2 Then PHA2_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.2 Then PHA2_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
317 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
155 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12222 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Abuse form3: Code 04.3--Hit with Object |
Number: | 925 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1787 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Fatal | |
146 | 2 | Serious | |
461 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
18 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
173 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
11895 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHA3_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Abuse form3: Code 04.3--Hit with Object |
Number: | 926 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1788 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.3Hit with Object; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA3_CNTBL=1 or PHA3_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 04.3, then PHA3_CNTBL=1 or PHA3_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.3 Then PHA3_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.3 Then PHA3_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
608 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
191 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
11895 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Abuse form4: Code 04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull |
Number: | 927 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1789 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
51 | 2 | Serious | |
170 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
18 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
113 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12342 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHA4_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Abuse form4: Code 04.4--Push, Grab, Drag, Pull |
Number: | 928 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1790 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.4Push, Grab, Drag, Pull; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA4_CNTBL=1 or PHA4_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 04.4, then PHA4_CNTBL=1 or PHA4_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.4 Then PHA4_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.4 Then PHA4_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
221 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
131 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12342 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Abuse form5: Code 04.5--Punch, Kick |
Number: | 929 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1791 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Fatal | |
51 | 2 | Serious | |
137 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
13 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
75 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12417 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHA5_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Abuse form5: Code 04.5--Punch, Kick |
Number: | 930 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1792 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.5Punch, Kick; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA5_CNTBL=1 or PHA5_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 04.5, then PHA5_CNTBL=1 or PHA5_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.5 Then PHA5_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.5 Then PHA5_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
189 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
88 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12417 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Abuse form6: Code 04.6--Other Physical Abuse |
Number: | 931 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1793 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
28 | 1 | Fatal | |
340 | 2 | Serious | |
562 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
34 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
317 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
11413 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHA6_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Abuse form6: Code 04.6--Other Physical Abuse |
Number: | 932 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1794 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
04.6Other Physical Abuse; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHA6_CNTBL=1 or PHA6_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 04.6, then PHA6_CNTBL=1 or PHA6_CNTBL=2. If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.6 Then PHA6_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 04.6 Then PHA6_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
930 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
351 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
11413 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe: The Person's Role |
Name: | EMA_PA_ROLE |
Label: | Person A either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse |
Number: | 933 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1795 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
762 | 1 | Maltreated | |
298 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11634 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_PA_ALC |
Label: | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 934 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1796 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
849 | 0 | No | |
166 | 1 | Yes | |
45 | 9 | Unknown | |
11634 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1015 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | EMA_PA_DRG |
Label: | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 935 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1797 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
859 | 0 | No | |
157 | 1 | Yes | |
44 | 9 | Unknown | |
11634 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1016 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Name: | EMA_PA_MNT |
Label: | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 936 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1798 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
887 | 0 | No | |
128 | 1 | Yes | |
45 | 9 | Unknown | |
11634 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1015 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Label: | Person A - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 937 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1799 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1048 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
12 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11634 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_PA_RESP |
Label: | Person A degree of responsibility for emotional abuse |
Number: | 938 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1800 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
881 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
177 | 2 | Likely | |
2 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11634 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_PB_ROLE |
Label: | Person B either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse |
Number: | 939 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1801 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
524 | 1 | Maltreated | |
186 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11984 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_PB_ALC |
Label: | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 940 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1802 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
544 | 0 | No | |
149 | 1 | Yes | |
17 | 9 | Unknown | |
11984 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 693 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.22 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Name: | EMA_PB_DRG |
Label: | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 941 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1803 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
582 | 0 | No | |
107 | 1 | Yes | |
21 | 9 | Unknown | |
11984 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 689 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Name: | EMA_PB_MNT |
Label: | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 942 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1804 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
635 | 0 | No | |
54 | 1 | Yes | |
21 | 9 | Unknown | |
11984 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 689 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Label: | Person B - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 943 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1805 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
555 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
151 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
2 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
2 | 9 | Unknown | |
11984 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_PB_RESP |
Label: | Person B degree of responsibility for emotional abuse |
Number: | 944 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1806 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
592 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
112 | 2 | Likely | |
4 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
2 | 9 | Unknown | |
11984 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP1_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse |
Number: | 945 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1807 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
237 | 1 | Maltreated | |
23 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12434 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP1_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 946 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1808 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
199 | 0 | No | |
53 | 1 | Yes | |
8 | 9 | Unknown | |
12434 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 252 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.21 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Name: | EMA_OIP1_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 947 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1809 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
211 | 0 | No | |
39 | 1 | Yes | |
10 | 9 | Unknown | |
12434 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 250 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Name: | EMA_OIP1_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 948 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1810 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
228 | 0 | No | |
24 | 1 | Yes | |
8 | 9 | Unknown | |
12434 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 252 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 949 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1811 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
51 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
171 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
15 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
1 | 4 | Other | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
12455 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP1_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse |
Number: | 950 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1812 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
215 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
40 | 2 | Likely | |
3 | 3 | Doubtful | |
1 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
12434 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP2_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse |
Number: | 951 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1813 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
24 | 1 | Maltreated | |
8 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12662 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP2_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 952 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1814 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
32 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12662 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 32 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_OIP2_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 953 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1815 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
29 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12662 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 32 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Name: | EMA_OIP2_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 954 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1816 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
32 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12662 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 32 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 955 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1817 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
24 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12665 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP2_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse |
Number: | 956 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1818 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
25 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
6 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
1 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12662 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP3_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse |
Number: | 957 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1819 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP3_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 958 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1820 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 8 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_OIP3_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 959 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1821 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 8 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.38 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.52 |
Name: | EMA_OIP3_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 960 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1822 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 8 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 961 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1823 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
7 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12687 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP3_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse |
Number: | 962 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1824 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
2 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP4_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse |
Number: | 963 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1825 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
2 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP4_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 964 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1826 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_OIP4_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 965 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1827 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.50 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.71 |
Name: | EMA_OIP4_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 966 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1828 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 967 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1829 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
2 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP4_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse |
Number: | 968 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1830 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
1 | 2 | Likely | |
1 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP5_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted emotional abuse |
Number: | 969 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1831 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
1 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP5_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 970 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1832 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_OIP5_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 971 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1833 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Name: | EMA_OIP5_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional abuse |
Number: | 972 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1834 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of emotional abuse relationship to child |
Number: | 973 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1835 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
1 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMA_OIP5_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for emotional abuse |
Number: | 974 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1836 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
1 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm Physical Injury |
Name: | EMA_PINJ1 |
Label: | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from emotional abuse |
Number: | 975 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1837 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
17 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ2 |
Label: | Fractured or broken bones from emotional abuse |
Number: | 976 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1838 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ3 |
Label: | Gunshot wounds from emotional abuse |
Number: | 977 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1839 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ4 |
Label: | Intracranial hemorrhages from emotional abuse |
Number: | 978 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1840 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ5 |
Label: | Trauma or injuries to the skull from emotional abuse |
Number: | 979 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1841 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ6 |
Label: | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from emotional abuse |
Number: | 980 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1842 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ7 |
Label: | Shaken baby syndrome from emotional abuse |
Number: | 981 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1843 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ8 |
Label: | Concussion from emotional abuse |
Number: | 982 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1844 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ9 |
Label: | Spinal cord injuries from emotional abuse |
Number: | 983 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1845 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ10 |
Label: | Amputations from emotional abuse |
Number: | 984 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1846 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ11 |
Label: | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from emotional abuse |
Number: | 985 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1847 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ12 |
Label: | Injuries that damage any internal organs from emotional abuse |
Number: | 986 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1848 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ13 |
Label: | Internal bleeding from emotional abuse |
Number: | 987 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1849 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ14 |
Label: | Near drowning from emotional abuse |
Number: | 988 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1850 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
17 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ15 |
Label: | Poisoning from emotional abuse |
Number: | 989 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1851 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ16 |
Label: | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from emotional abuse |
Number: | 990 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1852 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to child's mobility, this code should also be checked.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ17 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from emotional abuse |
Number: | 991 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1853 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ18 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from emotional abuse |
Number: | 992 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1854 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
15 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ19 |
Label: | 3rd degree burns from emotional abuse |
Number: | 993 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1855 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ20 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse |
Number: | 994 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1856 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ21 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse |
Number: | 995 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1857 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ22 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from emotional abuse |
Number: | 996 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1858 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ23 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from emotional abuse |
Number: | 997 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1859 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ24 |
Label: | Cuts and lacerations from emotional abuse |
Number: | 998 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1860 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
15 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ25 |
Label: | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from emotional abuse |
Number: | 999 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1861 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
16 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ26 |
Label: | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1000 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1862 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
13 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.28 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.46 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ27 |
Label: | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1001 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1863 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ28 |
Label: | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1002 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1864 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PINJ29 |
Label: | Any other physical injuries from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1003 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1865 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
16 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 18 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition |
Name: | EMA_PIMO1 |
Label: | Illness-related death from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1004 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1866 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
26 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO2 |
Label: | Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1005 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1867 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
26 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO3 |
Label: | Complications caused by injuries or impairments from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1006 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1868 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
25 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO4 |
Label: | Coma from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1007 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1869 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
26 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO5 |
Label: | Other loss of consciousness from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1008 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1870 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
26 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO6 |
Label: | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1009 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1871 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
26 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO7 |
Label: | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1010 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1872 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
26 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO8 |
Label: | Seizures from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1011 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1873 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
25 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO9 |
Label: | Malnourished or severely underweight from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1012 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1874 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
20 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.23 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO10 |
Label: | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1013 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1875 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive (generally associated with infants) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
25 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO11 |
Label: | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1014 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1876 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
25 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO12 |
Label: | Impaired vision or eye problems from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1015 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1877 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
26 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO13 |
Label: | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1016 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1878 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
25 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO14 |
Label: | Speech impediments from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1017 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1879 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
25 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO15 |
Label: | Venereal diseases from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1018 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1880 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
26 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO16 |
Label: | Diaper rash from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1019 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1881 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
26 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO17 |
Label: | Unexplained developmental delays from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1020 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1882 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
24 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO18 |
Label: | Lice infestation resulting from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1021 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1883 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
26 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO19 |
Label: | Fetal alcohol or drug symptomsfrom emotional abuse |
Number: | 1022 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1884 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
24 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | EMA_PIMO20 |
Label: | Other health/medical problems or conditions from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1023 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1885 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7 | 0 | No | |
19 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 26 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.73 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development |
Name: | EMA_IMED1 |
Label: | Learning disability from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1024 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1886 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
81 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12607 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 87 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | EMA_IMED2 |
Label: | Poor attention span from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1025 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1887 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
77 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12607 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 87 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
Name: | EMA_IMED3 |
Label: | Drop in academic performance from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1026 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1888 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
58 | 0 | No | |
29 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12607 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 87 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Name: | EMA_IMED4 |
Label: | Chronic truancy from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1027 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1889 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
77 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12607 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 87 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
Name: | EMA_IMED5 |
Label: | Chronic tardiness from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1028 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1890 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
85 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12607 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 87 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | EMA_IMED6 |
Label: | Non-enrollment in school from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1029 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1891 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
87 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12607 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 87 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_IMED7 |
Label: | Behavior problems in class from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1030 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1892 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
47 | 0 | No | |
40 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12607 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 87 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.46 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | EMA_IMED8 |
Label: | Other diagnosed educational needs from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1031 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1893 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
85 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12607 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 87 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | EMA_IMED9 |
Label: | Expelled or suspended from school from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1032 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1894 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12607 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 87 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | EMA_IMED10 |
Label: | Other educational problems from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1033 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1895 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
73 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12607 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 87 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem |
Name: | EMA_MEEM1 |
Label: | Suicide from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1034 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1896 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
823 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM2 |
Label: | Suicide attempt from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1035 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1897 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
808 | 0 | No | |
15 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM3 |
Label: | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1036 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1898 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
823 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM4 |
Label: | Dangerous level of instability from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1037 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1899 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
779 | 0 | No | |
44 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM5 |
Label: | Self-inflicted injury from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1038 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1900 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
793 | 0 | No | |
30 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM6 |
Label: | Fearful or distrustful from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1039 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1901 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
581 | 0 | No | |
242 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.29 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.46 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM7 |
Label: | Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1040 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1902 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
820 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM8 |
Label: | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1041 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1903 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
822 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.03 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM9 |
Label: | Fighting from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1042 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1904 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
801 | 0 | No | |
22 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM10 |
Label: | Delinquency from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1043 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1905 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
805 | 0 | No | |
18 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM11 |
Label: | Prostitution from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1044 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1906 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
823 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM12 |
Label: | Drug/alcohol abuse from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1045 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1907 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
808 | 0 | No | |
15 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM13 |
Label: | Anxiety from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1046 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1908 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
710 | 0 | No | |
113 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM14 |
Label: | Depression from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1047 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1909 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
734 | 0 | No | |
89 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM15 |
Label: | Withdrawal from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1048 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1910 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
790 | 0 | No | |
33 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM16 |
Label: | Psychosis from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1049 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1911 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
816 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM17 |
Label: | Sexual problems from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1050 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1912 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
814 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM18 |
Label: | Sleeping disorders from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1051 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1913 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
815 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM19 |
Label: | Hyperactive activity from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1052 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1914 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
817 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM20 |
Label: | Aggressive or violent behavior from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1053 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1915 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
759 | 0 | No | |
64 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM21 |
Label: | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1054 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1916 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
809 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM22 |
Label: | Low self-esteem from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1055 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1917 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
767 | 0 | No | |
56 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM23 |
Label: | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1056 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1918 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
820 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM24 |
Label: | Threats of self-destructive behavior from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1057 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1919 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats to harm self, threats of suicide, threats to run away) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
764 | 0 | No | |
59 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM25 |
Label: | Suspected emotional damage from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1058 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1920 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury, but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
482 | 0 | No | |
341 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.41 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Name: | EMA_MEEM26 |
Label: | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1059 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1921 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
614 | 0 | No | |
209 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11871 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 823 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Name: | EMA_UNKN |
Label: | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1060 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1922 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | EMA_ENDG |
Label: | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1061 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1923 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
472 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12222 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 472 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMA_NONE |
Label: | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1062 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1924 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1063 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1925 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1290 | 0 | No | |
18 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1308 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1064 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1926 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1282 | 0 | No | |
26 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1308 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1065 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1927 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1221 | 0 | No | |
87 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1308 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1066 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1928 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
485 | 0 | No | |
823 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1308 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.63 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1067 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1929 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1308 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1308 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1068 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1930 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
836 | 0 | No | |
472 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1308 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.36 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1069 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1931 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1308 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1308 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment |
Label: | Severity of injury/harm from emotional abuse |
Number: | 1070 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1932 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Fatal | |
211 | 2 | Serious | |
437 | 3 | Moderate | |
12 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
189 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
458 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
11386 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following EMOTIONAL ABUSE variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Abuse form1: Code 05.1--Close confinement: Tying and Binding |
Number: | 1071 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1933 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
8 | 2 | Serious | |
6 | 3 | Moderate | |
12 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMA1_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Abuse form1: Code 05.1--Close confinement: Tying and Binding |
Number: | 1072 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1934 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
05.1Close Confinement:Tying and Binding; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMA1_CNTBL=1 or EMA1_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 05.1, then EMA1_CNTBL=1 or EMA1_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 05.1 Then EMA1_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 05.1 Then EMA1_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
26 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
0 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Abuse form2: Code 05.2--Close Confinement: Other |
Number: | 1073 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1935 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
6 | 2 | Serious | |
7 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
4 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
9 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMA2_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Abuse form2: Code 05.2--Close Confinement: Other |
Number: | 1074 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1936 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
05.2Close Confinement:Other; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMA2_CNTBL=1 or EMA2_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 05.2, then EMA2_CNTBL=1 or EMA2_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 05.2 Then EMA2_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 05.2 Then EMA2_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
13 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
13 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12668 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Abuse form 3: Code 06.1--Verbal Assaults and Emotional Abuse |
Number: | 1075 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1937 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
128 | 2 | Serious | |
246 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
105 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
173 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12042 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMA3_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Abuse form 3: Code 06.1--Verbal Assaults and Emotional Abuse |
Number: | 1076 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1938 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
06.1Verbal Assaults and emotional Abuse; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMA3_CNTBL=1 or EMA3_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 06.1, then EMA3_CNTBL=1 or EMA3_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 06.1 Then EMA3_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 06.1 Then EMA3_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
374 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
278 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12042 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Abuse form4: Code 06.2--Threats of Sexual Abuse |
Number: | 1077 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1939 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
4 | 2 | Serious | |
8 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
2 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
31 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12649 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMA4_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Abuse form4: Code 06.2--Threats of Sexual Abuse |
Number: | 1078 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1940 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
06.2Threats of Sexual Abuse; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMA4_CNTBL=1 or EMA4_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 06.2, then EMA4_CNTBL=1 or EMA4_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 06.2 Then EMA4_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 06.2 Then EMA4_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
12 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
33 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12649 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Abuse form5: Code 06.3--Threats of Other Maltreatment |
Number: | 1079 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1941 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
40 | 2 | Serious | |
134 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
58 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
139 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12323 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMA5_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Abuse form5: Code 06.3--Threats of Other Maltreatment |
Number: | 1080 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1942 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
06.3Threats of Other Maltreatment; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMA5_CNTBL=1 or EMA5_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 06.3, then EMA5_CNTBL=1 or EMA5_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 06.3 Then EMA5_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 06.3 Then EMA5_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
174 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
197 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12323 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Abuse form6: Code 07.1--Terrorizing a Child |
Number: | 1081 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1943 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
5 | 2 | Serious | |
11 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
6 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
3 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12669 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMA6_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Abuse form6: Code 07.1--Terrorizing a Child |
Number: | 1082 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1944 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
07.1Terrorizing a Child; and the evaluatively coded criteria met
the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (EMA6_CNTBL=1 or EMA6_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 07.1, then EMA6_CNTBL=1 or EMA6_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 07.1 Then EMA6_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 07.1 Then EMA6_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
16 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
9 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12669 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Abuse form7: Code 07.2--Administering unprescribed substances |
Number: | 1083 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1945 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Fatal | |
21 | 2 | Serious | |
6 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
2 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
11 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMA7_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Abuse form7: Code 07.2--Administering unprescribed substances |
Number: | 1084 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1946 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
07.2Administering unprescribed substances; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (EMA7_CNTBL=1 or EMA7_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 07.2, then EMA7_CNTBL=1 or EMA7_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 07.2 Then EMA7_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 07.2 Then EMA7_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
28 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
13 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12653 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Abuse form8: Code 07.3--Other or Unknown Abuse |
Number: | 1085 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1947 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
32 | 2 | Serious | |
73 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
43 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
132 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12414 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMA8_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Abuse form8: Code 07.3--Other or Unknown Abuse |
Number: | 1086 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1948 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
07.3Other or Unknown Abuse; and the evaluatively
coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (EMA8_CNTBL=1 or EMA8_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was 07.3, then EMA8_CNTBL=1 or EMA8_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 07.3 Then EMA8_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 07.3 Then EMA8_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
105 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
175 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12414 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe: The Person's Role |
Name: | PHN_PA_ROLE |
Label: | Person A either maltreated or permitted maltreatment |
Number: | 1087 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1949 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4182 | 1 | Maltreated | |
150 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
8362 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_PA_ALC |
Label: | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1088 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1950 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3495 | 0 | No | |
635 | 1 | Yes | |
202 | 9 | Unknown | |
8362 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4130 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Name: | PHN_PA_DRG |
Label: | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1089 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1951 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3121 | 0 | No | |
999 | 1 | Yes | |
212 | 9 | Unknown | |
8362 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4120 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.24 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | PHN_PA_MNT |
Label: | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1090 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1952 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3675 | 0 | No | |
423 | 1 | Yes | |
234 | 9 | Unknown | |
8362 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4098 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Label: | Person A - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1091 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1953 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4259 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
68 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
5 | 9 | Unknown | |
8362 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_PA_RESP |
Label: | Person A degree of responsibility for physical neglect |
Number: | 1092 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1954 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3923 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
401 | 2 | Likely | |
3 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
5 | 9 | Unknown | |
8362 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_PB_ROLE |
Label: | Person B either maltreated or permitted physical neglect |
Number: | 1093 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1955 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1724 | 1 | Maltreated | |
310 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10660 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_PB_ALC |
Label: | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1094 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1956 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1632 | 0 | No | |
314 | 1 | Yes | |
88 | 9 | Unknown | |
10660 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1946 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | PHN_PB_DRG |
Label: | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1095 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1957 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1559 | 0 | No | |
382 | 1 | Yes | |
93 | 9 | Unknown | |
10660 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1941 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Name: | PHN_PB_MNT |
Label: | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1096 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1958 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1869 | 0 | No | |
66 | 1 | Yes | |
99 | 9 | Unknown | |
10660 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1935 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Label: | Person B - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1097 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1959 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1573 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
457 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
2 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
2 | 9 | Unknown | |
10660 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_PB_RESP |
Label: | Person B degree of responsibility for physical neglect |
Number: | 1098 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1960 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1811 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
217 | 2 | Likely | |
4 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
2 | 9 | Unknown | |
10660 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP1_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect |
Number: | 1099 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1961 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
529 | 1 | Maltreated | |
156 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12009 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP1_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1100 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1962 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
563 | 0 | No | |
96 | 1 | Yes | |
26 | 9 | Unknown | |
12009 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 659 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Name: | PHN_OIP1_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1101 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1963 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
489 | 0 | No | |
169 | 1 | Yes | |
27 | 9 | Unknown | |
12009 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 658 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.26 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Name: | PHN_OIP1_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1102 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1964 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
619 | 0 | No | |
40 | 1 | Yes | |
26 | 9 | Unknown | |
12009 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 659 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1103 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1965 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
191 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
460 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
13 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
1 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12029 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP1_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for physical neglect |
Number: | 1104 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1966 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
591 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
86 | 2 | Likely | |
7 | 3 | Doubtful | |
1 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12009 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP2_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect |
Number: | 1105 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1967 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
68 | 1 | Maltreated | |
20 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12606 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP2_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1106 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1968 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
76 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
4 | 9 | Unknown | |
12606 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP2_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1107 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1969 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
60 | 0 | No | |
23 | 1 | Yes | |
5 | 9 | Unknown | |
12606 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.28 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Name: | PHN_OIP2_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1108 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1970 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
78 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
5 | 9 | Unknown | |
12606 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1109 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1971 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
25 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
56 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
1 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12612 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP2_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for physical neglect |
Number: | 1110 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1972 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
81 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
5 | 2 | Likely | |
1 | 3 | Doubtful | |
1 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12606 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP3_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect |
Number: | 1111 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1973 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP3_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1112 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1974 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 8 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHN_OIP3_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1113 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1975 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 8 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.38 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.52 |
Name: | PHN_OIP3_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1114 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1976 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 8 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1115 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1977 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
8 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP3_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for physical neglect |
Number: | 1116 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1978 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
8 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP4_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect |
Number: | 1117 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1979 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP4_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1118 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1980 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | PHN_OIP4_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1119 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1981 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | PHN_OIP4_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1120 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1982 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1121 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1983 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP4_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for physical neglect |
Number: | 1122 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1984 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP5_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted physical neglect |
Number: | 1123 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1985 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP5_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1124 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1986 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | PHN_OIP5_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1125 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1987 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | PHN_OIP5_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in physical neglect |
Number: | 1126 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1988 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of physical neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1127 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1989 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | PHN_OIP5_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for physical neglect |
Number: | 1128 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1990 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury |
Name: | PHN_PINJ1 |
Label: | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from physical neglect |
Number: | 1129 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1991 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
408 | 0 | No | |
42 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ2 |
Label: | Fractured or broken bones from physical neglect |
Number: | 1130 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1992 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
383 | 0 | No | |
67 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ3 |
Label: | Gunshot wounds from physical neglect |
Number: | 1131 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1993 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
443 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ4 |
Label: | Intracranial hemorrhages from physical neglect |
Number: | 1132 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1994 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
441 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ5 |
Label: | Trauma or injuries to the skull from physical neglect |
Number: | 1133 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1995 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
407 | 0 | No | |
43 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ6 |
Label: | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from physical neglect |
Number: | 1134 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1996 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
396 | 0 | No | |
54 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.12 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ7 |
Label: | Shaken baby syndrome from physical neglect |
Number: | 1135 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1997 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
447 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ8 |
Label: | Concussion from physical neglect |
Number: | 1136 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1998 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
445 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ9 |
Label: | Spinal cord injuries from physical neglect |
Number: | 1137 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 1999 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
447 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ10 |
Label: | Amputations from physical neglect |
Number: | 1138 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2000 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
449 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ11 |
Label: | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from physical neglect |
Number: | 1139 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2001 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
448 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ12 |
Label: | Injuries that damage any internal organs from physical neglect |
Number: | 1140 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2002 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
443 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ13 |
Label: | Internal bleeding from physical neglect |
Number: | 1141 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2003 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
441 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ14 |
Label: | Near drowning from physical neglect |
Number: | 1142 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2004 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
441 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ15 |
Label: | Poisoning from physical neglect |
Number: | 1143 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2005 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
426 | 0 | No | |
24 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ16 |
Label: | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from physical neglect |
Number: | 1144 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2006 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to child's mobility, this code should also be checked.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
446 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ17 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from physical neglect |
Number: | 1145 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2007 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
429 | 0 | No | |
21 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ18 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from physical neglect |
Number: | 1146 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2008 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
400 | 0 | No | |
50 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ19 |
Label: | 3rd degree burns from physical neglect |
Number: | 1147 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2009 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
438 | 0 | No | |
12 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ20 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect |
Number: | 1148 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2010 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
435 | 0 | No | |
15 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ21 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect |
Number: | 1149 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2011 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
416 | 0 | No | |
34 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ22 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface resulting from physical neglect |
Number: | 1150 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2012 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
449 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.05 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ23 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from physical neglect |
Number: | 1151 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2013 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
434 | 0 | No | |
16 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ24 |
Label: | Cuts and lacerations from physical neglect |
Number: | 1152 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2014 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
414 | 0 | No | |
36 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ25 |
Label: | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from physical neglect |
Number: | 1153 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2015 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
436 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ26 |
Label: | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from physical neglect |
Number: | 1154 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2016 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
407 | 0 | No | |
43 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ27 |
Label: | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from physical neglect |
Number: | 1155 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2017 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
442 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ28 |
Label: | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from physical neglect |
Number: | 1156 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2018 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
448 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Name: | PHN_PINJ29 |
Label: | Any other physical injuries from physical neglect |
Number: | 1157 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2019 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
334 | 0 | No | |
116 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12244 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 450 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.26 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition |
Name: | PHN_PIMO1 |
Label: | Illness-related death from physical neglect |
Number: | 1158 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2020 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
670 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO2 |
Label: | Death due to complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical neglect |
Number: | 1159 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2021 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
669 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO3 |
Label: | Complications caused by injuries or impairments from physical neglect |
Number: | 1160 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2022 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
637 | 0 | No | |
39 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO4 |
Label: | Coma from physical neglect |
Number: | 1161 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2023 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
675 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO5 |
Label: | Other loss of consciousness from physical neglect |
Number: | 1162 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2024 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
669 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO6 |
Label: | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from physical neglect |
Number: | 1163 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2025 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
672 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO7 |
Label: | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from physical neglect |
Number: | 1164 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2026 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
668 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO8 |
Label: | Seizures from physical neglect |
Number: | 1165 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2027 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
650 | 0 | No | |
26 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO9 |
Label: | Malnourished or severely underweight from physical neglect |
Number: | 1166 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2028 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
606 | 0 | No | |
70 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO10 |
Label: | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from physical neglect |
Number: | 1167 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2029 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive (generally associated with infants) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
647 | 0 | No | |
29 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO11 |
Label: | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from physical neglect |
Number: | 1168 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2030 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
670 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO12 |
Label: | Impaired vision or eye problems from physical neglect |
Number: | 1169 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2031 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
618 | 0 | No | |
58 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO13 |
Label: | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from physical neglect |
Number: | 1170 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2032 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
664 | 0 | No | |
12 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO14 |
Label: | Speech impediments from physical neglect |
Number: | 1171 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2033 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
660 | 0 | No | |
16 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO15 |
Label: | Venereal diseases from physical neglect |
Number: | 1172 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2034 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
673 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO16 |
Label: | Diaper rash from physical neglect |
Number: | 1173 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2035 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
661 | 0 | No | |
15 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO17 |
Label: | Unexplained developmental delays from physical neglect |
Number: | 1174 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2036 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
655 | 0 | No | |
21 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO18 |
Label: | Lice infestation from physical neglect |
Number: | 1175 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2037 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
545 | 0 | No | |
131 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.19 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO19 |
Label: | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from physical neglect |
Number: | 1176 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2038 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
670 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | PHN_PIMO20 |
Label: | Other health/medical problems or conditions from physical neglect |
Number: | 1177 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2039 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
301 | 0 | No | |
375 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12018 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 676 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.55 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development |
Name: | PHN_IMED1 |
Label: | Learning disability from physical neglect |
Number: | 1178 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2040 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
193 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12491 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 203 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | PHN_IMED2 |
Label: | Poor attention span from physical neglect |
Number: | 1179 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2041 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
187 | 0 | No | |
16 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12491 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 203 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | PHN_IMED3 |
Label: | Drop in academic performance from physical neglect |
Number: | 1180 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2042 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
157 | 0 | No | |
46 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12491 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 203 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.23 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.42 |
Name: | PHN_IMED4 |
Label: | Chronic truancy from physical neglect |
Number: | 1181 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2043 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
135 | 0 | No | |
68 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12491 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 203 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Name: | PHN_IMED5 |
Label: | Chronic tardiness from physical neglect |
Number: | 1182 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2044 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
192 | 0 | No | |
11 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12491 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 203 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | PHN_IMED6 |
Label: | Non-enrollment in school from physical neglect |
Number: | 1183 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2045 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
193 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12491 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 203 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | PHN_IMED7 |
Label: | Behavior problems in class from physical neglect |
Number: | 1184 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2046 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
153 | 0 | No | |
50 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12491 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 203 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | PHN_IMED8 |
Label: | Other diagnosed educational needs from physical neglect |
Number: | 1185 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2047 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
194 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12491 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 203 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Name: | PHN_IMED9 |
Label: | Expelled or suspended from school from physical neglect |
Number: | 1186 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2048 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
193 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12491 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 203 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | PHN_IMED10 |
Label: | Other educational problems from physical neglect |
Number: | 1187 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2049 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
162 | 0 | No | |
41 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12491 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 203 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem |
Name: | PHN_MEEM1 |
Label: | Suicide from physical neglect |
Number: | 1188 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2050 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
827 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM2 |
Label: | Suicide attempt from physical neglect |
Number: | 1189 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2051 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
810 | 0 | No | |
17 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM3 |
Label: | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from physical neglect |
Number: | 1190 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2052 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
823 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM4 |
Label: | Dangerous level of instability from physical neglect |
Number: | 1191 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2053 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
793 | 0 | No | |
34 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM5 |
Label: | Self-inflicted injury from physical neglect |
Number: | 1192 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2054 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
810 | 0 | No | |
17 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM6 |
Label: | Fearful or distrustful from physical neglect |
Number: | 1193 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2055 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
763 | 0 | No | |
64 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM7 |
Label: | Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from physical neglect |
Number: | 1194 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2056 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
822 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM8 |
Label: | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from physical neglect |
Number: | 1195 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2057 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
817 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM9 |
Label: | Fighting from physical neglect |
Number: | 1196 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2058 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
810 | 0 | No | |
17 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM10 |
Label: | Delinquency from physical neglect |
Number: | 1197 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2059 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
764 | 0 | No | |
63 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM11 |
Label: | Prostitution from physical neglect |
Number: | 1198 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2060 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
824 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM12 |
Label: | Drug/alcohol abuse from physical neglect |
Number: | 1199 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2061 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
777 | 0 | No | |
50 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM13 |
Label: | Anxiety from physical neglect |
Number: | 1200 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2062 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
787 | 0 | No | |
40 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM14 |
Label: | Depression from physical neglect |
Number: | 1201 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2063 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
785 | 0 | No | |
42 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM15 |
Label: | Withdrawal from physical neglect |
Number: | 1202 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2064 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
807 | 0 | No | |
20 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM16 |
Label: | Psychosis from physical neglect |
Number: | 1203 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2065 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
822 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM17 |
Label: | Sexual problems from physical neglect |
Number: | 1204 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2066 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
805 | 0 | No | |
22 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM18 |
Label: | Sleeping disorders from physical neglect |
Number: | 1205 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2067 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
823 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM19 |
Label: | Hyperactive activity from physical neglect |
Number: | 1206 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2068 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
821 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM20 |
Label: | Aggressive or violent behavior from physical neglect |
Number: | 1207 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2069 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
772 | 0 | No | |
55 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM21 |
Label: | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from physical neglect |
Number: | 1208 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2070 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
776 | 0 | No | |
51 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM22 |
Label: | Low self-esteem from physical neglect |
Number: | 1209 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2071 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
810 | 0 | No | |
17 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM23 |
Label: | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from physical neglect |
Number: | 1210 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2072 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
824 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM24 |
Label: | Threats of self-destructive behavior from physical neglect |
Number: | 1211 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2073 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self, threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
788 | 0 | No | |
39 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM25 |
Label: | Suspected emotional damage from physical neglect |
Number: | 1212 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2074 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury, but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
359 | 0 | No | |
468 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.57 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | PHN_MEEM26 |
Label: | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from physical neglect |
Number: | 1213 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2075 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
663 | 0 | No | |
164 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11867 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 827 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Name: | PHN_UNKN |
Label: | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from physical neglect |
Number: | 1214 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2076 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Name: | PHN_ENDG |
Label: | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from physical neglect |
Number: | 1215 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2077 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
3127 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
9567 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3127 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | PHN_NONE |
Label: | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from physical neglect |
Number: | 1216 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2078 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm. |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from physical neglect |
Number: | 1217 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2079 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4205 | 0 | No | |
450 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4655 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from physical neglect |
Number: | 1218 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2080 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3979 | 0 | No | |
676 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4655 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from physical neglect |
Number: | 1219 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2081 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4452 | 0 | No | |
203 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4655 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from physical neglect |
Number: | 1220 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2082 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3828 | 0 | No | |
827 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4655 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.18 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from physical neglect |
Number: | 1221 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2083 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4654 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4655 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.01 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from physical neglect |
Number: | 1222 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2084 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1528 | 0 | No | |
3127 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4655 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.67 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from physical neglect |
Number: | 1223 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2085 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4654 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4655 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.01 |
The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment |
Label: | Severity of injury/harm from physical neglect |
Number: | 1224 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2086 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
60 | 1 | Fatal | |
797 | 2 | Serious | |
658 | 3 | Moderate | |
186 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
125 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
2829 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
8039 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following PHYSICAL NEGLECT variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form1: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment |
Number: | 1225 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2087 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Severity of Physical Neglect form1: Code 08.0--Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 1 | Fatal | |
193 | 2 | Serious | |
118 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
4 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
83 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12290 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN1_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form1: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment |
Number: | 1226 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2088 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Countability of Physical Neglect form1: Code 08.0--Refusal to Allow
or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code 08.0Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Condition or Impairment; and the evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (PHN1_CNTBL=1 or PHN1_CNTBL=2) Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 08.0, then PHN1_CNTBL=1 or PHN1_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 08.0 Then PHN1_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 08.0 Then PHN1_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
317 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
87 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12290 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form2: Code 09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care |
Number: | 1227 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2089 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 1 | Fatal | |
179 | 2 | Serious | |
93 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
47 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12370 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN2_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form2: Code 09.0--Unwarranted Delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care |
Number: | 1228 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2090 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
09.0Unwarranted delay or Failure to Seek Needed Care; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (PHN2_CNTBL=1 or PHN2_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 09.0 then PHN2_CNTBL=1 or PHN2_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 09.0 Then PHN2_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 09.0 Then PHN2_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
184 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
140 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12370 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form3: Code 10.1--Refusal of Custody or Abandonment |
Number: | 1229 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2091 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
14 | 2 | Serious | |
20 | 3 | Moderate | |
144 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12516 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN3_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form3: Code 10.1--Refusal of Custody or Abandonment |
Number: | 1230 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2092 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
10.1Refusal of Custody/Abandonment; and the evaluatively coded
criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHN3_CNTBL=1 or PHN3_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 10.1 then PHN3_CNTBL=1 or PHN3_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.1 Then PHN3_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.1 Then PHN3_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
178 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
0 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12516 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form4: Code 10.2--Other Refusal of Custody |
Number: | 1231 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2093 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
16 | 2 | Serious | |
14 | 3 | Moderate | |
49 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN4_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form4: Code 10.2--Other Refusal of Custody |
Number: | 1232 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2094 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
10.2Other Refusal of Custody; and the evaluatively coded criteria met
the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 10.2 then PHN4_CNTBL=1 or PHN4_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.2 Then PHN4_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.2 Then PHN4_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
79 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
0 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form5: Code 10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody |
Number: | 1233 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2095 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
0 | 2 | Serious | |
2 | 3 | Moderate | |
3 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN5_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form5: Code 10.3-- Illegal Transfers of Custody |
Number: | 1234 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2096 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
10.3Illegal transfer of Custody; and the evaluatively coded criteria
met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (PHN5_CNTBL=1 or PHN5_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment wascode 10.3 then PHN5_CNTBL=1 or PHN5_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.3 Then PHN5_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.3 Then PHN5_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
5 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
0 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form6: Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements |
Number: | 1235 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2097 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Severity of Physical Neglect form6: Code 10.4--Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
28 | 2 | Serious | |
32 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
23 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
145 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12466 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN6_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form6: Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements |
Number: | 1236 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2098 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Countability of Physical Neglect form6: Code 10.4--Other
Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangements
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code 10.4Other Custody-related Maltreatment: Unstable Custody Arrangementst; and the evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (PHN6_CNTBL=1 or PHN6_CNTBL=2) Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment wascode 10.4 then PHN6_CNTBL=1 or PHN6_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.4 Then PHN6_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 10.4 Then PHN6_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
60 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
168 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12466 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form7: Code 11.0--Inadequate Supervision |
Number: | 1237 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2099 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
31 | 1 | Fatal | |
249 | 2 | Serious | |
193 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
51 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
1420 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
10750 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN7_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form7: Code 11.0--Inadequate Supervision |
Number: | 1238 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2100 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
11.0Inadequate Supervision; and the evaluatively coded criteria met
the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 11.0 then PHN7_CNTBL=1 or PHN7_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 11.0 Then PHN7_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 11.0 Then PHN7_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
262 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
1682 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
10750 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form8: Code 12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition |
Number: | 1239 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2101 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4 | 1 | Fatal | |
75 | 2 | Serious | |
44 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
15 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
388 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12168 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN8_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form8: Code 12.1--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Nutrition |
Number: | 1240 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2102 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
12.1Other Physical Negelect: Inadequate Nutrition; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (PHN8_CNTBL=1 or PHN8_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment wass code 12.1 then PHN8_CNTBL=1 or PHN8_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 12.1 Then PHN8_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 12.1 Then PHN8_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
79 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
447 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12168 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form9: Code 12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene |
Number: | 1241 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2103 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
25 | 2 | Serious | |
156 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
22 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
350 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12141 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN9_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form9: Code 12.2--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene |
Number: | 1242 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2104 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
12.2Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Personal Hygiene; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (PHN9_CNTBL=1 or PHN9_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 12.2 then PHN9_CNTBL=1 or PHN9_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code12.2 Then PHN9_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 12.2 Then PHN9_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
25 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
528 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12141 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form10: Code 12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing |
Number: | 1243 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2105 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
4 | 2 | Serious | |
27 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
15 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
305 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12343 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN10_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form10: Code 12.3--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing |
Number: | 1244 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2106 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
12.3Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Clothing; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (PHN10_CNTBL=1 or PHN10_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 12.3 then PHN10_CNTBL=1 or PHN10_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code12.3 Then PHN10_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 12.3 Then PHN10_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
4 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
347 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12343 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form11: Code 12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter |
Number: | 1245 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2107 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Fatal | |
14 | 2 | Serious | |
26 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
25 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
890 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
11738 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN11_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form11: Code 12.4--Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter |
Number: | 1246 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2108 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
12.4Other Physical Neglect: Inadequate Shelter; and the
evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (PHN11_CNTBL=1 or PHN11_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 12.4 then PHN11_CNTBL=1 or PHN11_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code12.4 Then PHN11_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 12.4 Then PHN11_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
15 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
941 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
11738 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Physical Neglect form12: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs & Physical Safety |
Number: | 1247 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2109 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Severity of Physical Neglect form12: Code 12.5--Other Physical Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs and Physical Safety |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
18 | 1 | Fatal | |
108 | 2 | Serious | |
50 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
25 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
613 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
11880 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | PHN12_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Physical Neglect form12: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs & Physical Safety |
Number: | 1248 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2110 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Countability of Physical Neglect form12: Code 12.5--Other Physical
Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Disregard of Childs Physical Needs and
Physical Safety
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code 12.5Other Physical Neglect: Other/Unspecified Disregard of Child's Physical Needs and Physical Safety; and the evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (PHN12_CNTBL=1 or PHN12_CNTBL=2) Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 12.5 then PHN12_CNTBL=1 or PHN12_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code12.5 Then PHN12_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 12.5 Then PHN12_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
117 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
697 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
11880 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe: The Person's Role |
Name: | EDN_PA_ROLE |
Label: | Person A either maltreated or permitted educational neglect |
Number: | 1249 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2111 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
778 | 1 | Maltreated | |
4 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11912 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_PA_ALC |
Label: | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1250 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2112 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
665 | 0 | No | |
69 | 1 | Yes | |
48 | 9 | Unknown | |
11912 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 734 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | EDN_PA_DRG |
Label: | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1251 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2113 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
636 | 0 | No | |
99 | 1 | Yes | |
47 | 9 | Unknown | |
11912 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Name: | EDN_PA_MNT |
Label: | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1252 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2114 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
680 | 0 | No | |
55 | 1 | Yes | |
47 | 9 | Unknown | |
11912 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 735 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Label: | Person A - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1253 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2115 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
781 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11913 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_PA_RESP |
Label: | Person A degree of responsibility for educational neglect |
Number: | 1254 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2116 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
736 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
46 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11912 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_PB_ROLE |
Label: | Person B either maltreated or permitted educational neglect |
Number: | 1255 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2117 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
228 | 1 | Maltreated | |
25 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12441 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_PB_ALC |
Label: | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1256 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2118 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
218 | 0 | No | |
19 | 1 | Yes | |
16 | 9 | Unknown | |
12441 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 237 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | EDN_PB_DRG |
Label: | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1257 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2119 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
213 | 0 | No | |
25 | 1 | Yes | |
15 | 9 | Unknown | |
12441 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 238 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Name: | EDN_PB_MNT |
Label: | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1258 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2120 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
227 | 0 | No | |
11 | 1 | Yes | |
15 | 9 | Unknown | |
12441 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 238 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Label: | Person B - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1259 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2121 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
225 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
26 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
2 | 9 | Unknown | |
12441 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_PB_RESP |
Label: | Person B degree of responsibility for educational neglect |
Number: | 1260 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2122 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
232 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
18 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
1 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
2 | 9 | Unknown | |
12441 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP1_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect |
Number: | 1261 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2123 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
29 | 1 | Maltreated | |
18 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP1_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1262 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2124 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
40 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
4 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 43 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | EDN_OIP1_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1263 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2125 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
40 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
4 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 43 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | EDN_OIP1_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1264 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2126 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
43 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
4 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 43 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1265 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2127 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
13 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
32 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12649 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP1_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for educational neglect |
Number: | 1266 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2128 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
40 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
7 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP2_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect |
Number: | 1267 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2129 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Maltreated | |
1 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP2_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1268 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2130 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
Name: | EDN_OIP2_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1269 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2131 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_OIP2_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1270 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2132 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1271 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2133 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
1 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP2_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for educational neglect |
Number: | 1272 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2134 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP3_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect |
Number: | 1273 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2135 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP3_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1274 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2136 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | EDN_OIP3_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1275 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2137 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | EDN_OIP3_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1276 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2138 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1277 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2139 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP3_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for educational neglect |
Number: | 1278 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2140 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP4_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect |
Number: | 1279 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2141 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP4_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1280 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2142 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | EDN_OIP4_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1281 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2143 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | EDN_OIP4_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1282 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2144 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1283 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2145 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP4_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for educational neglect |
Number: | 1284 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2146 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP5_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted educational neglect |
Number: | 1285 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2147 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP5_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1286 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2148 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | EDN_OIP5_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1287 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2149 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | EDN_OIP5_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in educational neglect |
Number: | 1288 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2150 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of educational neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1289 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2151 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EDN_OIP5_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for educational neglect |
Number: | 1290 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2152 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury |
Name: | EDN_PINJ1 |
Label: | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from educational neglect |
Number: | 1291 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2153 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ2 |
Label: | Fractured or broken bones from educational neglect |
Number: | 1292 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2154 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ3 |
Label: | Gunshot wounds from educational neglect |
Number: | 1293 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2155 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ4 |
Label: | Intracranial hemorrhages from educational neglect |
Number: | 1294 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2156 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ5 |
Label: | Trauma or injuries to the skull from educational neglect |
Number: | 1295 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2157 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ6 |
Label: | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from educational neglect |
Number: | 1296 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2158 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ7 |
Label: | Shaken baby syndrome from educational neglect |
Number: | 1297 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2159 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ8 |
Label: | Concussion from educational neglect |
Number: | 1298 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2160 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ9 |
Label: | Spinal cord injuries from educational neglect |
Number: | 1299 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2161 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ10 |
Label: | Amputations from educational neglect |
Number: | 1300 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2162 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ11 |
Label: | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from educational neglect |
Number: | 1301 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2163 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ12 |
Label: | Injuries that damage any internal organs from educational neglect |
Number: | 1302 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2164 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ13 |
Label: | Internal bleeding from educational neglect |
Number: | 1303 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2165 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ14 |
Label: | Near drowning from educational neglect |
Number: | 1304 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2166 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ15 |
Label: | Poisoning from educational neglect |
Number: | 1305 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2167 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ16 |
Label: | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from educational neglect |
Number: | 1306 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2168 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to child's mobility, this code should also be checked.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ17 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from educational neglect |
Number: | 1307 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2169 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ18 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from educational neglect |
Number: | 1308 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2170 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ19 |
Label: | 3rd degree burns resulting from educational neglect from educational neglect |
Number: | 1309 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2171 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ20 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect |
Number: | 1310 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2172 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ21 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect |
Number: | 1311 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2173 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ22 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering over 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect |
Number: | 1312 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2174 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ23 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from educational neglect |
Number: | 1313 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2175 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ24 |
Label: | Cuts and lacerations from educational neglect |
Number: | 1314 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2176 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ25 |
Label: | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from educational neglect |
Number: | 1315 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2177 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ26 |
Label: | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from educational neglect |
Number: | 1316 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2178 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ27 |
Label: | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from educational neglect |
Number: | 1317 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2179 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ28 |
Label: | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from educational neglect |
Number: | 1318 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2180 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PINJ29 |
Label: | Any other physical injuries from educational neglect |
Number: | 1319 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2181 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition |
Name: | EDN_PIMO1 |
Label: | Illness-related death from educational neglect |
Number: | 1320 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2182 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO2 |
Label: | Death due to complications from educational neglect |
Number: | 1321 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2183 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO3 |
Label: | Complications from educational neglect |
Number: | 1322 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2184 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO4 |
Label: | Coma from educational neglect |
Number: | 1323 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2185 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO5 |
Label: | Other loss of consciousness from educational neglect |
Number: | 1324 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2186 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO6 |
Label: | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from educational neglect |
Number: | 1325 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2187 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO7 |
Label: | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from educational neglect |
Number: | 1326 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2188 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO8 |
Label: | Seizures from educational neglect |
Number: | 1327 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2189 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO9 |
Label: | Malnourished or severely underweight from educational neglect |
Number: | 1328 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2190 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO10 |
Label: | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from educational neglect |
Number: | 1329 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2191 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive (generally associated with infants) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO11 |
Label: | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from educational neglect |
Number: | 1330 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2192 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO12 |
Label: | Impaired vision or eye problems from educational neglect |
Number: | 1331 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2193 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO13 |
Label: | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from educational neglect |
Number: | 1332 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2194 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO14 |
Label: | Speech impediments from educational neglect |
Number: | 1333 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2195 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO15 |
Label: | Venereal diseases from educational neglect |
Number: | 1334 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2196 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO16 |
Label: | Diaper rash from educational neglect |
Number: | 1335 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2197 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO17 |
Label: | Unexplained developmental delays from educational neglect |
Number: | 1336 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2198 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO18 |
Label: | Lice infestation from educational neglect |
Number: | 1337 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2199 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO19 |
Label: | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from educational neglect |
Number: | 1338 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2200 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_PIMO20 |
Label: | Other health/medical problems or conditions from educational neglect |
Number: | 1339 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2201 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development |
Name: | EDN_IMED1 |
Label: | Learning disability from educational neglect |
Number: | 1340 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2202 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
750 | 0 | No | |
37 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Name: | EDN_IMED2 |
Label: | Poor attention span from educational neglect |
Number: | 1341 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2203 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
759 | 0 | No | |
28 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Name: | EDN_IMED3 |
Label: | Drop in academic performance from educational neglect |
Number: | 1342 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2204 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
497 | 0 | No | |
290 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.37 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | EDN_IMED4 |
Label: | Chronic truancy from educational neglect |
Number: | 1343 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2205 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
119 | 0 | No | |
668 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.85 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Name: | EDN_IMED5 |
Label: | Chronic tardiness from educational neglect |
Number: | 1344 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2206 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
640 | 0 | No | |
147 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.19 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.39 |
Name: | EDN_IMED6 |
Label: | Non-enrollment in school from educational neglect |
Number: | 1345 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2207 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
715 | 0 | No | |
72 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | EDN_IMED7 |
Label: | Behavior problems in class from educational neglect |
Number: | 1346 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2208 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
730 | 0 | No | |
57 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | EDN_IMED8 |
Label: | Other diagnosed educational needs from educational neglect |
Number: | 1347 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2209 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
755 | 0 | No | |
32 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | EDN_IMED9 |
Label: | Expelled or suspended from school from educational neglect |
Number: | 1348 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2210 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
774 | 0 | No | |
13 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Name: | EDN_IMED10 |
Label: | Other educational problems from educational neglect |
Number: | 1349 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2211 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
698 | 0 | No | |
89 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem |
Name: | EDN_MEEM1 |
Label: | Suicide from educational neglect |
Number: | 1350 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2212 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
76 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM2 |
Label: | Suicide attempt from educational neglect |
Number: | 1351 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2213 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
75 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM3 |
Label: | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from educational neglect |
Number: | 1352 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2214 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
76 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM4 |
Label: | Dangerous level of instability from educational neglect |
Number: | 1353 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2215 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
74 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM5 |
Label: | Self-inflicted injury from educational neglect |
Number: | 1354 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2216 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
75 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM6 |
Label: | Fearful or distrustful from educational neglect |
Number: | 1355 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2217 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
73 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM7 |
Label: | Eating disorders (e.g., bulimia, anorexia nervosa) from educational neglect |
Number: | 1356 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2218 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
76 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM8 |
Label: | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from educational neglect |
Number: | 1357 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2219 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
75 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM9 |
Label: | Fighting from educational neglect |
Number: | 1358 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2220 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
74 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM10 |
Label: | Delinquency from educational neglect |
Number: | 1359 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2221 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
66 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM11 |
Label: | Prostitution from educational neglect |
Number: | 1360 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2222 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
76 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM12 |
Label: | Drug/alcohol abuse resulting from educational neglect |
Number: | 1361 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2223 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
74 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM13 |
Label: | Anxiety from educational neglect |
Number: | 1362 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2224 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
69 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM14 |
Label: | Depression from educational neglect |
Number: | 1363 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2225 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
64 | 0 | No | |
12 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM15 |
Label: | Withdrawal from educational neglect |
Number: | 1364 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2226 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM16 |
Label: | Psychosis from educational neglect |
Number: | 1365 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2227 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
75 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM17 |
Label: | Sexual problems from educational neglect |
Number: | 1366 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2228 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
73 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM18 |
Label: | Sleeping disorders from educational neglect |
Number: | 1367 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2229 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
75 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM19 |
Label: | Hyperactive activity from educational neglect |
Number: | 1368 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2230 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
74 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM20 |
Label: | Aggressive or violent behavior from educational neglect |
Number: | 1369 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2231 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
71 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM21 |
Label: | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from educational neglect |
Number: | 1370 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2232 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
71 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM22 |
Label: | Low self-esteem from educational neglect |
Number: | 1371 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2233 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
66 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.13 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.34 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM23 |
Label: | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from educational neglect |
Number: | 1372 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2234 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
76 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM24 |
Label: | Threats of self-destructive behavior from educational neglect |
Number: | 1373 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2235 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self, threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM25 |
Label: | Suspected emotional damage from educational neglect |
Number: | 1374 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2236 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury, but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
65 | 0 | No | |
11 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Name: | EDN_MEEM26 |
Label: | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from educational neglect |
Number: | 1375 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2237 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
50 | 0 | No | |
26 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12618 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 76 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.34 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | EDN_UNKN |
Label: | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from educational neglect |
Number: | 1376 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2238 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | EDN_ENDG |
Label: | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from educational neglect |
Number: | 1377 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2239 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | EDN_NONE |
Label: | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from educational neglect |
Number: | 1378 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2240 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm. |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Injury from educational neglect |
Number: | 1379 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2241 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
786 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.04 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical Impairment or other health condition from educational neglect |
Number: | 1380 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2242 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
784 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from educational neglect |
Number: | 1381 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2243 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
787 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or impairment or behavioral problem from educational neglect |
Number: | 1382 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2244 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
711 | 0 | No | |
76 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from educational neglect |
Number: | 1383 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2245 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
787 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from educational neglect |
Number: | 1384 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2246 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
787 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known injuries, child is not endangered from educational neglect |
Number: | 1385 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2247 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
787 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 787 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment |
Label: | Severity of injury/harm from educational neglect |
Number: | 1386 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2248 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
138 | 2 | Serious | |
649 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
11907 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments |
Label: | Severity of Educational Neglect form1: Code 13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy |
Number: | 1387 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2249 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
83 | 2 | Serious | |
565 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12046 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EDN1_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Educational Neglect form1: Code 13.1--Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy |
Number: | 1388 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2250 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
13.1Knowingly Permitted Chronic Truancy; and the evaluatively coded
criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (EDN1_CNTBL=1 or EDN1_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 13.1, then EDN1_CNTBL=1 or EDN1_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 13.1 Then EDN1_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 13.1 Then EDN1_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
648 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
0 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12046 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Educational Neglect form2: Code 13.2--Other Truancy |
Number: | 1389 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2251 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
8 | 2 | Serious | |
34 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EDN2_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Educational Neglect form2: Code 13.2--Other Truancy |
Number: | 1390 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2252 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
13.2Other Truancy; and the evaluatively coded
criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (EDN2_CNTBL=1 or EDN2_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 13.2, then EDN2_CNTBL=1 or EDN2_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 13.2 Then EDN2_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 13.2 Then EDN2_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
42 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
0 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Educational Neglect form3: Code 14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll |
Number: | 1391 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2253 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
36 | 2 | Serious | |
30 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12628 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EDN3_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Educational Neglect form3: Code 14.1--Failure to Register or Enroll |
Number: | 1392 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2254 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
14.1Failure to Register or Enroll; and the evaluatively coded
criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability
requirements. (EDN3_CNTBL=1 or EDN3_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 134.1, then EDN3_CNTBL=1 or EDN3_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 14.1 Then EDN3_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 14.1 Then EDN3_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
66 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
0 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12628 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Educational Neglect form4: Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need |
Number: | 1393 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2255 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Severity of Educational Neglect form4: Code 14.2--Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
15 | 2 | Serious | |
27 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
0 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EDN4_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Educational Neglect form4: Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need |
Number: | 1394 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2256 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Countability of Educational Neglect form4: Code 14.2--Other Refusal
to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed Educational Need
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code 14.2Other Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Attention to Diagnosed educational Need; and the evaluatively coded criteria met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (EDN4_CNTBL=1 or EDN4_CNTBL=2) Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or 'probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 14.2, then EDN4_CNTBL=1 or EDN4_CNTBL=2 If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 14.2 Then EDN4_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 14.2 Then EDN4_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
42 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
0 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12652 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe: The Person's Role |
Name: | EMN_PA_ROLE |
Label: | Person A either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect |
Number: | 1395 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2257 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3691 | 1 | Maltreated | |
748 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
8255 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_PA_ALC |
Label: | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1396 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2258 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3406 | 0 | No | |
875 | 1 | Yes | |
158 | 9 | Unknown | |
8255 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4281 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Name: | EMN_PA_DRG |
Label: | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1397 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2259 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2844 | 0 | No | |
1434 | 1 | Yes | |
161 | 9 | Unknown | |
8255 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4278 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.34 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Name: | EMN_PA_MNT |
Label: | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1398 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2260 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3763 | 0 | No | |
474 | 1 | Yes | |
202 | 9 | Unknown | |
8255 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 4237 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.32 |
Label: | Person A - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1399 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2261 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4375 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
57 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
6 | 9 | Unknown | |
8256 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_PA_RESP |
Label: | Person A degree of responsibility for emotional neglect |
Number: | 1400 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2262 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3952 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
470 | 2 | Likely | |
11 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
6 | 9 | Unknown | |
8255 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_PB_ROLE |
Label: | Person B either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect |
Number: | 1401 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2263 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2589 | 1 | Maltreated | |
401 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
9704 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_PB_ALC |
Label: | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1402 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2264 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2154 | 0 | No | |
710 | 1 | Yes | |
126 | 9 | Unknown | |
9704 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2864 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | EMN_PB_DRG |
Label: | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1403 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2265 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2134 | 0 | No | |
740 | 1 | Yes | |
116 | 9 | Unknown | |
9704 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2874 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.26 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Name: | EMN_PB_MNT |
Label: | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1404 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2266 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2679 | 0 | No | |
169 | 1 | Yes | |
142 | 9 | Unknown | |
9704 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2848 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Label: | Person B - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1405 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2267 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2296 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
691 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
9706 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_PB_RESP |
Label: | Person B degree of responsibility for emotional neglect |
Number: | 1406 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2268 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2686 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
300 | 2 | Likely | |
3 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
9704 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP1_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect |
Number: | 1407 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2269 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
955 | 1 | Maltreated | |
92 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP1_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1408 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2270 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
827 | 0 | No | |
191 | 1 | Yes | |
29 | 9 | Unknown | |
11647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1018 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.19 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.39 |
Name: | EMN_OIP1_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1409 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2271 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
749 | 0 | No | |
272 | 1 | Yes | |
26 | 9 | Unknown | |
11647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1021 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.27 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Name: | EMN_OIP1_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1410 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2272 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
967 | 0 | No | |
51 | 1 | Yes | |
29 | 9 | Unknown | |
11647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1018 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1411 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2273 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
280 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
667 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
24 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
4 | 4 | Other | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
11718 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP1_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect |
Number: | 1412 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2274 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
945 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
100 | 2 | Likely | |
1 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
11647 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP2_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect |
Number: | 1413 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2275 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
94 | 1 | Maltreated | |
16 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12584 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP2_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1414 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2276 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
92 | 0 | No | |
16 | 1 | Yes | |
2 | 9 | Unknown | |
12584 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 108 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Name: | EMN_OIP2_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1415 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2277 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
77 | 0 | No | |
30 | 1 | Yes | |
3 | 9 | Unknown | |
12584 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 107 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.28 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Name: | EMN_OIP2_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1416 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2278 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
103 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
3 | 9 | Unknown | |
12584 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 107 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of emotional neglect elationship to child |
Number: | 1417 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2279 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
24 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
71 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
4 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12595 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP2_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect |
Number: | 1418 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2280 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
94 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
14 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
2 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12584 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP3_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect |
Number: | 1419 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2281 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
15 | 1 | Maltreated | |
4 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12675 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP3_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1420 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2282 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
16 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12675 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 19 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | EMN_OIP3_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1421 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2283 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
13 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12675 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 19 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.32 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | EMN_OIP3_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1422 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2284 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
19 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12675 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 19 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1423 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2285 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
13 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12679 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP3_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect |
Number: | 1424 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2286 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
17 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
2 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12675 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP4_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect |
Number: | 1425 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2287 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12688 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP4_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1426 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2288 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12688 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 6 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Name: | EMN_OIP4_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1427 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2289 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12688 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 6 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.50 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.55 |
Name: | EMN_OIP4_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1428 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2290 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12688 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 6 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1429 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2291 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
4 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
2 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12688 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP4_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect |
Number: | 1430 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2292 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
2 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12688 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP5_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted emotional neglect |
Number: | 1431 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2293 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP5_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1432 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2294 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_OIP5_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1433 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2295 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_OIP5_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in emotional neglect |
Number: | 1434 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2296 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of emotional neglect relationship to child |
Number: | 1435 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2297 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
2 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | EMN_OIP5_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for emotional neglect |
Number: | 1436 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2298 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury |
Name: | EMN_PINJ1 |
Label: | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1437 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2299 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
75 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ2 |
Label: | Fractured or broken bones from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1438 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2300 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
77 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.16 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ3 |
Label: | Gunshot wounds from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1439 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2301 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ4 |
Label: | Intracranial hemorrhages from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1440 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2302 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ5 |
Label: | Trauma or injuries to the skull from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1441 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2303 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
74 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ6 |
Label: | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1442 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2304 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
72 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ7 |
Label: | Shaken baby syndrome from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1443 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2305 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ8 |
Label: | Concussion from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1444 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2306 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ9 |
Label: | Spinal cord injuries from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1445 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2307 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ10 |
Label: | ,Amputations from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1446 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2308 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ11 |
Label: | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1447 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2309 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ12 |
Label: | Injuries that damage internal organs from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1448 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2310 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ13 |
Label: | Internal bleeding from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1449 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2311 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ14 |
Label: | Near drowning from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1450 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2312 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ15 |
Label: | Poisoning from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1451 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2313 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
75 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ16 |
Label: | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1452 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2314 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to child's mobility, this code should also be checked.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
78 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ17 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1453 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2315 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
76 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ18 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1454 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2316 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
58 | 0 | No | |
21 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.27 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ19 |
Label: | 3rd degree burns from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1455 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2317 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ20 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1456 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2318 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ21 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1457 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2319 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ22 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1458 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2320 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ23 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1459 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2321 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ24 |
Label: | Cuts and lacerations from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1460 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2322 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
53 | 0 | No | |
26 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.47 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ25 |
Label: | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1461 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2323 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
73 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ26 |
Label: | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1462 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2324 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
67 | 0 | No | |
12 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ27 |
Label: | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1463 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2325 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ28 |
Label: | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1464 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2326 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
78 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | EMN_PINJ29 |
Label: | Any other physical injuries from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1465 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2327 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
59 | 0 | No | |
20 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12615 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 79 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition |
Name: | EMN_PIMO1 |
Label: | Illness-related death from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1466 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2328 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
82 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO2 |
Label: | Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1467 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2329 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
83 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO3 |
Label: | Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1468 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2330 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
80 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO4 |
Label: | Coma from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1469 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2331 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
83 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO5 |
Label: | Other loss of consciousness from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1470 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2332 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
83 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO6 |
Label: | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1471 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2333 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
82 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO7 |
Label: | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1472 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2334 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
82 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO8 |
Label: | Seizures from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1473 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2335 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
82 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO9 |
Label: | Malnourished or severely underweight from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1474 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2336 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
64 | 0 | No | |
19 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.23 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.42 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO10 |
Label: | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1475 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2337 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive (generally associated with infants) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
74 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO11 |
Label: | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1476 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2338 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
80 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO12 |
Label: | Impaired vision or eye problems from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1477 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2339 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
83 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO13 |
Label: | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1478 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2340 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
81 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO14 |
Label: | Speech impediments from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1479 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2341 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
80 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO15 |
Label: | Venereal diseases from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1480 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2342 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
83 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO16 |
Label: | Diaper rash resulting from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1481 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2343 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
81 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO17 |
Label: | Unexplained developmental delays from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1482 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2344 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
69 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO18 |
Label: | Lice infestation from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1483 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2345 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
81 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO19 |
Label: | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1484 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2346 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | EMN_PIMO20 |
Label: | Other health/medical problems or conditions from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1485 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2347 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
36 | 0 | No | |
47 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12611 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 83 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.57 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development |
Name: | EMN_IMED1 |
Label: | Learning disability from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1486 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2348 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
290 | 0 | No | |
16 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12388 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 306 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.22 |
Name: | EMN_IMED2 |
Label: | Poor attention span from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1487 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2349 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
279 | 0 | No | |
27 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12388 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 306 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Name: | EMN_IMED3 |
Label: | Drop in academic performance from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1488 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2350 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
195 | 0 | No | |
111 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12388 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 306 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.36 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | EMN_IMED4 |
Label: | Chronic truancy from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1489 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2351 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
228 | 0 | No | |
78 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12388 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 306 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.44 |
Name: | EMN_IMED5 |
Label: | Chronic tardiness from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1490 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2352 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
283 | 0 | No | |
23 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12388 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 306 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | EMN_IMED6 |
Label: | Non-enrollment in school from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1491 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2353 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
299 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12388 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 306 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | EMN_IMED7 |
Label: | Behavior problems in class from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1492 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2354 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
173 | 0 | No | |
133 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12388 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 306 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.43 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | EMN_IMED8 |
Label: | Other diagnosed educational needs from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1493 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2355 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
292 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12388 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 306 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Name: | EMN_IMED9 |
Label: | Expelled or suspended from school from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1494 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2356 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
283 | 0 | No | |
23 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12388 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 306 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | EMN_IMED10 |
Label: | Other educational problems from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1495 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2357 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
243 | 0 | No | |
63 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12388 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 306 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.21 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem |
Name: | EMN_MEEM1 |
Label: | Suicide from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1496 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2358 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1933 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.02 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM2 |
Label: | Suicide attempt from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1497 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2359 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1888 | 0 | No | |
46 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM3 |
Label: | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1498 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2360 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1920 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM4 |
Label: | Dangerous level of instability from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1499 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2361 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1810 | 0 | No | |
124 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM5 |
Label: | Self-inflicted injury from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1500 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2362 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1874 | 0 | No | |
60 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM6 |
Label: | Fearful or distrustful from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1501 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2363 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1599 | 0 | No | |
335 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.17 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM7 |
Label: | Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1502 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2364 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1926 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM8 |
Label: | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1503 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2365 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1878 | 0 | No | |
56 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM9 |
Label: | Fighting from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1504 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2366 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1852 | 0 | No | |
82 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM10 |
Label: | Delinquency from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1505 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2367 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1768 | 0 | No | |
166 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM11 |
Label: | Prostitution from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1506 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2368 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1933 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.02 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM12 |
Label: | Drug/alcohol abuse from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1507 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2369 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1758 | 0 | No | |
176 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM13 |
Label: | Anxiety from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1508 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2370 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1783 | 0 | No | |
151 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM14 |
Label: | Depression from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1509 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2371 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1783 | 0 | No | |
151 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM15 |
Label: | Withdrawal from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1510 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2372 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1873 | 0 | No | |
61 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM16 |
Label: | Psychosis from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1511 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2373 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1916 | 0 | No | |
18 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM17 |
Label: | Sexual problems from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1512 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2374 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1898 | 0 | No | |
36 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM18 |
Label: | Sleeping disorders from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1513 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2375 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1915 | 0 | No | |
19 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.10 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM19 |
Label: | Hyperactive activity from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1514 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2376 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1918 | 0 | No | |
16 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM20 |
Label: | Aggressive or violent behavior from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1515 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2377 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1724 | 0 | No | |
210 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM21 |
Label: | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1516 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2378 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1784 | 0 | No | |
150 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM22 |
Label: | Low self-esteem from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1517 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2379 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1871 | 0 | No | |
63 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM23 |
Label: | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1518 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2380 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1923 | 0 | No | |
11 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.08 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM24 |
Label: | Threats of self-destructive behavior from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1519 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2381 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self, threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1807 | 0 | No | |
127 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM25 |
Label: | Suspected emotional damage from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1520 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2382 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury, but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1181 | 0 | No | |
753 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.39 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.49 |
Name: | EMN_MEEM26 |
Label: | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1521 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2383 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1455 | 0 | No | |
479 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
10760 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1934 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.25 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | EMN_UNKN |
Label: | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1522 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2384 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | EMN_ENDG |
Label: | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1523 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2385 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
3293 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
9401 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3293 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | EMN_NONE |
Label: | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1524 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2386 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1525 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2387 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5074 | 0 | No | |
79 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1526 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2388 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5070 | 0 | No | |
83 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1527 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2389 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4847 | 0 | No | |
306 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1528 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2390 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3219 | 0 | No | |
1934 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.38 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1529 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2391 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5153 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1530 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2392 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1860 | 0 | No | |
3293 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.64 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1531 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2393 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5150 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5153 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.02 |
The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment |
Label: | Severity of injury/harm from emotional neglect |
Number: | 1532 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2394 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7 | 1 | Fatal | |
701 | 2 | Serious | |
929 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
442 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
3074 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
7541 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following EMOTIONAL NEGLECT variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Neglect form1: Code 15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection |
Number: | 1533 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2395 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Fatal | |
115 | 2 | Serious | |
133 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
33 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
107 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12304 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMN1_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Neglect form1: Code 15.1--Inadequate Nurturance/ Affection |
Number: | 1534 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2396 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 15.1Inadequate Nurturance/Affection; and the evaluatively
coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (EMN1_CNTBL=1 or EMN1_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 15.1, then EMN1_CNTBL=1 or EMN1_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 15.1 Then EMN1_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 15.1 Then EMN1_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
117 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
273 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12304 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Neglect form2: Code 15.2--Domestic Violence |
Number: | 1535 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2397 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
174 | 2 | Serious | |
441 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
266 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
1863 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
9950 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMN2_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Neglect form2: Code 15.2--Domestic Violence |
Number: | 1536 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2398 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 15.2Domestic Violence and the evaluatively
coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (EMN2_CNTBL=1 or EMN2_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 15.2, then EMN2_CNTBL=1 or EMN2_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 15.2 Then EMN2_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 15.2 Then EMN2_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
163 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
2581 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
9950 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Neglect form3: Code 16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse |
Number: | 1537 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2399 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Fatal | |
124 | 2 | Serious | |
42 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
3 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
26 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12498 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMN3_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Neglect form3: Code 16.1--Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alcohol Abuse |
Number: | 1538 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2400 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 16.1Knowingly Permitting Drug/Alchol Abuse; and the evaluatively
coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard
countability requirements. (EMN3_CNTBL=1 or EMN3_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 16.1, then EMN3_CNTBL=1 or EMN3_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 16.1 Then EMN3_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 16.1 Then EMN3_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
125 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
71 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12498 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Neglect form4: Code 16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior |
Number: | 1539 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2401 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Fatal | |
77 | 2 | Serious | |
58 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
5 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
20 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12533 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMN4_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Neglect form4: Code 16.2--Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior |
Number: | 1540 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2402 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 16.2Knowingly Permitting Other Maladaptive Behavior; and the
evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMN4_CNTBL=1 or EMN4_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 16.2, then EMN4_CNTBL=1 or EMN4_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 16.2 Then EMN4_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatementwas code 16.2 Then EMN4_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
78 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
83 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12533 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Neglect: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem |
Number: | 1541 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2403 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Severity of Emotional Neglect form5: Code 17.1--Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
123 | 2 | Serious | |
41 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
2 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
17 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12511 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMN5_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Neglect: Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem |
Number: | 1542 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2404 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Countability of Emotional Neglect form5: Code 17.1--Refusal to Allow
or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code 17.1Refusal to Allow or Provide Needed Care for Diagnosed Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/Problem; and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (EMN5_CNTBL=1 or EMN5_CNTBL=2) Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 17.1, then EMN5_CNTBL=1 or EMN5_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.1 Then EMN5_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.1 Then EMN5_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
164 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
19 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12511 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Neglect form6: Code 17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/ Problem |
Number: | 1543 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2405 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
92 | 2 | Serious | |
51 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
5 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
13 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12533 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMN6_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Neglect form6: Code 17.2--Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral Impairment/ Problem |
Number: | 1544 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2406 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 17.2Failure to Seek Needed Care for Emotional or Behavioral
Impairment/Problem; and the evaluativelycoded criteria that met the
Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 17.2, then EMN6_CNTBL=1 or EMN6_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.2 Then EMN6_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.2 Then EMN6_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
92 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
69 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12533 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Neglect form7: Code 17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness |
Number: | 1545 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2407 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
5 | 2 | Serious | |
4 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
3 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
6 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMN7_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Neglect form7: Code 17.3--Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness |
Number: | 1546 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2408 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 17.3Other Emotional Neglect: Overprotectiveness; and the
evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMN7_CNTBL=1 or EMN7_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 17.3, then EMN7_CNTBL=1 or EMN7_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.3 Then EMN7_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.3 Then EMN7_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
5 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
13 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12676 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Neglect form8: Code 17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure |
Number: | 1547 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2409 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
14 | 2 | Serious | |
22 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
5 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
18 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12635 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMN8_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Neglect form8: Code 17.4--Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure |
Number: | 1548 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2410 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 17.4Other Emotional Neglect: Inadequate Structure; and the
evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment
Standard countability requirements. (EMN8_CNTBL=1 or EMN8_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 17.4, then EMN8_CNTBL=1 or EMN8_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.4 Then EMN8_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.4 Then EMN8_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
14 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
45 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12635 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Neglect form9: Code 17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced Expectations |
Number: | 1549 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2411 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
16 | 2 | Serious | |
46 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
12 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
35 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMN9_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Neglect form9: Code 17.5--Other Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced Expectations |
Number: | 1550 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2412 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was
code 17.5OTher Emotional Neglect: Inappropriately Advanced
Expectations; and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm
Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements.
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 17.5, then EMN9_CNTBL=1 or EMN9_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.9 Then EMN9_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.9 Then EMN9_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
16 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
93 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12585 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6-- Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments |
Number: | 1551 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2413 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Severity of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6--Other Emotional Neglect: Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4 | 1 | Fatal | |
149 | 2 | Serious | |
213 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
158 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
1547 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
10623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMN10_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6-- Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments |
Number: | 1552 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2414 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Countability of Emotional Neglect form10: Code 17.6--Other Emotional
Neglect: Exposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code 17.6Other Emotional Neglect: Esposure to Maladaptive Behaviors and Environments; and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (EMN10_CNTBL=1 or EMN10_CNTBL=2) Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 17.6, then EMN10_CNTBL=1 or EMN10_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.6 Then EMN10_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.6 Then EMN10_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
153 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
1918 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
10623 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7-- Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs |
Number: | 1553 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2415 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Severity of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7--Other Emotional Neglect: Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
27 | 2 | Serious | |
39 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
18 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
41 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12569 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | EMN11_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7-- Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs |
Number: | 1554 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2416 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Countability of Emotional Neglect form11: Code 17.7--Other Emotional
Neglect: Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code 17.7---Other Emotional Negelct: Other Inattention to Developmental/ Emotional Needs; and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (EMN11_CNTBL=1 or EMN11_CNTBL=2) Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 17.7, then EMN11_CNTBL=1 or EMN11_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.7 Then EMN11_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 17.7 Then EMN11_CNTBL=2
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
27 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
98 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12569 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe: The Person's Role |
Name: | OTM_PA_ROLE |
Label: | Person A either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment |
Number: | 1555 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2417 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1415 | 1 | Maltreated | |
76 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11203 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_PA_ALC |
Label: | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1556 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2418 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1226 | 0 | No | |
199 | 1 | Yes | |
66 | 9 | Unknown | |
11203 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1425 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Name: | OTM_PA_DRG |
Label: | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1557 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2419 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
759 | 0 | No | |
680 | 1 | Yes | |
52 | 9 | Unknown | |
11203 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1439 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.47 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | OTM_PA_MNT |
Label: | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1558 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2420 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1190 | 0 | No | |
229 | 1 | Yes | |
72 | 9 | Unknown | |
11203 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1419 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Label: | Person A - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child |
Number: | 1559 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2421 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1478 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
13 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11203 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_PA_RESP |
Label: | Person A degree of responsibility for other maltreatment |
Number: | 1560 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2422 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1254 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
235 | 2 | Likely | |
2 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11203 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_PB_ROLE |
Label: | Person B either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment |
Number: | 1561 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2423 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
561 | 1 | Maltreated | |
145 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11988 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_PB_ALC |
Label: | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1562 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2424 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
568 | 0 | No | |
100 | 1 | Yes | |
38 | 9 | Unknown | |
11988 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 668 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.15 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.36 |
Name: | OTM_PB_DRG |
Label: | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1563 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2425 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
425 | 0 | No | |
247 | 1 | Yes | |
34 | 9 | Unknown | |
11988 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 672 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.37 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | OTM_PB_MNT |
Label: | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1564 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2426 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
623 | 0 | No | |
39 | 1 | Yes | |
44 | 9 | Unknown | |
11988 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 662 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.24 |
Label: | Person B - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child |
Number: | 1565 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2427 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
560 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
146 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11988 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_PB_RESP |
Label: | Person B degree of responsibility for other maltreatment |
Number: | 1566 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2428 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
557 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
147 | 2 | Likely | |
2 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11988 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP1_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment |
Number: | 1567 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2429 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
172 | 1 | Maltreated | |
41 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12481 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP1_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1568 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2430 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
158 | 0 | No | |
51 | 1 | Yes | |
4 | 9 | Unknown | |
12481 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 209 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.24 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | OTM_OIP1_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1569 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2431 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
108 | 0 | No | |
100 | 1 | Yes | |
5 | 9 | Unknown | |
12481 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 208 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.48 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | OTM_OIP1_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1570 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2432 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
191 | 0 | No | |
17 | 1 | Yes | |
5 | 9 | Unknown | |
12481 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 208 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.27 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child |
Number: | 1571 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2433 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
79 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
129 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
2 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12484 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP1_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment |
Number: | 1572 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2434 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
176 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
37 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12481 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP2_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment |
Number: | 1573 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2435 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
22 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12672 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP2_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1574 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2436 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
19 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12672 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 22 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Name: | OTM_OIP2_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1575 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2437 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7 | 0 | No | |
15 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12672 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 22 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.68 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | OTM_OIP2_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1576 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2438 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
22 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12672 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 22 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child |
Number: | 1577 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2439 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
9 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12673 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP2_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment |
Number: | 1578 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2440 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
22 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12672 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP3_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment |
Number: | 1579 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2441 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP3_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1580 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2442 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_OIP3_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1581 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2443 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_OIP3_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1582 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2444 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child |
Number: | 1583 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2445 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
2 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP3_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment |
Number: | 1584 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2446 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP4_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment |
Number: | 1585 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2447 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP4_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1586 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2448 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | OTM_OIP4_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1587 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2449 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | OTM_OIP4_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1588 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2450 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child |
Number: | 1589 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2451 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP4_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment |
Number: | 1590 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2452 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP5_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted other maltreatment |
Number: | 1591 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2453 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP5_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1592 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2454 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | OTM_OIP5_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1593 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2455 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | OTM_OIP5_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in other maltreatment |
Number: | 1594 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2456 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of other maltreatment relationship to child |
Number: | 1595 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2457 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | OTM_OIP5_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for other maltreatment |
Number: | 1596 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2458 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury |
Name: | OTM_PINJ1 |
Label: | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1597 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2459 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
67 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ2 |
Label: | Fractured or broken bones from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1598 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2460 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
66 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ3 |
Label: | Gunshot wounds from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1599 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2461 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ4 |
Label: | Intracranial hemorrhages from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1600 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2462 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
69 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ5 |
Label: | Trauma or injuries to the skull from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1601 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2463 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
67 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ6 |
Label: | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1602 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2464 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
66 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.06 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ7 |
Label: | Shaken baby syndrome from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1603 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2465 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ8 |
Label: | Concussion from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1604 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2466 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ9 |
Label: | Spinal cord injuries from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1605 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2467 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ10 |
Label: | ,Amputations from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1606 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2468 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ11 |
Label: | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1607 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2469 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ12 |
Label: | Injuries that damage internal organs from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1608 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2470 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ13 |
Label: | Internal bleeding from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1609 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2471 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ14 |
Label: | Near drowning from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1610 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2472 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ15 |
Label: | Poisoning from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1611 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2473 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ16 |
Label: | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1612 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2474 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to child's mobility, this code should also be checked.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ17 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1613 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2475 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
68 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ18 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1614 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2476 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
39 | 0 | No | |
31 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.44 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ19 |
Label: | 3rd degree burns from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1615 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2477 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ20 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1616 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2478 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ21 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1617 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2479 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
69 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ22 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1618 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2480 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ23 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1619 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2481 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ24 |
Label: | Cuts and lacerations from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1620 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2482 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
56 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ25 |
Label: | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1621 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2483 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
68 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ26 |
Label: | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1622 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2484 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
59 | 0 | No | |
11 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ27 |
Label: | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1623 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2485 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
69 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ28 |
Label: | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1624 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2486 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
70 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PINJ29 |
Label: | Any other physical injuries from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1625 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2487 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
56 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12624 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 70 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.40 |
The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition |
Name: | OTM_PIMO1 |
Label: | Illness-related death from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1626 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2488 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
63 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO2 |
Label: | Death due to complications from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1627 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2489 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (e.g., pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
64 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO3 |
Label: | Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1628 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2490 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
63 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO4 |
Label: | Coma from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1629 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2491 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
65 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO5 |
Label: | Other loss of consciousness from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1630 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2492 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
65 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO6 |
Label: | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1631 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2493 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
63 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO7 |
Label: | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1632 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2494 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
64 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO8 |
Label: | Seizures from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1633 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2495 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
63 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO9 |
Label: | Malnourished or severely underweight from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1634 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2496 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
58 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO10 |
Label: | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1635 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2497 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive (generally associated with infants) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
62 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO11 |
Label: | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1636 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2498 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
65 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO12 |
Label: | Impaired vision or eye problems from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1637 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2499 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
63 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO13 |
Label: | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1638 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2500 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
64 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO14 |
Label: | Speech impediments from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1639 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2501 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
65 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO15 |
Label: | Venereal diseases from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1640 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2502 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
65 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO16 |
Label: | Diaper rash from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1641 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2503 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
65 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO17 |
Label: | Unexplained developmental delays from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1642 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2504 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
64 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO18 |
Label: | Lice infestation from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1643 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2505 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
64 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO19 |
Label: | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1644 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2506 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
50 | 0 | No | |
15 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.23 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.42 |
Name: | OTM_PIMO20 |
Label: | Other health/medical problems or conditions from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1645 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2507 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
30 | 0 | No | |
35 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12629 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 65 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.54 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development |
Name: | OTM_IMED1 |
Label: | Learning disability from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1646 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2508 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
48 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12645 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 49 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
Name: | OTM_IMED2 |
Label: | Poor attention span from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1647 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2509 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
47 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12645 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 49 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | OTM_IMED3 |
Label: | Drop in academic performance from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1648 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2510 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
39 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12645 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 49 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Name: | OTM_IMED4 |
Label: | Chronic truancy from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1649 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2511 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
37 | 0 | No | |
12 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12645 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 49 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.24 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
Name: | OTM_IMED5 |
Label: | Chronic tardiness from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1650 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2512 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
49 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12645 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 49 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_IMED6 |
Label: | Non-enrollment in school from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1651 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2513 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
49 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12645 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 49 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_IMED7 |
Label: | Behavior problems in class from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1652 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2514 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
28 | 0 | No | |
21 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12645 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 49 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.43 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | OTM_IMED8 |
Label: | Other diagnosed educational needs from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1653 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2515 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
49 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12645 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 49 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_IMED9 |
Label: | Expelled or suspended from school from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1654 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2516 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
43 | 0 | No | |
6 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12645 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 49 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.12 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.33 |
Name: | OTM_IMED10 |
Label: | Other educational problems from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1655 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2517 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
35 | 0 | No | |
14 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12645 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 49 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.29 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.46 |
The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem |
Name: | OTM_MEEM1 |
Label: | Suicide from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1656 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2518 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
230 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM2 |
Label: | Suicide attempt from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1657 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2519 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
225 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM3 |
Label: | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1658 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2520 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
230 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM4 |
Label: | Dangerous level of instability from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1659 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2521 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
207 | 0 | No | |
23 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.10 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.30 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM5 |
Label: | Self-inflicted injury from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1660 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2522 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
221 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.19 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM6 |
Label: | Fearful or distrustful from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1661 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2523 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
215 | 0 | No | |
15 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.25 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM7 |
Label: | Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1662 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2524 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
230 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM8 |
Label: | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1663 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2525 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
227 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM9 |
Label: | Fighting from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1664 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2526 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
189 | 0 | No | |
41 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.18 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.38 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM10 |
Label: | Delinquency from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1665 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2527 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
193 | 0 | No | |
37 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.16 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM11 |
Label: | Prostitution from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1666 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2528 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
229 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.07 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM12 |
Label: | Drug/alcohol abuse from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1667 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2529 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
211 | 0 | No | |
19 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.08 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.28 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM13 |
Label: | Anxiety from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1668 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2530 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
220 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM14 |
Label: | Depression from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1669 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2531 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
213 | 0 | No | |
17 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.07 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.26 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM15 |
Label: | Withdrawal from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1670 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2532 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
225 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM16 |
Label: | Psychosis from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1671 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2533 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
228 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM17 |
Label: | Sexual problems from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1672 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2534 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
226 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM18 |
Label: | Sleeping disorders from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1673 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2535 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
225 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM19 |
Label: | Hyperactive activity from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1674 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2536 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
226 | 0 | No | |
4 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.13 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM20 |
Label: | Aggressive or violent behavior from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1675 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2537 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
150 | 0 | No | |
80 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.35 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.48 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM21 |
Label: | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1676 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2538 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
219 | 0 | No | |
11 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.21 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM22 |
Label: | Low self-esteem resuliting from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1677 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2539 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
222 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM23 |
Label: | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1678 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2540 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
230 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM24 |
Label: | Threats of self-destructive behavior from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1679 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2541 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self, threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
205 | 0 | No | |
25 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.11 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.31 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM25 |
Label: | Suspected emotional damage from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1680 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2542 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury, but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
160 | 0 | No | |
70 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.30 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.46 |
Name: | OTM_MEEM26 |
Label: | Other emotional injuries/symptoms from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1681 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2543 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
180 | 0 | No | |
50 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12464 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 230 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.22 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Name: | OTM_UNKN |
Label: | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1682 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2544 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | OTM_ENDG |
Label: | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1683 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2545 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
1279 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11415 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1279 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | OTM_NONE |
Label: | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1684 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2546 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1685 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2547 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1549 | 0 | No | |
70 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11075 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1619 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1686 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2548 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1554 | 0 | No | |
65 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11075 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1619 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.04 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.20 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1687 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2549 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1570 | 0 | No | |
49 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11075 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1619 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.17 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1688 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2550 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1389 | 0 | No | |
230 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11075 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1619 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.14 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.35 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1689 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2551 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1619 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11075 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1619 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1690 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2552 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
340 | 0 | No | |
1279 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11075 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1619 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.79 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.41 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1691 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2553 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1618 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
11075 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1619 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.02 |
The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment |
Label: | Severity of injury/harm from other maltreatment |
Number: | 1692 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2554 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 1 | Fatal | |
116 | 2 | Serious | |
186 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
43 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
1268 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
11075 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following OTHER MALTREAMENT variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments |
Label: | Severity of Other Maltreatment form1: Code 18.1--General Neglect: Lack of Preventive Health Care |
Number: | 1693 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2555 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
6 | 2 | Serious | |
24 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
4 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
96 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12564 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | OTM1_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Other Maltreatment form1: Code 18.1--General Neglect: Lack of Preventive Health Care |
Number: | 1694 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2556 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
18.1--General Neglect: Lack of Preventive Health Care; and the
evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM1_CNTBL=1
or OTM1_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 18.1, then OTM1_CNTBL=1 or OTM1_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 18.1 Then OTM1_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 18.1 Then OTM1_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
0 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
130 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12564 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Other Maltreatment form2: Code 18.2--General Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Neglect Allegations |
Number: | 1695 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2557 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 1 | Fatal | |
9 | 2 | Serious | |
21 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
9 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
248 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12404 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | OTM2_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Other Maltreatment form2: Code 18.2--General Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Neglect Allegations |
Number: | 1696 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2558 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
18.2--General Neglect: Other/ Unspecified Neglect Allegations;
and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM2_CNTBL=1
or OTM2_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 18.2, then OTM2_CNTBL=1 or OTM2_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 18.2 Then OTM2_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 18.2 Then OTM2_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
0 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
290 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12404 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Other Maltreatment form3: Code 19.1--General Maltreatment: Custody/Child Support Problems |
Number: | 1697 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2559 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
1 | 2 | Serious | |
10 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
8 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
53 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12622 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | OTM3_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Other Maltreatment form3: Code 19.1--General Maltreatment: Custody/Child Support Problems |
Number: | 1698 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2560 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
19.1--General Maltreatment: Custody/Child Support Problems;
and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM3_CNTBL=1
or OTM3_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 19.1, then OTM3_CNTBL=1 or OTM3_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.1 Then OTM3_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.1 Then OTM3_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
0 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
72 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12622 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Other Maltreatment form4: General Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues |
Number: | 1699 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2561 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Severity of Other Maltreatment form4: Code 19.2--General Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Fatal | |
46 | 2 | Serious | |
100 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
13 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
77 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12458 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | OTM4_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Other Maltreatment form4: General Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues |
Number: | 1700 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2562 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
19.2--General Maltreatment: Behavior Control/Family Conflict Issues;
and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM4_CNTBL=1
or OTM4_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 19.2, then OTM4_CNTBL=1 or OTM4_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.2 Then OTM4_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.2 Then OTM4_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
0 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
236 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12458 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Valid: | 236 |
Minimum: | 2.00 |
Maximum: | 2.00 |
Mean: | 2.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Severity of Other Maltreatment form5: Code 19.3--General Maltreatment: Parent Problem |
Number: | 1701 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2563 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 1 | Fatal | |
33 | 2 | Serious | |
11 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
11 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
786 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
11850 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | OTM5_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Other Maltreatment form5: Code 19.3--General Maltreatment: Parent Problem |
Number: | 1702 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2564 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
19.3--General Maltreatment: Parent Problem;
and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM5_CNTBL=1
or OTM5_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 19.3, then OTM5_CNTBL=1 or OTM5_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.3 Then OTM5_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.3 Then OTM5_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
0 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
844 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
11850 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Label: | Severity of Other Maltreatment form6: code 19.4--General Maltreatment: Unspecified/ Other |
Number: | 1703 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2565 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Fatal | |
21 | 2 | Serious | |
21 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
49 | 6 | Endangered | |
0 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
0 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12602 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | OTM6_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Other Maltreatment form6: code 19.4--General Maltreatment: Unspecified/ Other |
Number: | 1704 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2566 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
At least one form of maltreatment coded for the child was code
19.4--General Maltreatment: Unspecified/ Other;
and the evaluatively coded criteria that met the Harm Standard or
Endangerment Standard countability requirements. (OTM6_CNTBL=1
or OTM6_CNTBL=2)
Derivation If (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'very probable' or ' probable') or (HARMCOUNTABILITY or ENDCOUNTABILITY was 'probable except for time of occurrence' and the type of form used to report data to the study was a CPS Maltreatment Data Form) and the form of maltreatment was code 19.4, then OTM6_CNTBL=1 or OTM6_CNTBL=2
If HARMCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.4 Then OTM6_CNTBL=1 Else if ENDCOUNTABILITY in (1,2) and form of maltreatement was code 19.4 Then OTM6_CNTBL=2 |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | Not Countable | |
0 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
92 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12602 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe: The Person's Role |
Name: | CHEM_PA_ROLE |
Label: | Person A either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency |
Number: | 1705 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2567 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
348 | 1 | Maltreated | |
2 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12344 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_PA_ALC |
Label: | Person A alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1706 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2568 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
308 | 0 | No | |
31 | 1 | Yes | |
11 | 9 | Unknown | |
12344 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 339 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Name: | CHEM_PA_DRG |
Label: | Person A drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1707 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2569 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
344 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
12344 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 349 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.99 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Name: | CHEM_PA_MNT |
Label: | Person A mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1708 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2570 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
308 | 0 | No | |
32 | 1 | Yes | |
10 | 9 | Unknown | |
12344 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 340 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.09 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.29 |
Label: | Person A - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child |
Number: | 1709 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2571 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
347 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
3 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12344 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_PA_RESP |
Label: | Person A degree of responsibility for chemical dependency |
Number: | 1710 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2572 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
332 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
6 | 2 | Likely | |
6 | 3 | Doubtful | |
6 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12344 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_PB_ROLE |
Label: | Person B either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency |
Number: | 1711 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2573 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
15 | 1 | Maltreated | |
78 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12601 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_PB_ALC |
Label: | Person B alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1712 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2574 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
87 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
12601 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 92 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.05 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.23 |
Name: | CHEM_PB_DRG |
Label: | Person B drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1713 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2575 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
47 | 0 | No | |
45 | 1 | Yes | |
1 | 9 | Unknown | |
12601 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 92 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.49 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.50 |
Name: | CHEM_PB_MNT |
Label: | Person B mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1714 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2576 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
89 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
3 | 9 | Unknown | |
12601 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 90 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Label: | Person B - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child |
Number: | 1715 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2577 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
88 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
5 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12601 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_PB_RESP |
Label: | Person B degree of responsibility for chemical dependency |
Number: | 1716 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2578 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
77 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
15 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
1 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12601 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP1_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency |
Number: | 1717 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2579 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 1 | Maltreated | |
6 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12682 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP1_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1718 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2580 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12682 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 12 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_OIP1_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1719 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2581 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
10 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12682 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 12 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.83 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.39 |
Name: | CHEM_OIP1_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1720 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2582 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
12 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12682 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 12 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child |
Number: | 1721 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2583 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
7 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
5 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12682 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP1_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 1 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency |
Number: | 1722 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2584 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
11 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
1 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12682 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP2_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency |
Number: | 1723 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2585 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP2_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1724 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2586 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_OIP2_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1725 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2587 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.50 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.71 |
Name: | CHEM_OIP2_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1726 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2588 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 2 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 -perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child |
Number: | 1727 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2589 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP2_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 2 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency |
Number: | 1728 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2590 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12692 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP3_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency |
Number: | 1729 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2591 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
1 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP3_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1730 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2592 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_OIP3_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1731 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2593 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Name: | CHEM_OIP3_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1732 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2594 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 1 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 -perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child |
Number: | 1733 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2595 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP3_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 3 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency |
Number: | 1734 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2596 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12693 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP4_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency |
Number: | 1735 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2597 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP4_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1736 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2598 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | CHEM_OIP4_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1737 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2599 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | CHEM_OIP4_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1738 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2600 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child |
Number: | 1739 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2601 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP4_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 4 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency |
Number: | 1740 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2602 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP5_ROLE |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 either maltreated or permitted chemical dependency |
Number: | 1741 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2603 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Maltreated | |
0 | 2 | Permitted | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP5_ALC |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 alcohol use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1742 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2604 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | CHEM_OIP5_DRG |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 drug use is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1743 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2605 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Name: | CHEM_OIP5_MNT |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 mental illness is a suspected factor in chemical dependency |
Number: | 1744 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2606 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 0 |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 - perpetrator of chemical dependency relationship to child |
Number: | 1745 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2607 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Parent/Parent Substitute | |
0 | 2 | Adult Caregiver | |
0 | 3 | Minor Caregiver | |
0 | 4 | Other | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_OIP5_RESP |
Label: | Other Involved Person 5 degree of responsibility for chemical dependency |
Number: | 1746 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2608 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 1 | Strong Evidence | |
0 | 2 | Likely | |
0 | 3 | Doubtful | |
0 | 4 | Poor Evidence | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12694 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Injury |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ1 |
Label: | Traumatic (not disease-caused) death (except suicide) from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1747 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2609 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.40 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.55 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ2 |
Label: | Fractured or broken bones from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1748 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2610 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ3 |
Label: | Gunshot wounds from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1749 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2611 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ4 |
Label: | Intracranial hemorrhages from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1750 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2612 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ5 |
Label: | Trauma or injuries to the skull from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1751 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2613 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ6 |
Label: | Injuries to the head of a child less than 3 years old from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1752 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2614 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ7 |
Label: | Shaken baby syndrome from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1753 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2615 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ8 |
Label: | Concussion from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1754 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2616 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ9 |
Label: | Spinal cord injuries from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1755 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2617 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ10 |
Label: | ,Amputations from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1756 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2618 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ11 |
Label: | Disfigurements (significant scarring) from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1757 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2619 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ12 |
Label: | Injuries that damage internal organs from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1758 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2620 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
4 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.20 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ13 |
Label: | Internal bleeding from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1759 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2621 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ14 |
Label: | Near drowning from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1760 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2622 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ15 |
Label: | Poisoning from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1761 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2623 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Poisoning (includes intentional act of poisoning and the ingestion of drugs, poisons, household cleaners, etc. through neglect) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ16 |
Label: | Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1762 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2624 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Any injury that causes permanent disability or irreversible damage to mobility(if amputation or spinal cord injury causes damage to child's mobility, this code should also be checked.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ17 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering over 5% of the body from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1763 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2625 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ18 |
Label: | Contusions/bruises covering less than 5% of the body from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1764 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2626 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ19 |
Label: | 3rd degree burns from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1765 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2627 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ20 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1766 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2628 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ21 |
Label: | 2nd degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5 % of the body surface from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1767 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2629 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ22 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering over 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1768 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2630 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ23 |
Label: | 1st degree burns covering one area of the body or less than 5% of the body surface from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1769 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2631 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ24 |
Label: | Cuts and lacerations from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1770 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2632 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ25 |
Label: | Puncture wounds (stabbing, biting, piercing, etc.) from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1771 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2633 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ26 |
Label: | Welts, swelling, or abrasions from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1772 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2634 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ27 |
Label: | Any physical injury to the genitals, genital areas, or anus (vaginal or rectal tears) from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1773 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2635 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ28 |
Label: | Injuries that cause the loss or removal of teeth from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1774 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2636 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
5 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PINJ29 |
Label: | Any other physical injuries from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1775 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2637 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12689 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 5 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.60 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.55 |
The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Physical Impairment or Other Health Condition |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO1 |
Label: | Illness-related death from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1776 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2638 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
259 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO2 |
Label: | Death due chemical dependency |
Number: | 1777 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2639 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Death due to complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
258 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO3 |
Label: | Complications from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1778 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2640 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Complications (illnesses or diseases) caused by injuries or impairments (pneumonia, organ failure, infections, blood poisoning) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
250 | 0 | No | |
9 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.03 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.18 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO4 |
Label: | Coma from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1779 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2641 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
259 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO5 |
Label: | Other loss of consciousness from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1780 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2642 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
259 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO6 |
Label: | Breathing stopped (suffocation) from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1781 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2643 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
259 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO7 |
Label: | Anoxia (depravation or loss of oxygen) from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1782 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2644 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
259 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO8 |
Label: | Seizures from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1783 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2645 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
258 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO9 |
Label: | Malnourished or severely underweight from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1784 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2646 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
256 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.11 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO10 |
Label: | Professionally diagnosed cases of organic from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1785 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2647 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Professionally diagnosed cases of organic failure to thrive (generally associated with infants) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
258 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO11 |
Label: | Hypothermia, hyperthermia, heatstroke, frostbite from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1786 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2648 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
259 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO12 |
Label: | Impaired vision or eye problems from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1787 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2649 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
257 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO13 |
Label: | Chronic ear infections or hearing problems from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1788 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2650 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
259 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO14 |
Label: | Speech impediments from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1789 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2651 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
259 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO15 |
Label: | Venereal diseases from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1790 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2652 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
259 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO16 |
Label: | Diaper rash from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1791 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2653 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
259 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO17 |
Label: | Unexplained developmental delays from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1792 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2654 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
258 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.06 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO18 |
Label: | Lice infestation from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1793 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2655 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
259 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO19 |
Label: | Fetal alcohol or drug symptoms from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1794 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2656 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
41 | 0 | No | |
218 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.84 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.37 |
Name: | CHEM_PIMO20 |
Label: | Other health/medical problems or conditions from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1795 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2657 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
196 | 0 | No | |
63 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12435 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 259 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.24 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.43 |
The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Impaired Educational Development |
Name: | CHEM_IMED1 |
Label: | Learning disability from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1796 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2658 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_IMED2 |
Label: | Poor attention span from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1797 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2659 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_IMED3 |
Label: | Drop in academic performance from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1798 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2660 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_IMED4 |
Label: | Chronic truancy from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1799 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2661 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_IMED5 |
Label: | Chronic tardiness from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1800 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2662 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_IMED6 |
Label: | Non-enrollment in school from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1801 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2663 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_IMED7 |
Label: | Behavior problems in class from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1802 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2664 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
Name: | CHEM_IMED8 |
Label: | Other diagnosed educational needs from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1803 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2665 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
Name: | CHEM_IMED9 |
Label: | Expelled or suspended from school from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1804 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2666 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_IMED10 |
Label: | Other educational problems from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1805 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2667 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
1 | 0 | No | |
2 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.67 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Nature of Injury/Harm: Mental/Emotional Injury or Impairment or Behavioral Problem |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM1 |
Label: | Suicide from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1806 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2668 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM2 |
Label: | Suicide attempt from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1807 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2669 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM3 |
Label: | Non-organic failure-to-thrive (generally associated with infants) from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1808 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2670 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM4 |
Label: | Dangerous level of instability from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1809 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2671 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM5 |
Label: | Self-inflicted injury from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1810 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2672 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM6 |
Label: | Fearful or distrustful from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1811 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2673 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM7 |
Label: | Eating disorders (e.g., Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1812 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2674 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM8 |
Label: | Child uses drugs or other chemical substances to get high from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1813 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2675 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM9 |
Label: | Fighting from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1814 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2676 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM10 |
Label: | Delinquency from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1815 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2677 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM11 |
Label: | Prostitution from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1816 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2678 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM12 |
Label: | Drug/alcohol abuse from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1817 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2679 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM13 |
Label: | Anxiety from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1818 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2680 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM14 |
Label: | Depression from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1819 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2681 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM15 |
Label: | Withdrawal from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1820 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2682 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM16 |
Label: | Psychosis from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1821 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2683 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM17 |
Label: | Sexual problems from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1822 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2684 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM18 |
Label: | Sleeping disorders from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1823 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2685 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM19 |
Label: | Hyperactive activity from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1824 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2686 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM20 |
Label: | Aggressive or violent behavior from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1825 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2687 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM21 |
Label: | Inappropriate adult behavior or role reversal with parent from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1826 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2688 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM22 |
Label: | Low self-esteem from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1827 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2689 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM23 |
Label: | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1828 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2690 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM24 |
Label: | Threats of self-destructive behavior from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1829 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2691 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Threats of self-destructive behavior (threats of harming self, threats of suicide, threats of running away, etc.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
3 | 0 | No | |
0 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 0.00 |
Mean: | 0.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM25 |
Label: | Suspected emotional damage from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1830 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2692 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Suspected emotional damage (No symptoms of emotional injury, but respondent or coder suspects emotional damage.) |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
Name: | CHEM_MEEM26 |
Label: | Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1831 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2693 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Other emotional injuries/symptoms or maladaptive behavior patterns impairing the child's physical and/or emotional development |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
2 | 0 | No | |
1 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12691 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 3 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.58 |
Name: | CHEM_UNKN |
Label: | Unknown: No evidence of or allegation of injuries, symptoms, or problems from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1832 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2694 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12686 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 8 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_ENDG |
Label: | No known or apparent injuries, symptoms, or problems, but child is endangered from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1833 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2695 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
84 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12610 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 84 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
Name: | CHEM_NONE |
Label: | No known or alleged symptoms or problems, child is not endangered from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1834 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2696 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
0 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12687 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 7 |
Minimum: | 1.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 1.00 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.00 |
The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Individual Natures of Injury/Harm |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical injury from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1835 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2697 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
356 | 0 | No | |
5 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12333 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 361 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.12 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Physical impairment or other health condition from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1836 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2698 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
102 | 0 | No | |
259 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12333 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 361 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.72 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.45 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Impaired Educational Development from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1837 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2699 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
358 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12333 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 361 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Mental/emotional injury or impairment or behavioral problem from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1838 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2700 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
358 | 0 | No | |
3 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12333 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 361 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.01 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.09 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: Unknown, from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1839 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2701 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
353 | 0 | No | |
8 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12333 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 361 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.15 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm: No known or apparent injuries, but child is endangered from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1840 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2702 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
277 | 0 | No | |
84 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12333 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 361 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.23 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.42 |
Label: | Nature of injury/harm No known injuries, child is not endangered from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1841 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2703 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
354 | 0 | No | |
7 | 1 | Yes | |
0 | 9 | Unknown | |
12333 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Codes: | 9,BLANK |
Valid: | 361 |
Minimum: | 0.00 |
Maximum: | 1.00 |
Mean: | 0.02 |
Standard Deviation: | 0.14 |
The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variable describes the Severity for Most Severe Form of Maltreatment |
Label: | Severity of injury/harm from chemical dependency |
Number: | 1842 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2704 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 1 | Fatal | |
178 | 2 | Serious | |
78 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
84 | 6 | Endangered | |
8 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
7 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12333 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
The following CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY variables describe the Severity and Countability for Detailed Forms of Maltreatments |
Label: | Severity of Chemically Dependent Newborns: Code 20.2 |
Number: | 1843 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2705 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
6 | 1 | Fatal | |
178 | 2 | Serious | |
78 | 3 | Moderate | |
0 | 4 | Assumed Harm | |
0 | 5 | Probable Harm | |
84 | 6 | Endangered | |
8 | 7 | Insufficient Info | |
7 | 9 | No Harm or Injury | |
12333 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |
Name: | CHEM_CNTBL |
Label: | Countability of Chemically Dependent Newborns: Code 20.2 |
Number: | 1844 |
Type: | Numeric |
Width: | 1 |
Decimals: | 0 |
Location: | 2706 |
Source: | Evaluatively coded from CPS/Sentinel Maltreatment Data Form data items and narratives describing maltreatment events |
Frequency | Code | Description | |
361 | 0 | Not Countable | |
0 | 1 | Harm Standard | |
0 | 2 | Endangerment Standard only | |
12333 | BLANK | Inapplicable |
Missing Data Code: | BLANK |